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Here is Princess Arya, Eulalia's mistress and lover...

View attachment 1275740
She has a princess as a mistress - what mishape of a stress!
I hope this misunderstanding can be straightened out -
but if she runs around fully naked - and with a thick belly -
this sort of Miss-understanding could be foreseen to happen.
At least her hair is newly washed and nicely made up, no
stress here ... Eulalia! I would never have thought that of you!
But the owner's necklace - or straight away: collar - tells a
different story ...
Poor princess, it is against all principles not to allow her to
become a Queen but dump her queer naked into lowly
guard's service instead.
No insult intended - 100-200 lashes with the 9-ender to me!
... they e-man-cipate themselves, in other words they are not free women but new old men with a vagina instead of testicles...
I agree but what can we do ? Of course that we're yet the results of this patriarcal societe ; the question is : how can we escape out our old shell that we are accustoming to follow ? What amazon can tell me that she's totaly delivered from what she has been prepared ?
A vagina is a vagina and ask for to be fill in .
When we will find another kind of sexe, perhaps that we could come true amazons, completely untied from our fate : can the woman enjoy only by herselve and not using
the male penis, that they (men) have learned us ?
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Amazons – Legend and Reality

In imagining who the Amazons were, how they lived and fought, we should realize that sagas and legends give us a picture of the Amazons that has little to do with reality, but nonetheless gives us some important clues.

According to Greek traditions, the Amazons lived in north-east Asia Minor (south-east of the Black Sea) and had their own kingdom there. According to our current ideas, we tend to associate the Amazons with the horsemen of the Scythians and Sarmatians who lived north of the Black Sea and in the Pontic Steppe. Women's graves have been preserved from them, in which we find not only weapons as grave goods, but also women's skeletons with typical traces of battle injuries.

On Greek vases we find depictions of Amazons fighting on horseback and this may have corresponded to reality. Even if Homer describes the unrealistic fight of the Amazon queen Penthesilea against the superhero Achilles in his Iliad, in which she is killed. (What did the Amazons have to do with the Trojan War either?)

Fighting Amazons.jpg Amazon queen Penthesilea fights against the Greek hero Achilles.jpg Amazon - Franz von Stuck 1892.jpg
To the left: Greek vase with Amazons on horseback from the 4th century BC.
Center: fight between Penthesilea and Achilles at the gates of Troy, which never happened.
To the right: Amazon figure from 1892, Amazon fighting on horseback - yes, but naked - certainly not!

On horseback, the Amazons fought from afar with bows and arrows, presumably even in their own women's units, which must have amazed the Greeks. (But their men also fought on horseback, it was certainly not a 'people of women' from which the men were excluded.) In a direct fight woman against man, the Amazons had little chance, but on horseback and from a distance men could hardly exploit their advantage in strength, on the contrary, women were generally lighter, their horses were therefore faster and more agile and often they also had better empathy to lead and steer their horse.

Among the many strange things that have come down to us from the sagas and legends of the Amazons are references to them practicing 'free love'. This, like the Amazons themselves, has long been dismissed as sex fantasies of antiquity. And yet it provides an important clue: In a society in which men and women lived together rather informally without forming solid, lasting partnerships, matriarchy was the most natural solution: the mothers knew who their children and heirs were, the fathers did not...

The warlike men would not have allowed women to lead them? Why not! In many original societies, a council of wise men and women reacts because they have the most experience, even though they no longer have the fighting power and strength.

But in our fantasies we can imagine the Amazons as we like them :)

Wonder Woman - modern Vision of the Amazons.jpg
Wonder Woman as a modern Vision of the Amazons
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the genderizedI agree but what can we do ? Of course that we're yet the results of this patriarcal societe ; the question is : how can we escape out our old shell that we are accustoming to follow ? What amazon can tell me that she's totaly delivered from what she has been prepared ?
A vagina is a vagina and ask for to be fill in .
When we will find another kind of sexe, perhaps that we could come true amazons, completely untied from our fate : can the woman enjoy only by herselve and not using
the male penis, that they (men) have learned us ?

