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The Gods’ Edicts Part XI - Rei’s Recompense

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Rei knelt over Kaira’s head as the poor girl’s arms were stretched out on the cross. Rei caught herself as she leaned in to caress Kaira’s face, making sure that her dangling tits did not accidentally press up against the poor girl’s head.

Kaira was looking up at her with terror in her eyes. Rei could not imagine how badly it must hurt to lay her shredded back against the wooden cross. Rei saw in her peripheral vision that the Lead Executioner maneuvering a nail over Kaira’s right wrist.

Rei wanted to apologize. To beg for forgiveness. To confess that this was all her fault. But there were no words for this moment. She shuddered and felt tears well up in her eyes and held Kaira’s face with her trembling hands.

The hammer swung down and Kaira shrieked, her face thrashing side to side in pain against Rei’s shaking hands. Rei was amazed that the executioners held her arms down as she kicked and heaved violently.

The Lead Executioner swung his hammer down three more times, causing Kaira to continue screaming in pain. Then he got to his feet and strode over towards her other wrist.

“No no no no!” Kaira began to scream in a panic.
Kaira was overcome by pain. She strained uselessly against the man holding down her left arm. He was far stronger than her. She instinctively tensed her right arm to curl it defensively over her body, but her wrist was firmly nailed to the cross. Every movement of her right arm sent sharp, deep pain arcing across her body.

Kaira slowed her thrashing and looked to her right, her cheek pressing against Rei’s useless hands. She beheld her right wrist, her fingers curled in pain beyond the thick, circular head of the iron spike pinning her arm to the wooden. She could not move her wrist at all, save for a bit of rotation around the impaling metal. She went still for a moment, shock assailing her mind and body at the sight of the nail through her wrist and the blood pooling around it and dripping down onto her pale skin.

Kaira screamed so hard that she thought her jaw would break. It was a deep, primary scream of pain and terror, and its volume magnified even further when the nail was driven through her other wrist. Kaira arched her back and wriggled against her executioners, screaming so loud that Rei’s ears began to ring.

The Lead Executioner took five hammer strikes to secure her other wrist. It took less than twenty seconds. But to Kaira, it felt like an hour.

The men who had held her down stood up and looked upon their work. Kaira’s feet still kicked weekly in pain, but with both of her arms stretched out and nailed at the wrist, she was unable to thrash much against the cross. And every movement radiated grinding pain through her wrist impairments and her flogged back.

Kaira felt Rei’s soft hands caressing her face, trying to soothe her. It wasn’t working. The pain was too much. Kaira wept bitterly in agony.
Rei was shocked at how viscerally upsetting it was to watch close up as Kaira was nailed at the wrists. She felt shame that it was more about the terror of knowing this same fate awaited her soon instead of grief for her friend’s agony, but the latter was far more powerful than the former.

Rei watched in shock as the executioner who had held her right arm down knelt between her legs, took her legs in each of his hands, and thrust into her with his hard cock.

Kaira squirmed and squealed in pain at the sudden intrusion, his thrusting causing her back to scrape against the wood and her wrists to rotate slightly and grind against their nails. She shouted shrilly in pain as he fucked her hard.

The executioner who had held down her left arm straddled Kaira and slapped his engorged penis against her breasts. He grabbed Rei’s red hair and pulled her gaze up to him.

“Hold her tits against my cock.” He ordered gruffly.

Rei whimpered and complied, blushing deeply at this grotesque command.

As Kaira rocked back and forth from the man fucking her, grinding painfully against her cross, Rei cupped Kaira’ plump breasts in her hands and pushed inward, so that the executioner’s cock was enveloped by the soft flesh of her breasts.

Rei realized with a lurch of shame that as she held Kaira‘s tits together against one of her executioner’s cocks that her own breasts were brushing against Kaira’s sweaty forehead.

Rei shuddered in humiliation. Kaira moaned in agony.
Kaira felt pain and shame. The powerlessness was the worst part of it. Wrists nailed to the cross, her executioner holding her thighs against him while he fucked her painfully, another man fucking her tits, which were pressed together by Rei, whose large, sweaty breasts were smooshed against Kaira’s head as she squirmed as much as she could, in anguish on the cross. It was pure agony. And she was not even fully crucified yet.

Kaira felt the man assailing her loins finish and a new man took his place almost immediately. Then Kaira’s yelps of pain were turned to a breathless whimper as she felt the sudden warm spurt of the man grinding his cock in between her tits.

