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The Interrogation And Punishment Centre For Girls

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Our training continued at the early morning and noonday shift-changes, our performances each evening in the Officers' Mess (with the 'slave auction' to follow the alternate sessions, when we were just being deprived of another half-hour's sleep). Each of us had to develop and improve her own solo dance under Miss Geil's harshly meticulous attention to detail, and we worked on one together.

But further refinements were added to our repertoire. At one session, we were issued with clothes – little red wrap-round skirts, and strappy cropped harness tops with our numbers and names blazoned across our busts. This was so we could perform a simple strip-tease as our opening turn – the tops and skirts had Velcro fixtures, easily stripped off, and just as easily came off our thongs, each garment spun on a finger, tossed to whichever man we fancied.

It felt strange wearing even these minimal coverings after so months of virtual nakedness, and in truth, even under Miss Geil's sexless glare, we rather enjoyed being strippers, entering into the spirit of the game, showing ourselves off with a range of sexy steps from brazen high kicks to slinky subtle hip-vibrations – Faith, seemingly such a little innocent, revealed a talent for flirty side-glances as she played with her skirt, pretending to unhitch it then pulling it shut again, taunting and tempting...

Our first performance of our strip-dance got a roar of excitement even from the cynical, sex-satiated Officers, they got us to repeat it at the end of the performance, and the money they bid for their half-hoursworth of sex with us hit new highs!

Soon after, we arrived at a training session to find a couple of young Cadets waiting for us with our instructrice, really dishy, one a dark, olive-skinned Mediterranean type, the other a bright-eyed, ever-grinning Black. They were holding long, slender, shiny black cart-whips.

It was easy to guess, we were going to learn a whip-dance, to a tune that began with a few heavy rhythmic blows, then sprang into a lively czardas, faster and faster, fiercer and fiercer. As we girls leapt around, the two youths cavorted between us, eagerly flicking our bare legs and bodies. Though used to the whip, we were hurt enough by the stings to let out squeals which only added to the excitement of the dance, urging our tormentors on to greater and greater fury. At the sudden end, we had to fling ourselves prostrate onto the floor, the whips flashed across our bare backs in time with half a dozen final, crashing chords.

After three or for practice sessions, we found the boys were ready with their whips when we came to perform in the Mess, and we did the whip-dance as the final item. This was even more thrilling for our audience than the strip-tease, it drew thunderous applause.

A little while later, we came into the Training Centre to find a more alarming guest, a giant of a man, his broad chest at my eye-level, little Faith stood hardly higher than his waist. He was dressed from top to toe in black Lycra, his head covered with a black hood decorated with tigerish gold streaks around the eyes and mouth.

"You've all been trained in self-defence, haven't you?" snarled Miss Geil. "Yes, Miss." Indeed, it was part of the programme at Young Libertarian summer camp, the 'terrorist training' that we'd all, under torture, confessed to receiving. "Yes," she sneered, "Well now we're going to see what good that's done you!"

Mats had been laid at one end of the training-hall, with taut lengths of barbed wire stretched around the four sides to form a fighting-ring. The giant strode over, stepped over the wire – there was a saddle over it for safety, but his legs were so long his balls were hardly at risk. "You first."Miss Geil nodded at me.

I took a deep breath, walked across and squeezed between the wire strands very cautiously, feeling the barbs press into my legs but not tearing myself on them, then stood, legs apart, facing the monster.

He eyed me up and down, I made no move. Suddenly, with an animal roar, he leapt at me. My reaction was good, I dived instinctively, dodging beneath his outstretched arm, digging my elbow into his thigh as I passed so he toppled off balance. With a frustrated growl, he turned and came straight for me again. I let him get close, then swung up my leg so my foot met his testicles. My bare foot was powerless to cause him any hurt, but it deflected his onrush, I was able to twist and avoid him again.

I was no better than average among the girls in our self-defence classes, Carina and Julie were a lot better than I, but placed in this situation I found I could put up a respectable show, ducking and diving, dodging and weaving, getting in the occasional kick or jab when my assailant was thrown off-guard by my nimble skipping.

But of course, I couldn't win, sooner or later he'd get me. After two or three minutes of lively dancing around, I kicked out at him a little too vigorously, toppled back, tore my back on the wire. At once he was on me, seizing my foot by the ankle-iron, he swept me into the air, swung me round and hurled me across the ring so I fell against the ripping barbs on the opposite side. I fell to my knees, he grabbed me by the hair, hauled me to my feet, grasped my thong with his other hand and tossed me back over his shoulder so I fell face-down on the mat. As I gasped for breath, he stamped on me two or three time, then knelt over me and began torturing me, twisting my right arm with on hand, grabbing my throat and jerking my head up with his other arm, kneading my buttocks and thighs with his whole weight on his powerful knees.

