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The Hunt

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Part 12

Exhausted and satisfied, Atia kept her pressure on the male's neck for a few moments. Already dead, his member, still erect, slowly ejaculated the last drops of his thick sperm. Contemptuously, she pushed the enemy's body away from her and stood on top of it, proud of her victory.

Still looking at her victim, she turned to continue along her path. The Xavante's thick spear plunged violently under her breastbone. Stunned by surprise, she looked at her enemy's face, at the evil smile of her assassin. Abandoned to the joy of her victory, she had not realised that she had behind her the two Xavantes who had finished off Jana. The huge male that was impaling her lifted her off the ground and, with all his strength, thrust her against the rotting trunk of an already dead tree.

The spear pierced the defenceless Amazon's chest, it dug into the wood enough to support her body. The female was flailing, screaming desperately, blood gushing from her hideous wound. The Xavantes contemplated with pleasure the suffering of their victim; their freshly erect members reflected the excitement the horrible spectacle produced in them.

One of them took the knife from Atia, who was stood near his dead comrade. He approached the female and put it in front of her eyes. He slowly brought her closer to one of her nipples and, still fixing her with his gaze, cut it through. Then, as her quarry moaned in pain, she moved to the other nipple and cut that too. Pain and terror seized the female, who, miserably losing her dignity as a warrior, begged her captors for mercy.

The two Xavantes, even more aroused to see her humiliate herself, laughed cruelly. Then the one who had her long knife, spoke some words that Atia could not understand, then with a single blow he buried it in her vagina up to her handle. For an instant she only widened her eyes in terror, then an inhuman scream tore from her throat. Her body arched forward, involuntarily offering her impaled sex to her furiously masturbating killers.

From her sex, which minutes before had sprinkled the face of the defenceless dying Xavante with its juices, now flowed dark and thick blood, oozing down the handle of the knife, dripping to the ground. The Xavantes approached their mortally wounded victim, wanting to make sure to further humiliate her before she died.

With enormous pleasure they discharged powerful jets of her thick semen against the female's belly, breasts and mouth. Defeated and humiliated, the last thing her senses registered was the sour taste of the males' sperm.

The body of the humiliated Amazon remained motionless, impaled by the spear and her own knife, dripping with blood and semen. The Xavantes weren't finished with her yet. With a sharp blow with a machete, one cut off her head, which fell heavily to the ground. Then when the spear was unpinned, her decapitated body was left resting against the base of the trunk, with her legs open and the knife firmly stuck in her sex. Before withdrawing from her, and as a last gesture of contempt and revenge, they placed Atia's head on the member of the one dead Xavante.
Our hunters have hung their prey here until potential customers arrive.
Has been a long time since the Xavantes ruthlessly killed the magnificent Jana and Atia, paying the price of having one of their comrades dispatched by the ferocious females...

... I think its time to continue this savage hunt

Here some AI enhanced pics of the first gorgeous prey taken down, Jana:

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Part 13

The piercing scream that Atia gave out as she was impaled reached, distant but terrifying, the ears of the Amazons. Exhausted by a long night of pleasure, they had dozed off without being aware of the evil that now threatened them, that had already claimed the lives of two of their sisters.

Arya leaped to her feet, grabbing her spear. The four warriors came quickly around her, awaiting their orders. Eulalia remained to one side, still stunned, having fallen asleep soundly in the arms of her lover. Arya ordered the first pair of warriors to go towards where they had heard the cry, and the second pair to follow them at a little distance. The other two sentries, who had been alerted by a signal to return from their posts remained guarding Arya and Eulalia.

Eulalia was terrified. What had until then been an idyllic experience with her beloved Arya, suddenly turned into a horrifying nightmare. She knew what awaited her if the Xavantes got their hands on her, how extremely cruel they were to the women they got into their power - the sadism of these savages was inhuman, they acted like demons that fed on the pain of their prey. The best thing that could happen to her if she fell into her hands would be a quick death, but she knew the cannibals wouldn't make that mistake, especially not with her...

Arya for her part was not the same haughty, dominant woman she knew, she looked nervous, even scared. Yes, what would have been impossible to believe, was evident now - the proud Princess was afraid. And the reason for that fear was none other than Eulalia. Only now did she undersand the mistake she had made in bringing her beloved with her. She had risked her loved one’s life as well as her own, and she feared there might be no way out for her now. The idea of her beloved Eulalia being sacrificed by those beasts was tormenting her. For the first time in her life she felt fragile, afraid of what she would all too likely have to face...

Part 11 a

For a few moments they proudly contemplated the magnificent body of the defeated female at their feet. If they had had time they would have continued sullying her corpse, but they could not deviate from their plan. So they made sure that she was dead, and left her right there, impaled by her own spear.

Atia, the Amazon closest to Jana's post, had the feeling that something was up: sudden cries of night-birds, a rustle as some startled creature fled through the understorey, then even the constant buzzing of insects suddenly subsided. The deep silence of the jungle felt wrong to her. She remained silent for a few minutes, carefully observing every corner around her, unable to detect any threat, but the silence persisted, deep, intimidating ...

She decided to approach Jana's position, separated from hers by a narrow dark path, a tunnel under the dark foliage. She was moving slowly. Suddenly she sensed ... something ... Yes, she was feeling watched. There’s something in a girl’s skin that senses when she’s being observed, inspected, by some male. But in her life surrounded by females Atia had never experienced this, it was a new, fearful feeling ...

She shivered, quickened her step. Yes, she was being pursued, she could sense it, she knew for certain. But she couldn't see who or what. ..

Panic gripped her. Suddenly, at a bend in the track, she saw it. She froze, transfixed by two glimmering eyes that were staring at her. She could only see the eyes of the creature, nothing else. Her hand tightened on her knife.

In that instant the eyes disappeared into the darkness. For a few seconds she remained rigid, not knowing what to do.

Images of Part 11a

Atia being chased by someone...

...or something

...Weeeell... as they were not hermaphrodites (... I supose), then, or they maintained a herd of very lucky guys or they did something similar to what I invented...

If you were the Amazon Empress and have to decide, what would be your choice?
I would keep the strongest for breeders and either recruit women captives or keep them for amusement. Amazons have enough male hormones in them to enjoy sex with women. They also need domestic help. Warriers don't have time for housekeeping and cooking except when they barbeque a captive. I
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