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The Gods’ Edicts Part XI - Rei’s Recompense

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Shara finally felt the Lead Executioner start to ejaculate in her mouth. She sucked desperately as he emptied himself into her mouth, resolving to swallow all of his disgusting load so that this torment would cease.

When he finished, Shara groaned and leaned her head back against the wooden cross, her body still painfully grinding back and forth as the executioner bucking his cock into her continued his unrelenting fucking.

The Lead Executioner stood and stretched in pleasure, his manhood freshly satisfied by the traitor. Pity I couldn’t buy her as a slave he thought as he strode over to get his hammer and the nails for her feet. But watching her crucified will be delightful.

The man between Shara’s legs finished with a grunt and extricated himself from her. He then grabbed her feet and brought them together, straddling the cross, her knees slightly bent.

Shara was catching her breath from the arduous torment, so it took her a moment to realize that her feet were about to be nailed. By the time it dawned on her, it was too late. She felt the familiar poke of the tip of the iron spike against her pinned right ankle, and she exhaled in sudden terror.

The hammer swung and she felt the nail impale her ankle to the side of the cross shaft. Shara shrieked in pain!

A few meters away, at the front of the stage, the slave girl getting fucked by the King on her hands and knees heard the renewed screams and moaned at knowing that while she was ravished, a girl nearby was having nails driven into her.

The King heard Shara’s screams also. She yelled in shrill pain with ever hammer strike, and seconds before the hammer drove the nail into her left ankle, the King ejaculated within the slave girl.
It took the Lead Executioner five hammer strikes to nail Shara’s right ankle and the same number on her left. Like Rei, she would be nailed with her ankles on either side of the cross shaft, to maximize suffering and degradation, since her pussy would be spread a bit and on more display as she suffered and perished.

Shara moaned and writhed with the pain, now completely nailed to her cross. The Lead Executioner looked over his work and nodded, his cock getting semi-erect.

The King reached down and grabbed the slave whose virginity he had just roughly taken, taking her up once again by the hair, and pulling her up so she knelt with her naked chest rising falling for the crowd. He stepped in front of her and saw the shame and sweat and fear on her face. It was good. His hands still gripping a fistful of her hair, he put his cock close to her mouth and yanked a bit on her hair.

She understood, and trembled as she opened her mouth and sucked on his huge cock that had just ravished her. He shoved his cock deep down her throat, to the point that she sputtered and gagged, and then pulled it out. She was ready.

The King walked away from her and went back to his throne. The slave girl just knelt there, blushing and sweating, tears in her eyes, looking out at the crowd looking back at her. She was stunned that she had just been degraded so brutally in front of them and they seemed entertained.

She looked down at her naked body and felt sheer, visceral shame wash over her. She was no longer a virgin. She yelped in fright as strong hands grabbed her arms and hoisted her to her feet.

The two naked, muscular men marched her back and away from where she had been fucked, and she swooned with relief to finally be leaving this stage of horrors and suffering.

But she saw that she was being marched towards the empty, left cross. Her jaw dropped in terror and shock…
As the blonde slave girl who the King had just loudly fucked was marched forcibly towards her cross, the slave girl who had been sucking cocks clean with her mouth for entire execution breathed a sigh of relief. She hoped that her part in this brutal execution was over. She was exhausted. She had no idea that once the crosses were raised up, she would be marched to a courtyard behind the city guard barracks. There the guards who had been on duty during the execution could have their way with her and then she would be crucified near one of their training fields so they could watch her perish slowly in between drills. It was written in the Gods’ Edicts that any slave who participated in the execution of a citizen must also be executed in the same manner.
The blonde slave girl looked to her right and saw the Shara writhing in agony on her cross, and beyond her, Rei, cum splattered and trying to rest before her suffering resumed. The slave girl opened her mouth to scream but she was too shocked to emanate any sound.

The executioners escorting her grabbed her arms at the wrist and spread them out, then spun her around and made her lay back on the final, empty cross. Feeling the wood against her naked skin, she trembled as the executioners stretched her arms along the crossbeam, pressing down firmly with their strong arms so that she had no ability to resist.

Her legs straddled the cross shaft. She was exhausted and far too afraid to kick or fight back. The Lead Executioner knelt by her left wrist. In his hands were a hammer and a large nail.

The slave girl’s eyes went wide and the shameful vermillion blush on her cheeks drained immediately as she stared at the tools of her death. Her lips trembled and she stared in horror as the Lead Executioner unceremoniously placed the nail and raised the hammer.

She watched up until the hammer swung down and struck the nail head. When it was driven through the tender flesh of her skinny wrist, she screamed and looked away as her whole body tensed up in horrific pain. But the strong executioners held her in place with ease.

Three more strikes of the hammer nailed her left wrist. As he moved over to her right wrist and someone handed him another nail, the slave girl started screaming “No! No! Please! No!”

He ignored her. Four strikes impaled her right wrist to the cross. With her skinny arms spread out and her head thrashing back and forth in agony, the Lead Executioner was eager to get Shara up and on display for the crowd. She was the main attraction after all.

