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The Decision - A Madiosi Story

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12 Surprise on Sunday

Sunday was also a free day. Our yellow couple again visited the clump of bushes and amused themselves there very much indeed. Each learned to respond to the needs of the other and to give joy and pleasure to each other.

After the kitchens had been cleared, the Amazon announced "All couples must muster in the private quarters at16:00." It was a command, rather than a request.

Punctually at 16:00, the couples were at their sleeping cages, irritated and confused. Plastic boxes were located under the sink in the respective colours of their collars.

The Amazon took the floor. "You have mostly successfully completed the first week and the first phase of the training in our facility." ‘Mostly’ was an allusion to Mr and Mrs Black. "Tomorrow the second phase begins. Associated with this is a change of place and a change in your accommodation." You must put your toiletries, ladies this includes the sports bra, into the boxes."

Within a minute it was done.

"Bring the boxes here."
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They now got their first stripe, for the first week of training. Amazon and the four muscle men brought coloured adhesive strips and put them on the collars of the participants. "So, now it only remains to do some serious cleaning!" the Amazon informed them.

The four muscle men took a box from the entrance. They opened the door to the water supply. They connected a distributor to the water tap. To this they attached six different coloured water hoses, which they took out of the box.

"The room needs to be cleaned for your successors. "Take your hoses and… 'Water!'"

A strong jet of lukewarm water shot from the nozzles. Two of the gorillas distributed a portable spray liquid soap, which frothed up massively. The whole process turned out to be more like a rollicking foam party, rather than a proper cleansing ritual. When all the foam and dirt was washed away, the Amazon ordered: "follow me! The men can carry the boxes."

The route led first to the Central main hall. From there they entered one of the other radially-arranged buildings. The Amazon led the group along a corridor roughly three metres wide. There were six doors. There were slots with coloured panels on the doors. So, it was immediately clear which room was intended for which pair. The doors were open.

"These are your cells for the next period. In future, you are to spend the night alone in them and to complete your personal care. Take possession of your new empire!" the group leader declared.
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The Yellow Couple entered their new cell. It was easy to clean. Tiled floor and tiled walls. The materials were cosy and classy. There was beige brown stoneware. Covered lamps were installed in the ceiling. This could be dimmed and coloured.

"Oh, a real bed, sheets and a quilt!" Marianne stated enthusiastically. In her enthusiasm, she didn't notice that this bed was quite narrow. They would also have to spend the nights here tightly snuggled.

Next to the front door was a wet room with a toilet bowl, and a shower and basin was provided. " Unfortunately there was no space for a bidet," explained the Amazon apologetically. The unanimous opinion was that this was no problem.

Mr Pink in particular was relieved. Despite his love the weak bladder of his wife had been a hard test for him, because as she had expected, every night in the cage she’d had to pee out.

"It’s nearly time for dinner. Then you’ll have a little free time and then back here in time for bed. Punishments are not required tonight."

‘That can be altered,' mused the little black witch secretly. She had noticed that there was only one high-hanging electric hoist in the corridor.

And so she made sure that the kitchen was not brought up to the required standard in time. She successfully sabotaged the bustling activity of her husband. He laboured in vain.

So, before the night's sleep, a punishment was necessary. Mr and Mrs Black turned up without needing any bidding below the pulley. Mr. Black was resigned, Mrs Black was joyful. She stretched out her arms in joyful anticipation, he acquiesced to his inevitable fate. The Amazon sighed briefly and began the procedure. After they were tied, she again hooked up the offenders. The controls for the pulley were located next to the entrance. Carefully, the Amazon hauled the couple upwards. She stopped the winch at the right time, so that Mr Black still had some contact with the ground. When she drew her arm back, he instinctively hid behind his wife. But the bullwhip was long and elastic. He was struck occasionally, however, he was not hit so hard. There were 'only' ten blows to administer. Mrs Black hung in her bonds. She managed to use her legs against her husband to improve the contact of the whip with her body. Full of lust she offered all areas of her body to the stinging bullwhip. Because it ended so quickly, she regretted that she hadn’t increased the penalty.

'I’ll do that tomorrow,' she planned.

After the procedure, they all settled down for the night's rest.

Our yellow couple took possession of their new accommodation. In contrast to the "accommodation" last week, this room was comfortable and spacious. Gerd stepped to the window and looked out. The sun was setting on the wing opposite, where they’d spent the last week. Marianne came to him and snuggled up close. Her hand sought his and then she began to stroke his backside.
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Gerd said: "The new tomorrow."

"Which side will you have?" Marianne was distracted.

"I’m not bothered; you choose! I want you to feel comfortable. The side is not important to me. The main thing is that I’m next to you."

"All right, then, you take the wall side. I must definitely go out at night. Then I won’t be kicking you when I have to go and pee."

Sleep, however, came much later. The couples very much enjoyed the new found freedom of movement. How? You can imagine. They did things that were not possible in the cage, nice things such as the 69 position.
Another great chapter Madiosi, looks like the story is progressing nicely.
13 Second week

On the Monday morning, Mr and Mrs Black were summoned to the head of the institution.

"Please go on through, Mrs Black. The boss is waiting for you already," called Mrs. Rudolph. Mr Black remained in the waiting room.

"Good morning! Please take a seat. I have to talk with you," said Dr. Sommer.
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Mrs Black hesitated, she briefly wondered whether she could provoke a penalty here with disobedience. Dr. Sommer acknowledged that instinctively.

"You may provoke no penalty here with me. If you want strokes or other stuff you can get them some other way. Without your husband having to suffer, I mean."

"This has been the longest time that I’ve been with my husband. After this stay here, I'm going through with the divorce. Come what may."

"Look, here is the first consensus between us. We also believe that your marriage has no chance."

"So why do we have to go on with this nonsense?"

"Even if your marriage should be dissolved, you can still learn useful skills for your later life."

"Oh, yeah?"

"I’m not going to discuss it or argue about it. You’ll find out, sooner or later. I’d like to make you an offer."

"An offer? What offer?"

The intercom buzzed.

"I’ll be with you in a moment.”

Yes please!"

"Mr and Mrs Pink are here." The voice of Mrs. Rudolph squawked from the speaker.

"Excellent. Send him in!"

Mr. Pink entered the room with a measured step.

"I don't appreciate being called Mr Pink."

"All right, all right. Then we’ll drop the title. Please take a seat. Incidentally, this is Mrs. Black."

Admiringly, Mr. Pink registered the older and fresher welts on Mrs Black’s body.

'She can withstand that! She’s a good sport and no mistake!' he thought, as he looked.

Dr. Sommer noticed with satisfaction the spark between the two, although they sought to hide it. The glowing eyes were a sure sign.

"We have problems in common. I would like to discuss that with you."

"What do you mean, we have problems in common?" interrupted Mrs Black snappily.

"If you weren’t constantly interrupting me, then I could explain to you," countered Dr. Sommer.

"Well then, fire away!" urged Mrs Black.

‘The little so-and-so must have always the last word. It’s time she met her Master,’ Dr. Sommer thought to himself. Accordingly, he said: "you are determined to go through with your divorce, Mrs Black. For you, Mr Pi..., uh sorry, although there is a chance of success, in the long run, it will not be very likely it will go well. My institution needs success. Two divorces in one training period, would significantly damage the reputation of our facility. Of course, I would like to stop that happening."

"And how are you going to do that?" interjected Mr. Pink.

"By the three of us coming to an arrangement."

"You can kiss goodbye to any thoughts that I’m giving up my divorce!" fumed Mrs Black.

"I don't actually mean that arrangement!" said Dr. Sommer, now slightly indignant. "And now you have interrupted me again. This is not helpful," he rebuked Mrs Black.

"Let the doctor speak, Babe. I would like to know what exactly he is proposing." A cold, penetrating gaze made her shiver and avert her eyes. Mr. Pink enforced obedience with charisma and the tone of his voice alone.

"Thank you Mr. Pi... uh, sorry again. I didn’t mean..."

"It's all right. Go on!"
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"So I suggest that you accelerate your divorce." If you agree, it could be done by Thursday. I assume that your partners have no objections."

"My husband knows that he can expect nothing more from me, that there is no future for us. He hates me now. I simply couldn’t care less."

"I think my baby will also be glad to be rid of me." added Mr. Pink.

"But this hasn’t solved your problem." Mrs. Black stated. "Where’s the catch?"

"With the consent of all sides and waiver of appeal, the divorces would instantly be valid."


"And then there is the possibility that you remarry immediately."

"I’m not marrying him again!" Mrs Black was amused.

"You don’t have to marry ‘him' again, but this one. Whose hand you’re holding already."

Caught out, they laid their hands on the chair backs.

"You’re not under any compulsion. Nothing human is alien to us here. In the last week, I would have a surprise for you. And you, you would be 'Mr. Black'. How’s that for an offer?"

"That is a surprise." ‘Mr Black’ tried to win time to think the matter over. But, what was there to consider? This sharp little witch would be his wife and he would be rid of his howling wuss.

"OK, that’s clear. Sleep on it, and talk it over with your current partners. We also have to get them on board. Without that, nothing is possible."

