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The Decision - A Madiosi Story

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18 The social evening

"Dear participants, your time here with us is coming to an end," the Amazonian leader began when the group gathered for the social evening. Together the couples had prepared sandwiches and salads in the communal kitchen. Refreshments would be taken during the event. Participants sat in pairs on the comfortable seating, making themselves comfortable on the coloured beanbags from the day of arrival. One or two of the women played absentmindedly with the small fellows of their menfolk, and some of the gents’ fingers played in the warm damp places of their ladies.

"You have a busy day ahead tomorrow. We have not announced the exact details in the schedule. In the morning, the results of staying with us here will be identified and assessed. You will find out what is to happen in the afternoon tonight, before bedtime. Hello? Mr Yellow, are you listening to me at all?" The Amazon called Mr Yellow to order, who had seemingly forgotten everything around him and fallen upon Marianne's nipple and was sucking it.
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This admonition of Mr Yellow certainly had the desired effect, because he and the other participants sat up and once again turned their attention to the Amazon. She opened the curtain on the small stage behind her by remote control. Six folding tables were set up on the stage, and on these were the coloured boxes containing the personal clothing of the participants.

"You will soon see what effect healthy nutrition, exercise and copious sex can have in just a few weeks. All of you come onto the stage and step behind your boxes."

The couples did as they were told, unsure what awaited them there. The blue couple, at the beginning, was let's just say the heftiest of all the participants. She was somewhat misshapen, matronly; he had a conspicuous beer belly. The changes of the last few weeks were not noticeable day to day. The transformation of their figures was remarkably quick, but nevertheless imperceptibly quick.

"Open up your boxes and get dressed!" demanded the Amazon.

"What, wear clothes?" questioned Mrs. Blue, incredulously.

"Yes, just put your stuff on," the Amazon confirmed.

Even at the underwear stage, it was plain to see. The clothes no longer fitted. Mr Blue’s 'ultra sexy' boxer shorts would not stay up, nor would her panty girdle. The other participants only acknowledged their clumsy efforts keep the clothes up with an embarrassed grin. But when all the couples were fully clothed and they stood on the stage and looked at one another, then the dam broke and laughter filled the room. It was too comical, to see how the majority of the participants stood on stage and tried to hold their lower garments up. Their clothing was so outsized that they all looked like scarecrows. All except for the black and Pink couples.

Mr and Mrs Black’s clothes still fitted them like a glove. They looked at each other with pride and happiness.

Mr Pink was also significantly slimmer, and his appearance also sparked laughter. Mrs. Pink, on the other hand, no longer fitted into her jeans. The slim backside had assumed a more feminine form over the four weeks. She couldn’t do up the button on the waistband though she wanted to draw in her belly. The buttonhole was an unreachable distance from the button. And similar 'problems' were revealed with her bust size. Mrs Pink was puzzled. Mr Pink rejoiced. The cups were far too small, even though one had to say that her breasts were small, her chest itself had apparently expanded. The bra would not do up, nor would the top and bottom buttons of her blouse. Only in the middle, at belly-button height, could she just close a button. Her small boobs created the impression that they wanted to blow out of the wrapping.

"This little fashion show was not only organised for your general amusement," the Amazon stood up to explain. "It was to make you aware of a little problem, all except the black couple, because tomorrow you will be leaving."

The faces of our participants fell abruptly when they realised they’d be leaving in these clothes.

The Amazon gloated somewhat at the obvious dismay of the group members. "Don't panic!” she tried to calm their group. "Tomorrow the group will make a trip to Erfurt. There you can find new clothes for yourselves. But you’ll still have a bitter pill to swallow..."

"Oh, no, not naked in the state capital!" Mr Blue groaned. "I’ve suffered everything here without complaint, but don’t do this to us!"

The Amazon grinned. "No, we don't expect that of you. That would really be too much to ask. But now get undressed again and put the clothes back in the boxes! I’ll clarify things for you shortly," the Amazon instructed them.

It was done quickly and the boxes along with the folding tables were removed from the stage. Full of excitement, the group members awaited further enlightenment.

"The bitter pill is in the uniforms that you’ll be wearing."

Mr Yellow feared the worst. “What kind of uniforms?" he asked.

"You may or may not want to believe this, but they're also quite fun. Promise!" The Amazon made it sound exciting. After a short, dramatic, pause, she continued: "school uniforms. You will wear Russian school uniforms."

The group members pulled irritated faces.

"It won’t be so bad, first follow me to the dressing room, where we will equip you for the forthcoming shopping trip."