From now on, it was no contest, I was simply a living rag doll, to be lifted and thrown, spun and swung, hurled time and again onto the floor or – much worse – the barbed wire, arms, slapped, punched and kicked till I gasped for breath, my legs and body trapped and twisted by muscles whose power I had no chance of resisting.

I could only remain limp, trying to use my poor muscles would only risk greater hurt, but I strove to stay alert, occasionally snatching a chance to swing a token punch or kick, to roll or wriggle free for a few precious seconds, even a couple of times getting back to my feet and briefly resuming my dance around him, but I was so exhausted and shaken by the violence of his treatment, I could no longer feint and parry with sure-footed efficiency, I soon stumbled and was at his mercy once more.

Hard to say how long it went on, long enough for my tormentor to display his full repertoire of ways of compelling submission, though if I'd begged to submit (I didn't, I knew it was a waste of breath), there was no umpire to intervene and end my pain. In the end, I was so comprehensively broken he was able to grab me by my hair, swing me up in the air one final time, and fling me across the wire to fall on the hard wooden floor at the feet of Miss Geil. "Next!" he roared.

Carina was pale and visibly shaking as she walked past my shattered body to face the beast, but she put up a better fight than I managed, visibly frustrating and infuriating the brute with her skilful deployment of her own suppleness and quick reactions to turn his strength against himself, though it did her no good in the long run. A moment's carelessness let him grab her arm and at once begin unleashing his rage on her now captive body.

"Vae victis", the Romans used to say, "tough luck if you're beaten". That's clearly the motto of this thug, as it could be for all the MSC. We were simply acting out the philosophy of our conquerors. Being defeated, even in a grossly unequal contest, is a crime for which you'll be brutally punished. No namby-pamby stuff about not kicking a girl when she's down – if she's down, kicking's just what she deserves, and Carina got the full force of that doctrine. "Vae victae, vae victimae!"
I was watching the Olypmics last night on NBC. They were covering the American women gymnasts. As they were going through the qualifying floor routines, The male commmentators were doing their evaluations in that hushed voice saved for such events and golf. They showed one of the girl's mother up in the stand, her head knowinging bobbing with each move the girl made having seen the drill countless times.

I could not help but think of Eul's dance at the interrogation center under the leacherous gaze of her captors and the stern review Miss Geil...

After he'd thrown Carina around, crashing her down onto the mat so she cried out in pain, flung her against the barbed wire, and stamped on her defenceless lower abdomen several times, he hauled her up by her arms, dived his head under her groin, and tugged her sharply into a position where she was stretched along his broad back like a victim on the Rack.

It was a simple but inescapable hold, her arms were free – she flailed wildly with her fists for a little while, and tried to grab at his torso to pull herself free or at least get some relief from the strain, but soon found it was futile, and simply gripped his kneeling thighs for a little support.

He tortured her methodically, stretching her torso and crushing her thighs by bending forward and back, jerking his shoulders to send sharps spasms of pain through her spine so she shrieked and begged him to stop. But he went on and on – probably only two or three minutes, but it seemed an eternity to Faith and me as we were forced to watch.

Suddenly her squealing ceased, her eyes rolled and half-closed, a hint of blue tinged her already pallid face. "Drop her!" snapped Miss Geil, he leant sideways and let Carina's body roll off him onto the mat. To our relief, she lifted her hands weakly in a gesture of self-defence, at least she was still alive and conscious. Her tormentor kicked her brutally so she rolled off the mat and lay, gasping for air, at our feet.

Faith didn't have to face the giant in that session, "It will be your turn next time," Miss Geil informed her, with as much of smile as her metallic features ever allowed. Instead she put the baby of our trio through her solo dance, with several irritable flicks of the whip for perceived faults, then sent us off to our cage.

Carina had got over her ordeal surprisingly well, though she was still panting and clammy with sweat, and I was breathless too. And Faith was visibly shaking – in a way it's worse to watch someone being tortured and be told it's going to happen to you, than just being hauled up and brutalised as Carina and I had been. We both cuddled her.

"You'll be okay," Carina whispered, "it's nothing like so bad as the things they've already done to you." "Yes," I added, "you know how to dodge and swerve and skip around, keep it up as long as you can – and when he does get you, just go limp, don't try to resist, you'll only hurt yourself more." "Yes," said Faith softly, "I know, that's what I whisper to girls in the Torture Chamber when I dare."

We lay quiet for a bit, trying to snatch some sleep, but although we were exhausted, it was difficult to lie comfortably on the rags with all our aches and bruises. Suddenly Carina giggled. "What's the matter, Cari?" I asked, mystified. "I don't know, it's utterly weird – but I enjoyed it!" Faith looked astonished, but I thought for a moment, then replied, "Mmm, I know what you mean. I wouldn't say enjoyed, it hurt like hell, but it's, sort of, exciting, exhilarating."