Mrs Black and Mr. still-Pink looked at each other with mutual agreement in their eyes. They nodded conspiratorially.

“We’ll do it!” Their approval came in unison.

"Thank you. See you tomorrow at the same time?"


"Oh Mrs Black, one more thing. Don’t provoke any punishment today. Please!"

"Say ‘yes’, Babe. From the day after tomorrow I’ll take it, with joy."

"Alright!" she acquiesced.
***During this conversation in the waiting room.

Mr Black sat on a stool in the otherwise bare room. In addition, there was nothing to read. When Mrs Pink (2nd group) entered the waiting room, she greeted him noncommittally and sat down on the other stool. The silence and the fact that they were strangers and naked in the small room, was embarrassing for them both. It was a bilaterally uncomfortable situation. After several minutes, Mr Black finally plucked up courage and spoke to Mrs. Pink.

“You’ve been overworked these past few days.” He referred to her welts.

"You too."

The traces of the treatments were so obvious.

"What happened to you?"

"Years ago, I married a sadist. And you?"

"I married a masochist. At least I'm not the only one who chose unwisely. That’s what happens when you judge by appearances without getting properly acquainted with the person or not recognising what they are really like."

"Yes, you're right.”

“Mind you, I'm not that attractive."

"Don't say that! I think you’re pretty tasty. But here, any such overture is prohibited. I would like to see you again after I’m divorced."

"They want to avoid that here, by all means."

"It won’t work! In this one thing, I am in agreement with my wife."

"You seem very convinced that you’ll succeed."

At this moment the door to the Office opened and the head of the institution and their partners came out.

Mr. Pink said to his wife, coldly, "Come on, we have to talk!"

"I have much to tell you. Let’s go to our cell," Mrs Black stated with certainty.

The next day, the documents had been produced, the appointments had been agreed and the couples had declared their fundamental consent to the divorces.

"Then you can exchange collars already," Dr. Sommer suggested. "For the last time, Mr Pink, please come here, and you too, Mr Black."

The doctor unlocked the collars with a special security key and swapped them over.

"So, now and for the next two and a half weeks you are Mr Pink and Mr Black. You may spend the night in your individual cells, with your new and future partners. But you may not consummate your relationships, because you are still not married. Tomorrow, it will be allowed. Have you got that?"

"Sure. Of course."

This caused a little fuss and gossip in the Groups, as they noticed the swap. But it also brought calm, because there was no punishment, at least not for today.

Naturally, the Pink couple followed the rules. The couple were glad that their wounds healed and that no further wounds should be forthcoming. They also discovered a mutual respect. Even without sex they realised that they were well matched and got along well together.

And equally naturally, the Black couple were devils. "I want to fuck you hard right now," Mr Black confessed honestly.

"So, why don’t you?" she provoked him. "I was with a wimp long enough. Are you impressed by the threat of punishment?"

"Not at all. In fact I even want it."

"Oh really? Because tomorrow I will disagree only once and then vigorously defend myself, prior to the punishment, " she flirted.

"You little bitch! You're right. What are you waiting for? Spread your legs!”

The violation of the rule was, of course, registered in the monitoring centre. However, it was only to be expected….

The next morning, the marriages were dissolved. This became legal immediately, because all parties agreed to the judgments.

In the afternoon, the new marriages were conducted in a short ceremony. Of course staff and 'students’ took part.

Although the judges and the registrar were initially somewhat taken aback by the 'dress code', then on the other hand - what did a little more craziness in the world matter?

"You may not have noticed, but yesterday the Black couple has once again violated the rules,” the Amazon told the assembled couples of their group before the night's sleep. "There are the prescribed 30 strokes of the bullwhip. I will not even enforce that. We’ll leave the offenders to choose the number of strokes themselves. Mrs. Black, I think we start with you. Come forward, quietly. If you want more, then simply tell the executioner. I know him, he will not refuse your wishes."

Mrs Black willingly allowed herself to be tied and raised. Before he began, her Mr. Black gave her a passionate kiss. As he pulled away from her, she breathed "Fifty!" into his ear.

He called to her, "Louder!" And she screamed for all to hear: "FIFTY! Come on!"

He delivered those blows with power and passion. Her little body was full of welts. Her screams echoed through the corridor. Not everyone was able to watch.

"Well, I wonder if it might be not a good idea, Mrs. Black, to leave it there?" noted the Amazon.

"She’s right." Mr Black conceded. "Or can you take any more, darling?"

"No, that’s plenty. But tell me, how many can you take?"

"Well, as many as you. I love you!" he lovingly embraced her and gave her a passionate kiss again. Then, he broke away from her really beautiful body, but now bloodied by welts, and readily stretched out his arms so that they could tie him. Another of the muscle packages took over the execution. Mr Black was really tough, yet he was at the limits of his capacity for suffering. His respect for his little wife rose as he received each blow.

The rest of the week went according to plan. The couples made significant progress. In individual interviews with the couples, their individual developments were discussed. With the new family Black there was a specific issue to discuss. Holding hands and apparently freshly in love, they both took their seats in front of the Head of the Institute’s table on the scheduled date.

"I am delighted that our arrangement has got off to such an excellent start." Dr. Sommer opened the conversation.

"We are, too!" said the Black couple in unison.

"It was not actually intended that I should speak with you again so soon, but I think that it allows no delay. It’s about your newly discovered masochistic passion, Mrs Black."

That got the couple’s attention and they listened very intently, faces inscrutable. Of course, Dr. Sommer noted that immediately.

"Not that you should assume that we want you to stop that. This is fully in order and it is also within the meaning of the institution, that you are comfortable here with us and pursue your preferences."

Their faces brightened up again.

"What are you saying? Don’t beat about the bush!" Mr. Black was firm.

"I'm sorry. For some couples, one has to work up to the subject gradually. You are more direct. So we are worried about your health. You live out your preference quite single mindedly. Look at yourself in the mirror or at each other. Your skin is bruised, reddened, inflamed. This is dangerous. Your skin is your largest organ, it protects against intruders, viruses, bacteria, parasites. Through harsh treatment, you are damaging this barrier and opening doors for the above mentioned risks. First, I order that you rub each other daily with this disinfecting and healing ointment. If you violate this, you will not be beaten as a penalty! No way! We have other different, more complex methods. I would rather not threaten them, but rely on your insight. So that was the first, unpleasant part. Now we come to that to which you might prefer to listen.

“So, there are alternatives for you. We will prepare something for you here. There are some very interesting bondage techniques, torture tools such as thumb screws, crosses, anal and vaginal plugs, electric toys, etc. etc. I’ll leave you to quietly ponder the alternatives. I'm sure there's a lot for you. I have a catalogue here, in which you can find even more suggestions. For now, please don’t beat yourselves with instruments. If you must beat your lover, limit it to the flat of your hand on the butt," he continued, turning to Mr Black. "Is that acceptable to you?"

The Black couple agreed with a look and nodded approvingly.

"Very good! Here, take it and browse for a while! You don’t need to buy these expensive things, of course. Sometimes there are also suitable products in the hardware store." With these words, Dr. Sommer presented the catalogue of speciality products. "Good evening!"

"Thank you and goodbye!"
13 Second week

On the Monday morning, Mr and Mrs Black were summoned to the head of the institution.

"Please go on through, Mrs Black. The boss is waiting for you already," called Mrs. Rudolph. Mr Black remained in the waiting room.

"Good morning! Please take a seat. I have to talk with you," said Dr. Sommer.
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Mrs Black hesitated, she briefly wondered whether she could provoke a penalty here with disobedience. Dr. Sommer acknowledged that instinctively.

"You may provoke no penalty here with me. If you want strokes or other stuff you can get them some other way. Without your husband having to suffer, I mean."

"This has been the longest time that I’ve been with my husband. After this stay here, I'm going through with the divorce. Come what may."

"Look, here is the first consensus between us. We also believe that your marriage has no chance."

"So why do we have to go on with this nonsense?"

"Even if your marriage should be dissolved, you can still learn useful skills for your later life."

"Oh, yeah?"

"I’m not going to discuss it or argue about it. You’ll find out, sooner or later. I’d like to make you an offer."

"An offer? What offer?"

The intercom buzzed.

"I’ll be with you in a moment.”

Yes please!"

"Mr and Mrs Pink are here." The voice of Mrs. Rudolph squawked from the speaker.

"Excellent. Send him in!"

Mr. Pink entered the room with a measured step.

"I don't appreciate being called Mr Pink."

"All right, all right. Then we’ll drop the title. Please take a seat. Incidentally, this is Mrs. Black."

Admiringly, Mr. Pink registered the older and fresher welts on Mrs Black’s body.

'She can withstand that! She’s a good sport and no mistake!' he thought, as he looked.

Dr. Sommer noticed with satisfaction the spark between the two, although they sought to hide it. The glowing eyes were a sure sign.

"We have problems in common. I would like to discuss that with you."

"What do you mean, we have problems in common?" interrupted Mrs Black snappily.

"If you weren’t constantly interrupting me, then I could explain to you," countered Dr. Sommer.

