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The Competition

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:very_hot: Barb yet again manages to get her female audience excited.... I mean this is brill!!! And now Messaline too. Roisin is locked naked in her cage wishing she was good enough to be a novice. She sees the girls and dreams. Then Sr Hilda walks down the stairs. She is in a fowl humour for some reason???
She finds chickens funny????
no....................perhaps yoy can trained in blowing techniques .....................

13. Messaline caught my eye briefly as she passed by to rejoin her team. She smiled at me disarmingly, took her place amongst the others, pulled her shift on over her head and turned her attention to the Chapter house doors, through which the novice Thessela and her team from Threepwood Abbey were about to make their appearance.

The doors swung open and the Threepwood team trouped into the chamber, two nuns leading the way, carrying a red banner between them with gold lettering proclaiming the peculiar name of their order, "The Sisters of Perpetual Crucifixion."

On seeing that, Sister Kathleen poked me in the ribs, rolled her eyes, and chuckled "this ought to be good." I did my best to suppress a giggle.

Following in order were two rather burly looking monks, the novice Thessela and, bringing up the rear, a very stern-looking Abbess. Once inside they halted, the two nuns furled their banner, and Thessela and the Abbess approached the dais while the others headed for the sidelines.

Kathleen and I, standing side by side, watched the proceedings with great interest. This time the Abbess, who was clearly a strong purposeful individual, took the lead. Thessela followed meekly behind. The Abbess spat out a short speech of introduction to the Cardinal, and reaching back to seize her nervous young novice by the elbow, thrust the young woman forward.

Thessela was in many ways the opposite of Messaline, petite in stature and build, dark haired, and pretty in a sweet fragile sort of way. Her movements were awkward and hesitant. The poor innocent-looking girl was obviously intimidated, self-conscious, and frightened to find herself in the presence of and caught in the lecherous gazes of the Cardinal and his clerical retinue.

She was visibly trembling, and I thought for a moment she was going to turn and run. But I also sensed that somehow inside, no matter her dislike of the threatening intentions of the clergymen who were undoubtedly all mentally undressing her, she felt an inexplicable desire ... probably just like my own, or any of the rest of us, a desire going back to childhood ... to experience what it would be like to suffer and die on the cross.

So she did not bolt. She stood her ground, shaking visibly, as the Cardinal rose from his chair, red in the face and clearly aroused from his recent encounter with Messaline, to inspect this latest morsel to be placed before him.

"Remove your cloak, my dear." he said in a soothing, but forced tone. She blinked, but didn't move. The Abbess did it for her, and gave her an elbow in the ribs in an attempt to bring her to life. But she continued to stand quietly before his Eminence, now wearing only her shift and loincloth.

Following his usual calculated routine of intimidation, he circled her, his red robes swishing as he walked. She responded by bowing her head and looking down at her feet.

Coming around front, now eager to begin inspecting her body, he commanded her to remove her shift. She trembled, eyes darting, but otherwise frozen in place, unable to respond. He repeated his demand, with an edge to his voice.

Without flinching, almost mechanically, she replied, "I have no choice, I am a novice." But still she did nothing.

Exasperated, he abruptly reached out with both hands, grabbing her shift at the neckline, ripping it from her body, and then reaching down and tearing her loincloth away too. Aghast, she took a step back, pressing an arm protectively across her bared breasts, while modestly attempting to cover her mound ...with its triangular patch of dark hair ... by placing her open hand in front of it. Tears welled up on her eyes.

"She's about to run," I whispered to Kathleen, "doesn't look like they made much effort to train her for this."

"No, just watch. She will stay there and submit. You'll see."

The Cardinal brusquely swatted her arm away from her breasts, walked around behind her, roughly squeezed and shook her ass cheeks, came back around and knelt before her. He brushed away her covering hand and gently forced her thighs apart.

She was wet. Dewy drops of moisture glistened on her hairs. With a grunt of satisfaction and concentration he set about poking and probing, entering and fingering her, watching her face, waiting for a reaction.

