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The Official CruxForums Lexicon

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No mention of the great loincloth controversy? Rightly thinking members understand the sexiness of a skimpy rag for adorning slaves and condemned, but there’s a coterie of Philistines who prefer the sheer banality of outright nudity! Keep the decorum for society’s sake, use a loincloth to hide your property’s shame!
A new list of proposals I made!:icon_writing:

Cross : the essential instrument for crucifixion. Made of wooden beams. Main shapes are a stake (‘crux simplex’), T-shape, Latin cross (stipes (see there) extending above the patibulum (see there too)), X-cross.

Fender : after riding T. H. Tree’s Mustang (see ‘Mustang’), Barb often reports to him she accidentally made a scratch on its fender. In reality, the fender is often the only part of the Mustang to survive the crash intact!

Goldman (character) : NYPD detective and later private investigator. CF’s smart, brave and integer in-house detective. Loyal partner of Barb.

London : Anyone traveling with Barb to London better has deep pockets, considering her preference for expensive places like the Dorchester Hotel and Ducasse’s restaurant. Barb’s favourite pub is the Red Lion, where, in September 2020, a memorable (imaginary) CF gathering took place. Also popular are the dungeons of the London Tower, for their exciting torture instruments and the way to used them.

Moore (family) : an ancient lineage of direct or sideward ancestry of Barbaria. Known under different variations (e.g. Moria, Mohr, Moora,…) the family has in common an array of rebellious female members, that usually ended up on the cross or in the hands of justice.

Pillory : syn. : stake, pole. Multi-use instrument, mostly made of wood, applied for public exposure, public whipping, strangulation pole, firing squad execution pole, burning at the stake (single use), crux simplex, or stipes (see there) of an unused cross.

Posca : a mixture of water, wine and vinegar, with spices added. It was a beverage given crucified to drink, using a sponge, and besides water, it was all they good get (although on CF, some manage to bargain for Riesling wine).

Rebel : on CF a popular role, since it is often the shortest way to the cross. Ask Barb. See also ‘wayward’.

Wayward : a rebellious attitude of a daughter towards her usually wealthy, well meaning, empathic, caring and generous father. Always ends up into trouble. Ask Barb.

Weather : in CF tradition, crucifixions preferably should take place during ‘ideal’ crucifixion weather, generally a sunny summer day followed by a mild night (it should be fun, after all).

Wragg (family) : an ancient family of in-good English landlords and archbishops, residing in Cruxton Abbey (see there). Trustful keepers of social order and justice.
Wragg (family) : an ancient family of in-good English landlords and archbishops, residing in Cruxton Abbey (see there). Trustful keepers of social order and justice.
I'm SO glad you've been paying such careful attention! :)
A new list of proposals I made!:icon_writing:

Cross : the essential instrument for crucifixion. Made of wooden beams. Main shapes are a stake (‘crux simplex’), T-shape, Latin cross (stipes (see there) extending above the patibulum (see there too)), X-cross.

Fender : after riding T. H. Tree’s Mustang (see ‘Mustang’), Barb often reports to him she accidentally made a scratch on its fender. In reality, the fender is often the only part of the Mustang to survive the crash intact!

Goldman (character) : NYPD detective and later private investigator. CF’s smart, brave and integer in-house detective. Loyal partner of Barb.

London : Anyone traveling with Barb to London better has deep pockets, considering her preference for expensive places like the Dorchester Hotel and Ducasse’s restaurant. Barb’s favourite pub is the Red Lion, where, in September 2020, a memorable (imaginary) CF gathering took place. Also popular are the dungeons of the London Tower, for their exciting torture instruments and the way to used them.

Moore (family) : an ancient lineage of direct or sideward ancestry of Barbaria. Known under different variations (e.g. Moria, Mohr, Moora,…) the family has in common an array of rebellious female members, that usually ended up on the cross or in the hands of justice.

Pillory : syn. : stake, pole. Multi-use instrument, mostly made of wood, applied for public exposure, public whipping, strangulation pole, firing squad execution pole, burning at the stake (single use), crux simplex, or stipes (see there) of an unused cross.

Posca : a mixture of water, wine and vinegar, with spices added. It was a beverage given crucified to drink, using a sponge, and besides water, it was all they good get (although on CF, some manage to bargain for Riesling wine).

Rebel : on CF a popular role, since it is often the shortest way to the cross. Ask Barb. See also ‘wayward’.

Wayward : a rebellious attitude of a daughter towards her usually wealthy, well meaning, empathic, caring and generous father. Always ends up into trouble. Ask Barb.

Weather : in CF tradition, crucifixions preferably should take place during ‘ideal’ crucifixion weather, generally a sunny summer day followed by a mild night (it should be fun, after all).

Wragg (family) : an ancient family of in-good English landlords and archbishops, residing in Cruxton Abbey (see there). Trustful keepers of social order and justice.
Some very nice additions Lox! ❤️
Trabbia-A fictional (?) Southeast Asian country where judicial corporal punishment is administered to females as well as males (in the spirit of fairness and non-gender bias)

Priya Narayan (later Raman)- a visitor to Trabbia as a pre-med student who ended up in some serious trouble with the law. Later, as a doctor back in the US, she took a job in a female corporal punishment facility. She knows both ends of the cane extremely well.

Pirate Cay-A Caribbean island in the very accommodating nation of Providencia that is owned by a mysterious billionaire who is alleged to lure unsuspecting and broke female students to serve as "companions".
Trabbia-A fictional (?) Southeast Asian country where judicial corporal punishment is administered to females as well as males (in the spirit of fairness and non-gender bias)

Priya Narayan (later Raman)- a visitor to Trabbia as a pre-med student who ended up in some serious trouble with the law. Later, as a doctor back in the US, she took a job in a female corporal punishment facility. She knows both ends of the cane extremely well.

Pirate Cay-A Caribbean island in the very accommodating nation of Providencia that is owned by a mysterious billionaire who is alleged to lure unsuspecting and broke female students to serve as "companions".
Zilawe missing in this list?
Zilawe missing in this list?
Zilawe-A fictional African country where, Meghan Shanahan, a young American aide worker, got into trouble for a tweet about the President. Barb went to report on the situation and, it goes without saying, got into trouble as well.

The USA-A real country where Barb got into trouble in multiple locations. Not quite all 50 states, but quite a few.
Four poster: the bed of choice, for obvious reasons, at Cruxton Abbey. Every bedroom is furnished with one.
I just had written down this description : :icon_writing: ;)

Four-poster bed : a piece of stylish furniture, regularly found in wealthy mansions and estates, such as Cruxton Abbey. Ideal instrument for masters and landlords to discipline unruly and wayward scullery maids and other female staff.
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