The group followed their leader to a room that was a throwback to the time of the National People’s Army (Nationale Volksarmee – NVA) - and later the Federal Army. A nondescript barrack, once called the Clothing and Equipment Chamber.
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Here our participants were appropriately attired. The ladies wore shoes, white knee socks, dark blue dresses, white skirts, white blouses and to complete, a white hair bow.

The men had dark blue suits, white pocket handkerchiefs, white shirts and a cheeky cap.

After a few minutes, the participants were in pairs and uniformed in the dressing room. Their mutual uniform appearance triggered a degree of gaiety. However, some participants noted a certain embarrassment. The prospect of being released in these strange clothes into a public place was daunting to some.

"Make nothing of it. You have come through so many different things. Also, you all come from other areas. It is unlikely that you will know anyone or be recognised." The Amazon reassured the participants. "Get undressed again and tuck the clothes neatly in these bags!"

The instruction was politely followed.

"So, now we can return and enjoy the rest of the evening," commanded the group leader.

"So, Gentlemen, make yourselves comfortable, the ladies have prepared something for you."

Then the ladies disappeared along with their leader through the stage door. The curtain was raised and the ladies together with the Amazon knelt submissively, their foreheads on the ground on the stage. Moments later, some exotic Oriental music began, the women got up and began to move rhythmically to the exotic music. The guys’ jaws actually fell open when they saw their women performing such a lascivious dance. Although each man admired his own wife first and foremost, they did however spare knowing looks for the others. The bouncing, swinging boobs were consistently delicious to look at, especially since, for once, they were not covered by sports bras. It took only a few moments before the lads’ members began to sit up and take notice. This did not escape the ladies, who exerted themselves all the more. Mrs. Pink had pride of place in the centre, flanked to the left and the right in the show by three other women. Mrs. Pink then started something like a solo. The other ladies made up quite a super sexy background during her performance. Her dancing was always ecstatic, she increased from beat to beat. The eyes and the mouths of the men stood wide open at the sight before them. The focus of those present was directed by a spotlight on the dancer, the rest of the room sank into diffuse twilight.

'Now I understand how Herod the Great could refuse Salomé nothing after she had danced before him,' Mr Pink thought to himself. 'And she is mine, all mine!' He happily noted the admiring glances of the other men.

But even the best performances have to come to an end, and so it was with the dance of the naked women. The surprise was a success, in any case!. The lights became slightly brighter, but not really bright. The warmth and the low light fostered a cosy atmosphere.

"You can go now to your ladies, gentlemen," the Amazon announced at the end of the performance, and the men didn’t need telling twice. They literally stormed to their ladies, rewarding them with heartfelt hugs and kisses. The music switched to lighter, fluffier dance music. They all began to dance with each other. Sometimes the couples took short breaks and availed themselves of the buffet. Especially loving couples, like the yellows, fed each other.

After the refreshments they continued the pleasure of dancing.

For a while, our couples danced a loose, easy discofox. They each danced together in free style but increasingly professionally. The Yellows were among these couples. Mr Yellow took over the lead, initially somewhat uncertainly. Mrs Yellow enjoyed the closeness of her husband and the movement to the beat of the music. The morning musical exercise had got her husband, a legendary stick-in-the-mud when it came to dancing , an even sense of beat and rhythm. And now his growing abilities even made him fun! His uncertainty and his opinion that he couldn’t dance had left this one-time dance avoider.

The music slowed from title to title. With this slowdown, the couples drew closer. Mr. Yellow touched his wife’s magnificent soft breasts with his firm chest. Imperceptibly, his right hand left its proper space between his wife’s shoulder blades. It slid down towards her buttocks. Once there, he began to joyfully grab her buttocks. She broke away from his leading hand, laid her head on his shoulder and clawed at his back like a cat on heat. Her manicured claws dug into his skin. His penis grew erect. His left hand also wandered to her bottom, held it tight and pressed it against himself. A first groan escaped her. She looked up and their mouths found each other. For several minutes they kissed, slowly in time to the music. These were minutes of forgetting. Forgetting the intentions to divorce, forgetting old arguments, forgetting any shortcomings of the other, forgetting the harsh words and all of the little bickerings which had put distance between the couple. They felt happiness and deep love for each other. They had survived all the efforts, inconvenience, and tests of their time here. And they would stay together. Marianne felt a drop dribble down her thigh.

"I think I'm dripping…I’m so horny!" she whispered in his ear.

In the half-light, he grabbed her unashamedly between her legs and stroked her clit. "You’re right!" he confirmed, and then licked the wet finger.