"Well then, fire away!" urged Mrs Black.

‘The little so-and-so must have always the last word. It’s time she met her Master,’ Dr. Sommer thought to himself. Accordingly, he said: "you are determined to go through with your divorce, Mrs Black. For you, Mr Pi..., uh sorry, although there is a chance of success, in the long run, it will not be very likely it will go well. My institution needs success. Two divorces in one training period, would significantly damage the reputation of our facility. Of course, I would like to stop that happening."

"And how are you going to do that?" interjected Mr. Pink.

"By the three of us coming to an arrangement."

"You can kiss goodbye to any thoughts that I’m giving up my divorce!" fumed Mrs Black.

"I don't actually mean that arrangement!" said Dr. Sommer, now slightly indignant. "And now you have interrupted me again. This is not helpful," he rebuked Mrs Black.

"Let the doctor speak, Babe. I would like to know what exactly he is proposing." A cold, penetrating gaze made her shiver and avert her eyes. Mr. Pink enforced obedience with charisma and the tone of his voice alone.

"Thank you Mr. Pi... uh, sorry again. I didn’t mean..."

"It's all right. Go on!"
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"So I suggest that you accelerate your divorce." If you agree, it could be done by Thursday. I assume that your partners have no objections."

"My husband knows that he can expect nothing more from me, that there is no future for us. He hates me now. I simply couldn’t care less."

"I think my baby will also be glad to be rid of me." added Mr. Pink.

"But this hasn’t solved your problem." Mrs. Black stated. "Where’s the catch?"

"With the consent of all sides and waiver of appeal, the divorces would instantly be valid."


"And then there is the possibility that you remarry immediately."

"I’m not marrying him again!" Mrs Black was amused.

"You don’t have to marry ‘him' again, but this one. Whose hand you’re holding already."

Caught out, they laid their hands on the chair backs.

"You’re not under any compulsion. Nothing human is alien to us here. In the last week, I would have a surprise for you. And you, you would be 'Mr. Black'. How’s that for an offer?"

"That is a surprise." ‘Mr Black’ tried to win time to think the matter over. But, what was there to consider? This sharp little witch would be his wife and he would be rid of his howling wuss.

"OK, that’s clear. Sleep on it, and talk it over with your current partners. We also have to get them on board. Without that, nothing is possible."

Mrs Black and Mr. still-Pink looked at each other with mutual agreement in their eyes. They nodded conspiratorially.

“We’ll do it!” Their approval came in unison.

"Thank you. See you tomorrow at the same time?"


"Oh Mrs Black, one more thing. Don’t provoke any punishment today. Please!"

"Say ‘yes’, Babe. From the day after tomorrow I’ll take it, with joy."

"Alright!" she acquiesced.
***During this conversation in the waiting room.

Mr Black sat on a stool in the otherwise bare room. In addition, there was nothing to read. When Mrs Pink (2nd group) entered the waiting room, she greeted him noncommittally and sat down on the other stool. The silence and the fact that they were strangers and naked in the small room, was embarrassing for them both. It was a bilaterally uncomfortable situation. After several minutes, Mr Black finally plucked up courage and spoke to Mrs. Pink.

“You’ve been overworked these past few days.” He referred to her welts.

"You too."

The traces of the treatments were so obvious.

"What happened to you?"

"Years ago, I married a sadist. And you?"

"I married a masochist. At least I'm not the only one who chose unwisely. That’s what happens when you judge by appearances without getting properly acquainted with the person or not recognising what they are really like."

"Yes, you're right.”

“Mind you, I'm not that attractive."

"Don't say that! I think you’re pretty tasty. But here, any such overture is prohibited. I would like to see you again after I’m divorced."

"They want to avoid that here, by all means."

"It won’t work! In this one thing, I am in agreement with my wife."

"You seem very convinced that you’ll succeed."

At this moment the door to the Office opened and the head of the institution and their partners came out.

Mr. Pink said to his wife, coldly, "Come on, we have to talk!"

"I have much to tell you. Let’s go to our cell," Mrs Black stated with certainty.

The next day, the documents had been produced, the appointments had been agreed and the couples had declared their fundamental consent to the divorces.

"Then you can exchange collars already," Dr. Sommer suggested. "For the last time, Mr Pink, please come here, and you too, Mr Black."

The doctor unlocked the collars with a special security key and swapped them over.

"So, now and for the next two and a half weeks you are Mr Pink and Mr Black. You may spend the night in your individual cells, with your new and future partners. But you may not consummate your relationships, because you are still not married. Tomorrow, it will be allowed. Have you got that?"

"Sure. Of course."

This caused a little fuss and gossip in the Groups, as they noticed the swap. But it also brought calm, because there was no punishment, at least not for today.

Naturally, the Pink couple followed the rules. The couple were glad that their wounds healed and that no further wounds should be forthcoming. They also discovered a mutual respect. Even without sex they realised that they were well matched and got along well together.

And equally naturally, the Black couple were devils. "I want to fuck you hard right now," Mr Black confessed honestly.

"So, why don’t you?" she provoked him. "I was with a wimp long enough. Are you impressed by the threat of punishment?"

"Not at all. In fact I even want it."

"Oh really? Because tomorrow I will disagree only once and then vigorously defend myself, prior to the punishment, " she flirted.

"You little bitch! You're right. What are you waiting for? Spread your legs!”

The violation of the rule was, of course, registered in the monitoring centre. However, it was only to be expected….

The next morning, the marriages were dissolved. This became legal immediately, because all parties agreed to the judgments.

In the afternoon, the new marriages were conducted in a short ceremony. Of course staff and 'students’ took part.

Although the judges and the registrar were initially somewhat taken aback by the 'dress code', then on the other hand - what did a little more craziness in the world matter?

"You may not have noticed, but yesterday the Black couple has once again violated the rules,” the Amazon told the assembled couples of their group before the night's sleep. "There are the prescribed 30 strokes of the bullwhip. I will not even enforce that. We’ll leave the offenders to choose the number of strokes themselves. Mrs. Black, I think we start with you. Come forward, quietly. If you want more, then simply tell the executioner. I know him, he will not refuse your wishes."

Mrs Black willingly allowed herself to be tied and raised. Before he began, her Mr. Black gave her a passionate kiss. As he pulled away from her, she breathed "Fifty!" into his ear.

He called to her, "Louder!" And she screamed for all to hear: "FIFTY! Come on!"

He delivered those blows with power and passion. Her little body was full of welts. Her screams echoed through the corridor. Not everyone was able to watch.

"Well, I wonder if it might be not a good idea, Mrs. Black, to leave it there?" noted the Amazon.

"She’s right." Mr Black conceded. "Or can you take any more, darling?"

"No, that’s plenty. But tell me, how many can you take?"

"Well, as many as you. I love you!" he lovingly embraced her and gave her a passionate kiss again. Then, he broke away from her really beautiful body, but now bloodied by welts, and readily stretched out his arms so that they could tie him. Another of the muscle packages took over the execution. Mr Black was really tough, yet he was at the limits of his capacity for suffering. His respect for his little wife rose as he received each blow.

The rest of the week went according to plan. The couples made significant progress. In individual interviews with the couples, their individual developments were discussed. With the new family Black there was a specific issue to discuss. Holding hands and apparently freshly in love, they both took their seats in front of the Head of the Institute’s table on the scheduled date.

"I am delighted that our arrangement has got off to such an excellent start." Dr. Sommer opened the conversation.

"We are, too!" said the Black couple in unison.

"It was not actually intended that I should speak with you again so soon, but I think that it allows no delay. It’s about your newly discovered masochistic passion, Mrs Black."

That got the couple’s attention and they listened very intently, faces inscrutable. Of course, Dr. Sommer noted that immediately.

"Not that you should assume that we want you to stop that. This is fully in order and it is also within the meaning of the institution, that you are comfortable here with us and pursue your preferences."

Their faces brightened up again.

"What are you saying? Don’t beat about the bush!" Mr. Black was firm.

"I'm sorry. For some couples, one has to work up to the subject gradually. You are more direct. So we are worried about your health. You live out your preference quite single mindedly. Look at yourself in the mirror or at each other. Your skin is bruised, reddened, inflamed. This is dangerous. Your skin is your largest organ, it protects against intruders, viruses, bacteria, parasites. Through harsh treatment, you are damaging this barrier and opening doors for the above mentioned risks. First, I order that you rub each other daily with this disinfecting and healing ointment. If you violate this, you will not be beaten as a penalty! No way! We have other different, more complex methods. I would rather not threaten them, but rely on your insight. So that was the first, unpleasant part. Now we come to that to which you might prefer to listen.

“So, there are alternatives for you. We will prepare something for you here. There are some very interesting bondage techniques, torture tools such as thumb screws, crosses, anal and vaginal plugs, electric toys, etc. etc. I’ll leave you to quietly ponder the alternatives. I'm sure there's a lot for you. I have a catalogue here, in which you can find even more suggestions. For now, please don’t beat yourselves with instruments. If you must beat your lover, limit it to the flat of your hand on the butt," he continued, turning to Mr Black. "Is that acceptable to you?"

