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Love No 1.
Olga Petrova loved her work with the FSB, particularly since her transfer to the Lubyanka, where she was responsible for preparing high profile female prisoners for interrogation. Today`s subject, at least according to her passport, was Barbara Moore, a forty year old tourist from Minnesota, but in reality a known CIA operative.
Moore had complained constantly as she was stripped and subjected to a rigorous full body search resulting in Olga applying a rubber ball gag to silence her.
Now she viewed her helpless prisoner, naked and spread eagled in front of her, Olga could hardly believe that this woman was forty, she could easily pass for twenty five and her breasts were spectacular. Olga had taken some time checking their authenticity, which Moore had not enjoyed and now she intended to carry out a little experiment of her own. Would these beauties still be as perky after her riding crop had left a dozen raw red stripes across them?
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