She moaned in agony as Rei leaned back, letting her breasts jiggle freely on her chest as she was fucked roughly. The man who had just ejaculated all over her collar and neck slapped his cock against her breasts a few times and rubbed the head of it against her nipples before standing up.

Kaira was so enraptured by her suffering that she barely noticed the man who had just tit-fucked her step forward and push Rei back with a rough shove. Kaira heard her fellow slave fall back with a whimper. The man took Rei’s position, kneeling behind Kaira’s head, but he slapped his cock against her face and ordered “suck it clean, whore!”

Kaira had never felt more violated and powerless. As she rocked back and forth in shocking pain, she opened her mouth wide, stifling her yelps of pain, and felt the executioner ram his cock into her mouth. She closed her lips around it and worked with her tongue to wet it.

After a moment, he got up, and walked off. But then a new man took his place and jammed his thick penis into her mouth. “Suck me off and swallow it all, slave.” He ordered.

Kaira labored to keep her mouth around his cock, but she sucked as much as she could, straining her neck and tensing her body to please her executioner. She knew it was the only way to move closer to death. Where the pain would hopefully stop…
Rei had watched in disgust as the man grinding his cock between Kaira’s breasts ejaculated onto her violated chest and neck. She leaned back, her shameful task of holding poor Kaira’s breasts together completed. But then the man, after a few seconds of rubbing his wet cock onto Kaira’s tits, stood up and slammed his hands into Rei’s shoulders.

Rei fell back with a whimper of pain and surprise. She let herself lay on the wood of the stage. She looked up at the sky and thought I hope they ignore me and leave here, laying on the wood, ignore me and keep torturing Kaira. She immediately blushed at the shameful, selfish thought. Her lip trembled with emotion. She hated herself in that moment. More than she ever had in her entire, pitiful life.

A pair of executioners reached down and grabbed her arms and yanked her to her feet with ease. Rei saw a new executioner knelt where she had been, Kaira straining up to suck his cock while a new man fucked her vigorously.

Rei shuddered in horror and anger. Just crucify her already stop ravaging her she’s suffered enough already! It ran through her mind but she had neither the strength nor will to actually say it. She stood there silently, immobilized by exhaustion, fear, and deep shame, as the two men who had pulled her up bound her hands at the wrist in front of her.

Once her hands were bound, they marched her between the crosses. Kaira was suffering loudly on her right, and on her left, the tall, big breasted slave who had already endured hours on the cross, was sucking an executioner’s cock, the thick white smatterings of other men glistening on her face and neck and chest.

Rei was marched past both girls and their visible anguish and she looked up and saw Shara, the rich girl, still bouncing up and down loudly on the bench of double penetration. She was halted and the men escorting her lowered a hook to attach to her bindings.

It suddenly dawned on Rei that she was about to be flogged. She began to hyperventilate in terror…
Rei was pulled up tightly by her bound wrists, stretched up so that her naked body was on display for the crowd as her feet strained to keep the barest of contact with the stage. With only her toes touching the stage and her arms stretched up high, her shoulders on the verge of popping from strain, Rei was already gritting her teeth in pain.

She shuddered as she braced for the first whip strike, imagining how much it would hurt.

Behind her, the Lead Executioner stretched his arms and calmly got into position, his hand gripping the same whip he had laid into Kaira with. With Shara yelping on the bench, and Kaira and the other slave’s mouths full of his men’s cocks, he wanted Rei to begin screaming for the crowd’s enjoyment.

He pulled back and looked at her pale, smooth naked back and round buttocks. He swung the whip in a powerful strike…
Rei shrieked at the vicious strike as it streaking down her back! Her toes left the stage as her body tensed up from the pain! But this agonized her shoulders so she kicked with her feet desperately to regain her previous positioning. Mere moments after her toes found the stage again, the second strike cut deep into her back. Rei cried out in pure agony.

The crowd was cheering. The Lead Executioner continued to flog her mercilessly. Rei lost count very quickly of how many times she had been whipped. Her flogging felt like hours to her. Hours of pure horror and agony as her back was slowly and methodically torn up just like Kaira’s had been.