"You're so cute!" he commented on the action. "How long must I wait for my dessert?"

"What do you mean, dessert?" she asked, amused.

"Well, the delicious soft oyster. What did you think?" he replied in a tone which melted her.

Now, to top it all off, they put on the song "Je t'aime, Moi non plus" They’d heard that song on their first night together. Memories came up, and Marianne’s tears rolled down. Tears of happiness, joy and love.

"What’s the matter?" he asked, helpless and concerned.

"Oh, dear, sometimes I think you were, are and always will be a jerk! But at least you’re a loveable jerk," she sighed. "Come on, let’s go to the apartment."

She broke away and he chased his fleeing prey. He caught her at the door and pressed her against it. His rigid penis was looking for a way in. She stretched her buttocks backwards. He almost penetrated her. With her last clear thought, she breathed: "let’s go in!"

He put his finger on the sensor, and the door opened with a buzz. Both rushed to the bed. She fell backwards onto the mattress, spread out her arms and spread her legs invitingly. With an effort he avoided pouncing on her brutishly, plunging his dick straight into her fanny. Yet what was there? Oh, yes - dessert. He greedily sucked at the 'soft oyster', licking, sucking, and enjoying it. Meanwhile, almost incidentally, the tip of his nose stimulated her clit which wildly excited her. His hands kneaded her breasts, stroked gently on her nipples, wanting to touch her everywhere, touch, touch, touch. She played with his hair as if he was a faithful dog. When she felt how orgasmic waves carried them away, she signalled to him that he could finally penetrate her. And he slid inside her with no problem or resistance, naturally lubricated by their body fluids. Her legs crossed behind his back. She pulled her husband down to her with arms and legs wrapped around him, as if she never wanted to let him go again. On every square centimetre of her skin she wanted to feel him and only him. And he thrust powerfully into her, increasingly furiously, deeper, faster and faster. Moaning, panting, sweating, the couple rolled up in the sheets.

And finally, he came. She felt the warm semen, the twitching of his penis at just the right moment.
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Exhausted, he withdrew from her and rolled sideways off her. Breathing deeply and quickly, eyes still closed, they were together. After a few breaths they opened their eyes noticing, that they were still in this world and not in paradise. At the height of their sex, they had seemed to be in paradise. She began lovingly stroking his smiling face, while she breathed a blissful "thank you!" Unbidden, she began to clean his penis with her mouth.

"Hmm. That really doesn’t taste at all bad. But this is your slime or mine now?" she asked, cheekily, provocatively.

"Maybe it's the mixture, indeed. Mind you, your slime tastes excellent to me on its own,” he complimented her.

"Yours doesn’t taste bad either. I really don't understand why I didn’t discover that gourmet flavour before!" As she spoke, she came up to him again and smiled at him mischievously.

"I don't understand that either." he said. Any further conversation was suppressed by a big wet kiss on the lips.

"And now, sleep!" he determined. He pressed the lever on the foot end of the bed with his foot. With a jerk, the middle of the bed sagged into the sleeping position. Huddled together, the yellow couple fell happily asleep.

On Saturday morning, no morning exercise took place, but everyone helped clear up. The leadership of the institution was realistic and delighted with the outcome of the evening. Because all the couples had made love during the night. Or so the person on duty in the control centre reported to the morning briefing. That's why, for once, there were no sanctions for the mess left behind.
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19 The last Saturday

As the morning passed all the couples or participants underwent a detailed final examination. In principle, the recording ritual was repeated. The results, however, were somewhat different.

Generally, the medical facts & figures had improved. Only with the Blacks was there no noticeable visual change in the figures to suggest that their vital statistics had improved. However, there were scars which could not be overlooked on their skin which, on the other couples, simply did not exist.
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Our Yellow couple were particularly overjoyed with their better general condition and their figures had significantly improved. Marianne's tummy and Gerd’s paunch had disappeared within the four weeks. Neither of them had expected it. This result alone reconciled them with the forced stay and the "suffered" adversity.

The group jointly prepared the last lunch. Once again it was an abundant healthy and especially light cuisine. Even passionate pork lovers had converted in the last few weeks and found this kind of food to be downright delicious.

The tables were pushed together to form a large board. Lunch passed without the usual time pressure. It was a large, extended meal in good company, because inevitably the couples had got to know one another during their time here.

"It is time to end the meal and to tidy up." With these words, the Amazon picked up the entertainment board. Obediently and swiftly, her directive was implemented. After about 15 minutes, the kitchen and the dining room were spick and span again.

