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The Hunt

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...The proud warrior suffered the worst possible humiliation for an Amazon: serving the sexual pleasure of victorious males. Holding her head firmly, the two discharged their viscous semen into their victim's mouth, which she couldn't help but taste, despite its being mixed with her own blood. With their sexual drive momentarily sated, they ceased contemplating her humiliated prey, who, dying, could do nothing but look at them with hatred. The Xavantes had one last humiliation in store for her: taking her own spear off her, they buried it between her blood-soaked breasts.

The impaled female body arched for a moment, then she fell dead, finally defeated.


Part 11 a

For a few moments they proudly contemplated the magnificent body of the defeated female at their feet. If they had had time they would have continued sullying her corpse, but they could not deviate from their plan. So they made sure that she was dead, and left her right there, impaled by her own spear.

Atia, the Amazon closest to Jana's post, had the feeling that something was up: sudden cries of night-birds, a rustle as some startled creature fled through the understorey, then even the constant buzzing of insects suddenly subsided. The deep silence of the jungle felt wrong to her. She remained silent for a few minutes, carefully observing every corner around her, unable to detect any threat, but the silence persisted, deep, intimidating ...

She decided to approach Jana's position, separated from hers by a narrow dark path, a tunnel under the dark foliage. She was moving slowly. Suddenly she sensed ... something ... Yes, she was feeling watched. There’s something in a girl’s skin that senses when she’s being observed, inspected, by some male. But in her life surrounded by females Atia had never experienced this, it was a new, fearful feeling ...

She shivered, quickened her step. Yes, she was being pursued, she could sense it, she knew for certain. But she couldn't see who or what. ..

Panic gripped her. Suddenly, at a bend in the track, she saw it. She froze, transfixed by two glimmering eyes that were staring at her. She could only see the eyes of the creature, nothing else. Her hand tightened on her knife.

In that instant the eyes disappeared into the darkness. For a few seconds she remained rigid, not knowing what to do.
Just a refresh of some of the characters in this pic:
To the far left, Jana, already brutally killed as seen above, in Part 10...
In the middle Princess Arya, one of the two main characters with Eulalia, her handmaid and lover...
And to the right, Messaline, one of the brave Arya's escorts who will offer her life to save her Princess...

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...and Eulalia, the main character of this tragedy:

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Part 11 b

Panic gripped her. Suddenly, at a bend in the track, she saw him. She froze, transfixed by two glimmering eyes that were staring at her. She could only see the eyes of the creature, nothing else. Her hand tightened on her knife.

In that instant the eyes disappeared into the darkness. For a few seconds she remained rigid, not knowing what to do.

Nothing happened. She walked a few steps but there was no sign of whatever it was that had crossed her path. She calmed down a bit. Perhaps it had just been her imagination...

She fell to the ground with the third of the Xavantes on top of her. He immediately tightened his lasso on her neck so she could not scream, then moved away from her. The Xavantes used a special knot that could not be released, once closed the only way to remove it was by cutting it with a knife. She knew exactly what would happen, if she didn't cut it she would slowly strangle to death. When she fell, she had lost her knife, the same one that was now in the power of the savage. She desperately scratched her thick rope without even being able to damage it.

Full of fury, she lunged at her enemy, who was not expecting a counterattack, and knocked him down. Both bodies rolled intertwined without either being able to subdue the other, until Atia managed to dominate the Xavante for a moment, and then, with her thighs around his neck she began to choke him.

The cannibal knew what awaited him, and he tried furiously to free himself, but at the same time feeling dominated by the powerful female aroused him, his erect member reflected it.

As she subdued the male, Atia was able to reach her knife and cut the noose. Now free from suffocation,s he focused all his energy on finishing off her assailant, squeezing his neck with all her strength. While she was enjoying the rubbing of the wretched Xavante's face against her sex as he writhed and struggled in vain to escape death, his body, with his enormous phallus firmly erect even against his will, was forced to orgasm. As she tightened her death grip even more his manhood, already defenceless and completely dominated, ejaculated powerfully, splashing the Amazon’s belly. The female, delirious with pleasure, experienced her own powerful orgasm and with one final blow broke the Xavante's neck.
Just a refresh of some of the characters in this pic:
To the far left, Jana, already brutally killed as seen above, in Part 10...
In the middle Princess Arya, one of the two main characters with Eulalia, her handmaid and lover...
And to the right, Messaline, one of the brave Arya's escorts who will offer her life to save her Princess...

View attachment 1314067

...and Eulalia, the main character of this tragedy:

View attachment 1314078
Eager to know how Messaline follows the same fate as the amazing Jana. And Arya of course, those breasts...
Atia is dead, she is enjoying her last moments of breath, somebody else is about to remind her who rules the world, the males
There is a he-she inconsistency, but you should read what the story says, not what you want to read...
Atia is alive, having broken her attacker's neck!
As she tightened her death grip even more his manhood, already defenceless and completely dominated, ejaculated powerfully, splashing the Amazon’s belly. The female, delirious with pleasure, experienced her own powerful orgasm and with one final blow broke the Xavante's neck.
The story is more varied than you think :)
There is a he-she inconsistency, but you should read what the story says, not what you want to read...
Atia is alive, having broken her attacker's neck!

The story is more varied than you think :)
Haha!, in my native language the simple present tense refers sometimes to a future situation. Like in this case by saying that Atia IS dead
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