Hello Messaline

Hmm - worth contemplating about ...
For one thing, I feel they should less grab the old male sort of behaviour and find their own, genuin own perspective on things. As it is now, so often they adapt male behavior and turn it into their prove to be indpendant now. Are they? by allowing themselves to be guided by the old male track? I beg your pardon!
I feel, so far there is a lot of hustle about made up token things, there is a lot of ventilation about gendering language, the old German question arises once again which noun has which sexe adapted to it - often absurd sexes we have become used to. That's why feminists have made a big fuss about ALWAYS and EVERYWHERE includingn ALL sexes in naming a crowd: Ärzte/innen, Fahrer/innen etc whereby -innen stands for the female form of the word or subject, not by the way for innen = inside. Presently, all official parties are much under pressure to bring out their own 'gendering' for the part they are occupied with and call for always using the genderized form, which at times will produce irritating unnatural 'constructions' hard to read and harder to followo through substatial parts of a text - especially in juridical treatments where an evil minded advocate (M/F) could make the most of a defective text for his female client - just give it a thought. After all, now here and there indpendant thinking individuals have come up drawing notion on the immense extra care needed to always be with these new strict demands.
Myself I would propose another sort of gendering: that the word's sex is being considered indepedant of the person's sex, so that "der Pilot" doesn't say anything about the sex of the person being that pilot - could still be man or woman because the sex of the word has nothing to do with the sex of the person happening to fill in
this professsion. Then everything could stay much as it has become the use of, only our way of thinking has to change and no longer allow to transcribe the sex of a word to the sex of a person filing this idea.
I believe, all the hustle now filling the offices and schools with new books even,to fullfill this new demands of genderized language will eventually ease down if for no better reason simply because even the Germans have a limit of how much stress they can take to follow official oders before they simply fatique and give up making a big paper dragon.
That's why in cities with most "NO PARKING" areas, you see the most of cars parked without any discipline, like Munich is such a city where people simply don't care about things "verrbotten!" and hope for simply good luck!
Gee, a lot of people never learn to leave the car at home and ride an S-Bahn, U-Bahn or Bus instead.