"In ten minutes, please meet up, fully dressed, in the lobby. We’re going shopping." With these words, the leader sent the participants to their apartments.

"That not even enough for a quickie!" Mr Yellow complained once he’d arrived there. Mrs Yellow hugged him and gave him a passionate kiss, so that his penis began to stiffen. "You're right. No time for that," said Marianne, pulling away from him. "Now, don’t be frustrated but get dressed! Then we might have more time for smooching!" She gave him hope and he thought, 'or for some fumbling.’
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The unfamiliar clothes felt both disconcerting and constraining. Actually, they were accustomed to the paradisiacal state of constant nudity. Ten minutes wasn’t long. There was no time for fumbling.

As arranged, they arrived on time in the lobby. There stood a cart on which there were their personal boxes.
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"You can take your mobile phones, purses or wallets on the shopping tour. Theoretically, indeed, you have saved nearly a month’s income during your stay here. That may be enough for a lot of clothes. Please don’t be surprised if the sales staff actively seek you out. They have long since figured out that the schoolchildren in uniform are customers willing to purchase. You are not rocking the boat as much as you might mistakenly assume. For over two years, our 'school children' have become part of the city scenery every Saturday. The ones that are surprised are the visitors." The group leader calmed her anxious proteges.

The adult "children" were transported in a comfortable small coach to Erfurt. Barely had they entered before the mobile phones were switched on. A cacophony of SMS tones raged for several minutes. Even mobile phone addicts felt pure terror. Slowly, the SMS tide ebbed. Focussed on reading the messages and responding, the ride went flying by. The bus stopped near the railway station.

"You have four hours to get new clothes. The bus will wait here. You may drop off your purchases here during that time, so that you can be unburdened for more shopping. The city centre is in that direction."

Both in pairs and in groups, the participants raced through the Erfurt shopping arcades.

We can perhaps save ourselves at this point from the fine details of the shopping spree, which proceeded just as usual. The lasses browsed, searched, and collected; and the lads targeted what they needed and bought. There are enough books on the subject.

The Yellows strolled hand in hand through the city, although they could also have done it solo. The shock function of the collar was disabled. But they wanted to be together. Together, they went to the women's department of a large fashion store.
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"We must choose something," Mrs Yellow began, "otherwise we’ll have nothing for the trip tomorrow." She knew that her husband was no fan of shopping.

"Oh, Yes, I know!", he said. He replied "Take your time and find something nice!" He wasn’t annoyed in the slightest.

Mrs Yellow headed purposefully towards the jeans section.. Unexpectedly, he held her back and waved towards the stands with airy summer clothes.

"You can forget that!" He seemed unusually determined. "If I can't have you naked, I don’t want you in trousers any more!"

Amazed by this unusual dominance, she followed him without objection. Together, they sought out a few dresses to try on. Here she was flummoxed by the size, because Mrs Yellow grabbed a medium. She noticed this mistake at the first try. The dress hung like a potato sack on her. She handed the hangers back again. "Darling, get me these in small and extra small, could you?” she asked Mr Yellow.

In the meantime, disbelieving, she stood before the large mirror, and looked at herself critically. 'I look really great!" she admired herself.

Mr. Yellow brought the required clothes and just put his head through the curtain. What he saw made him immediately horny. Spontaneously, he slipped into the changing cubicle, hung the dresses on the hook and began to kiss his wife.
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He kneaded her breast with his right hand, and with the left, he felt her pussy. He knew she would be, but she was wet. With his hand on her cunt, she was instantly defenceless. The farmer, Mr Green, would probably call something like this 'dumb'. Anyway, hot flushes poured through Mrs Yellow, which made it impossible for her to show any defensive reactions or simply dismiss her husband. Mr Yellow enjoyed the moisture on his hand, and the soft, tender breasts. Seeing themselves in the mirror, and the confined space, made him all the more horny. Marianne fumbled with his suit trousers to expose his hard cock. Meanwhile she could not suppress a pleasurable moan.

"You alright in there?" came a voice from outside the changing room.

Suddenly, the heated passions in the cubicle cooled. 'Yes, thanks! We don't need help. We’re fine!" uttered Mrs Yellow hastily.

Mr Yellow did up the fly on his trousers and rushed out, flustered.

"I was helping my wife to do up and undo the clothes," he stammered, red-faced and embarrassed.

"I see!" commented the sales girl. "Well, if you need me, just call."

"I think we can manage quite well on our own," replied Mr Yellow. "Thanks!"