The Black couple agreed with a look and nodded approvingly.

"Very good! Here, take it and browse for a while! You don’t need to buy these expensive things, of course. Sometimes there are also suitable products in the hardware store." With these words, Dr. Sommer presented the catalogue of speciality products. "Good evening!"

"Thank you and goodbye!"
Excellent chapter Madiosi!
So pink faded into black, and black became the new pink, very interesting.
13 Second week

"You may not have noticed, but yesterday the Black couple has once again violated the rules,” the Amazon told the assembled couples of their group before the night's sleep. "There are the prescribed 30 strokes of the bullwhip. I will not even enforce that. We’ll leave the offenders to choose the number of strokes themselves. Mrs. Black, I think we start with you. Come forward, quietly. If you want more, then simply tell the executioner. I know him, he will not refuse your wishes."

Mrs Black willingly allowed herself to be tied and raised. Before he began, her Mr. Black gave her a passionate kiss. As he pulled away from her, she breathed "Fifty!" into his ear.

He called to her, "Louder!" And she screamed for all to hear: "FIFTY! Come on!"

He delivered those blows with power and passion. Her little body was full of welts. Her screams echoed through the corridor. Not everyone was able to watch.

"Well, I wonder if it might be not a good idea, Mrs. Black, to leave it there?" noted the Amazon.

"She’s right." Mr Black conceded. "Or can you take any more, darling?"

"No, that’s plenty. But tell me, how many can you take?"

"Well, as many as you. I love you!" he lovingly embraced her and gave her a passionate kiss again. Then, he broke away from her really beautiful body, but now bloodied by welts, and readily stretched out his arms so that they could tie him. Another of the muscle packages took over the execution. Mr Black was really tough, yet he was at the limits of his capacity for suffering. His respect for his little wife rose as he received each blow.
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14 Accommodation Exchange

The weekend went by allowing relative freedom to the couples. On Sunday afternoon, it was time once again, for a move. Punctually at 16:00 the couples gathered before their cells. They were full of excitement, wondering how their accommodation would change.

"Dear guests, you have reached the halfway point in your time with us. The third section of the training starts tomorrow. Today, however, you must move to the accommodation for next week. Please pack your stuff and collect again here in front of the cells in five minutes. The clock is running." With these words, Amazon started a stopwatch which hung around her neck.

At lightning speed, the yellow couple disappeared into their cell and grabbed a few personal things into the box which stood on the bed. Not three minutes later, they turned up in front of the cell door. They were the fastest. Proud, Marianne looked up to Gerd. They reached this peak time, because they were now a team with regard to order, cleanliness and housework. All couples were in front of their cells, before the time ran out. Here, all received their second stripe on the collar.

"Follow me!" The Amazon led the way. The path led back to the Central Hall, and from there onto the next row. The corridor was more spacious than that which they had just left and furnished with finer material. You could already tell that the rooms were larger than the cells of last week from the spacing of the doors. Again, fingerprint scanners were installed next to the doors. Using these devices, the inhabitants could open the doors. Slots for the colour plates were near the scanners.

The Amazon went ahead and put the coloured boards into the slots. So, it was clear which couple was intended for which room.

"Couple Yellow, please open the door!" the group leader ordered.

Mr. Yellow approached and placed a finger on the scanner. With a hum, the door lock released audibly. Mr. Yellow pushed open the door. He looked in at a comfortable and tastefully furnished room. In essence, it was a small flat with double bed, bedside tables, armchairs, upholstered stools, kitchenette, dining table and chairs. A wet room was again divided off. Carpet was laid in the area of the bed, the kitchen and bathroom were tiled.
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"Everyone come closer!" the Amazon requested. "I have a bit to explain," she continued. "The rooms are all similarly decorated. The beds are customized. With this lever here, you can switch between the transport and sleeping positions." The Amazon showed them a lever on the foot of the bed. The couples watched, puzzled.

"The transport position is especially suitable... well never mind transport. In this position, the surface is flat. The sleeping position must be selected always and without exception, when a couple settle down to sleep. Do not forget that it is monitored!"

"What is the reason for this ominous sleeping position ?" Mr Green asked, interested.

"Mr Yellow, pull the lever for me!"

Mr Yellow followed this instruction of the Amazon assiduously. He had no interest in a punishment. In the middle of the bed a section dropped, leaving a kind of hollow.

"This will guarantee that you are also close together on this wider bed in your sleep, just as in the sleeping cage or the narrow bed of last week."

The other couples had followed this demonstration with interest.

"You can go to your rooms," the Amazon urged the other pairs.

The Black couple were in for a surprise. As Mr. Black put his finger on the scanner and pushed open the door, he could not suppress a delighted cry.

"Wow! This is awesome!" he blurted out. Curious, his new wife pushed past him to see into the room.
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And the Black couple were also under observation. The Amazon was delighted by their surprise. And in the control and monitoring centre the monitoring crew, along with the Institute Director, stood in front of the screen to which the surveillance camera images were beamed.

The 'room' was a ' comfortable ' femdom or torture studio. St. Andrew's Cross and pillory, iron maiden, torture Chair, and tools around the walls, all produced a happy gleam in the eyes of the Black couple. "Thanks!" they both called, because they were aware that they were observed by the organisers of the surprise.

"I am to tell you from the Boss to have fun trying it out!" the Amazon was heard to say. "But you should only use the torture instruments one at a time! Is that clear?"

'Yes. Clear!"

"And you must be in your bed together no later than midnight. Otherwise, there are 'Surprise penalties'. Now it’s time to make your dinner!"
14 Accommodation Exchange

The weekend went by allowing relative freedom to the couples. On Sunday afternoon, it was time once again, for a move. Punctually at 16:00 the couples gathered before their cells. They were full of excitement, wondering how their accommodation would change.

"Dear guests, you have reached the halfway point in your time with us. The third section of the training starts tomorrow. Today, however, you must move to the accommodation for next week. Please pack your stuff and collect again here in front of the cells in five minutes. The clock is running." With these words, Amazon started a stopwatch which hung around her neck.

At lightning speed, the yellow couple disappeared into their cell and grabbed a few personal things into the box which stood on the bed. Not three minutes later, they turned up in front of the cell door. They were the fastest. Proud, Marianne looked up to Gerd. They reached this peak time, because they were now a team with regard to order, cleanliness and housework. All couples were in front of their cells, before the time ran out. Here, all received their second stripe on the collar.

"Follow me!" The Amazon led the way. The path led back to the Central Hall, and from there onto the next row. The corridor was more spacious than that which they had just left and furnished with finer material. You could already tell that the rooms were larger than the cells of last week from the spacing of the doors. Again, fingerprint scanners were installed next to the doors. Using these devices, the inhabitants could open the doors. Slots for the colour plates were near the scanners.

The Amazon went ahead and put the coloured boards into the slots. So, it was clear which couple was intended for which room.

"Couple Yellow, please open the door!" the group leader ordered.

Mr. Yellow approached and placed a finger on the scanner. With a hum, the door lock released audibly. Mr. Yellow pushed open the door. He looked in at a comfortable and tastefully furnished room. In essence, it was a small flat with double bed, bedside tables, armchairs, upholstered stools, kitchenette, dining table and chairs. A wet room was again divided off. Carpet was laid in the area of the bed, the kitchen and bathroom were tiled.
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"Everyone come closer!" the Amazon requested. "I have a bit to explain," she continued. "The rooms are all similarly decorated. The beds are customized. With this lever here, you can switch between the transport and sleeping positions." The Amazon showed them a lever on the foot of the bed. The couples watched, puzzled.

"The transport position is especially suitable... well never mind transport. In this position, the surface is flat. The sleeping position must be selected always and without exception, when a couple settle down to sleep. Do not forget that it is monitored!"

"What is the reason for this ominous sleeping position ?" Mr Green asked, interested.

"Mr Yellow, pull the lever for me!"

Mr Yellow followed this instruction of the Amazon assiduously. He had no interest in a punishment. In the middle of the bed a section dropped, leaving a kind of hollow.

"This will guarantee that you are also close together on this wider bed in your sleep, just as in the sleeping cage or the narrow bed of last week."

The other couples had followed this demonstration with interest.

"You can go to your rooms," the Amazon urged the other pairs.

The Black couple were in for a surprise. As Mr. Black put his finger on the scanner and pushed open the door, he could not suppress a delighted cry.

"Wow! This is awesome!" he blurted out. Curious, his new wife pushed past him to see into the room.
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And the Black couple were also under observation. The Amazon was delighted by their surprise. And in the control and monitoring centre the monitoring crew, along with the Institute Director, stood in front of the screen to which the surveillance camera images were beamed.

The 'room' was a ' comfortable ' femdom or torture studio. St. Andrew's Cross and pillory, iron maiden, torture Chair, and tools around the walls, all produced a happy gleam in the eyes of the Black couple. "Thanks!" they both called, because they were aware that they were observed by the organisers of the surprise.

"I am to tell you from the Boss to have fun trying it out!" the Amazon was heard to say. "But you should only use the torture instruments one at a time! Is that clear?"

