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The Hunt

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Poet Laureate
Staff member

Part 1

Tens of thousands of years ago, the first human groups that descended from the North into South America slowly gave rise to various cultures. United at first by their common ancestors, over the centuries they begin to differentiate. In the lush, fervid environment of the great jungle covering all the land, human nature soon reveals its worst attributes. Competition for resources in the hostile environment generates the first conflicts. Over time the human clans reach the point of not being able to coexist with each other. The extreme of this segmentation into warring tribes begins when, as a result of some conflict, all the men in their clan having been exterminated, a group of women are taken captive as booty. But fortune grants that, after they have been enslaved for some time, they manage to escape from their captors. From that moment, in the darkest depths of the jungle, a powerful and proud race will arise: the Amazons!

archer 004.jpg

Story by @GeorgeL with eul as translator and hunting consultant!
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Part 2

From that first sisterhood of Amazons arose the race of warrior women. Their memory of the slavery men had subjected them to forged forever a deep hatred towards the male sex. Never again would they be dependent, never again would they give up their freedom to any man. They learned to fend for themselves in the heart of the wild jungle, learning the ways of all the beasts that inhabited it. But still they knew that they needed the males of their species to be able to father new daughters, new warrior-sisters. Nature, cruelly, did not allow them to be totally independent of them. Which is why, from time to time, they approached the settlements of other tribes and, lurking in the thickets, they patiently picked out the healthiest young male.

Once the prey was chosen, with a sudden, fierce attack they would seize a prisoner, killing anyone else who got in their way. The prey was then taken to their well-hidden, enclosed cluster of dwellings, where it was prepared for the mating ritual. For days the prisoner was given a special diet, designed to strengthen his sperm. On the night of the ritual, he was given a powerful aphrodisiac drug, which caused him extreme arousal, clouding his senses and leaving him with no desire other than to have sex.

The stallion was taken to a large open space, where the healthiest and youngest females awaited him. None was much more than twenty years old. The first female to mate with him was the princess of highest rank, her privilege always achieved on the battlefield. The first and best of his sperm was reserved for her. Copulation was wild, the female completely dominating her prisoner with her violent love-making, so that the moment this Amazon rape reached its climax, he ejaculated his precious elixir.

Soon another Amazon was on him, and thanks to the potent drug, he would soon be delivering his semen to this dominant female. This was repeated over and over again, amid the frenzied encouragement of the other Amazons, all witnessing the scene, and excited by the brutal spectacle, indulged in sex among themselves.

When the body of the poor slave had no energy left to produce any more semen, the ritual entered its bloodiest stage. The highest-ranking female approached him with a dagger specially prepared for the ritual. The wretch knew what awaited him, it was useless for him to plead or beg for mercy. The Amazon first beat him savagely, especially on his genitals, and then, when he could resist no more and was prostrate at the female's feet, she would cut off his member with the dagger, displaying it proudly to the howling Amazons on the surrounding platforms. The poor victim bled to death in the midst of the females, who, completely oblivious to his agony, would be enjoying most powerful orgasms. His body was then thrown to the wild beasts, to erase all traces of his existence.
Part 3

Nature, always ruthless, takes very good care that none of her creatures prevails over any other. Every being has its predators, in this way the balance is maintained. Even the strongest predators have their weak points and are preyed on by other, seemingly smaller and weaker, creatures. For example, tarantulas can do nothing against a certain kind of wasp: they succumb to them in one of the cruellest ways, the wasp paralyzes them and deposits their young eggs, from which the larvae will emerge to devour the defenceless spider alive.

In the same way nature created the nemesis of the Amazons: the cannibal tribe of the Xavantes, the Jaguar Men. The Xavantes were a nomadic people who, over the centuries, became fond of eating human flesh. What at first was associated with war trophies and the ritual consumption of the defeated enemy to obtain their souls and their strength, later led to the wildest extreme: hunting down human females as part of their routine diet.

It was only natural that they turned to the spectacularly beautiful Amazons; their athletic bodies, splendidly developed from a very young age, offered them the best and tastiest meat. A good specimen provided them with a feast incomparable with any other game they could catch, not even the most tender fawn could be compared to the taste of a female Amazon in her prime. The breasts were especially tasty, so when selecting their prey, the most shapely, big-breasted Amazons were always chosen. These girl-warriors were far superior to the females of any other breed, which usually only offered tougher and less nutritious meat.

