IPCG ... The Interrogation and Punishment Centre for Girls. What goes on there can be found in full and frightful detail at:
red bikini ... 'worn' in the form of vivid red marks on the bare body of a female who's been subjected to whipping or other forms of chastisement and torture on the favoured female parts.
Via Crucis ... 'Way of the Cross', the walk of shame taken by the ones condemned to be crucified, carrying their crosses, or at least the cross-bars (patibula), being whipped along the way, naked or clad in loincloths at the discretion of their Executioners.
sedile ... Latin for 'a seat', but an uncomfortable one, a piece of wood or metal that the crucified body can rest its crotch on, but only to get minimal relief for its aching limbs, and actually prolonging the agony. May be combined with a cornu, which see.
Pau de Arara, Parrot Perch ... a simple support for a naked Torture subject, comprising a horizontal bar on which the victim hangs with the bar under the backs of her knees, her wrists bound in front of her lower legs, while beatings, electrical tortures, etc. are applied.
red bikini ... 'worn' in the form of vivid red marks on the bare body of a female who's been subjected to whipping or other forms of chastisement and torture on the favoured female parts.
Via Crucis ... 'Way of the Cross', the walk of shame taken by the ones condemned to be crucified, carrying their crosses, or at least the cross-bars (patibula), being whipped along the way, naked or clad in loincloths at the discretion of their Executioners.
sedile ... Latin for 'a seat', but an uncomfortable one, a piece of wood or metal that the crucified body can rest its crotch on, but only to get minimal relief for its aching limbs, and actually prolonging the agony. May be combined with a cornu, which see.
Pau de Arara, Parrot Perch ... a simple support for a naked Torture subject, comprising a horizontal bar on which the victim hangs with the bar under the backs of her knees, her wrists bound in front of her lower legs, while beatings, electrical tortures, etc. are applied.