'Yes. Clear!"

"And you must be in your bed together no later than midnight. Otherwise, there are 'Surprise penalties'. Now it’s time to make your dinner!"
It looks like the Black couple just stuck gold;) .....they get a great Honeymoon suite:devil:.....looks like they are going to have a great time, I'm jealous:p
15 Testing of the Toys

After dinner, Mr and Mrs Black hastened to bring the mini kitchen up to scratch. No dawdling. Their domestic performance was animated by having their new playthings in sight.

“Impressive!” The Amazon praised their kitchen tidying performance. "So, have a pleasant evening!" With these words, she closed the door.

The Black couple began with a discovery tour of their new empire. Tenderly, they stroked the freshly oiled fragrant wood of the stocks. They both found the device most interesting.

"You fancy putting me in that?" asked the little masochistic witch.

"Of course! I can think of nothing better than that, my darling. "

Mr. Black quickly found the split pin, which you could use to adjust cross-beams at different heights. In seconds, he had brought the part to the right height for his little Mrs Black.

Without hesitation, she put her neck and wrists into the slots. Mr Black took her long hair and put it next to their head, in front of the bar. Then he lowered the upper part with the symmetrical openings and bolted the device. Bent forward, with drooping tits, little Mrs Black stood locked in the pillory.

"You already look quite good, but you can certainly be improved somewhat," he praised.

Mrs Black enjoyed the state of immobility.

"You still have to tie my legs!" she demanded.
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Drawers were set into the base of the stocks. One was open a little bit so that one could see this storage space. A few ropes hung out from the half-open drawer. Tying her was the work of a minute. The private stocks had similar mounting points as the penalty pillory, with which all couples were familiar.

Satisfied, Mr Black patted the buttocks of his loved one.

"I would like to give you a good hiding with one of the tools, but we dare not yet," he mused in a whisper, while his hand slowly groped between her legs. As expected, he felt the warm slimy wetness of his little darling. His gentle massaging movements ensured that the little witch started groaning. She was ready for a thorough fuck. For himself however, he wanted to keep her in suspense. Well, in a figurative sense, because she could not wriggle at all, firmly clamped as she was. He went to the wall, on which the beating instruments were decoratively suspended.

He snatched the flagellum. She could see what he had picked up and looking forward already to a caning.

"You wouldn’t….would you?" she asked, slyly, because she wanted it…Oh yes indeed, to get her ass thrashed with the whip….

He however, didn’t wish to take any risk. So he only stroked her backside a little and was very restrained with the leather whip.

She groaned in the block, in anticipation of the first proper blow which did not come. This expectation made her even hornier, as he observed with a testing touch of her sopping wet pussy. He placed the whip on her back and rummaged in a drawer of the dresser. It was not long before he had found what he was looking for. The furniture was outside visual range. She was excited and horny in anticipation of what he’d do next.

Arriving back at her side, he ordered curtly: "Open your mouth!"

Obediently she opened it and he immediately pushed a red rubber ball into it. Thus, verbal communication was made impossible for her.

He took the flagellum again and waved gently at her back and butt. But the devil did not strike her.

"Mch enlch!" she asked impatiently. Translated from ‘Gaggese’, this would be “Get on with it!”

But instead of heating her ass and back, he took the handle and began pushing it into her cunt.

Surprised, but not unpleasantly so, she moaned into the gag.

"Well, kid, how do you like that?"

"Hht!" which should mean "Great!"

The handle penetrated deeper and deeper after a few thrusts. He had a pleasant rhythm, which made her even hotter. He was aware that he was making her nice and hot.

Suddenly he stopped.

She was indignant: "Hhtr!" That should be "More!". He understood but nevertheless he did not go further. He drenched one hand with her flowing pussy juice and moved up to her butt hole. With his index finger, he pushed into her anus and entered her. The witch was horny and allowed him to penetrate her butt. The cunt slime did the rest. Quickly he added another finger. When the anus was stretched enough, he pushed the handle of the flagellum into the anus, with a gentle rotating movement. This rotating movement made Mrs Black groan loudly. Meanwhile, strands of saliva were hanging from her mouth. The gag and the treatment of her sex organs led to an extensive flow of saliva. Suddenly he stopped. He stepped back and admired his handiwork. With the flagellum in the butt hole, it looked like his sweetheart had acquired a ponytail.

"You're really a beautiful Mare!" he noted approvingly. "Now your Stallion will mount you." His cock was hard and big. He came up behind her and pushed his member into her. He did so without any problems and at the first push, because she was so dilated and slimy. He continued with the same rhythm as he’d used with the flagellum. She loved it. The pleasurable tingle spread throughout her abdominal region. But she lacked one thing – stimulation of her clit, because her Stallion’s balls hung in a small, tight little bag. Her ex had had a longer scrotum, which always triggered her fancy pearl in the doggy position. 'Oh well, you can't have everything!' she consoled herself. For now, indeed, the flagellum was still in her anus. His thrusts moved the handle and triggered the nerve endings in this area.

She came. Her body twitched violently as far as this was possible in this awkward position. He pushed firmly, however, not to slide out while he poured his cum into her.

Satisfied, he withdrew from her and dropped onto the bed. He lay down on the sheet and looked at his wife.

She, although satisfied, felt the imposed position to be increasingly uncomfortable. "Hch oos mch!", she called, drooling.
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With a grin, he stood up, went to her, and first undid the ropes on her ankles. Freed from the awkward position, she shook her legs and that looked good. Amused, he left her to it, because as she wiggled her flagellar tail wagged nicely. The strap stroked her buttocks and thighs, which began to excite her again.

Mr. Black undid the lock and opened the block. Mrs Black straightened up, stretched and twisted. Then she took the gag off herself.

"My goodness, that is does nothing for my discs," he heard her say.

"Does it hurt?" he asked.

Rubbing the area above her bum, she said: "I’m fine, but could be better."

"Come on then, lie on the bed in the prone position!"

As she lay there, he sat astride her thighs in the rider position and began to massage her back. She liked it a lot, although it was a bit clumsy, because his hands did not slide across her skin, but literally stuck to her.

"The massage oil is in the bedside table!" croaked the speakers, from which gentle background music had been playing the whole time.

'Good job that I resisted the temptation to strike,' mused Mr Black. 'You're actually doing round the clock monitoring.'

He opened the drawer and took out one of the vials with massage oil and squirted some of it on the back of his little Witch. She growled briefly due to the sudden coolness. However, when he began to rub it and massage it, she purred like a contented kitten.

After a half hour massage, both had had enough. Mr Black pressed the lever, rolled his sweetheart into the middle of the bed. He switched out the light and lay down. Under the warm blanket they fell asleep snuggled close together.

One of the staff at the control centre was new to this job.. So it was that due to a small operational error on the microphone, the loudspeaker announcement: "The massage oil is in the bedside table!" resounded in all the rooms of the group.

The couples interrupted their vanilla sex and obediently grabbed the massage oil. They were all uncertain whether or not that was an instruction. Sometimes pretty ineptly, they smeared copious amounts of massage oil over their partners

Shaking his head, the boss of the control team registered the awkward massage efforts. He made a note to the group leader 2412.

Gradually, all the couples had had thought that it was enough and they activated the trough position of their beds.

So all the couples, nestled tightly, fell asleep.
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15 Testing of the Toys

After dinner, Mr and Mrs Black hastened to bring the mini kitchen up to scratch. No dawdling. Their domestic performance was animated by having their new playthings in sight.

“Impressive!” The Amazon praised their kitchen tidying performance. "So, have a pleasant evening!" With these words, she closed the door.

The Black couple began with a discovery tour of their new empire. Tenderly, they stroked the freshly oiled fragrant wood of the stocks. They both found the device most interesting.

"You fancy putting me in that?" asked the little masochistic witch.

"Of course! I can think of nothing better than that, my darling. "

Mr. Black quickly found the split pin, which you could use to adjust cross-beams at different heights. In seconds, he had brought the part to the right height for his little Mrs Black.

Without hesitation, she put her neck and wrists into the slots. Mr Black took her long hair and put it next to their head, in front of the bar. Then he lowered the upper part with the symmetrical openings and bolted the device. Bent forward, with drooping tits, little Mrs Black stood locked in the pillory.

"You already look quite good, but you can certainly be improved somewhat," he praised.

Mrs Black enjoyed the state of immobility.

"You still have to tie my legs!" she demanded.
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Drawers were set into the base of the stocks. One was open a little bit so that one could see this storage space. A few ropes hung out from the half-open drawer. Tying her was the work of a minute. The private stocks had similar mounting points as the penalty pillory, with which all couples were familiar.

Satisfied, Mr Black patted the buttocks of his loved one.

"I would like to give you a good hiding with one of the tools, but we dare not yet," he mused in a whisper, while his hand slowly groped between her legs. As expected, he felt the warm slimy wetness of his little darling. His gentle massaging movements ensured that the little witch started groaning. She was ready for a thorough fuck. For himself however, he wanted to keep her in suspense. Well, in a figurative sense, because she could not wriggle at all, firmly clamped as she was. He went to the wall, on which the beating instruments were decoratively suspended.

