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The Hunt

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The problem is not who can stay winning against such a warrior-monster : he will win, no doubt and the two amazons will be tortured to the death ...

... and then ? Winner, he has all possibilities and enters his penis where he wants !
... we knows that in fighting against him but we've not other choice ...
If it was like that, I'd say, it IS a problem! I have confidence that the real Amazones will create a situation where all his strong and heavy body will become at disadvantage to him. Imagine a big truck racing with Formula 1 cars: he may kick sone ot - but for sure he will never stand a chance to win.
What could the Amazones do to fight such a monster?
Ahh-ha-ha-ha, you don't think I will tell the trick - no guys and girls, one time sooner or later he's gonna hang - where by? by his penis, sure: it's long and stong enough - may it gets a trifle bit deflated, but that's part of the game.
And he won't need it no longer, anyways - which woman woudld want to have him down dangling from a tree (Tree: sure no misunderstanding here).
Ok, maybe I'll report in a short story what happened when fate turns its card.
See ya - and: never mind a little humor!
The problem is not who can stay winning against such a warrior-monster : he will win, no doubt and the two amazons will be tortured to the death ...
Amazones could deal with it - if they had encountered such an gozillic 'KingKong' Munster, first of all, because they really have lived on earth, yet such a munster: not to my knowledge. And if: he couldn't replicate: no female of his size around, regular women all will die of stommach overstretching before they could give birth to his munster-son. So his stomping over trembling earth could only be a brief aah-hem of time.
Ok, while he trembles the earth, there is little the A's could do without having to fear that he picks up three or four of them and stuffs them up between his jaws, crunching them, blood spouting and a few limps hanging out and some get cut off.
To what he drinks ...
aahm, what does he drink?
just w-h-a-t could he be drinking?
some sort of ...
no, I have it:
Vodka Putinesca, the 92 % sort.
“Na sdorówje!”
Should have been but one posting ..
.. the word)

You (? from site management ?) edited my picture. Thanks. I had asked earlier some times how to do this but got no answer, I have no idea how to trim its size or I would do it , believe me. I had no intention to violate any laws of the forum.
Please tell me how to do the size trimming and avoid too large postings. Maybe you have a hint where to read up the procedure?
Please mind telling me.
Thank you

Part 9

Once inside the territory of the Amazons, the predatory group began the task of locating their coveted prey. They knew that here they might meet a party of Amazons out hunting; the dense jungle in which they now found themselves were the ideal place for them to spot their prey, and at the same time provided them with multiple opportunities to wait in hiding and leap by surprise on the dangerous females.

For days they trod the secret trails silently seeking signs of the presence of their desired victims. At last, at a bend in the path, Nagal detected the unmistakable aroma of females, captured on the leaves of some liana hanging down from dense canopy: yes! One girl had been brushed by it, her richly abundant feminine aroma had left a trace!

Silently the group filed behind the tracker, advancing nimbly through the dense vegetation to close the distance between them and their target. Finally, the youngest and most agile of the boys climbed nimbly up from a huge tree, and from there he spied them. They were trecking up the trail a mile or so ahead of them. Nagal had been sniffing at the foliage, he had already detected from the distinctive scent of herbs that were only rubbed on Princesses’ bodies that they were behind a royal hunting party, made up of a Princess and her escort. That filled them with excitement, no quarry was more eagely sought than a member of the Amazon royalty.

Stalking the females closely, they began to plan their attack. They needed to exploit any weakness, since the escorts of the Princess outnumbered them, and moreover they knew the princess herself would be a fearsome adversary for any of them.

It was then that they fixed their attention on Eulalia. Her lithe body was vividly agile, she was moving through the thorny, tangled vegetation like a young hind, more swiftly even than her muscular companions, and her sharp eyes and intelligent expression showed the ever-watchful, eagerly alert qualities of a highly-trained handmaid. But alongside her sisters, she seemed slim, fragile, like a fresh stem springing among the sturier growth of the jungle. Clearly she was not a warrior, she lacked the fierceness that the others exuded. Observing her more closely as they followed, spotting the slave-collar around her slender neck, it became clear to them that she was the Princess’s personal slavegirl - and watching how attentive she was to her mistress, and how fondly the Princess kept glancing at her, they smiled and winked at one another – this was a closer relationship than would be expected between a Princess and her attendant!

