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The Moment of Impact

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My amateur photography can’t compete with much of the artwork here, but I’ve long been interested in this moment, as demonstrated by some of my own modeling.

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Excellent set. @JustJJ :)

In future, though, please post only thumbnail images, and keep to 5 static images or one gif per thread per day. As they are your own creations image size is fine, but if reposting from elsewhere max image size is 400kB.

More information in 'Terms and Rules' at the bottom of the page. ;)
View attachment 1490019View attachment 1490018I just found this thread and it’s truly a great observation to highlight. The moment of impact is devastating and brutal.

As for my own contributions, I think Sam Raimi should be counted among the artists who was fascinated with depicting crucifixion. One image I’m obsessed with eventually being able to paint well is this one (some may remember that I tried and failed to do so, but I’ve been slowly improving my skills). The nail is introduced in a moment, but Gabriele is clearly anticipating it.

Xena’s reaction to being nailed is great acting in my opinion, too.
Sam Raimi co-developed Xena: Warrior Princess with Robert Tapert, but I don't believe he had anything to do with the creation or filming of individual episodes. The image on the left is (if I'm thinking of the right episode) written by Katherine Fugate and directed by John Fawcett. The one the right was written by R J Stewart and directed by Ken Girotti.

That's it, Vindex, it's all over for you. You'll no longer be an obstacle to the mighty Roman army. You're going to die naked on that cross, nailed up in front of your accomplice wives. Then they'll suffer the same fate as you and you'll never make love like rutting beasts again.
This picture in particular is illustrating something I only found out from this forum through the Lexicon. Fucknailing. Both a nail and a meaty protrusion of the male body violating them all at the same time. Only now have I discovered this even though I've had this fascination since 7 years old. Please tell me there is a thread for pictures of this nature. It's too hot to ignore. >.<
Hyper-realistic! Makes me shiver!
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