The chamber was so silent one could hear a pin drop. The tension in the air was palpable. The clergy standing behind the Cardinal quietly jockeyed amongst themselves for position, necks craned for a better look.

An expression of revulsion crossed Thessela's face as he worked his fingers with increasing speed and forcefulness. He wanted to break her, force her to do what she least wanted, submit to him.

Her breathing quickened, she moaned, closed her eyes; her mouth flew half open, her lips fluttered, her nostrils flared. Her tummy tightened, then suddenly convulsed as she emitted a long drawn out throaty gasp, followed by a whimper.

The tense atmosphere that had held the room in its grasp evaporated. Everyone breathed again. The Cardinal withdrew his hand, wiped his fingers on his sleeve and returned triumphantly to his chair to offer absolution of her sins and a blessing ... a very smug look of satisfaction on his fat face and a telltale tenting of his robe in front evidencing his state of excitement.

As the Cardinal dictated scoring information to a nearby scribe, the Abbess of Threepwood rushed forward, threw her arm around the shaken girl, turned her gently about and steered her toward the relative safety of the rear of the chamber.

Sister Kathleen stretched, yawned, and leaned my way, "Well that was certainly interesting. Only one to go now. Let's see what the Scots have to offer."


Thanks to Siss again on this one for extensive assistance with plotting and writing; and a nod to Tree for somehow ... don't know how he did it ... anticipating and suggesting a spoken line in this episode before it was actually said.:confused:
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Thessela's modest maidenhead disarms
The lecherous churchman, forcing him to tear
Her garments to reveal her copious charms.
Her skin unblemished, trembling and fair
Has caused in him a sweating of his palms,
Which grip the arms of his elaborate chair,
And sinful thoughts that no amount of psalms
Could make this lusty clergyman forswear...
So he, aroused by Sister Thessela's stripping,
Impatiently anticipates her whipping,
Ever haunted by her quavering voice,
Saying: "I am a novice; I have no choice."
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12. Messaline caught my eye briefly as she passed by to rejoin her team. She smiled at me disarmingly, took her place amongst the others, pulled her shift on over her head and turned her attention to the Chapter house doors, through which the novice Thessela and her team from Threepwood Abbey were about to make their appearance.

The doors swung open and the Threepwood team trouped into the chamber, two nuns leading the way, carrying a red banner between them with gold lettering proclaiming the peculiar name of their order, "The Sisters of Perpetual Crucifixion."

On seeing that, Sister Kathleen poked me in the ribs, rolled her eyes, and chuckled "this ought to be good." I did my best to suppress a giggle.

Following in order were two rather burly looking monks, the novice Thessela and, bringing up the rear, a very stern-looking Abbess. Once inside they halted, the two nuns furled their banner, and Thessela and the Abbess approached the dais while the others headed for the sidelines.

Kathleen and I, standing side by side, watched the proceedings with great interest. This time the Abbess, who was clearly a strong purposeful individual, took the lead. Thessela followed meekly behind. The Abbess spat out a short speech of introduction to the Cardinal, and reaching back to seize her nervous young novice by the elbow, thrust the young woman forward.

Thessela was in many ways the opposite of Messaline, petite in stature and build, dark haired, and pretty in a sweet fragile sort of way. Her movements were awkward and hesitant. The poor innocent-looking girl was obviously intimidated, self-conscious, and frightened to find herself in the presence of and caught in the lecherous gazes of the Cardinal and his clerical retinue.

She was visibly trembling, and I thought for a moment she was going to turn and run. But I also sensed that somehow inside, no matter her dislike of the threatening intentions of the clergymen who were undoubtedly all mentally undressing her, she felt an inexplicable desire ... probably just like my own, or any of the rest of us, a desire going back to childhood ... to experience what it would be like to suffer and die on the cross.

So she did not bolt. She stood her ground, shaking visibly, as the Cardinal rose from his chair, red in the face and clearly aroused from his recent encounter with Messaline, to inspect this latest morsel to be placed before him.