He snatched the flagellum. She could see what he had picked up and looking forward already to a caning.

"You wouldn’t….would you?" she asked, slyly, because she wanted it…Oh yes indeed, to get her ass thrashed with the whip….

He however, didn’t wish to take any risk. So he only stroked her backside a little and was very restrained with the leather whip.

She groaned in the block, in anticipation of the first proper blow which did not come. This expectation made her even hornier, as he observed with a testing touch of her sopping wet pussy. He placed the whip on her back and rummaged in a drawer of the dresser. It was not long before he had found what he was looking for. The furniture was outside visual range. She was excited and horny in anticipation of what he’d do next.

Arriving back at her side, he ordered curtly: "Open your mouth!"

Obediently she opened it and he immediately pushed a red rubber ball into it. Thus, verbal communication was made impossible for her.

He took the flagellum again and waved gently at her back and butt. But the devil did not strike her.

"Mch enlch!" she asked impatiently. Translated from ‘Gaggese’, this would be “Get on with it!”

But instead of heating her ass and back, he took the handle and began pushing it into her cunt.

Surprised, but not unpleasantly so, she moaned into the gag.

"Well, kid, how do you like that?"

"Hht!" which should mean "Great!"

The handle penetrated deeper and deeper after a few thrusts. He had a pleasant rhythm, which made her even hotter. He was aware that he was making her nice and hot.

Suddenly he stopped.

She was indignant: "Hhtr!" That should be "More!". He understood but nevertheless he did not go further. He drenched one hand with her flowing pussy juice and moved up to her butt hole. With his index finger, he pushed into her anus and entered her. The witch was horny and allowed him to penetrate her butt. The cunt slime did the rest. Quickly he added another finger. When the anus was stretched enough, he pushed the handle of the flagellum into the anus, with a gentle rotating movement. This rotating movement made Mrs Black groan loudly. Meanwhile, strands of saliva were hanging from her mouth. The gag and the treatment of her sex organs led to an extensive flow of saliva. Suddenly he stopped. He stepped back and admired his handiwork. With the flagellum in the butt hole, it looked like his sweetheart had acquired a ponytail.

"You're really a beautiful Mare!" he noted approvingly. "Now your Stallion will mount you." His cock was hard and big. He came up behind her and pushed his member into her. He did so without any problems and at the first push, because she was so dilated and slimy. He continued with the same rhythm as he’d used with the flagellum. She loved it. The pleasurable tingle spread throughout her abdominal region. But she lacked one thing – stimulation of her clit, because her Stallion’s balls hung in a small, tight little bag. Her ex had had a longer scrotum, which always triggered her fancy pearl in the doggy position. 'Oh well, you can't have everything!' she consoled herself. For now, indeed, the flagellum was still in her anus. His thrusts moved the handle and triggered the nerve endings in this area.

She came. Her body twitched violently as far as this was possible in this awkward position. He pushed firmly, however, not to slide out while he poured his cum into her.

Satisfied, he withdrew from her and dropped onto the bed. He lay down on the sheet and looked at his wife.

She, although satisfied, felt the imposed position to be increasingly uncomfortable. "Hch oos mch!", she called, drooling.
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With a grin, he stood up, went to her, and first undid the ropes on her ankles. Freed from the awkward position, she shook her legs and that looked good. Amused, he left her to it, because as she wiggled her flagellar tail wagged nicely. The strap stroked her buttocks and thighs, which began to excite her again.

Mr. Black undid the lock and opened the block. Mrs Black straightened up, stretched and twisted. Then she took the gag off herself.

"My goodness, that is does nothing for my discs," he heard her say.

"Does it hurt?" he asked.

Rubbing the area above her bum, she said: "I’m fine, but could be better."

"Come on then, lie on the bed in the prone position!"

As she lay there, he sat astride her thighs in the rider position and began to massage her back. She liked it a lot, although it was a bit clumsy, because his hands did not slide across her skin, but literally stuck to her.

"The massage oil is in the bedside table!" croaked the speakers, from which gentle background music had been playing the whole time.

'Good job that I resisted the temptation to strike,' mused Mr Black. 'You're actually doing round the clock monitoring.'

He opened the drawer and took out one of the vials with massage oil and squirted some of it on the back of his little Witch. She growled briefly due to the sudden coolness. However, when he began to rub it and massage it, she purred like a contented kitten.

After a half hour massage, both had had enough. Mr Black pressed the lever, rolled his sweetheart into the middle of the bed. He switched out the light and lay down. Under the warm blanket they fell asleep snuggled close together.

One of the staff at the control centre was new to this job.. So it was that due to a small operational error on the microphone, the loudspeaker announcement: "The massage oil is in the bedside table!" resounded in all the rooms of the group.

The couples interrupted their vanilla sex and obediently grabbed the massage oil. They were all uncertain whether or not that was an instruction. Sometimes pretty ineptly, they smeared copious amounts of massage oil over their partners

Shaking his head, the boss of the control team registered the awkward massage efforts. He made a note to the group leader 2412.

Gradually, all the couples had had thought that it was enough and they activated the trough position of their beds.

So all the couples, nestled tightly, fell asleep.
Some couples have all the fun:p......and then there is vanilla sex for the others:(
Great chapter Madiosi.
16 Massage course

On the Friday of the third week, after the lunch break, the group gathered in the training room. There was no specific course on the timetable, so everyone was gripped by suspense about what today's topic would be.

"Through a small mishap in our control centre, we have become aware of a small but widespread deficit among you." The Amazon began her remarks. "The other evening we left massage oil inside your drawers, which was originally only intended for the black couple. This was provided by a new employee, but it has worked out for the best, because it made us aware that we should that we should instruct you in the rudiments of massage techniques." She indicated seven individual cases which stood in a corner of the room. One of the coloured people from the Spa Department, who seemed to assisting her, carefully selected one of these suitcases and placed it before the Amazon.
"These cases here are massage couches. If you are interested, you can buy one after your stay here. But it is possible to afford such beds in specialist shops or on the Internet. These examples here are from the lower price segment, and cost 60 Euros. They are sufficient for our purposes. We will first show you how the chairs are built up. If each couple could take a massage couch, please, and then we can begin."
The gents, now educated in chivalry, took a bulky case and placed it in front of themselves.
Under the expert guidance of the black masseurs and the Amazon, the couches were quickly assembled. The Amazon moved the couches to a long side of the training room. "Please prepare by getting your couches into a semicircle and spreading one of these sauna towels on the bed. The men should line up behind the couch, the women should lay in a prone position. Under her ankles please place this cushion."

The black man from the spa walked around and distributed bottles of massage oil. The ladies lustfully observed his huge cock with big eyes, which whisked past them much too quickly while he shared out the oil. This turn came up behind that couch, on which it had taken already comfortable Amazon.
"It is advisable to pre-heat the oil before you put it on your body. You can do this in different ways. Warming in the oven, in warm water or if you have such a thing in the house, a children’s bottle warmer. If you’re feeling clever, you could put these bottles in intimate parts of the body, because the ideal body temperature would be reached. This is all very well, but one should not forget to take some safety precautions to get out these bottles back out of the orifices. Once behind the sphincter, there can be difficulties in our experience. So, a fixed string, for example, would be a good security precaution. I find this type of preheating rather less than convenient.. Sometimes it leaves the bottle smelling, shall we say, unerotic. In principle, it is enough if the masseur or masseuse warms some oil for a few moments in the palm of the hand. Like this. You may join in. " The Spa negro taught professionally, as he did what he described.

The men followed his example.

"It’s best to start a full body massage with the lower limbs. We will work up from the feet to the bottom. Next we do the hands up to the shoulders. From there to the neck, then down the back again to the buttocks. Make sure that there’s enough oil on the skin. Try to feel the muscles to massage and to knead them sensitively."

The men closely followed his demonstration and tried to copy as closely as they could. Every now and then one or other of the ladies uttered a relaxed moan or a "well done!". After about 30 minutes, this exercise was completed.

"That was quite good," praised the expert. "Mr Yellow, you can massage and knead slightly more firmly. This is a massage, not the application of suntan oil." He commented on the lax massage by Mr Yellow.

"It wasn't so bad!" Mrs Yellow interjected, coming to the defence of her husband.

"I just want you to get it right. So please follow my instructions, Mr Yellow. Maybe, indeed, Mrs Yellow will notice a difference after the second lesson.

“Could the ladies turn over, please!"

Obediently, this request was followed by the ladies.

"In this position, do we as just learned, but also include the face. From there, they massage the sides and centre of the body. Breasts, pubic mound, inside of thighs and body orifices will be omitted for the present. We’ll get to these parts in the third lesson."

The ladies visibly enjoyed the efforts of their masters. Omitting the erogenous zones was a source of general regret for both the active and passive participants, but the prospect of a third lesson, including these zones, caused anticipation and lust to arise in all participants. Our Amazon was especially pleased, because she knew exactly what was to come.
Mr Yellow bent his best efforts to do better than during the first lesson. The noticeable relaxation of his wife left him feeling hopeful that he was on the right track.