Once the sales girl had gone, Mr Yellow slipped back into the cubicle. This time he did indeed restrict himself to helping his wife in and out of the dresses. They finally chose two summer dresses, which pleased them well.

Other purchases were made without incident. But the yellow couple agreed that they’d fall on each other as soon as they were home. They were horny and in love, like young teenagers.

The group was back on the bus punctually, with their trophies in the hold and seated in pairs.

Back in the institute, the bus brought then back to the clothing and equipment store. Our participants got out and went to the dress issue and dispensing counter. The yellow couple literally raced inside, stripping en route. Free of the school uniforms, they went out and embraced intimately with Mr Yellow, uninhibited, fumbling Mrs Yellow’s breasts and buttocks.

"Well here’s a pair with a mission!", commented the group leader as she passed. "I thought they were going to get a divorce," she added, laughing.

The mouths of the two were otherwise engaged. Who kisses, doesn’t speak. They didn’t care what anyone thought. If only they were back in their apartment.

"We're late. The dinner will be ready. If you don't mind, I'd like to eat with you. I'm starving." With these words, the group leader conducted her wards to the group kitchen.

The experienced team prepared dinner at lightning speed. Initially, they all ate in silence. As they became satisfied, they exchanged interesting tales of the day’s shopping. The yellow couple anxiously awaited the call to get the kitchen and dining room shipshape. When the command finally came, they jumped to it with particular enthusiasm. But the other couples were also obviously in a hurry to get the work done. When it was done, they all disappeared quickly to their apartments.

Unlike the previous evening Mr Yellow didn’t immediately fall upon his wife.. First, he sent her into the shower and, then he started to set up a comfortable atmosphere. He lit candles in several fragrant oil lamps. The stimulating scent of vanilla spread through the apartment. Then he made the bed and followed her into the shower. The mutual soaping gave them great pleasure. The warm water eased all tension. After brushing their teeth, they went to bed.

"Come on, lie on your stomach.", he told her. He took the massage oil from the bedside table, warmed some of it in his hand, and applied it. Then he began to massage, as he had learned in the course. Quite by the book, right up to the "happy ending". We have already read how that went. We don’t need to repeat it here. But he obviously got his reward.
19 The last Saturday

As the morning passed all the couples or participants underwent a detailed final examination. In principle, the recording ritual was repeated. The results, however, were somewhat different.

Generally, the medical facts & figures had improved. Only with the Blacks was there no noticeable visual change in the figures to suggest that their vital statistics had improved. However, there were scars which could not be overlooked on their skin which, on the other couples, simply did not exist.
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Our Yellow couple were particularly overjoyed with their better general condition and their figures had significantly improved. Marianne's tummy and Gerd’s paunch had disappeared within the four weeks. Neither of them had expected it. This result alone reconciled them with the forced stay and the "suffered" adversity.

The group jointly prepared the last lunch. Once again it was an abundant healthy and especially light cuisine. Even passionate pork lovers had converted in the last few weeks and found this kind of food to be downright delicious.

The tables were pushed together to form a large board. Lunch passed without the usual time pressure. It was a large, extended meal in good company, because inevitably the couples had got to know one another during their time here.

"It is time to end the meal and to tidy up." With these words, the Amazon picked up the entertainment board. Obediently and swiftly, her directive was implemented. After about 15 minutes, the kitchen and the dining room were spick and span again.

"In ten minutes, please meet up, fully dressed, in the lobby. We’re going shopping." With these words, the leader sent the participants to their apartments.

"That not even enough for a quickie!" Mr Yellow complained once he’d arrived there. Mrs Yellow hugged him and gave him a passionate kiss, so that his penis began to stiffen. "You're right. No time for that," said Marianne, pulling away from him. "Now, don’t be frustrated but get dressed! Then we might have more time for smooching!" She gave him hope and he thought, 'or for some fumbling.’
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The unfamiliar clothes felt both disconcerting and constraining. Actually, they were accustomed to the paradisiacal state of constant nudity. Ten minutes wasn’t long. There was no time for fumbling.

As arranged, they arrived on time in the lobby. There stood a cart on which there were their personal boxes.
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"You can take your mobile phones, purses or wallets on the shopping tour. Theoretically, indeed, you have saved nearly a month’s income during your stay here. That may be enough for a lot of clothes. Please don’t be surprised if the sales staff actively seek you out. They have long since figured out that the schoolchildren in uniform are customers willing to purchase. You are not rocking the boat as much as you might mistakenly assume. For over two years, our 'school children' have become part of the city scenery every Saturday. The ones that are surprised are the visitors." The group leader calmed her anxious proteges.