The King watched and gulped his wine with approval. The slave girl next to him with his tray of wine watched in wide-eyed horror. The cock-cleaning slave heard Rei’s screams but she was too overwhelmed by the steady pace of executioners coming to have her suck their penises after they had violated Kaira or Shara or the slave girl on the center cross.
The Lead Executioner landed his fiftieth blow with his whip on Rei’s back. He bit his lip and sighed with sensual satisfaction as the crack of his whip and the way the slave recoiled from his brutal strike. Her back was a mess, blood dripping down her ass cheeks and legs, making little pools around her feet on the stage. He wanted to flog her to death, but she needed to suffer the cross. He sighed and began to coil his whip, and snapped for his subordinates to get a bucket and lower her.

It was time to crucify her. Kaira had swallowed the cum of three of her executioners and been fucked by almost twice as many as that whilst he had flogged Rei.

Rei was delirious with pain, her ears ringing and her vision blurring as little pops of light that weren’t there made her feel like she was on the verge of passing out. She wanted it. She wanted the pain to stop.

Rei sputtered out a moan of agony as her wrists were lowered, sinking to her knees as her sweat dripped into her eyes and stung wickedly.

The bindings around her wrist were removed and she knelt there, teetering on the edge of consciousness, when suddenly her pain multiplied in an eruption of sharp sensations!

Rei screamed as the bucket of saltwater was dumped over her flogged back, falling onto her hands and shaking with excruciating pain. A pair of executioners grabbed her arms and hauled her to her feet, spinning her around just in time to watch Kaira’s feet get nailed…
Kaira’s agony sucking cocks while nailed at the wrists to her cross and with other men unrelenting fucking her made her almost oblivious to Rei’s desperate screams as she was flogged. Almost but not completely.

She did not notice when Rei’s screams stopped, because a moment before the man whose cock was in her mouth ejaculated and she was straining painfully to swallow it all. He pulled out of her mouth almost exactly as the man bucking deep into her aching womanhood finished as well.

She realized in a moment of desperate gasping that no one had replaced the men, and her mouth and womanhood were free of cocks. She looked up at the sky and moaned in agony. She knew what was about to happen.

As Kaira felt strong hands maneuvering her trembling legs onto either side of the crossbeam, her mind reeled in a panic, trying to think of ways that she could escape this vicious fate. But she knew ultimately that it was futile.

Kaira’s neck was too strained and exhausted from sucking off three men while nailed at the wrists. So even as she felt the prick of nails placed against either of her ankles, facing inwards towards the shaft of the cross, she just looked up at the sky, blinking shameful, frightened tears out of her eyes.

She screamed wildly as the hammers struck both nails almost simultaneously. She was nailed to her cross!
Rei watched in silent horror as a pair of executioners nailed Kaira’s ankles to the cross. It took them each half a dozen hammer strikes to pin her legs on either side of the wood. Rei saw that once the crosses were raised, Kaira’s legs would always be slightly spread, her womanhood on display while she suffered the cross.

Rei stammered out a plea for her executioners not to do this to her, for them to have mercy and nail her feet one atop the other, to give her the tiniest shred of extra dignity. But she was too exhausted and traumatized, so all that escaped her lips was a series of low sounds that neither executioner noticed over Kaira’s shrill screams of pain.

Once Kaira was nailed, Rei was marched over to the empty cross on the other side of the center slave girl.

Rei was lowered onto it and she gasped in pain as the wood touched the open wounds on her back. She felt the men who had marched her there stretch her arms out on the crossbeam.

No no no no no no Rei’s mind screamed, her vocal cords paralyzed with shock and fear. She saw the Lead Executioner walking towards her, his hard cock bobbing between his legs, a hammer in one hand and a pair of nails in the other…
Rei writhed at first, straining against the two strong men holding her arms down on the crossbeam, but the pain emanating from her flogged back made her stop this quickly. Growing as still as she could with desperate panic coursing through her, Rei watched wide-eyed and mouth agape in anguish as the Lead Executioner knelt and placed a nail over her right wrist.

He raised his hammer and swung down. Rei screamed as the nail shot through her wrist and into the wood of the crossbeam beneath her wrist. She felt her entire body tense up with pain, her legs slammed against the ground, causing her back to arch and her buttocks to lift off of the crossbeam, her arms held firmly to the wood.

Three more hammer strikes impaled her wrist beyond a doubt to the wood. Rei screamed wildly and looked at the blood pooling around the nailhead and then dripping down her pale wrists. She moved her fingers and it hurt. She breathed and the shredded flesh on her back hurt. She screamed and her dehydrated throat hurt.