One or two more words:
You wrote: >> A vagina is a vagina and ask for to be fill in .<<
Hm, interesting - I often have the impression women are free or largely of the drive of sex, therefore my experience (I do live in Munich, capital of the emancipated young women) would be: a vagina may be filled if her owner does not have other rules to follow, but if so she might dispose of the owner of the male instrument at any time by any means and feel no loss or discomfort of.
Further you wrote>> can the woman enjoy only by herselve and not using
the male penis, that they (men) have learned us ? <<
Oh, yes - easily. See, I had a relation with two young women who turned out to have become a couple during this, admittedly lose relation. I was about the last to have realized what was going on between them. Now, they felt free to stand to their feelings. Once we went out for a trip into the Bavarian landscape, they could have made me feel like a chauffeur if they wanted to (but that would then have been my last trip with them) but in fact they never gave me a feeling in this way. We were just three people looking for a nice summer evening. The American and the East-German women, both long and very slender, the first then just having become an aviation engineer and the second a state attorney (which at times and again caused interesting differences in how each one would attack a certain topic needing to be handled: practical / theoretical by law) had developed a tight and deep reaching personal relation which at times was both amusing to watch and comforting in allowing me to witness two very different people brought up in vastly differing families and still preserve the best of feelings for each other. Unfortunately the aviation engineer has since 'disappeared' to the US while the state attorney has taken her place in Magdeburg, so they are now departed half around the world - and yet keep the flame burning silently inside their hearts. We still hope to see each other again or just the two women.
I believe in many cases two women may have a deeper relationship than there is in the regular way.
Feel free to write again if you like,
best wishes
Rupert 137,
there seems to have been another Amazone habitat: in the Atlantic by the islands of Madeira, West of the Kanarian deep. (not the Azores further West with the Ilhas de Sao Miguel and Santa Maria) There are some less than prominent notes by Spanish chronologists, about Spanish ships having become aware of the island(s) at that time deeply forrested. The island seemed quite practical for conquering in a passing by, but wow were the Spanish sailors amazed when they saw the inhabitants: according to the chronicles they must have been giant women, strong, slender and arranging their lives along their own will of how things should be done. Now that must have been about the utmost of a choc to the traditional Spanish explorers. Since the inhabitant giant females (there is no word about what or how their male partners looked like since it had become blatantly clear that here the women had the say of what's what and how to deal with daily things of life) according to the notes of the sailor officials, these women were supposed to have been - translated - mostly over 2.20 meters, up to 2.50 or above. They were said to have had a very gentle attitude but still left no doubt who had the say. To the Spanish, about that time more like 1.50 m to perhaps 1.65 at size, this was an unprecedented blasphemy: women larger than men! more so: larger than the sailors themselves. There was no doubt, this was not to be allowed to continue. So, in several attacks they fought the species of these unruly huge women, and having no provisions against it they killed away as many as they could. However the large women having learned about their 'discoverers' fought back fiecefully and with rising success. That's when the Spanish took to burning large parts of the island, killing lots of the giant women by fire because they were siply not used to this threat.
Since the island was not their's the Spanish obviously didn't care a thing about the devastation of large parts of the originally very prosperous island with its dense tropical plants. Since the huge woman had never needed to fight burning woods they were quite helpless and many more died in attempts to fight the fires. This actually reminded me of the devastation the later Spanish conquerors arose with the Inca society: equally merciless and without any according measures. The rest of the story: many women of those who survived the destruction of their homelands were taken by the Spanish as slaves in their homes where they died away rapidly. Could you imagine a giant woman as a house servant? Besides broken pride, the usual European diseases swept them away in short enough time to leave no more chonicles of this.
Had it been different, and Madeira, the later flower island, had survived as the Home Island of the Amazones (as I say now for best use of the idea), imagine you enter university of your home city, for instance Munich for me, and on the floors you happen to see a girl of 2.35 m, you get to talking to her and you learn she studies medicine .. or what have you. Wouldn't it be a mayor event - a nice one if you are 'into' giant women, or a disturbing one if you prefer the 'little ones'? Mercedes finally evolves a G-class with special extra high roof and enlarged seats and windows to sell a dozen or so possibly to the Amazones on their island in the Atlantc (rich Americans love to buy it) , BMW contemplate the same yet put it down, however Audi does it, too! (there is nocraze they wouldn't do as long as Mercees does it) Latest word from Frank Sinatra: "NO! I refuse to sing besides her, even when I have the ten inch slippers on!" a fake photo illustrates him aside a 3 m Amazone ... (Sammy Davis: "I'll just jump on her arm and have no problem at all!", the Met Amazone just smiles silently secretly ...) Barrack Obama when visiting the island for, ehm, wurbel-di-what, keeps his wry smile all the time, especially besides the 2,86 m foreign ministress and even when reporters ask him how it was, again he uses this same broad, perhaps wise, smile - but says nothing that could alert Michelle ...
What an enrichment it would be for all of us - and just imagine Olympic Games - oh, my!
Rupert 137,
there seems to have been another Amazone habitat: in the Atlantic by the islands of Madeira, West of the Kanarian deep. (not the Azores further West with the Ilhas de Sao Miguel and Santa Maria) There are some less than prominent notes by Spanish chronologists, about Spanish ships having become aware of the island(s) at that time deeply forrested. The island seemed quite practical for conquering in a passing by, but wow were the Spanish sailors amazed when they saw the inhabitants: according to the chronicles they must have been giant women, strong, slender and arranging their lives along their own will of how things should be done. Now that must have been about the utmost of a choc to the traditional Spanish explorers. Since the inhabitant giant females (there is no word about what or how their male partners looked like since it had become blatantly clear that here the women had the say of what's what and how to deal with daily things of life) according to the notes of the sailor officials, these women were supposed to have been - translated - mostly over 2.20 meters, up to 2.50 or above. They were said to have had a very gentle attitude but still left no doubt who had the say. To the Spanish, about that time more like 1.50 m to perhaps 1.65 at size, this was an unprecedented blasphemy: women larger than men! more so: larger than the sailors themselves. There was no doubt, this was not to be allowed to continue. So, in several attacks they fought the species of these unruly huge women, and having no provisions against it they killed away as many as they could. However the large women having learned about their 'discoverers' fought back fiecefully and with rising success. That's when the Spanish took to burning large parts of the island, killing lots of the giant women by fire because they were siply not used to this threat.
Since the island was not their's the Spanish obviously didn't care a thing about the devastation of large parts of the originally very prosperous island with its dense tropical plants. Since the huge woman had never needed to fight burning woods they were quite helpless and many more died in attempts to fight the fires. This actually reminded me of the devastation the later Spanish conquerors arose with the Inca society: equally merciless and without any according measures. The rest of the story: many women of those who survived the destruction of their homelands were taken by the Spanish as slaves in their homes where they died away rapidly. Could you imagine a giant woman as a house servant? Besides broken pride, the usual European diseases swept them away in short enough time to leave no more chonicles of this.
Had it been different, and Madeira, the later flower island, had survived as the Home Island of the Amazones (as I say now for best use of the idea), imagine you enter university of your home city, for instance Munich for me, and on the floors you happen to see a girl of 2.35 m, you get to talking to her and you learn she studies medicine .. or what have you. Wouldn't it be a mayor event - a nice one if you are 'into' giant women, or a disturbing one if you prefer the 'little ones'? Mercedes finally evolves a G-class with special extra high roof and enlarged seats and windows to sell a dozen or so possibly to the Amazones on their island in the Atlantc (rich Americans love to buy it) , BMW contemplate the same yet put it down, however Audi does it, too! (there is nocraze they wouldn't do as long as Mercees does it) Latest word from Frank Sinatra: "NO! I refuse to sing besides her, even when I have the ten inch slippers on!" a fake photo illustrates him aside a 3 m Amazone ... (Sammy Davis: "I'll just jump on her arm and have no problem at all!", the Met Amazone just smiles silently secretly ...) Barrack Obama when visiting the island for, ehm, wurbel-di-what, keeps his wry smile all the time, especially besides the 2,86 m foreign ministress and even when reporters ask him how it was, again he uses this same broad, perhaps wise, smile - but says nothing that could alert Michelle ...
What an enrichment it would be for all of us - and just imagine Olympic Games - oh, my!
Well, the giant women are arguably gross exaggerations to gloss over the considerable toil and repeated defeats the Spanish endured in conquering the island. But surely these women were surprisingly tall from the Spaniards' point of view.