The adult "children" were transported in a comfortable small coach to Erfurt. Barely had they entered before the mobile phones were switched on. A cacophony of SMS tones raged for several minutes. Even mobile phone addicts felt pure terror. Slowly, the SMS tide ebbed. Focussed on reading the messages and responding, the ride went flying by. The bus stopped near the railway station.

"You have four hours to get new clothes. The bus will wait here. You may drop off your purchases here during that time, so that you can be unburdened for more shopping. The city centre is in that direction."

Both in pairs and in groups, the participants raced through the Erfurt shopping arcades.

We can perhaps save ourselves at this point from the fine details of the shopping spree, which proceeded just as usual. The lasses browsed, searched, and collected; and the lads targeted what they needed and bought. There are enough books on the subject.

The Yellows strolled hand in hand through the city, although they could also have done it solo. The shock function of the collar was disabled. But they wanted to be together. Together, they went to the women's department of a large fashion store.
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"We must choose something," Mrs Yellow began, "otherwise we’ll have nothing for the trip tomorrow." She knew that her husband was no fan of shopping.

"Oh, Yes, I know!", he said. He replied "Take your time and find something nice!" He wasn’t annoyed in the slightest.

Mrs Yellow headed purposefully towards the jeans section.. Unexpectedly, he held her back and waved towards the stands with airy summer clothes.

"You can forget that!" He seemed unusually determined. "If I can't have you naked, I don’t want you in trousers any more!"

Amazed by this unusual dominance, she followed him without objection. Together, they sought out a few dresses to try on. Here she was flummoxed by the size, because Mrs Yellow grabbed a medium. She noticed this mistake at the first try. The dress hung like a potato sack on her. She handed the hangers back again. "Darling, get me these in small and extra small, could you?” she asked Mr Yellow.

In the meantime, disbelieving, she stood before the large mirror, and looked at herself critically. 'I look really great!" she admired herself.

Mr. Yellow brought the required clothes and just put his head through the curtain. What he saw made him immediately horny. Spontaneously, he slipped into the changing cubicle, hung the dresses on the hook and began to kiss his wife.
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He kneaded her breast with his right hand, and with the left, he felt her pussy. He knew she would be, but she was wet. With his hand on her cunt, she was instantly defenceless. The farmer, Mr Green, would probably call something like this 'dumb'. Anyway, hot flushes poured through Mrs Yellow, which made it impossible for her to show any defensive reactions or simply dismiss her husband. Mr Yellow enjoyed the moisture on his hand, and the soft, tender breasts. Seeing themselves in the mirror, and the confined space, made him all the more horny. Marianne fumbled with his suit trousers to expose his hard cock. Meanwhile she could not suppress a pleasurable moan.

"You alright in there?" came a voice from outside the changing room.

Suddenly, the heated passions in the cubicle cooled. 'Yes, thanks! We don't need help. We’re fine!" uttered Mrs Yellow hastily.

Mr Yellow did up the fly on his trousers and rushed out, flustered.

"I was helping my wife to do up and undo the clothes," he stammered, red-faced and embarrassed.

"I see!" commented the sales girl. "Well, if you need me, just call."

"I think we can manage quite well on our own," replied Mr Yellow. "Thanks!"

Once the sales girl had gone, Mr Yellow slipped back into the cubicle. This time he did indeed restrict himself to helping his wife in and out of the dresses. They finally chose two summer dresses, which pleased them well.

Other purchases were made without incident. But the yellow couple agreed that they’d fall on each other as soon as they were home. They were horny and in love, like young teenagers.

The group was back on the bus punctually, with their trophies in the hold and seated in pairs.

Back in the institute, the bus brought then back to the clothing and equipment store. Our participants got out and went to the dress issue and dispensing counter. The yellow couple literally raced inside, stripping en route. Free of the school uniforms, they went out and embraced intimately with Mr Yellow, uninhibited, fumbling Mrs Yellow’s breasts and buttocks.

"Well here’s a pair with a mission!", commented the group leader as she passed. "I thought they were going to get a divorce," she added, laughing.

The mouths of the two were otherwise engaged. Who kisses, doesn’t speak. They didn’t care what anyone thought. If only they were back in their apartment.

"We're late. The dinner will be ready. If you don't mind, I'd like to eat with you. I'm starving." With these words, the group leader conducted her wards to the group kitchen.

