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The Hunt

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...Weeeell... as they were not hermaphrodites (... I supose), then, or they maintained a herd of very lucky guys or they did something similar to what I invented...

If you were the Amazon Empress and have to decide, what would be your choice?
I would raid and capture enemy studs. The lesser men would be servants or field workers and the studs would live like a Herum to breed my warrior women. Of course we would have our lesbian orgies but most lesbians are in fact bi-sexual by nature.
These five beautiful Amazons are a real challenge for a young hunter.
And some of them are sure to give a nice boob bacon for the grill...
But beware, dear Xarús, these proud women know how to defend themselves and their tits powerfully.
And if you stare at her breasts in fascination for just a moment during the fight, you've already lost!
That's exactly why they fight bare-breasted against young men.
And for some brave Xavantes hunters, the beautiful Amazon's breasts were the last thing they ever saw in their short lives...

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part 5

Arya was a proud princess. Her female lineage comprised the bravest, fiercest of the Amazon tribe for many generations. Her genes reflected the selection that over the centuries these women had made of their offspring. Boy babies were regarded with horror, as possessing the spirits of their fathers, their evil powers and lust for vengeance and domination, so they were taken to a smouldering solfatara, and sacrificed to the powers of the underworld that capture vengeful ghosts. Royal girls were also subjected to exhaustive examinations at each stage in their young lives; any departure from the desired model was seen as evidence that the child was possessed by a curse from her father, so she too was taken to the sulphurous smoking valley to join the wretched spectres.

Over the centuries these ruthless practices had given rise to a clan of magnificent, golden-haired, perfectly proportioned females. Tall and imposing, with penetrating proud eyes, her whole body exuding strength, Arya was the perfect expression of Amazonian royalty. She was already, as a young adult, an experienced warrior, her body was a perfect deadly weapon, especially her legs, which in close combat she used to suffocate her enemies. It was not uncommon for her to break the neck of a male, even the strongest, with her tremendous thighs. Like her tribal sisters, Arya had a profound contempt for men, and she enjoyed herself to the point of orgasm when she killed one of them - her sexual energy combined with her physical power made her a fearsome match for any man. She never had sex with one of them, not even in the breeding rituals when her sisters enjoyed the poor slaves until they were finished. She clearly had several female lovers to satisfy her lust, but only one for whom she felt something more than her pure sexual desire: Eulalia.

Eulalia was a very different young woman from the typical Amazon. Her body was far from the form of powerful and voluptuous female that was common among the warriors. Not that Eulalia was any weakling, she was slim, supple, and athletic, not capable of dominating a male aggressor, but agile in dodging and dancing, twisting and turning, so as to escape the clutches of any but the most skilled huntsman.

But her function was to serve the princesses in her most routine life, when something resembling peace seemed possible. She served her Mistress as her slavegirl, but also as her lover. Arya used to be aggressive in sex with her lovers, raping them at times, almost as one of her detested males would, but with Eulalia it was different. She enjoyed long sessions with her of the most tender sex he was capable of. Many times they woke up bathed in sweat, satisfied and happy, their bodies exhausted by the intense passion. Certainly what Arya felt for Eulalia was the closest thing to love that she had ever experienced. Eulalia for her part loved her deeply, she felt authentic devotion to Arya, and there was nothing that she was incapable of doing for her beloved, even give her life for her.
part 6

For several days the hunting party penetrated the dense jungle, gradually approaching the limits of the territory dominated by the Amazons, knowing that once they crossed that imaginary line, they would always be at risk of being discovered and instantly killed by the ferocious females. The realm of the Amazons was a vast territory throughout were distributed many different settlements and strongholds, connected by well-maintained routes through the jungle. On the periphery of the territory, these routes were no more than narrow paths, which could only be traversed on foot, but as they converged towards the centre where the royal city was located, they became avenues wide enough for the passage of carriages drawn by oxen, or by slavegirls.

This spider’s web of paths allowed the Amazons precise control of the entire region, so that when intruders were detected at any point, an overwhelming force of female warriors could be quickly deployed to annihilate the threat. The Xavantes were well aware of this, so their hunting parties had to be small in order to maximise the chance of being undetected until the moment of attack. So, too, was it crucial that no Amazon should escape their attacks alive, for the deadly response would come to them before they could withdraw. For this reason, at least one member of the party separated from the rest before the attack, taking up his post on a strategic point from where he could watch for any fugitive. The hunter used for this duty made ready his most powerful bow and his swiftest, strongest arrows, the same ones used when hunting large, thick-skinned mammals such as tapirs. With such a powerful weapon they made sure to take down their prey even from a great distance; On many occasions the arrow pierced cleanly through the poor wretch’s throat, so she was dead even before she’d fallen to the forest floor.