Everything hurt.

The Lead Executioner calmly got up and strode to her left wrist. As he placed the nail, Rei strained and cried out like a desperate animal, but it was nothing against the strong executioner holding her forearm while his superior lifted his hammer.

Five hammer strikes nailed her left wrist. Rei kicked and squirmed wildly, screaming at the top of her lungs. She could not fathom having her feet nailed.
The Lead Executioner looked upon the nailed wrists of the slave girl with the red hair and the big tits. She was ready for her feet to be nailed. But first, he wanted to give her a parting gift before the crosses were raised up.

He handed his hammer and the two remaining nails to his subordinate and maneuvered himself between her legs. She had been fucked many, many times already in the execution ritual, but he wanted to erupt his man seed within her before she was crucified. He grabbed her kicking legs and pinned them to his sides with his strong arms and thrust his cock into her.

The slave gasped and then squealed with agony. He loved it. He began to fuck her vigorously, and finished a few minutes later, all the while replaying the way he had flogged her minutes before in his mind.

He grunted with satisfaction as he ejaculated within her. Then he stood and motioned for his subordinates to place her feet on either side of the wooden shaft for nailing.
Rei gasped for air after the brutal fucking from the Lead Executioner. She felt men moving her legs and she strained up her neck to look through the deep ravine of her cleavage, and she saw them moving her ankles on either side of the wooden cross shaft.

“No! No! No!” She began to scream desperately. It was shrill and loud enough that it reached the ears of many in the crowd. They began to laugh and cheer raucously.

Rei whimpered at hearing their approval of her horrific suffering. She felt the pricks of the nails on either ankle and leaned her head back against the wood of her cross. She closed her eyes and braced.

As the hammer strokes landed and both nails shot through her ankles and into the wood within seconds of each other, Rei’s eyes shot open and she let out a bloodcurdling scream!

It took six hammer strikes on her left ankle and seven on the right. She was nailed to the cross. Rei sputtered and squirmed and moaned at the horrific pain. She had no idea how much worse it would get when the crosses were raised up…
Shara was felt the man ramming his girthy cock into her anus finish and pull out. He pulled her hair and squeezed one of her breasts as the executioner below her finished inside of her aching womanhood.

The man behind her pulled her back by her hair, and she staggered back, onto her feet, her hands tied behind her back and the warm ejaculate of the man on the bench dripping down her inner thigh.

Shara’s chest heaved with exhaustion. Her face was flushed and her body was doused with sweat. Her breasts ached from bouncing up and down wildly on her chest while being double penetrated for hours.

As she watched the man on the bench get up, she expected another to take his place, but instead, she felt hands grab her biceps and turn her around. And she beheld the lowered crosses.

All three slave girls were nailed to them. The girl on the center cross was splattered with semen and looked like she was trying to calm her breathing. In the cross on Shara’s left was the slave girl Kaira, a smattering of ejaculate on her chest, her face radiating pain and terror. And on the cross on Shara’s right, slave girl Rei was nailed, squirming in visible pain and distress.

Shara shuddered in terror and revulsion. She felt the men gripping her arms let go and reach down to untie her wrists. She winced as the cord that had bound her wrists for the last five hours came off, her wrists stinging painfully as circulation returned to them. She was then marched towards the sturdy, wooden wheel that would raise up the crosses…
Shara leaned forward and grabbed one of the wooden stokes of the big wheel that would raise up the crosses. Her hands still hurt, the sharp, needling sensation of circulation returning to her long-bound hands was very unpleasant. But was completely eclipsed by the shame and exhaustion she felt from being fucked so many times. She had long lost count of how many men had violated her since she was placed upon this horrific stage of suffering. Was it more than a hundred she wondered, her face blushing with renewed shame and disgust.

She gulped, leaning forward slightly, her palms on the wooden wheel spoke. She turned to look over her shoulder and saw Kaira nailed to her cross. Beyond her were the other slave girl and Rei. Shara froze. That might be her soon. They looked horrifically tormented already and she was yet to raise the crosses.

Shara heard a whip crack just behind her and she yelped with fright and snapped out of her fearful reverie. She pushed forward and was shocked at how heavy the wheel was. She grunted and pushed hard, using all of her body weight, her arms pressed outward against the wheel spoke, her belly nearly parallel with the stage, her legs angled out behind her as she strained to slowly, agonizingly turn the wheel.