The experienced team prepared dinner at lightning speed. Initially, they all ate in silence. As they became satisfied, they exchanged interesting tales of the day’s shopping. The yellow couple anxiously awaited the call to get the kitchen and dining room shipshape. When the command finally came, they jumped to it with particular enthusiasm. But the other couples were also obviously in a hurry to get the work done. When it was done, they all disappeared quickly to their apartments.

Unlike the previous evening Mr Yellow didn’t immediately fall upon his wife.. First, he sent her into the shower and, then he started to set up a comfortable atmosphere. He lit candles in several fragrant oil lamps. The stimulating scent of vanilla spread through the apartment. Then he made the bed and followed her into the shower. The mutual soaping gave them great pleasure. The warm water eased all tension. After brushing their teeth, they went to bed.

"Come on, lie on your stomach.", he told her. He took the massage oil from the bedside table, warmed some of it in his hand, and applied it. Then he began to massage, as he had learned in the course. Quite by the book, right up to the "happy ending". We have already read how that went. We don’t need to repeat it here. But he obviously got his reward.
Wow, what a big change in the Yellow couple. I thought they were going to divorce, but now they are acting like lovesick teenagers. Burning candles, fragrant oil lamps, massage oil, taking showers together, very romantic. Great story Madiosi.:clapping:
Excellent story, Madiosi. The reactions of the different couples to the program was really well done. I would not have thought that a program of regular punishment could be so effective. :D
16 Massage course

On the Friday of the third week, after the lunch break, the group gathered in the training room. There was no specific course on the timetable, so everyone was gripped by suspense about what today's topic would be.

"Through a small mishap in our control centre, we have become aware of a small but widespread deficit among you." The Amazon began her remarks. "The other evening we left massage oil inside your drawers, which was originally only intended for the black couple. This was provided by a new employee, but it has worked out for the best, because it made us aware that we should that we should instruct you in the rudiments of massage techniques." She indicated seven individual cases which stood in a corner of the room. One of the coloured people from the Spa Department, who seemed to assisting her, carefully selected one of these suitcases and placed it before the Amazon.
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"These cases here are massage couches. If you are interested, you can buy one after your stay here. But it is possible to afford such beds in specialist shops or on the Internet. These examples here are from the lower price segment, and cost 60 Euros. They are sufficient for our purposes. We will first show you how the chairs are built up. If each couple could take a massage couch, please, and then we can begin."
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The gents, now educated in chivalry, took a bulky case and placed it in front of themselves.
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Under the expert guidance of the black masseurs and the Amazon, the couches were quickly assembled. The Amazon moved the couches to a long side of the training room. "Please prepare by getting your couches into a semicircle and spreading one of these sauna towels on the bed. The men should line up behind the couch, the women should lay in a prone position. Under her ankles please place this cushion."

The black man from the spa walked around and distributed bottles of massage oil. The ladies lustfully observed his huge cock with big eyes, which whisked past them much too quickly while he shared out the oil. This turn came up behind that couch, on which it had taken already comfortable Amazon.
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"It is advisable to pre-heat the oil before you put it on your body. You can do this in different ways. Warming in the oven, in warm water or if you have such a thing in the house, a children’s bottle warmer. If you’re feeling clever, you could put these bottles in intimate parts of the body, because the ideal body temperature would be reached. This is all very well, but one should not forget to take some safety precautions to get out these bottles back out of the orifices. Once behind the sphincter, there can be difficulties in our experience. So, a fixed string, for example, would be a good security precaution. I find this type of preheating rather less than convenient.. Sometimes it leaves the bottle smelling, shall we say, unerotic. In principle, it is enough if the masseur or masseuse warms some oil for a few moments in the palm of the hand. Like this. You may join in. " The Spa negro taught professionally, as he did what he described.

The men followed his example.

"It’s best to start a full body massage with the lower limbs. We will work up from the feet to the bottom. Next we do the hands up to the shoulders. From there to the neck, then down the back again to the buttocks. Make sure that there’s enough oil on the skin. Try to feel the muscles to massage and to knead them sensitively."

The men closely followed his demonstration and tried to copy as closely as they could. Every now and then one or other of the ladies uttered a relaxed moan or a "well done!". After about 30 minutes, this exercise was completed.

"That was quite good," praised the expert. "Mr Yellow, you can massage and knead slightly more firmly. This is a massage, not the application of suntan oil." He commented on the lax massage by Mr Yellow.

"It wasn't so bad!" Mrs Yellow interjected, coming to the defence of her husband.

"I just want you to get it right. So please follow my instructions, Mr Yellow. Maybe, indeed, Mrs Yellow will notice a difference after the second lesson.

“Could the ladies turn over, please!"

Obediently, this request was followed by the ladies.