"You know," Carina went on," "It's not just this little scrap – I've caught myself liking it even when I was being tortured or whipped or gang-fucked! Am I kinky or something?" "Well," I smiled, "perhaps you are, but if you are I am too" "You mean you've had those feelings too?" "Mm" I nodded.

After a few more moments, I added, "It's more than that. It's changed me a lot, being here in the IPCG, and in a good way. I'm not the self-righteous little prig I was at school..." Carina sniggered – she'd always teased me for being Miss Goodygoody Dogood, I used to get cross with her, but she was right to try to knock me off my pedestal. "Somehow, I just feel more right with myself – know what I mean? – I like myself better, putting up with all this shit, than when I was free – whatever that means!"

"Yeah," said Carina, "girls like us were made for screwing, best if we accept that and enjoy being what we are!" Faith had been quiet, looking perplexed, at last she chipped in." Well, I don't know what you mean about enjoying being tortured, I certainly don't, but when I'm doing my dances, and all those men are eyeing us, yeah, I get a bit of a high from that – but it can't be right, what they're doing to us?" "No," I replied firmly, still trying to stay loyal to my parents and the Libertarian cause, "no, it's certainly not right. But they've won, they're the conquerors, we're the defeated. Vae victis, woe to the conquered – that's what the Romans used to say." Carina rolled over and stretched her arms with a yawn. "What's right?" she said, "Forget all that crap – what the man with the big whip says, that's what's right!"
Excellent! Are you already turning into pdf?​
You're such a dear Admi! flower1
It's hard even for me to judge how long it will be in the end,​
I guess I'm past half-way, perhaps two-thirds,​
but there's plenty more to come -​
including Crucifixions (some quite soon)​
I promise!

Faith didn't do badly when her turn came, she dodged around The Giant quite nimbly, slipping and sliding to escape his grabs for several minutes. Carina and I had to stand at the ready, hand behind bums, we'd have like to applaud. In the end, Faith's long gold hair was her downfall, once he'd managed to catch that and twist it violently, she let out a shriek, jumped in the air, and fell into his arms to receive her punishment.

First he demonstrated a few tight holds where he could squeeze and twist her body and legs back and forth till she her screams echoed round the hall, then he hurled her onto the floor and stamped on her, picked her up by her feet and swung her round and round, before flinging her, dazed and disorientated, against the barbed wire.

He finished sitting cross-legged on the mat like a meditating Buddha, the girl's bare body slung across his shoulders, held by one hand on her throat, his other clutching a leg. It was undeniably an artistic pose, Faith's glistening skin against his black hood, her perky young breasts lifting and falling as she panted. He had only to wriggle or jerk with his shoulders to inflict sharp torture on her bent-back spine, she whined in anticipation and squealed at each infliction.

At last he bent forward and threw his small victim so she rolled to the side of the mat. She hauled herself under the wire, as I responded to the monster's summons – it was good that she glanced up and gave me a little smile as climbed cautiously into the ring, well done Faith!

The giant and I were getting acquainted, I was a little more astute in anticipating and dodging his lunges, but he had a better idea now of my strengths and weaknesses. He didn't come for me straight on any more, he let me dance around him for a while, anxiously anticipating when and where he'd strike.

I only realised too late when he managed to box me into a corner. I tried to dive past him, but he tripped me and grabbed me in my groin, I was lifted single-handed over his head, kicking ad flailing, then dashed down head first, a pile-driver blow that briefly blacked me out.

Huge muscular arms twisted my body, massive knees jabbed me again and again, with his head and his fists he pummelled my breasts and abdomen. At length he knelt on one knee, I was stretched across the other, front-up, forced into a bridge. His left hand clutched my chin, forcing my head back, I had to gasp for air. And his right hand grasped me by my groin, pressing down with crushing force.

I could move my legs, but if I tried to kick out in a vain attempt to escape, he punished me by squeezing his talon-like fingers into my most sensitive parts, and I soon resigned myself to my need to press down with my toes on the floor, trying to ease the pressure on my back, and my free hands were just as helpless to stop his throttling, I let my arms drop back.

He tortured me by jerking up with his knee, I cried like a baby, I was sure he was going to snap me in two, his grip on my chin and throat felt ever tighter, I was panicking for breath, and his groping of my pussy grew ever more eager, squeezing my vulva, forcing his middle finger into my cunt.

Suddenly, a ferocious shock hit my spine, an earthquake of agony engulfed my helpless body, and in my woman-parts erupted the mother and father of all orgasms. A let out a wild cry of agony and ecstasy, he snatched his hand away, soaked with my moisture, slapped it on my breasts and face, then tossed me away. I must have lost consciousness briefly, the next thing I recall I was lying outside the ring, Faith was offering me a mug of water, evidently Miss Geil had allowed that.

