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The Coffee Shop

  • Thread starter The Fallen Angel
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At university, a professor of mine -who liked to shock us by political prophecies - once predicted for us students a lifetime, in which absolutely inappropriate things from different ages would happen at the same time. Religious fanatics from the Middle Ages in clashes with atheists, weather anomalies etc.
I sometimes wonder, why he seemed to be so right, when no one else did about 50 years ago.

In any case, I would like to ask you: This winter, how "normal" is the weather for you where you just are?

In Germany and during the last three months, we have a kind of "Achterbahn-Wetter" (= roller coaster - weather). January was unusual cold but on the first days of February, there was a jump from - 8° Celsius up to + 15 ° within just 36 hours = + 23 degrees in my city within 1 1/2 days. Then it was rather much toooo warm again for this season and now, there are again around +/- 0° and it can snow again.
I cannot remember such other temperature jumps in my lifetime and I start to fear that the opinion of one German comedian is right who said:
"The Earth is only doing what every organism does when it is infected by viruses or bacterias - just increasing the temperature until the heat is killing the most dangerous ones of them and probably, Mother Earth has remarked that humans are not really good for her nature ..."
In any case, I would like to ask you: This winter, how "normal" is the weather for you where you just are?
Over the UK as a whole, this is the wettest February since 1766 (though not the wettest ever), though specifically here in Wales, the amount of rain we've had is only very slightly more than usual
"The Earth is only doing what every organism does when it is infected by viruses or bacterias - just increasing the temperature until the heat is killing the most dangerous ones of them and probably, Mother Earth has remarked that humans are not really good for her nature ..."
Here in the UK it's still pretty cold here, though nothing out of the ordinary for this time of year. Two years ago it was a good bit milder at this time but the last two years have been more like traditional winter temperatures.

Only the British weather could be so completely shit that as the world gets warmer, we get colder :(
Let's hope dark intuitions about how the gulf stream current might shut down due to reduced salinity, do not come true, which could cause our climates to go in the Manchuria/Kamchatka direction...
That may well happen at some point in the future, but probably not in my lifetime. While climate change is undeniably a real phenomenon, it's nowhere near as catastrophic (or as rapidly accellerating) as the agenda-driven media would have us believe. At least not yet.

That said, it's no time for complacency either...
Let's hope dark intuitions about how the gulf stream current might shut down due to reduced salinity, do not come true, which could cause our climates to go in the Manchuria/Kamchatka direction...
That may well happen at some point in the future, but probably not in my lifetime. While climate change is undeniably a real phenomenon, it's nowhere near as catastrophic (or as rapidly accellerating) as the agenda-driven media would have us believe. At least not yet.

That said, it's no time for complacency either...
Tree remembers reputable news magazines in the 1970s predicting we were entering a new ice age and we would be out of oil by the late 1980s... hmm...
That may well happen at some point in the future, but probably not in my lifetime. While climate change is undeniably a real phenomenon, it's nowhere near as catastrophic (or as rapidly accellerating) as the agenda-driven media would have us believe. At least not yet.

That said, it's no time for complacency either...
Mother earth is a living entity. She goes thru changes constantly but in geological time. We humans didn't cause the last ice age and we won't be alive to see the next one. People are getting rich causing hysteria over climate change.
Tree remembers reputable news magazines in the 1970s predicting we were entering a new ice age and we would be out of oil by the late 1980s... hmm...
Yeah I remember this too - the warnings in the 1970s that we only had 30 years if fossil fuels left - and the one that said nuclear fusion energy generation is just 20 years away - just like they're telling us today. It seems that fusion is always going to be "just 20 years away"

That and the flying cars they promised us back in the 60s...

Not to mention nuclear energy being "too cheap to meter"

They think we're all stupid...
Yeah I remember this too - the warnings in the 1970s that we only had 30 years if fossil fuels left - and the one that said nuclear fusion energy generation is just 20 years away - just like they're telling us today. It seems that fusion is always going to be "just 20 years away"

That and the flying cars they promised us back in the 60s...

Not to mention nuclear energy being "too cheap to meter"

They think we're all stupid...
Yes! Ice age warning, oil shortages and nuclear fusion just 20 years away, at most 40 years for making it commercially available. That would have been around 2020.

At university, a professor of mine -who liked to shock us by political prophecies - once predicted for us students a lifetime, in which absolutely inappropriate things from different ages would happen at the same time. Religious fanatics from the Middle Ages in clashes with atheists, weather anomalies etc.
I sometimes wonder, why he seemed to be so right, when no one else did about 50 years ago.

In any case, I would like to ask you: This winter, how "normal" is the weather for you where you just are?

In Germany and during the last three months, we have a kind of "Achterbahn-Wetter" (= roller coaster - weather). January was unusual cold but on the first days of February, there was a jump from - 8° Celsius up to + 15 ° within just 36 hours = + 23 degrees in my city within 1 1/2 days. Then it was rather much toooo warm again for this season and now, there are again around +/- 0° and it can snow again.
I cannot remember such other temperature jumps in my lifetime and I start to fear that the opinion of one German comedian is right who said:
"The Earth is only doing what every organism does when it is infected by viruses or bacterias - just increasing the temperature until the heat is killing the most dangerous ones of them and probably, Mother Earth has remarked that humans are not really good for her nature ..."
But let's not panic! February is always a month with weather extremes around the corner, both mild and freezing. This winter has been rather stable, a dark and rainy one, with two cold snowy periods, early December and half January. Now just comes March, which can bring treacherous weather, still!
Yeah I remember this too - the warnings in the 1970s that we only had 30 years if fossil fuels left - and the one that said nuclear fusion energy generation is just 20 years away - just like they're telling us today. It seems that fusion is always going to be "just 20 years away"

That and the flying cars they promised us back in the 60s...

Not to mention nuclear energy being "too cheap to meter"

They think we're all stupid...
It got 63 degrees and rainy in my part of USA. Next week it'll be all around 45-53 degrees when usually it's 25-30
What we've been having for much of the time this winter is areas of deep, cyclonic low pressure developing quite suddenly in the east Atlantic, so we've had storm warnings again and again (about a dozen so far) with 48-24 hours warning or less. The ocean temperature in that region has been off the dial, >2c above what's normal, and that's surely the reason for these repeated mini-hurricanes. Thinking vertically, what seems to be happening is that the twin turbines - in the ocean and in the atmosphere - have slowed down, so that alternating masses of cold and warm are running up against each other, strong highs and lows, with exceptionally powerful airstreams between them, and likewise the rotation of cold water sinking and warm water moving across it is stalling. This may be reinforced because of El Nino, but it's in line with predictions that we'll be getting much more unsettled weather, spells of exceptional heat and cold, wet and dry, strong winds and frequent storms.
So is Tree getting colder or warmer?!?!?!

Brrrr, the winter seems ever so cold!
Or maybe it's just me getting old.
I tell you what,
Each summer is hot.
Our climate is changing, so we're told.

Every year is now hotter or colder.
This summer we're sure gonna smoulder.
Or maybe we'll freeze
With snow to our knees,
And drifts as high as my shoulder.

Tomorrow it's quite likely to rain,
And water will fill up my drain.
Then there'll be nowt
But a long summer drought,
And a hosepipe ban, what a pain!

Is it climate or weather? you ask.
Answering that is no easy task.
It could well be either,
Or maybe not neither,
Just keep taking slugs from your flask!
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