The crosses began to rise up…
Rei moaned in pain as her cross began to rotate up. The nails pinning her wrists and ankles to the wood of the cross hurt terribly, and that pain magnified with every degree that the crosses slowly went up. Rei squirmed and writhed, trying to find the least painful position, but there was none. She began hyperventilating and moaning louder in agony.

On the center cross, the slave girl who had already endured hours crucified felt her own pain multiplying brutally. She was going back up, splattered with the semen of multiple of her executioners, praying silently to the Gods for mercy upon her soul and a swift death to make the pain end.

Beyond her was Kaira, who was straining slightly against her nails, eyes wide open in shock at how much the crosses slowly going up hurt her. She cursed herself for her folly at the unholy notion of escaping her enslavement. She should never have entertained such wicked fantasies, much less put them into writing. And now she was paying for it brutally. And so was poor Rei. She wondered what Rei had done to meet such a cruel fate.

I deserve this Kaira thought with a groan of anguish as the cross went up…
Shara strained and pushed and trembled as she turned the wheel. It was almost there. She could feel it in the wheel, the grinding of it reaching its final position where the crosses went up. So close she thought as sweat dripped down her forehead and her breasts dangled from her chest as she pushed forward.

On the crosses, the three crucified women squirmed in terrible, egregious pain. Then with a resounding ‘thud’ the crosses found their full, upright position.

The slave girl on the center cross groaned in agony. Rei arched her back and screamed in pain. Kaira opened her mouth to shriek, but her lungs were empty, so she just squirmed wildly in shocking anguish.

The crowd cheered!
Rei suffered the cross. It was far more brutal than she could have ever imagined. Pinned at her wrists and ankles, in excruciating agony as her body weight tugged on the impaling wounds, even the tiniest movement a searingly painful reminder of her impending death and shameful nudity.

Rei cried out in anguish. She gritted her teeth and pushed up against her nails, looking to her right past the disturbing sight of her nailed wrist, to the two crosses beyond. The slave girl between her and Kaira was sunk down at the moment, her knees bent and her arms stretched from her shoulders at a painful angle as her head sank down in anguish. Rei looked beyond her and saw Kaira writhing on her cross, her face a taut portrait of agony and suffering.

Kaira thrashed in pain and let out a sound somewhere between a moan and a shriek. Rei sank back down, her neck and back and shoulders hurting from turning to look over at Kaira. Rei exhaled painfully, shaking with pain and shame and grief. Kaira’s suffering was all her fault. Penny and Lexi’s suffering had been her fault too. Her own suffering was her fault.

By the Gods, I deserve this Rei thought bitterly. She screamed again, moments later at the sheer pain. She realized that by admitting to her mind and to the Gods that she had hoped, truly hoped, that the pain might lessen just a little. She was wrong.
Shara looked upon the raised crosses and her stomach tightened with revulsion and fear at seeing the three brutally crucified slave girls. She raised her hand instinctively and wiped the sweat from her brow. A simple luxury that had been denied her nearly the entire day; the freedom to move her arm unbound by cords or shackles.

She swooned and stumbled as she nearly fainted at the sudden visceral imagining of her being nailed to the cross next. A pair of executioners swept in and grabbed her by her arms and marched her firmly over towards the King. Shara gasped in surprise. Maybe she could beg for mercy from the King!

She was made to kneel before him and she immediately had an idea. Remembering how she had observed her household’s slaves act deferentially to her father her whole life, Shara did her best to imitate their submissive respect.

On her knees before the King, completely naked, she clasped her hands behind her back, kept her eyes downcast, looking at the stage, and leaned forward in a kneeling bow, her breasts swaying from her chest.

She remained in this humiliating, uncomfortable position while the crowd cheered, resisting the urge to begin begging mercy of the King or jump at the occasional, startling cry of pain from the crucified women.

Finally the King spoke…
By the Gods, I deserve this Rei thought bitterly.

Gorgeous surrender!
Maybe she could beg for mercy from the King!

Ha ha, you can try, Traitor
On her knees before the King, completely naked, she clasped her hands behind her back, kept her eyes downcast, looking at the stage, and leaned forward in a kneeling bow, her breasts swaying from her chest.

Well, I have to admit this is a very good start! :babeando:
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