Carina was practising her solo. When she'd finished, we were dismissed, my cousins had to help me to my feet, I walked unsteadily but knew I had to press on – Parade time now, and another eight hours of slavery in the Human Body Processing Plant.

This round of training continued so we each had one more practice bout with The Giant, then the wrestling-torture was incorporated in our programme of entertainment for the Officers, our dancing stage quickly converted to fighting-ring in the middle of each act with mats and an enclosure of barbed wire.

We'd come in our little skirts and tops, remove them in our stripping dance, two of us would do our solos, with another dance by all three of us in between, then the third girl had to face The Giant in the ring. After that we were "auctioned". Faith was the first to be "broken" in the ring, the Officers were delighted with this innovation, contributions to the MSP Welfare Fund rolled in at auction-time.

So things continued for a while, performing in the Mess before or after each evening shift-change, practising and polishing up our dances in between times under the lacerating glare of Miss Geil, all of this of course on top of eight-hour shifts in our Punishment Section slave duties. Our young bodies were being driven, not just from time to time, but for sixteen hours every day, at the very limits of their endurance, less healthy girls would have died – many did, their bodies simply consigned to the HBPP. Lucky for us we were fit young women - or would death have been luckier?

But things began to change one morning after we'd been on the night shift, Carina, Faith and I ran to the cage to find two girls already in there – we were gobsmacked, but delighted, Laura and Julia!

We hugged one another, sobbing. Julia explained that she and Laura had been training as dancers, performing for the Officers, even wrestling with the Giant, as B-Shift girls, alternating with our times. It made sense, sometimes I'd vaguely noticed that the rags in the cage didn't seem to be where I thought we'd left them, but I'd hardly thought about it. In fact, my sister and cousin had been sleeping there while we were working and vice versa.

Now they'd been told to stay in the cage instead of reporting for duty on the Parade Ground. Why?Julia shrugged, we just do as we're told, we don't ask why. But we'd better grab a bite and a drink of water, all five of us were to report to Miss Geil in the Training Centre.

Julia, between Faith and Carina in age, was a sturdy lass, strong and adventurous and as bright and lively as her sister. The Torturers must have had some job breaking her, though of course they had done, her body bore a cruelly vivid "red bikini" of torture-scars and burns, and now she wore the thong of a "rigorous and punitive" condemnee. But it was good to see her determination still showing in her face and body-language.

But Laura worried me, pale and skeleton-thin, her one eye constantly glancing about like a terrified animal, at first she just clung to Julia, she didn't even seem to recognise me, and cringed when I held out my hand, but then cautiously took it and pressed it to her face. But she wouldn't, couldn't speak, the trauma she'd suffered had muted her. I hugged her quickly before we all set off across the yard to face Miss Geil.

She put us through a much longer training session than we'd had before. Evidently we're going to be a troupe, all the "Merida brats" except Erica (dead? captive somewhere else? or still alive and free?), plus Faith whose surname was Alessandro. And apparently we're going full-time, no more P-Section slavery!

We each performed our solos, with the usual nagging perfectionism of Miss Geil spoiling the pleasure. Julia was lively, provocative, skipping and leaping around at a galloping pace. It raised my spirits to watch her.

Laura's turn came last of all, I watched her anxiously. As the music started, she just stood stock-still for several seconds, as if petrified, I feared she was about to get a whipping from Miss Geil, but suddenly she threw herself into a spectacular somersault, followed by a swift succession of cartwheels, handsprings, backward and forward rolls, more of a gymnastic floor routine than a dance – Laura had been a great little gymnast, very promising, but arrest and hard labour had put a stop to all that, until now! There was a fierce determination, with every movement she pounded the mat with her feet or her body, all her anger at the terrible way she'd been treated seemed to be finding release in a blaze of energy. Even Miss Geil was silenced.

We were then sent back to the cage and allowed a rest. We huddled together, Laura clinging to me, at least she recognised me as her sister now, but still didn't say a word. I managed to get her to let me see inside her mouth, several of her teeth had been viciously wrecked, and there was burn-mark in her tongue.

Julia whispered that she'd found Laura in the Canteen Yard, and tried to give her what tender loving care their brief times together allowed, but Laura hadn't spoken at all.I thanked Julia, and Laura turned over her and hugged her too. Julia told me her slave-duty had been stoking the huge furnaces that kept the boilers going in the Human Body Processing Plant, her body continuously tortured by the ferocious heat. She didn't know for sure what work Laura had been made to do, but judging by her filthy, stinking condition at the end of each shift, she guessed she'd been a "sewer rat", crawling through the drains to keep them clear – I gasped, had my sister been little Marie's oppo?