But societies in which women also fought and hunted as 'Amazons' certainly existed in a variety of different regional cultures.
The shield maiden of the Vikings are also historically confirmed today by grave finds.

Historically Accurate Lagertha from Vikings.jpgLagertha - Vikings.jpg
Visions of the Shieldmaiden Lagertha

I already reported on the 'Black Amazons' from Dahome on April 22nd, 2022 under 'Prehistoric & Tribal Girls':


Also the river Amazon is not called that by coincidence either, no, the early Portuguese explorers met almost naked women on the bank who carried weapons ... and surely there are many more examples.

Finally, two pictures from a modern Amazon show:

Alexandra Krueger - Amazon-Show-1.jpg Alexandra Krueger - Amazon-Show-2.jpg
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Well, the giant women are arguably gross exaggerations to gloss over the considerable toil and repeated defeats the Spanish endured in conquering the island. But surely these women were surprisingly tall from the Spaniards' point of view.

But societies in which women also fought and hunted as 'Amazons' certainly existed in a variety of different regional cultures.
The shield maiden of the Vikings are also historically confirmed today by grave finds.

View attachment 1277564View attachment 1277565
Visions of the Shieldmaiden Lagertha

I already reported on the 'Black Amazons' from Dahome on April 22nd, 2022 under 'Prehistoric & Tribal Girls':


Also the river Amazon is not called that by coincidence either, no, the early Portuguese explorers met almost naked women on the bank who carried weapons ... and surely there are many more examples.

Finally, two pictures from a modern Amazon show:

View attachment 1277566 View attachment 1277567
Rupy, you tear my nerves, I must say.