The executioners who had held down the slave girl’s arms during her nailing moved diligently to her legs and placed them on the cross shaft, her right foot above her left foot.

She screamed out for mercy, shrill desperation in her voice, but they ignored her. The Lead Executioner took a large nail and placed it expertly on her top foot.

He swung the hammer down and her back arched painfully as the pain shot through her body from her impaled feet.

He struck the nail five more times, so ensure her feet were nailed completely. Then he got to his feet, and nodded at the King. It was time…
The slave girl who had been cleaning cocks with her mouth had the leather collar around her neck removed, so that she was no longer tethered to a small stake in the stage. Hands still bound behind her back, she was marched over to the wheel that would raise the crosses. Here her hands were unbound and she placed her tingling palms against the wooden wheel spoke and pushed hard.

It did not budge. Realizing how heavy the wheel was, she leaned forward so that her breasts swayed from her chest like udders and she pushed against the wheel spoke with all of her body weight.

The wheel began to slowly turn.

The crosses underneath the three crucified women shuddered and then began to rotate up slowly.

Rei moaned loudly at the beginning of her return to the terrible suffering. The slave girl on the left cross screamed in horror that this was happening. Shara was shocked into stunned and pained silence, her body going somewhat still as the cross rotated up.
The slave girl turning the wheel that raised the crosses did so with all of her strength; her ignorant assumption that this was her final task in the execution ceremony before her normal slave duties resumed gave her drive and purpose.

But despite her effort, the wheel was heavy and the crosses rotated upward at a pace that was agonizingly slow and steady for the three crucified women nailed to them.

Rei squirmed in agony at the familiar pull on her nail wounds, pain shooting through her body, the subtle shift of the multitude of ejaculate splattered all over her body somehow amplifying the pain with the degrading discomfort.

The slave girl on the left cross screamed shrilly in pain, her shouts of terror and anguish rousing the crowd’s delight.

Shara experienced the pain just like Rei and the other slave. With every degree the cross rotated up, the pain radiating from her nails magnified brutally. But for her the slow, anticipation was also pure torture. How much worse would it hurt when the cross was up all of the way she wondered. As her unfair death and pain and agony crescendoed in her mind, she let out a breathless groan of terror.
The crosses thudded into place, fully upright and perpendicular to the stage! The slave girl on the left cross let out a cry of anguish at the horrific pain! Shara writhed in excruciating pain, her muscles flexing and trying to find some contortion to alleviate her suffering, but there was none, and her squirming only made the pain worse. Shara blushed as she realized that she was nude, raised up for all to see, and doing the “dance of the crucified”.

Rei felt the familiar torture of crucifixion and moaned loudly in her agony. She hoped that she would perish soon. Kaira was gone and it was all her fault. She moved against her nails and felt the pain shoot through her tormented body and groaned at the exhausting torment. She felt the ejaculate splattered all over her ooze slightly and make her skin crawl. Her large breasts weighed heavily from her aching chest.

She wanted the pain to end, but Rei knew that would only come with death. But death also meant judgement before the Gods, and she was a meager slave who had lied to her master and caused the death of Lexi and Penny and Kaira. And all of the other innocent slave girls forced into both execution ceremonies.

How much blood and suffering is upon my soul she wondered desperately. How will the Gods punish me for these sins!?

Rei tried to scream in terror at the concept of eternally suffering the cross, but her body was too weak, and so she squirmed and her breasts bounced together as she moaned in agony and torment…
With the crosses raised up for the final time in this crucifixion ceremony, the many executioners who had facilitated it were free from their duties and began to disperse, but not without taking time to join the crowd and look up and take pleasure in their sacred work. The stage was cleared, with the King returning to his Citadel, leaving with much applause and cheering from the loyal citizenry.

Rei suffered her second day of crucifixion in extreme agony. Her body was so exhausted and brutalized that she only once strained to turn and look at the crosses alongside of her. She had beheld Shara, straining in anguish against her nails, and had looked past the girl accused of treason to the cross beyond her, where a slave girl she did not know gasped in pain as she hung from her nails.

Rei was reminded that Kaira had died on that cross earlier that day. And it tormented her greatly. The day felt like an eternity. A lifetime where she came to be only a carnal vessel of shame and suffering.

Rei noticed the pain her body begin to change. Not decrease, no, but it changed somehow. Her chest felt tight. Her vision was blurry. She felt panic bloom inside of her, but her body was too racked with pain to do anything about it. Death was near.

Rei tried to remember Kaira’s smile. Her kind eyes. Her pure and clever laugh. But her mind kept shower her the image of Kaira’s naked body hanging lifeless from the cross. Rei died in horror and shame, her final thoughts a pained swirl of guilt and regret and anguish, a little over an hour before sundown.

Shara had been in good health before fleeing her home after Eva’s crucifixion and her father’s ensuing rebellion. This caused her to endure the cross for three and a half days before perishing. The slave girl on her right had lasted a day and a half, and Rei has perished late in the day Shara was first crucified.

The King left their bodies up for a few days as a public testament to the Gods’ Edicts and his unwavering justice.

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