After another 30 minutes, the coloured teacher took the floor again.

"Now we come to the secret of erotic massage par excellence. Gentlemen please take your places at the head of your ladies. We start with quite a gentle massage of the nipples. Brushing them with just a hint of pressure over the nipples. This should be safe enough if they aren’t too tumescent. After about a minute, you can extend this treatment to the areolas and then on to the breast itself, which you can stimulate more firmly. Imagine, you are a baker and kneading fine cake mixture."

The master teacher watched as his instructions were put into action, while he demonstrated it practically.

"That’s good, Mr Blue. Mr Pink, you’re doing well with your little cake. Mr Yellow, I spoke of cake mixture, not loaves of bread. Not so firm, it's delicate and sensitive connective tissue. Yes, that's better,” he commented on Mr Yellow’s response.

"Now your circles can get bigger and bigger, work your way down the sides of the torso towards the pelvis. Move to the left of the recliner and massage the left thigh, especially the insides. Repeat on the right. That’s good."

Both the ladies and the gentlemen yearned to massage the last remaining body part.

"With the palm of the left hand caress over the hidden pleasure bead of youir lady. Exactly as you see me doing," the teacher instructed his students.

The effect of his manoeuvre was immediately noticeable, because the Amazon groaned passionately.

"Sometimes you don’t have as much time as we today. What I'm about to show you is something like the fast orgasm for 'her'. First place your left hand on the abdomen and stimulate your partner’s pleasure bead with your thumb."

The training room was now filled with the passionate moaning of the ladies. The gentlemen took considerable interest in observing the effect of their handling.

"Now put your right hand flat on your partner’s cleft and penetrate gently with your middle and ring fingers. But don’t do anything else at first except to continue stimulating the clit with the left thumb. So, are you all in there with the two fingers?"

A unanimous "Yes!" signalled that the lesson could be continued.

"Make sure that your index finger and little finger lie flat on the labia majora. Bend your index and middle finger now. Press inwards and upwards, towards the flat of your left hand."

Some pretty hefty moaning was coming from the ladies.

"Uh, oh! I think you’re getting that right!" The teacher encouraged the gentlemen in their efforts.

"The women can help you bring them to coming by bending the legs and placing their feet flat on the surface of the couch.."

The girls didn’t need telling twice. Although already mentally caught up on the way to paradise they still heard the voice of the teacher, as if through a summer morning mist, and followed him immediately.

"And now the men start, slowly, I repeat, slowly to move the right hand up and down. Not in and out, but up and down. As I will demonstrate."

The Amazon responded to the demonstration with a deep groan and the other women could also not restrain themselves, expressing their pleasure with loud grunting and groaning sounds.

"And now slowly increase the speed of these movements, gently and quickly glide the left thumb over the clit, right hand up and down. Above, press your middle and ring fingers against the presented palm."

The men still followed, and concentrated upon, the advice of the experienced practitioner. They were amazed what effect these massages, these few up and down movements, triggered within their ladies. It was noisy in the training room. Uninhibited, the women groaned out of the unfamiliar pleasure. Ecstatic, they drew the maximum benefits from their menfolk. Their moans became cries of pleasure.

It was not long before a streaming fountain sprayed out of the Amazon. With a shrill voice and twitching uncontrollably, she demanded: "Stop!"
The other women's orgasms followed soon after, also manifested in more or less strong fountains. Mrs. Blue couldn't stand it on the couch. She jumped up and leaned exhausted against the wall. Powerless, she sank down the wall. Mr Blue was quite worried, but was reassured by the tutor. As was Mr Pink, whose woman was still squirting like crazy, jumping around the classroom.

Mrs Yellow, totally exhausted by the pleasure she’d just experienced, was laying semi-conscious on the couch. Her arms and legs hung limply down the sides. On her face was a blissful smile, eyes closed, breathing deeply.
16 Massage course

On the Friday of the third week, after the lunch break, the group gathered in the training room. There was no specific course on the timetable, so everyone was gripped by suspense about what today's topic would be.

"Through a small mishap in our control centre, we have become aware of a small but widespread deficit among you." The Amazon began her remarks. "The other evening we left massage oil inside your drawers, which was originally only intended for the black couple. This was provided by a new employee, but it has worked out for the best, because it made us aware that we should that we should instruct you in the rudiments of massage techniques." She indicated seven individual cases which stood in a corner of the room. One of the coloured people from the Spa Department, who seemed to assisting her, carefully selected one of these suitcases and placed it before the Amazon.
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"These cases here are massage couches. If you are interested, you can buy one after your stay here. But it is possible to afford such beds in specialist shops or on the Internet. These examples here are from the lower price segment, and cost 60 Euros. They are sufficient for our purposes. We will first show you how the chairs are built up. If each couple could take a massage couch, please, and then we can begin."
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The gents, now educated in chivalry, took a bulky case and placed it in front of themselves.
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Under the expert guidance of the black masseurs and the Amazon, the couches were quickly assembled. The Amazon moved the couches to a long side of the training room. "Please prepare by getting your couches into a semicircle and spreading one of these sauna towels on the bed. The men should line up behind the couch, the women should lay in a prone position. Under her ankles please place this cushion."

The black man from the spa walked around and distributed bottles of massage oil. The ladies lustfully observed his huge cock with big eyes, which whisked past them much too quickly while he shared out the oil. This turn came up behind that couch, on which it had taken already comfortable Amazon.
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"It is advisable to pre-heat the oil before you put it on your body. You can do this in different ways. Warming in the oven, in warm water or if you have such a thing in the house, a children’s bottle warmer. If you’re feeling clever, you could put these bottles in intimate parts of the body, because the ideal body temperature would be reached. This is all very well, but one should not forget to take some safety precautions to get out these bottles back out of the orifices. Once behind the sphincter, there can be difficulties in our experience. So, a fixed string, for example, would be a good security precaution. I find this type of preheating rather less than convenient.. Sometimes it leaves the bottle smelling, shall we say, unerotic. In principle, it is enough if the masseur or masseuse warms some oil for a few moments in the palm of the hand. Like this. You may join in. " The Spa negro taught professionally, as he did what he described.

The men followed his example.

"It’s best to start a full body massage with the lower limbs. We will work up from the feet to the bottom. Next we do the hands up to the shoulders. From there to the neck, then down the back again to the buttocks. Make sure that there’s enough oil on the skin. Try to feel the muscles to massage and to knead them sensitively."

The men closely followed his demonstration and tried to copy as closely as they could. Every now and then one or other of the ladies uttered a relaxed moan or a "well done!". After about 30 minutes, this exercise was completed.

"That was quite good," praised the expert. "Mr Yellow, you can massage and knead slightly more firmly. This is a massage, not the application of suntan oil." He commented on the lax massage by Mr Yellow.

"It wasn't so bad!" Mrs Yellow interjected, coming to the defence of her husband.

"I just want you to get it right. So please follow my instructions, Mr Yellow. Maybe, indeed, Mrs Yellow will notice a difference after the second lesson.

“Could the ladies turn over, please!"

Obediently, this request was followed by the ladies.

"In this position, do we as just learned, but also include the face. From there, they massage the sides and centre of the body. Breasts, pubic mound, inside of thighs and body orifices will be omitted for the present. We’ll get to these parts in the third lesson."

The ladies visibly enjoyed the efforts of their masters. Omitting the erogenous zones was a source of general regret for both the active and passive participants, but the prospect of a third lesson, including these zones, caused anticipation and lust to arise in all participants. Our Amazon was especially pleased, because she knew exactly what was to come.
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Mr Yellow bent his best efforts to do better than during the first lesson. The noticeable relaxation of his wife left him feeling hopeful that he was on the right track.

After another 30 minutes, the coloured teacher took the floor again.

"Now we come to the secret of erotic massage par excellence. Gentlemen please take your places at the head of your ladies. We start with quite a gentle massage of the nipples. Brushing them with just a hint of pressure over the nipples. This should be safe enough if they aren’t too tumescent. After about a minute, you can extend this treatment to the areolas and then on to the breast itself, which you can stimulate more firmly. Imagine, you are a baker and kneading fine cake mixture."

The master teacher watched as his instructions were put into action, while he demonstrated it practically.

"That’s good, Mr Blue. Mr Pink, you’re doing well with your little cake. Mr Yellow, I spoke of cake mixture, not loaves of bread. Not so firm, it's delicate and sensitive connective tissue. Yes, that's better,” he commented on Mr Yellow’s response.

"Now your circles can get bigger and bigger, work your way down the sides of the torso towards the pelvis. Move to the left of the recliner and massage the left thigh, especially the insides. Repeat on the right. That’s good."

Both the ladies and the gentlemen yearned to massage the last remaining body part.

"With the palm of the left hand caress over the hidden pleasure bead of youir lady. Exactly as you see me doing," the teacher instructed his students.

The effect of his manoeuvre was immediately noticeable, because the Amazon groaned passionately.

"Sometimes you don’t have as much time as we today. What I'm about to show you is something like the fast orgasm for 'her'. First place your left hand on the abdomen and stimulate your partner’s pleasure bead with your thumb."