We were all exhausted and slept deeply, until we were woken by a V-Section slave bringing food and water. She told us we must finish it quickly and go up to the Officers' Mess. There we found Miss Geil waiting, she directed us in a long performance for a packed audience, all five of us dancing our full repertoire, and Carina, Julia and me fighting a bout each with The Giant. It was hard work, but it felt good, all of us working together like this, every act got shouts and whistles of appreciation from the men, and we were even getting better at coping with The Giant's ways of mauling us, learning at least how to avoid getting hurt any more than was inevitable.

At the end, we were cheered, and auctioned off at good prices to eagerly-bidding customers – I was "bought" by Major Atjap, the brute who'd tortured Marie, the one with the cruel ring on his finger. He used it in me, I squealed and fell to my knees begging him to stop as he inserted his finger and moved it slowly about. He just ordered me to stand, hands raised, and repeated the infliction, licking his lips as my thighs jerked, my hips twisted in response to his slight, barely perceptible, probing movements.

At last he withdrew his now bloodtained finger, formed a fist, and punched me in the guts so I fell back onto the bed. He flung himself on me and began fucking me with animal ferocity. The pain of the ring with its vicious sharp diamonds was still raw in my genitals, causing me to jolt, squirm and squeal, greatly adding to his enjoyment.

As I walked back down the long stairs with the other girls, I felt my blood trickling down my leg. When we got back to the cage, we found some strange objects had been delivered, stacked at the inside end – crooked wooden beams with clamps at the centre and metal rings near each end. We looked at them wondering what they could be for ...
Excellent! Are you already turning into pdf?​
You're such a dear Admi! flower1
It's hard even for me to judge how long it will be in the end,​
I guess I'm past half-way, perhaps two-thirds,​
but there's plenty more to come -​
including Crucifixions (some quite soon)​
I promise!​
i promise it you at the start also.................................;)
perhaps is a trilogy an option:D


  • Stuff Happen's After Messaline's Plans Go Awry.pdf
    84.9 KB · Views: 99
i promise it you at the start also.................................;)
perhaps is a trilogy an option:D
At least that!​
I have divided it into chapters now, if you scroll back through the thread you'll see I've edited in chapter numbers​
(we're on chapter VII at present), chapter titles and sections within chapters (individual numbered posts).​
I've also tweaked my own copies of the text slightly to maintain consistency.​
Would it help if I send you those (by e-mail) now, or when it's (eventually) finished? :rolleyes:
At least that!​
I have divided it into chapters now, if you scroll back through the thread you'll see I've edited in chapter numbers​
(we're on chapter VII at present), chapter titles and sections within chapters (individual numbered posts).​
I've also tweaked my own copies of the text slightly to maintain consistency.​
Would it help if I send you those (by e-mail) now, or when it's (eventually) finished? :rolleyes:
asap I'll be ready if you finished your life story...........:D

Things with clamps and metals rings on aren't likely to be good news for slavegirls, and our forebodings were only increased when, after a few hours of weary sleep, the white-clothed "pet" who waked us with food and water delivered the ominous message, "Eat up quick, they'll be coming for you soon!"

"They" did indeed arrive soon, in the form of a platoon of Cadets marched into the yard by a Sergeant. They halted by our cage, the Sergeant unlocked the door, ordered us out, told us to kneel on the sand. In pairs, the Cadets fetched out the beams and placed them behind us.

The two boys assigned to me – grinning, loutish lads, evidently pleased with their luck in getting me as their driving-duty – told me to hold out my arms to either side. They checked and tightened my wrist-shackles, then. laid the beam across my shoulders, the crook in the centre resting on the back of my neck, a pair of thick metal rods with screw-threads pressing along either side of my neck.

My wrist-irons were locked to the rings at either end, and the clamp, a wooden block with a curved, leather-lined, edge, was fitted over the metal rods and screwed till it pressed against my throat and forced my chin up. A final refinement was a handle, about two feet long, screwed into the back of the beam behind my neck, with which my controller would push me along, force me to bend over for a beating, or jerk my head back, as he saw fit.

Now I and all the other girls, fitted up the same way, had to stand, swaying unsteadily till we adjusted to the weight, yoked, like beasts of burden. One Cadet in each pair had role of driver, grasping the handle with his left hand, a sharp, slender goad in his right, while his companion stood alongside with his jockey-whip to provide additional stimulus to their charge's pace.

We moved off, Carina leading, I was second, the rest followed. My driver signalled by flicking my thigh with the goad, and jerking the yoke with the handle. I had to quick-march along with my head forced up, the clamp pressing under my chin, the goad frequently jabbed in my bum or the back of my thigh, the other Cadet whipping my flanks, my legs and the front of my body.