"Remove your cloak, my dear." he said in a soothing, but forced tone. She blinked, but didn't move. The Abbess did it for her, and gave her an elbow in the ribs in an attempt to bring her to life. But she continued to stand quietly before his Eminence, now wearing only her shift and loincloth.

Following his usual calculated routine of intimidation, he circled her, his red robes swishing as he walked. She responded by bowing her head and looking down at her feet.

Coming around front, now eager to begin inspecting her body, he commanded her to remove her shift. She trembled, eyes darting, but otherwise frozen in place, unable to respond. He repeated his demand, with an edge to his voice.

Without flinching, almost mechanically, she replied, "I have no choice, I am a novice." But still she did nothing.

Exasperated, he abruptly reached out with both hands, grabbing her shift at the neckline, ripping it from her body, and then reaching down and tearing her loincloth away too. Aghast, she took a step back, pressing an arm protectively across her bared breasts, while modestly attempting to cover her mound ...with its triangular patch of dark hair ... by placing her open hand in front of it. Tears welled up on her eyes.

"She's about to run," I whispered to Kathleen, "doesn't look like they made much effort to train her for this."

"No, just watch. She will stay there and submit. You'll see."

The Cardinal brusquely swatted her arm away from her breasts, walked around behind her, roughly squeezed and shook her ass cheeks, came back around and knelt before her. He brushed away her covering hand and gently forced her thighs apart.

She was wet. Dewy drops of moisture glistened on her hairs. With a grunt of satisfaction and concentration he set about poking and probing, entering and fingering her, watching her face, waiting for a reaction.

The chamber was so silent one could hear a pin drop. The tension in the air was palpable. The clergy standing behind the Cardinal quietly jockeyed amongst themselves for position, necks craned for a better look.

An expression of revulsion crossed Thessela's face as he worked his fingers with increasing speed and forcefulness. He wanted to break her, force her to do what she least wanted, submit to him.

Her breathing quickened, she moaned, closed her eyes; her mouth flew half open, her lips fluttered, her nostrils flared. Her tummy tightened, then suddenly convulsed as she emitted a long drawn out throaty gasp, followed by a whimper.

The tense atmosphere that had held the room in its grasp evaporated. Everyone breathed again. The Cardinal withdrew his hand, wiped his fingers on his sleeve and returned triumphantly to his chair to offer absolution of her sins and a blessing ... a very smug look of satisfaction on his fat face and a telltale tenting of his robe in front evidencing his state of excitement.

As the Cardinal dictated scoring information to a nearby scribe, the Abbess of Threepwood rushed forward, threw her arm around the shaken girl, turned her gently about and steered her toward the relative safety of the rear of the chamber.

Sister Kathleen stretched, yawned, and leaned my way, "Well that was certainly interesting. Only one to go now. Let's see what the Scots have to offer."


Thanks to Siss again on this one for extensive assistance with plotting and writing; and a nod to Tree for somehow ... don't know how he did it ... anticipating and suggesting a spoken line in this episode before it was actually said.:confused:

It was not hard to see this coming... She is a novice. She had no choice!!!
The Cardinal withdrew his hand, wiped his fingers on his sleeve and returned triumphantly to his chair to offer absolution of her sins and a blessing ...

Then he'll send the cleaning bill for his robe to Threepwood Abbey - do you know what it costs to keep these vestments looking pristine? :eek:

And these girls are causing damp patches all over them! :doh:

I'm starting to seriously worry about St Cruxton's chances, here..... :eek:

But then again.... this is Barb we're talking about! ;)
Imperialists zo, post: 213804, member: 18729"]Solo iperialTimperialists !!to, post: 213459, member: 18737"]Now then now then. What's all this. Do I detect the sulphurous whiff of nationalism...?
Spare a thought for those poor confused souls who, through no fault of their own, happen to have been born half English and half Scots... :confused:[/QUOTE]
Dolo imperialisma !!!![/QUOTE]
Imperialisma zaraslava !!
[QUOTE="LittleSiss, post: 213912, member: 94scheme dame Luftballons?

One can blow things besides....Luftballonen schone dame.....[/QUOTE]

Not on my watch, Herr
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