The training room was now filled with the passionate moaning of the ladies. The gentlemen took considerable interest in observing the effect of their handling.

"Now put your right hand flat on your partner’s cleft and penetrate gently with your middle and ring fingers. But don’t do anything else at first except to continue stimulating the clit with the left thumb. So, are you all in there with the two fingers?"

A unanimous "Yes!" signalled that the lesson could be continued.

"Make sure that your index finger and little finger lie flat on the labia majora. Bend your index and middle finger now. Press inwards and upwards, towards the flat of your left hand."

Some pretty hefty moaning was coming from the ladies.

"Uh, oh! I think you’re getting that right!" The teacher encouraged the gentlemen in their efforts.

"The women can help you bring them to coming by bending the legs and placing their feet flat on the surface of the couch.."

The girls didn’t need telling twice. Although already mentally caught up on the way to paradise they still heard the voice of the teacher, as if through a summer morning mist, and followed him immediately.

"And now the men start, slowly, I repeat, slowly to move the right hand up and down. Not in and out, but up and down. As I will demonstrate."

The Amazon responded to the demonstration with a deep groan and the other women could also not restrain themselves, expressing their pleasure with loud grunting and groaning sounds.

"And now slowly increase the speed of these movements, gently and quickly glide the left thumb over the clit, right hand up and down. Above, press your middle and ring fingers against the presented palm."

The men still followed, and concentrated upon, the advice of the experienced practitioner. They were amazed what effect these massages, these few up and down movements, triggered within their ladies. It was noisy in the training room. Uninhibited, the women groaned out of the unfamiliar pleasure. Ecstatic, they drew the maximum benefits from their menfolk. Their moans became cries of pleasure.

It was not long before a streaming fountain sprayed out of the Amazon. With a shrill voice and twitching uncontrollably, she demanded: "Stop!"
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The other women's orgasms followed soon after, also manifested in more or less strong fountains. Mrs. Blue couldn't stand it on the couch. She jumped up and leaned exhausted against the wall. Powerless, she sank down the wall. Mr Blue was quite worried, but was reassured by the tutor. As was Mr Pink, whose woman was still squirting like crazy, jumping around the classroom.

Mrs Yellow, totally exhausted by the pleasure she’d just experienced, was laying semi-conscious on the couch. Her arms and legs hung limply down the sides. On her face was a blissful smile, eyes closed, breathing deeply.
A very erotic chapter Madiosi, well done:)
17 First class

"Pack up your things! You have one last move within our facility. Next Sunday, you’ll be leaving,” our couples were ordered in a briefing on the Sunday evening.

With some regret, the yellow couple grabbed their things.

"I wonder what awaits us now?" Marianne asked her Gerd.

"So far it has got better and better. I don't think that they’ll put us back in sleeping cages."

It looked as though he was right. Their group leader led the participants into a spacious wing.

"First, there is the third stripe on the collars," declared the Amazon. This was quickly done. Finally everyone had the experience to attach the adhesive strips onto the collars.

"There are a few small changes compared to the last few weeks," the Amazon began with her introduction speech. "You have apartments assigned to you, with a bathroom but no kitchen. Having spent last week’s leisure time mostly withdrawn in intimate togetherness, next week you will be restored to more communal living, closer to others. The food will be prepared in a communal kitchen. Everyone should contribute his knowledge and teach the others and also learn from others. The jointly prepared meals will then be taken to a dining room. It is equipped with three two-seater and three four-seater tables. So couples can eat together with other couples, or alone if they wish to. It is also allowed to put the tables together and to eat together at a large table. Everything according to what you desire and need. We come now to your apartments."
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The colour markings made it clear who was where. The couples took possession of their new empires. The space was generous, and the materials used were classy. This modern accommodation was equipped with stylish furniture, like a luxury hotel. The wet rooms left some of the ladies lost for words. Striking features were double spray showers, whirlpool tubs for two, toilet bowl and bidet separated behind frosted glass, large windows and wall mirrors. The beds were wide, but equipped as before with the trough to bring the couples together. A desk, lamp, dimmable light, two armchairs and a padded stool completed the living-sleeping area.

The apartment of Mr and Mrs Black was comfortable in completely different ways. Normal folk would describe the room as a "bunker", because the walls were black, as well as all the furniture. The textiles, bedding, curtains, upholstery, switches and doorknobs were pink.
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Mr Black smiled, he knew that this was an allusion to his first week here. The bed was a massive four-poster bed. The bars at the top were fitted with sturdy suspension devices. Steel rings were around the bed. Bondage ropes hung from the wall next to the head of the bed. All in all, a bondage paradise.

"Top accommodation!" praised Mr Black.

"How cool is that?" the euphoric witch was heard to say. A St. Andrew's cross was once again part of the equipment, as also were the forbidden percussion instruments. Cat, flagellum, Bullwhip, whip, paddle, everything that you need for a sexy punishment ritual.

‘They want to put us to the test,' Mr Black realised silently. In this, he was probably right.
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The last week proceeded according to plan almost as usual. However, there was a subtle difference from previous weeks. In the afternoon, our couples were separated. The ladies and gentlemen were taught separately. For the time of this separation of the couples, the corresponding function of the collars was of necessity disabled. What the ladies learned remained hidden from the men, and the ladies did not know that what was taught to the men.

These secrets certainly do not need to be kept from us readers. In a nutshell, the men were taught practical mechanical skills. How to drive a nail into a beam, or how to seal a tap.
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During this time the women dedicated themselves to the wonders of cosmetic facelift, and finally studied the rudiments of erotic dance.
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A social evening was planned for the Friday, in which the ladies would give their spouses a treat with this dance.
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17 First class

"Pack up your things! You have one last move within our facility. Next Sunday, you’ll be leaving,” our couples were ordered in a briefing on the Sunday evening.

With some regret, the yellow couple grabbed their things.

"I wonder what awaits us now?" Marianne asked her Gerd.

"So far it has got better and better. I don't think that they’ll put us back in sleeping cages."

It looked as though he was right. Their group leader led the participants into a spacious wing.

"First, there is the third stripe on the collars," declared the Amazon. This was quickly done. Finally everyone had the experience to attach the adhesive strips onto the collars.

"There are a few small changes compared to the last few weeks," the Amazon began with her introduction speech. "You have apartments assigned to you, with a bathroom but no kitchen. Having spent last week’s leisure time mostly withdrawn in intimate togetherness, next week you will be restored to more communal living, closer to others. The food will be prepared in a communal kitchen. Everyone should contribute his knowledge and teach the others and also learn from others. The jointly prepared meals will then be taken to a dining room. It is equipped with three two-seater and three four-seater tables. So couples can eat together with other couples, or alone if they wish to. It is also allowed to put the tables together and to eat together at a large table. Everything according to what you desire and need. We come now to your apartments."
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The colour markings made it clear who was where. The couples took possession of their new empires. The space was generous, and the materials used were classy. This modern accommodation was equipped with stylish furniture, like a luxury hotel. The wet rooms left some of the ladies lost for words. Striking features were double spray showers, whirlpool tubs for two, toilet bowl and bidet separated behind frosted glass, large windows and wall mirrors. The beds were wide, but equipped as before with the trough to bring the couples together. A desk, lamp, dimmable light, two armchairs and a padded stool completed the living-sleeping area.

The apartment of Mr and Mrs Black was comfortable in completely different ways. Normal folk would describe the room as a "bunker", because the walls were black, as well as all the furniture. The textiles, bedding, curtains, upholstery, switches and doorknobs were pink.
View attachment 421841
Mr Black smiled, he knew that this was an allusion to his first week here. The bed was a massive four-poster bed. The bars at the top were fitted with sturdy suspension devices. Steel rings were around the bed. Bondage ropes hung from the wall next to the head of the bed. All in all, a bondage paradise.

"Top accommodation!" praised Mr Black.

"How cool is that?" the euphoric witch was heard to say. A St. Andrew's cross was once again part of the equipment, as also were the forbidden percussion instruments. Cat, flagellum, Bullwhip, whip, paddle, everything that you need for a sexy punishment ritual.

‘They want to put us to the test,' Mr Black realised silently. In this, he was probably right.
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The last week proceeded according to plan almost as usual. However, there was a subtle difference from previous weeks. In the afternoon, our couples were separated. The ladies and gentlemen were taught separately. For the time of this separation of the couples, the corresponding function of the collars was of necessity disabled. What the ladies learned remained hidden from the men, and the ladies did not know that what was taught to the men.

These secrets certainly do not need to be kept from us readers. In a nutshell, the men were taught practical mechanical skills. How to drive a nail into a beam, or how to seal a tap.
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During this time the women dedicated themselves to the wonders of cosmetic facelift, and finally studied the rudiments of erotic dance.
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A social evening was planned for the Friday, in which the ladies would give their spouses a treat with this dance.
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Mr. and Mrs. Black have a great apartment, they seem to have all the fun.
I like the idea of the couples having to prepare, and eat their meals with other couples. This will insure that they become social.
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