We went out through a gate in the barbed-wire enclosure onto the main road, where we turned left an passed the gloomy grey frontage of the IPCG, the first time I'd seen that grim facade since I climbed out of the renditioning van, months, surely more than a year, ago. We continued across a bridge, glimpsing the distant crosses on Death Hill and Tiger Cage Island where the Punishment Pits are, then uphill alongside the vast campus of the Cadet College, The World Military Academy .

Vehicles, mostly Military, slowed down, drivers hooted and whistled with glee at the small procession of nearly-naked girls being force-marched along under the yoke. My driver had a trick of jerking the yoke up and twisting my body to face whoever was cat-calling, so he could get a good look at me, without letting me slacken my pace.

Pedestrians, too, mostly men, but the women were no less enthusiastic, urged on our escorts to goad and whip us with even greater vigour, though they were doing more than enough to keep us striding briskly, panting and sweating under our burdens.

We reached a road junction and turned left along an even busier road, following the perimeter of the Cadet College cantonment until we reached the main entrance, where we were herded in under raised security barriers. The College campus was in fact a veritable town, we marched along the main central road which was lined with excited young men, and a few women – word had got round, they were eager to see the fun!

At last we arrived at a massive block of buildings that formed the centre of the campus. An archway led us into a courtyard, where at last we were ordered to kneel, for our yokes to be removed. We were then taken inside one of the buildings, where Major Zeta and Miss Geil awaited us.

We soon learnt that we were to give a performance – no, three performances – for the Officers and Cadets. The same full-length programme of dances we'd done in the Officer's Mess yesterday, and each of us fighting two bouts with The Giant, sitting out a third. We were shown the arena where we were to perform, much vaster, of course, than the Officer's Mess, with impressive arrays of lighting to illuminate our gyrations, and - disconcertingly – giant screens on all four walls where live video of us, generally in close-up, would be continuously running for the benefit of the audience, especially those farthest from the action in the seats high on the banks that surrounded the dance-floor and fighting-ring on three sides.

We were quickly put through our final rehearsal and preparation by Miss Geil, while the audience for the first show was filling the arena. When the lights went down and a fanfare of trumpets and drums signalled the start, Major Zeta appeared in the fighting-ring and delivered a gloating, sneering speech, explaining who we were, whose daughters we were – Laura's and my Dad a Libertarian minister and Mum a campaigning journalist, Carina and Julia's father a radical economist and Libertarian Government advisor, Faith's mum a human rights lawyer, all of course vermin in the eyes of the Military.

Zeta acted as master of ceremonies, imposing further humiliation on each of us before we danced our solos, we were made to repeat the confessions we'd been forced to memorise in the Torture Chamber. Things were becoming clearer.

Our performances went well, earning hoots of delight and loud applause, and our rough-and-tumble with The Giant, all in a day's work for us now, fed them a banquet of babe-abuse. After each performance, we were "auctioned" to eager bidders, and ushered up a grand staircase to some hotel-like bedrooms to provide services to our purchasers, in my case a couple were Officers – one of whom had a preference for anal penetration, the other for being sucked off – but the third bidder was a Cadet who turned out to be leading a band-bid, six youths turned up together. They weren't all Elmedan, the World Military Academy, as its name proudly proclaims, trains Officer Cadets from many countries, my rapists included youths from India or the Middle East, and a couple whose accents told me they were from the UCS. They gave me the "three holes" gang-bang twice over, with a good deal of gratuitous forced grovelling to gratify their lust for power.

Once our purchasers had finished with us, we were allowed some food, much better than we'd enjoyed for a long, long time – sandwiches, salads, even ice-cream, tastes our slave-bodies had grown quite unused to, and we rested on comfortable couches in the green room behind the stage entrance, recovering just about enough energy for the next performance. But it was a gruelling day, by the third performance, even The Giant was showing signs of weariness, less quick to grab his victims, less vigorous in punishing us when he did.

Things became clearer still when we'd plodded back in darkness, yoked again, to find that, in our absence, the tatty old circus-trailer had been given a new coat of paint, the bars were gleaming gold, the panels a glittering mixture of red, gold and green, resplendent in the powerful floodlights that constantly lit the yard. Along the top, on all three sides, were the words in fancy lettering, "The Killhope Girls".