Once the slaughter was accomplished, they had to retreat as soon as possible, carrying their prey. Although the Xavantes possessed great physical strength, it took at least two to carry a female for several days on the way to their village. This caused them to abandon the rest of the females in the place where they had been killed, although almost always before discarding them they extracted the tastiest parts, particularly the juicy teats and the most tender meat on the buttocks and thighs. Certain internal organs were also removed, some for their nutritional value, such as the liver, others for more magical reasons, such as the heart, in which, they believed, was concentrated the strength and prestige of their prey. Finally it was common for them to behead their prey, taking the heads as trophies to decorate their huts. When the Amazons later discovered the savagely mutilated remains of their sisters, their hatred and thirst for revenge against men became immense.
As well it should have! Revenge!

I wish not..., I wish their attempt for revenge was a fatal decision
Although the author doesn't give us much hope and 'Falkirk' prefers a different twist on, I'm totally on Barbaria's side!
And as an Amazon fan, I have already put together a powerful revenge team for the Amazons:
These ladies work resolutely, silently, almost invisible, but effectively and absolutely deadly... Poor Xavantes!
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(I'm sorry for my contrary wishes and ideas... But I will no longer meddle in the story.)
...Weeeell... as they were not hermaphrodites (... I supose), then, or they maintained a herd of very lucky guys or they did something similar to what I invented...

If you were the Amazon Empress and have to decide, what would be your choice?
Well, in my fantasies, amazons don't like heterosexual sex at all. They are pure lesbians and they would never allow to be touched by a male genital! They consider it the most degrading and dishonorable thing possible for an amazon (this will made rapes and every sexual contact much more awful and shocking for them, and made them stronger and untamable when they fight against this eventuality).
About reproduction... they are great warriors and they have sharp knives... and human testicles are so exposed and convenient to take away as trophies...

part 8

Eulalia was trembling, excited, fearful - for the very first time, she was going to take part in a hunt. She was almost always secluded in the palace, her bare body warmed at the thrilling prospect of going out into the wild as one of a hunting party.

She had scarcely had any training in handling weapons when she reached puberty, but since she had already been selected back then as a slavegirl born to serve royalty inside the palace, instruction in the arts of combat was not it was deemed necessary. She, on the other hand, had been educated in everything necessary for serving her Queen and her Princesses, who could be very demanding with their servants. If she was not accustomed to wielding weapons, her soft skin was well-used to the sting of the whip.

Only when Arya picked her for her personal handmaid did her work inside the palace become more relaxed and interesting, since the Princess allowed her, as her favourite girl, access to privileges that others of her class did not have, even more so when she became the preferred lover.

The Princess's chief counsellors were dismayed at the Princess’s whim. They argued that it was a risk to the safety of the Princess that a common slavegirl not trained in the arts of combat should be part of the group that would escort her...

part 8

Eulalia was trembling, excited, fearful - for the very first time, she was going to take part in a hunt. She was almost always secluded in the palace, her bare body warmed at the thrilling prospect of going out into the wild as one of a hunting party.

She had scarcely had any training in handling weapons when she reached puberty, but since she had already been selected back then as a slavegirl born to serve royalty inside the palace, instruction in the arts of combat was not it was deemed necessary. She, on the other hand, had been educated in everything necessary for serving her Queen and her Princesses, who could be very demanding with their servants. If she was not accustomed to wielding weapons, her soft skin was well-used to the sting of the whip.

Only when Arya picked her for her personal handmaid did her work inside the palace become more relaxed and interesting, since the Princess allowed her, as her favourite girl, access to privileges that others of her class did not have, even more so when she became the preferred lover.

The Princess's chief counsellors were dismayed at the Princess’s whim. They argued that it was a risk to the safety of the Princess that a common slavegirl not trained in the arts of combat should be part of the group that would escort her...
Which part of the hunt, hunter or hunted... or both???
There will be a little delay now, as I'll be away from the Forums for a week or so ...
Eul, just don't be vain! Ditch the skirt as soon as you can!
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It may be embarrassing but you can run faster naked...
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But don't forget Joan Tree will be hunting with her Horny Potion-laced arrows... She's a hell of a good shot but the arrows still hurt!
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