There was the weak point they needed. Now the time had come to plan and carry out the attack.

part 10

The Xavante stealthily followed their prey from a prudent distance, until the Amazons stopped at the place where they intended to pass the night, the ruins of an old temple. As was their custom, four of the escorts posted themselves at strategic positions for the first watch of the night, leaving the other four with the Princess and Eulalia.

The moon was shining brightly, allowing the sentries the ability to spot any threat more easily. Eulalia and Arya moved a little way away from the rest, to have a little more privacy. The escorts not on duty also split into two pairs. It was very common for the women to enjoy sex in these situations: even knowing that some danger could be stalking them, forsexual pleasure strengthened the emotional ties between the warriors, and eased the tension.

Hidden in the thicket, the hunters were observing the naked bodies eagerly. They could hardly suppress their instincts which prompted them to leap on their prey and satisfy their hunger for sex and blood. While Xarú and his father kept watch over the six females given over to sex, the three other warriors headed towards the sentries.

Two of them focused on the strongest of the women: Jana was a bronze beauty at the peak of her development, tall, muscular, but not heavily built, with her hair tied in a pigtail – and, what most attracted her hunters, she bore a pair of firm, imposing breasts, which enhanced her haughty posture. She was standing on a rocky ledge watching over the dark jungle beneath her, the sculpted form of her naked body was highlighted by the azure light of the moon. She was unaware that the evil gaze of the Xavantes was assessing every inch of their coveted prey ...


Part 10 b

Her ears barely caught the hiss an instant before the arrow buried itself in the back of her neck, piercing through her throat, and continued on its trajectory.


Instinctively, she gasped to scream a warning, but her vocal cords, cut by the projectile, did not respond. Trying to cover the stream of blood flowing from her horrendous wound, she spun round looking for the assailant, who was standing with his bow in front of the thicket, staring at her with an evil smile



Part 10 b

Her ears barely caught the hiss an instant before the arrow buried itself in the back of her neck, piercing through her throat, and continued on its trajectory.

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Instinctively, she gasped to scream a warning, but her vocal cords, cut by the projectile, did not respond. Trying to cover the stream of blood flowing from her horrendous wound, she spun round looking for the assailant, who was standing with his bow in front of the thicket, staring at her with an evil smile

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Great first encounter
The wound must be horrendous and extremely painful, even though I can see the amazon still faces her enemy bravely...? mmmm, or is the other way round?, is she now terribly scared once she is aware who is her enemy?
Great first encounter
The wound must be horrendous and extremely painful, even though I can see the amazon still faces her enemy bravely...? mmmm, or is the other way round?, is she now terribly scared once she is aware who is her enemy?

The Xavantes use an special arrow for this kind of sniper shot. It is thin, very sharp and fast, so it doesnt produce a too big wound. The victim would die from it eventually, but is more aimed to weaken her, while keeping her alive enough to suffer the more sadistic methods of killing the Xavantes enjoy so much!

Now she is more anger than scared, as she clearly knows what is comming...

Part 10 c

Already weakened by her loss of blood, she tried to lift her spear to hurl at her assailant, who began walking slowly towards her. Before she could hurl it, the second Xavante plunged his razor-sharp dagger into her back, deeply, several times.



Jana fell at the feet of her hunters, who, already sure that the female did no longer presented any threat, began masturbating furiously over her.

jana9 (1).jpg

Part 10 c

Already weakened by her loss of blood, she tried to lift her spear to hurl at her assailant, who began walking slowly towards her. Before she could hurl it, the second Xavante plunged his razor-sharp dagger into her back, deeply, several times.

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Jana fell at the feet of her hunters, who, already sure that the female did no longer presented any threat, began masturbating furiously over her.

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Now those two stabs must be painful indeed, her fantastic body pierced, I love it, so the hunters do I can see. This is just the beginning of her end

Part 10 d

The proud warrior suffered the worst possible humiliation for an Amazon: serving the sexual pleasure of victorious males.



Holding her head firmly, the two discharged their viscous semen into their victim's mouth, which she couldn't help but taste, despite its being mixed with her own blood.

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