So that's who we're to be, our little dancing-troupe, named after the satanic Operation Killhope in which the MSC had set out to destroy any chance of the Libertarian movement ever reviving, by rounding up all the sons and daughters, all the children and grandchildren, of anyone even falsely suspected of being associated with or sympathetic towards that movement. Most had been put in training camps or indoctrination schools, but those of us whose parents had been leading Libertarians, who could be tortured for information and denunciation, who could ourselves be sentenced for crimes against the State, had been renditioned to the IPCG and similar centres. And, now that Anna-Michaela, the former President's daughter, had been crucified, we – the Merida brats and cousin Faith - were the most prized catch among all the Killhope Girls, captives to be paraded in triumph and forced to perform our elaborate ritual of public humiliation!
Chapter VIII
The Killhope Girls

"Where the hell are they taking us now?" groaned Julia. We were barely half-awake, having slept exhausted after our long, long day of exercise at the Cadets' College, we hadn't finished scraping the kitchen waste out of our feed trough when a couple of Guards had appeared, glanced lustfully at us through the still wet gold paint on the bars, then climbed in the cab of the cage-truck and started up the engine.

"God knows," I sighed, "but they're taking us somewhere else where we can be paraded and shown off as proof of their victory." "Bastards!"Julia hissed, "Why are we putting up with it, why don't we just go on strike – refuse to dance?" The other girls gasped. "You know perfectly well Julia," said Faith quietly "what sort of things they'd do to us...." "Of course I know bloody well, I've been tortured and whipped and fucked and in and out of every hell there can be, till I was screaming to die and sure I was going crazy, but I'm still here. They can kill me if they want, but they can't hurt me any more than they already have!" Carina put out her hand and touched her sister's well-muscled arm. "Sorry Sis, but they can – whatever they've done already, there's always something worse."

Julia muttered "Fuck!" and burst into tears, her face was red, she was quivering, with anger not fear. Carina hugged her, Faith and Laura were looking tearful too, I took their hands. "Well, it's good we're together – they can say what they like, do what they like, throw what they like, we've nothing to be ashamed of – we're The Killhope Girls, and proud of it!" "Yeah, yeah," Carina gave me a big grin, "don't let humiliation get you down!"

The truck had turned right out of the gateway and carried us through a blighted rocky landscape dotted with a few buildings, houses, industrial plants, military installations, mostly derelict or ruinous except for the military ones. Now we were coming into the suburbs of what seemed a fair-sized town or city, more busy and populous, though even here there was a good deal of devastation. Our gaily-coloured transport attracted attention, the driver slowed down so passers-by could enjoy the sight of our near-nakedness.

He turned into a wire-enclosed compound, a large parking area. A bus was already there, from which our escorts, the Cadets, were disembarking. One of the Guards unlocked our cage and ordered us to get out, bringing our yokes. We hardly needed to be ordered to kneel down on the gritty ground and hold out our arms, our yokes were fitted by the same youths who had attended to us yesterday. But when we stood up, they produced the harness tops and little red skirts, that we normally just wore for our first dance, the strip-tease. Maybe the civilian authorities required a slightly higher standard of respectability – or was it just that our numbers and names were displayed on the harness-tops across our breasts, so were "named and shamed"?

We were marched out of the compound and goad-jabbed, whipped and driven along the road leading into the town centre. Our scanty clothes gave us no protection from the Cadets' means of persuasion. We had to walk in the gutter, the further we went, the more spectators were waiting, they were expecting us.

I spotted posters proclaiming our visit, with photos of each of us. The one they'd used of me must have been among those taken quite early in my time in the IPCG, when I was stripped before Torture – quite a nice one, I thought to myself ruefully, it showed my bare and as yet unscarred breasts to good advantage, my face half-turned towards the camera, with an anxious glance and a look on my lips of mingled fear and defiance.

The crowd watching us were mostly civilians, or at least in civilian clothes, but there was a big enough Military presence to rule out any signs of sympathy or support, instead there was a continuous chorus of hissing, hooting, obscene abuse, along with frequent gobs of spittle and waste matter of all kinds. Again, my driver frequently used his trick of jerking and twisting me to face some particularly nasty groups of toughs – not all of them male – so as to present them with a good target.

But way more humiliating were the rows of smartly-uniformed school pupils who'd been brought out to witness our disgrace, especially the girls from posh private academies, well-groomed, neatly attired in their expensive jumpers and modestly long skirts, a dramatic contrast to our near-naked, wrecked and ravaged, half-skeletal bodies, their scornful smiles and vicious little chuckles as they pointed out our marks of disgrace to one another were more hurtful than the swearing and spitting of any drunken louts.

Eventually we reached the centre, staggering under our yokes through shopping streets, providing a diversion for the crowds, until we came to a grand square with fountains and monuments, the flag of Elmeda now charged with the black lightning flash of the Military Security Commission, waving triumphantly over all. Beneath it stood Major Zeta, grinning smugly.

A flat trailer was parked alongside the paved area, we were goaded up steps onto this, and made to stand along the edge of the trailer, on the outside of a chain that ran between a series of uprights. We were still yoked, and the chains from our wrist-irons were now threaded through the metal rings and locked to the chain on the trailer, so we were held in position, forced to stand upright by the weight of the chain.