"In this position, do we as just learned, but also include the face. From there, they massage the sides and centre of the body. Breasts, pubic mound, inside of thighs and body orifices will be omitted for the present. We’ll get to these parts in the third lesson."

The ladies visibly enjoyed the efforts of their masters. Omitting the erogenous zones was a source of general regret for both the active and passive participants, but the prospect of a third lesson, including these zones, caused anticipation and lust to arise in all participants. Our Amazon was especially pleased, because she knew exactly what was to come.
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Mr Yellow bent his best efforts to do better than during the first lesson. The noticeable relaxation of his wife left him feeling hopeful that he was on the right track.

After another 30 minutes, the coloured teacher took the floor again.

"Now we come to the secret of erotic massage par excellence. Gentlemen please take your places at the head of your ladies. We start with quite a gentle massage of the nipples. Brushing them with just a hint of pressure over the nipples. This should be safe enough if they aren’t too tumescent. After about a minute, you can extend this treatment to the areolas and then on to the breast itself, which you can stimulate more firmly. Imagine, you are a baker and kneading fine cake mixture."

The master teacher watched as his instructions were put into action, while he demonstrated it practically.

"That’s good, Mr Blue. Mr Pink, you’re doing well with your little cake. Mr Yellow, I spoke of cake mixture, not loaves of bread. Not so firm, it's delicate and sensitive connective tissue. Yes, that's better,” he commented on Mr Yellow’s response.

"Now your circles can get bigger and bigger, work your way down the sides of the torso towards the pelvis. Move to the left of the recliner and massage the left thigh, especially the insides. Repeat on the right. That’s good."

Both the ladies and the gentlemen yearned to massage the last remaining body part.

"With the palm of the left hand caress over the hidden pleasure bead of youir lady. Exactly as you see me doing," the teacher instructed his students.

The effect of his manoeuvre was immediately noticeable, because the Amazon groaned passionately.

"Sometimes you don’t have as much time as we today. What I'm about to show you is something like the fast orgasm for 'her'. First place your left hand on the abdomen and stimulate your partner’s pleasure bead with your thumb."

The training room was now filled with the passionate moaning of the ladies. The gentlemen took considerable interest in observing the effect of their handling.

"Now put your right hand flat on your partner’s cleft and penetrate gently with your middle and ring fingers. But don’t do anything else at first except to continue stimulating the clit with the left thumb. So, are you all in there with the two fingers?"

A unanimous "Yes!" signalled that the lesson could be continued.

"Make sure that your index finger and little finger lie flat on the labia majora. Bend your index and middle finger now. Press inwards and upwards, towards the flat of your left hand."

Some pretty hefty moaning was coming from the ladies.

"Uh, oh! I think you’re getting that right!" The teacher encouraged the gentlemen in their efforts.

"The women can help you bring them to coming by bending the legs and placing their feet flat on the surface of the couch.."

The girls didn’t need telling twice. Although already mentally caught up on the way to paradise they still heard the voice of the teacher, as if through a summer morning mist, and followed him immediately.

"And now the men start, slowly, I repeat, slowly to move the right hand up and down. Not in and out, but up and down. As I will demonstrate."

The Amazon responded to the demonstration with a deep groan and the other women could also not restrain themselves, expressing their pleasure with loud grunting and groaning sounds.

"And now slowly increase the speed of these movements, gently and quickly glide the left thumb over the clit, right hand up and down. Above, press your middle and ring fingers against the presented palm."

The men still followed, and concentrated upon, the advice of the experienced practitioner. They were amazed what effect these massages, these few up and down movements, triggered within their ladies. It was noisy in the training room. Uninhibited, the women groaned out of the unfamiliar pleasure. Ecstatic, they drew the maximum benefits from their menfolk. Their moans became cries of pleasure.

It was not long before a streaming fountain sprayed out of the Amazon. With a shrill voice and twitching uncontrollably, she demanded: "Stop!"
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The other women's orgasms followed soon after, also manifested in more or less strong fountains. Mrs. Blue couldn't stand it on the couch. She jumped up and leaned exhausted against the wall. Powerless, she sank down the wall. Mr Blue was quite worried, but was reassured by the tutor. As was Mr Pink, whose woman was still squirting like crazy, jumping around the classroom.

Mrs Yellow, totally exhausted by the pleasure she’d just experienced, was laying semi-conscious on the couch. Her arms and legs hung limply down the sides. On her face was a blissful smile, eyes closed, breathing deeply.
Where do I sign up? I'm a lil sore! Everywhere!!!
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