Besides, obtaining such prey was an extremely exciting and risky task for them, it required the use of sophisticated hunting techniques. These skills were passed down from father to son as the treasured fruits of long experience. Moreover, the higher the social position of the prey, the more prestige the hunter earned among his own people. Since in the social hierarchy of the Amazons, social status was proportional to skills as warriors, the best prey was also the most dangerous to hunt. Many hunters died in the attempt to catch a high-ranking princess, and it was of course a source of pride for the women to defeat a party of Xavantes hunters, for whom they would show no mercy, for they considered them lethal predators on their race.

Hunting also provided the Xavantes with intense sexual pleasure: from the excitement of stalking their athletic prey, through the thrill of the hand-to-hand combat that it generally demanded, the triumphant arousal in achieving dominance over it, and finally rendering bound and helpless the female surrendered at his feet, all these produced a tsunami of masculine lust that almost always ended in a powerful orgasm within or upon his violated victim. Such arousal was repeated many times as the delicious game-birds were carried back in triumph to the Xavantes' ritual feasting-place, butchered to be roasted piece by piece, and consumed in feasts that generally climaxed in tribal orgies with young female captives who are kept alive only to satisfy the huntsmen’s gargantuan sexual appetites.

For the Amazons too there was an element of sexual excitement, albeit of a more ambivalent, and, for themselves, potentially dangerous, kind. Not only did they share with their hunters the 'masculine' arousal of fierce, hand-to-hand fighting, but it was accompanied by a more 'feminine' pleasure in simply being naked as they grappled with the wild males, and while the Xavante revelled in the thrill of the chase, the females - for all their upbringing and training - were only too conscious in their bodies of the complementary, erotic heat of the chosen quarry, being chased.
Part 4

In order for a young Xavante to be recognized as an Amazon-hunter for his clan, he had to go through a rite of passage to demonstrate his courage and the hunting techniques learned from his elders. For weeks he would prepare himself spiritually, to instil in himself the fierceness and coldness necessary for the task: looking into the eyes of one of those women and plunging the spear into her without hesitation was not for young people who still retained something of the child.

Young Xarú was one of those boys. Life in the clan had accustomed him to its customs: human female meat had been his favourite delicacy for a long time. Since he had grown from being a boy he had witnessed the return of the hunters with their prey, he had seen the ghastly look on the faces of these young women surprised by death at an age little older than his own, their eyes, open in a final grimace of terror, no longer produced any feeling in him. He had even witnessed already a few feasts with live prey, and the piercing screams from throats gurgling in blood as they were impaled on the roasting spit did not trouble him, rather they aroused in him the urge to seek more. Not only that, but he had been masturbating as he witnessed such rituals secretly, spying when he could on the killings from some dark corner, and he often relished such sights and sounds in dreams where visions of hunting and capturing such gorgeous quarry came vividly to life - and awoke to find himself wet with his male sperm. Every morning he was up early, wishing more and more that he could join the day's hunting, eager to achieve the power to dispose of the life of one of those delectable creatures.

At last, after the preparation, the day of his initiation arrived. The Xavantes used to form hunting groups of five members, each one with specific abilities and characteristics, in order to overcome the difficulties that always arose when hunting females. When it comes to the initiation of a young hunter, at least one of the hunters is a close relative of the young man. In Xarú’s case his father, Nagal, accompanied him. He was not only expert in the use of weapons, and an unsurpassed tracker: he could sniff out the particular aroma of human female mingled among the myriad scents of the humid virgin forest, and so guide his group relentlessly towards the unfortunate victim. The group was completed by three more huntsmen with special skills and enough experience to ensure the success of the hunt.
Well, I'd like them to be more..., let's say humand rather than criatures. Unless the spines on their heads are part of a costume.
I like it anyway.
They are humans... same species, different race... The horns are implanted below the skull skin with a "surgical" procedure, not all of them use it, its a clan distinction... Same for the lips/cheeks: they cut them to make the mouth bigger, more intimidating...
I often wondered how Amazons sustained their matron clan.:cheer:
The Amazons of course had men like all other people! Anything else is legend.
There may have been a matriarchy at times, but presumably their men were also warriors, as it can be proven among the Scythians.
It was just odd for the Greeks that they encountered female warriors on horseback at all ... and that formed their sagas and legends, which the Romans further spun around (cut off breasts, etc.)
A few things about the cannibals...

The Xavantes are a real amazon tribe that actually live in what today is Brazil; I borrowed the name, but, as I dont want trouble with them ( you never know if your plane would crash on the Mato Grosso jungle ), I want to emphazize that they dont eat human females... at least not now!
... and specially not blondes!

The other thing that I took from them, was the colour of their skin. They use a red tint extracted from seeds, that is called Urucum, and they are very fond of using it all over their bodies... all over!
... thats why the guy I posted has a red little penis

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