Now Zeta mounted the trailer, and, using a portable mike linked to a powerful sound system, began his mocking speech about us Killhope Girls, striding back and forth, jerking our heads back as he picked on each of us in turn for a tirade of contempt. When he'd finished, music blasted through the loudspeakers – if you can call the marching-tunes of the MSC music.

So we stood, displayed, for the delectation of the crowd. Guards kept them back a short way from the trailer, but only to ensure everyone could enjoy a good view, and those who wanted to could throw garbage at us – and plenty did, supplied from large, copiously-filled skips of waste from kitchens, markets, even the abattoir.

The sun blazed down, the stench from our bodies and the filth being hurled at them grew sickening, flies crawled eagerly, digesting our sweat, the nastier ones nibbling for our blood. We were desperately thirsty, but of course water was denied us, the sight of the gushing fountains in the square was a cruel torment.

We must have been there a couple of hours, I was feeling quite drowsy with the heat and thirst, when my yoke was suddenly jerked, forcing my head back. One of my Escort Cadets undid the clamp, the other released my wrists. They removed the yoke from me and turned me around to face Zeta, standing with a long black driving whip in his hand.

"Strip!" he commanded. I glanced round at the expectant crowd, he cracked the whip, I quickly pulled off my harness-top and skirt. I looked at him momentarily before pulling down my thong, no doubt he required total nudity. As my body was bared, a huge roar rose from the crowd. He flicked the whip again, "Stand straight, cunt!" I took a deep breath, stood smartly at the ready, legs wide, breasts lifted.

"Show her round, let them see her!" The Cadets took my arms and held them wide, led me down the steps and all around the square, where the spectators behind barriers were pressing forward. They made me walk, and frequently stop, close enough for men to grope me, women spat, every foul word for a girl and her body-parts was used to insult me.

After I'd been taken all around the four sides, they marched me to where the flagpole stood in the centre, atop a pyramid of steps. They led me up. On the pole, a good two metres from the ground, there was a heavy iron ring, I had to stand on tiptoe for my wrist-irons to be fitted through it.

Zeta cracked his whip a few more times before aiming it at me, striking a searing cut down my back. I yelped, kicked out at the pain. Another, and another, and more, at a leisurely pace, long intervals for me to absorb and respond to each jab of pain. I responded with loud shrieks and cries, jumping and twisting.

Whipping was part of my life now, an everyday trial I'd learnt to cope with. Zeta's was skilful, he knew where and how to hurt without needing to use great force, my body responded sharply, almost gleefully, to the stimulus. And although I'd been whipped countless times, this was my first experience at a post. The flagstaff had been brightly whitewashed, but the wood was quite rough against my skin, and the feel of its harshness against my leaping breasts, the way I could wrap my thighs around it, added a new, sharp seasoning to the pain-feast.

When I'd taken a couple of dozen, maybe thirty, to my shoulders, ribcage, buttocks and thighs, he came and tugged me by the hair – "Turn round, sow's cunt, show me your tits and –" he was groping my vulva, "filthy slut!" He slapped my face and turned to the crowd, "The whore's enjoying it! She's juicy as rotten peach!" He turned back to me, squeezed my face and snarled "I'm going to lash you now till your sex is squeezed so dry the pips squeak!"

I leaned back against the pole, waiting while he prepared to carry out his threat. Indeed it was a thrashing to remember, each stroke whistling to its target, almost all on my breasts or my pussy, I could only leap and writhe in a dance of agony the audience found delicious.

There's a pain barrier when you're being whipped, I'd learnt that from experience, as you get through twenty, thirty, perhaps even forty strokes, it simply goes on getting worse and worse until you're sure you'll die or go mad if you suffer any more, but then suddenly it breaks, it's no less painful, but your body and soul stop resisting, just accepting, stroke after stroke.

Zeta knew that too, of course, he'd whipped hundreds, probably thousands, of girls. He saw me reach that climax, crying and screaming, swinging half-way around the pole and back with every lash, he stopped at just that point, and just let me continue my dance for the pleasure of the spectators till I hung head bowed with exhaustion.

Eventually, I was released. As the Cadet freed my wrists from the ring, I fell to my knees and tumbled down the steps. Zeta was standing by, he kicked me as I rolled onto the pavement, the Cadets hauled me to my feet. My sister and my cousins were being freed from their yokes and brought down to where I was.

We were marched into a back entrance of large theatre building next to the square, the place where we were to perform. Miss Geil was there, she ordered us to get washed and ready to perform – after all we'd suffered already that day, we were going to have to dance, and Carina, Julia and Faith were going to face The Giant!

As we hurried into the washroom, eager to drink cold water from the taps before even thinking about washing, Carina whispered to me, "Was he right? Were you enjoying it?" I winked.
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