Shall we now engage in a little fierce "How tall were they really" contest with and without double inlays in their sandals? Have some broken the general rules of growth and shot just beyond it? .. with or without any strains on their vertebras with a sidekick on bra sizes, besides ..?
I have looked into the natural reserves to make a thing like a species run out of the regular grades to happen under certain circumstances and looked for example at cats which run from small house cats of some 10 lbs to giant tigers, the Siberian would be the largest at some 600 lbs or more and admittedly a totally awesome life cat - but still a cat, not a wulf or bear for instance. An equivalent break out of a species of womankind is theoretically possible, don't ask me to explain and in English, too. I just say: it were possile after all.
Ok, since we share at least the notion that the Amazones where-ever they put up their tents and seats in history or borderline history, they were a force to be regarded and respected.
I'm not saying their hard frame of life has made them grow strong and invincible fighters, although this has something going for it by itself, I claim that for some very exceptional turns of heredity , there might have been an unusual twist that has turned among them and just set lose a group of women unusually strong and, likely, wild to test the limits of their newly given strength, a breed that had little to do with femals of other people.
The way they arranged their lives then wasn't much more then a testing what possibilities this special gift or talent would open up for them, a sort of behavior that threatened the ordinary people the more as it presented a species that had simply not been there before and we know that it is always something new that impresses people the most.
In that way it doesn't have to be all that surprising by some sort of bad fate they didn't survive, since, other than the people they fought, it might have been a small, in itself seemingly but secondary drawback that put them aback and finally doomed them in the light of their never ending struggles with their neighbor people. What this was I have no clue, it could have been an inclination to certain typical diseases or something developing ever worse in their DNA that spoke against them and finally got the better of them, in spite of their awesome striking force they tried to keep up in spite of all.
When we have learned how to revive an original Dinosaur, then we might be able to revive an original Amazone from the DNA data still secretly hidden in their bones. Question remains: whom will such a revived person be of more interest: anthropologists or military doctors to breed a soldier of special capabilities. One thing would appear sure: no-one would ask her, the lonely revived Amazone, of beautiful sportive body and an inner wildness often inexplicable to herself, way out of her natural setting has simply no chance to live an ordinary life with our threatened species having to cope with climate changes and all kinds of consequences. The only way for her to escape all those academics with their friendly smiles and hidden dark intentions would be to use her strength and will power and run away without too precise a hint of where she went with "good bye, all you selfish academic assholes!" and try to spend a little private life, deep in the Canadian forrests, be friends with Wulves and Kodiacs and at one beautiful sunset, lay back and smoke one final set of grass and die away for a second, this one certainly final time ...
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Here is one of the Princess escorts that will appear in the last chapters

Her name is Alexia

... and the other important thing you have to know for now, is that she is Messaline's lover

...and that both will be together to the end...

View attachment 1277720
View attachment 1277721
View attachment 1277722View attachment 1277723
She also looks brave, and stronger than her mates.
Who will fall first?, Alexia or Messaline?, who will defend her lover from the males?
This is the thread of a fantasy story, I think we shouldn't overload it too much with completely different topics...
Ok, I see in the light of logic facts -
you quit.
Is that right?
Anyway I accept your wish to close the topic.
Let's go have a drink I'd say if it was possible ...
Never mind,
This didn't work out right:
it kicked me out in the middle of nowheres and I had to set my feet at use and walk out
of the incunnue. Then I managed to fight down the software and post this-one below:
Thanks for taking your time
(1/60s of mine),
everything will be fine,
so le the sun shine
Disgusting - and I don't believe Black Panthers would be happy about such an image - why?
White Wo
man: intelligent arguing
Black man: brute force bringing her down - no regard of whatever she argues
- and feeling great for answering intelligence by violence as far as his penis tells.
Well, if you chose it - ok, that's it ...
No insult intended - but I was shocked and as a man I feel insulted:
I'm not one who knocks down a woman in replace for an arguement
and further would never pose in a heroe's gesture on top of her!
(the style of the old Lion hunters, but they had guns, not swords!
besides: the penis is four times bigger than her vagina: pure torture!
(loves women for the way they are)


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She also looks brave, and stronger than her mates.
Who will fall first?, Alexia or Messaline?, who will defend her lover from the males?

The problem is not who can stay winning against such a warrior-monster : he will win, no doubt and the two amazons will be tortured to the death ...

the penis is four times bigger than her vagina: pure torture!

... and then ? Winner, he has all possibilities and enters his penis where he wants !
... we knows that in fighting against him but we've not other choice ...
She also looks brave, and stronger than her mates.
Who will fall first?, Alexia or Messaline?, who will defend her lover from the males?

The problem is not who can stay winning against such a warrior-monster : he will win, no doubt and the two amazons will be tortured to the death ...
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