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The Hunt

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part 8

Eulalia was trembling, excited, fearful - for the very first time, she was going to take part in a hunt. She was almost always secluded in the palace, her bare body warmed at the thrilling prospect of going out into the wild as one of a hunting party.

She had scarcely had any training in handling weapons when she reached puberty, but since she had already been selected back then as a slavegirl born to serve royalty inside the palace, instruction in the arts of combat was not it was deemed necessary. She, on the other hand, had been educated in everything necessary for serving her Queen and her Princesses, who could be very demanding with their servants. If she was not accustomed to wielding weapons, her soft skin was well-used to the sting of the whip.

Only when Arya picked her for her personal handmaid did her work inside the palace become more relaxed and interesting, since the Princess allowed her, as her favourite girl, access to privileges that others of her class did not have, even more so when she became the preferred lover.

The Princess's chief counsellors were dismayed at the Princess’s whim. They argued that it was a risk to the safety of the Princess that a common slavegirl not trained in the arts of combat should be part of the group that would escort her...

But where is the PART 7 ? ...
part 7

Arya regularly went hunting in the eastern territories, where wildlife was particularly abundant. She went accompanied by her personal escort made up of eight Amazons chosen from among the best warriors of her clan, all of them experts in the use of weapons and experienced in fighting against men. To achieve the honour of guarding a Princess, each one had to have killed at least 10 males in hand-to-hand combat, that is, with a knife, spear, or just with their bare hands. They were expected to sacrifice their lives without hesitation to keep the Princess safe, and this occurred quite often, since Arya liked to venture into parts of the territory where encounters with men were frequent. Indeed it could be said that Arya was already used to seeing one of her escorts dying to protect her, and that no longer caused her any remorse.

It was her right as a royal personage to demand the sacrifice of her subordinates. This meant that in the event that one of her escorts was overcome or captured in a fight, they could not use the captive as a hostage: even if they threatened to kill her or torture their victim in the most horrendous ways in front of her very eyes, she would not give in. Her escorts were well aware of this, remembering what had happened in a fight against a patrol of Wari warriors. In the middle of the fight, one of her best warriors was overcome by one of the Wari, he held the defeated Amazon from behind and, with a knife to the her throat, demanded that Arya surrender or else he would slit the captive’s throat. Arya did not hesitate for a moment: like lightning she plunged her spear between the unfortunate Amazon's breasts, piercing both her and the warrior, leaving them pinned both together against a huge tree-trunk. But Arya herself would only risk her own life for her Queen, they all knew this ... at least, that was how it always had been..
Thanks Jollyrei!... Eulalia is doing an awesome job adapting and expanding the raw bits of argument I have... I'm rather good to put my fantasies into images, not so to express it on texts.
The idea here is to also create a background for future storys, setting the base of this two cultures conflict, and the ambient in which it develops: the wild and dangerous amazon jungle, with all its savage inhabitants, either human or beasts. This open a lot of possibilities for future fantasies, and would be great if other people gets inspired to expand this universe with its own stories

Part 1

Tens of thousands of years ago, the first human groups that descended from the North into South America slowly gave rise to various cultures. United at first by their common ancestors, over the centuries they begin to differentiate. In the lush, fervid environment of the great jungle covering all the land, human nature soon reveals its worst attributes. Competition for resources in the hostile environment generates the first conflicts. Over time the human clans reach the point of not being able to coexist with each other. The extreme of this segmentation into warring tribes begins when, as a result of some conflict, all the men in their clan having been exterminated, a group of women are taken captive as booty. But fortune grants that, after they have been enslaved for some time, they manage to escape from their captors. From that moment, in the darkest depths of the jungle, a powerful and proud race will arise: the Amazons!

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Story by @GeorgeL with eul as translator and hunting consultant!
Interesting - I like it! The Amazones have always intrigued me: What would our highly developed yet in many aspects so wanting 'modern world' and all its fake yet adored half-gods - business, money / money, business - faster and faster turning madnesses be in that view ...? The early emancipated female protagonists in Europe in that direction have done little to show a difference to old style men-ruled societies or individuals, so far they seem to believe copying the old masculine behaviours is the apex of emancipation - and it is: they e-man-cipate themselves, in other words they are not free women but new old men with a vagina instead of testicles.
That's not enough, that's really far from enough ...
She is a magnificent specimen. I would enjoy being her hand maiden and sexual toy
Great example of super-breed self-responsible female body individual. Intelligence for establishing an alternative culture and free society - hm - less so, rather a fighter servant to such a society - which has of course to defend against repeating assaults by the standard scheemes of fighting male governed societies who would like to have some of them Amazones to breed them sons of formidable fighting abilities - nothing else, except in this way capturing and 'digesting' the new female race. BTW we are just experiencing the digestion of the nimbus of emancipated women in the adapting of the idea of 'the Amazon' by Bezos' "Amazon" network - not for emancipated women but transformed into a business for himself, the super-alpha-man! Nothing especially hostile meant by men, only they use (up) the idea of a 'new' type of human for their old demands of masculine society.
Could go on for pages - have no intention to do so, it is and will remain in vain - there's the programme of nature itself standing against it's possible success. The hardest of anyone females have always been to (against) themselves, that's why a handful of different characters (Amazones) will always run out of participants to support them. There are sites in the internet which tell you the belated story - not by words but by videos of women submitting themselves to the end under severe and merciless domination of so-inclined men.
Evening bells sounding to the demise of the human race:
Doom - doom - doom --
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