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The Olympic Crux

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What would happen if I just dropped this cross on the track and walked off?
It wouldn't be good... You'd still end up crucified... If you were in the bottom half of the seeding it would be for 12 hours. If you were seeded 75 through 26 you would be crucified for 75% of the winning time. If you (as Barb is) in the top 25 you would be crucified for the winner's time plus 12 hours while being shot in bum with a Joan Tree Horny Potion dart be fore you are raised and every 18 hours after... It's all in the fine print...
View attachment 403236 Now I know why Olympians train and compete for the gold, no matter how great the sacrifices may be. They are either stupid or insane.

What the fuck am I doing here? Whatever made me think there was any glory in dragging a fucking heavy piece of timber, stark naked up a fucking steep slope, in front of tens of thousands of lecherous enraptured spectators, all for the purpose of being fucking nailed to the stupid thing and left up there to twist and writhe in the blazing sun, while some fucking idiot calculates how many extra minutes I have to capitulate, whatever the fuck that means, and all of this after having my pussy fucked three times by Siss, Bull and Gunner!!!

Who came up with all this shit anyway? I am feeling rebellious. What would happen if I just dropped this cross on the track and walked off? Maybe went back to Siss for an encore of something infinitely more pleasurable? Why not? Being seeded number 1 is no advantage when you know perfectly well that the Russians have doped up their entry anyway, along with hacking every email server they can find. Now I am on a roll here. Let's see what else can I bitch and complain about?

Uh oh, Wait. Here come Hondo and Wragg out on the track to give me a little pep talk. Oh, seems they have a little cash bet on my winning the gold, and my sudden refusal to go forward and compete has them a little upset. In fact, Wragg was so sure I would win that he bet that entire pile known as Cruxton Abbey on me. His ancestors will roll over in their graves when they find out he lost the place in a stupid bet on soneone from the colonies. And Hondo says he bet all of Oklahoma on me. It's only a red state, but you have to admit placing it all on me was pretty stupid brave.

Well, I have no choice, as Thessela is fond of saying. If I ever want to be invited again to Cruxton Abbey, to have the pleasure of being spreadeagled naked again on one of Wragg's four posters, or experience the joy of sneaking a few nips of his expensive sherry, I am going to have to pick up this cross and, as the English say, "carry on". Hondo agrees.

Alright, alright. I'll do it. The roar of the crowd cheers me on as I set off at a brisk pace ... Or maybe they just like my tight little?

Anyway, Olympic gold, here I come!
Wow, I can't believe I bet the entire State of Oklahoma on you, and now you are thinking of pulling out of the competition. Sir Wragg has even bet his entire Cruxton Abbey on you, so get these thoughts of quitting out of your head. You don't want to waste all the time spent training do you? Remember all the things Tree had you endure as your training, make it all worthwhile, and win that damn gold medal!!!! Besides, there's that fine print on the contract you signed to think about, remember that?
Now go give the crowd something to really cheer about!!!!
Barb, you got this:clapping:
Ahead of Barb, Sister Mary Martyr, representing the Vatican, toils to bear her cross. She is one of the few athletes on the warm day to wear a loincloth desiring even the small modest it gives her. She is quite beautify but today she finds it not a gift from God but a curse from the devil as more than 100,000 people looked lecherously at her nearly naked body as her ample breasts swayed and bobbed upon her chest with each step!

The worse part was the turnaround outside the Coliseum’s main entrance where the Wragg’s Concessions and Rotten Fruit Stands where several thousand spectators had relatively cheap tickets and would get a close-up look at all 150 contestants. Many of them had been drinking heavily since dawn and had invested much buying Wragg’s rotten fruits and vegetables. By the time Sister Mary Martyr went through gauntlet in addition to the rock-strew path that had tortured her feet the path was rutted from the 125 crosses that had been dragged across the loop and was covered with rotten food that had been tossed at the previous athlete. While discouraged so as not to miss a single contestant, men lining the barriers were relieving themselves urinating on the path and sometimes even on contestants that came to close to the barrier!

Don’t think Sister Mary Martyr was spared any of the abuse. No, the young nun seemed to draw the wrath of anyone who had attended Catholic schools. Even though she spoke English she didn’t know more half words shouted at her but was sure they were less than complementary! And then there was the sight of Eul now crucified more than twenty-four hours. She is baking under the midday sun and the Santa Ana winds are light but hot.

Sister Mary Martyr makes the descent 44 feet to the field level. Down in the bowl there is no wind and the temperature is 110°F. She pauses a moment and scans up the mound where already a hundred women are crucified. She knows she has only 300 meters to go before she is laid upon the cross and spikes are pounded through her. She whispers “I do this for The Church. God, give me strength!”

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Ahead of Barb, Sister Mary Martyr, representing the Vatican, toils to bear her cross. She is one of the few athletes on the warm day to wear a loincloth desiring even the small modest it gives her. She is quite beautify but today she finds it not a gift from God but a curse from the devil as more than 100,000 people looked lecherously at her nearly naked body as her ample breasts swayed and bobbed upon her chest with each step!

The worse part was the turnaround outside the Coliseum’s main entrance where the Wragg’s Concessions and Rotten Fruit Stands where several thousand spectators had relatively cheap tickets and would get a close-up look at all 150 contestants. Many of them had been drinking heavily since dawn and had invested much buying Wragg’s rotten fruits and vegetables. By the time Sister Mary Martyr went through gauntlet in addition to the rock-strew path that had tortured her feet the path was rutted from the 125 crosses that had been dragged across the loop and was covered with rotten food that had been tossed at the previous athlete. While discouraged so as not to miss a single contestant, men lining the barriers were relieving themselves urinating on the path and sometimes even on contestants that came to close to the barrier!

Don’t think Sister Mary Martyr was spared any of the abuse. No, the young nun seemed to draw the wrath of anyone who had attended Catholic schools. Even though she spoke English she didn’t know more half words shouted at her but was sure they were less than complementary! And then there was the sight of Eul now crucified more than twenty-four hours. She is baking under the midday sun and the Santa Ana winds are light but hot.

Sister Mary Martyr makes the descent 44 feet to the field level. Down in the bowl there is no wind and the temperature is 110°F. She pauses a moment and scans up the mound where already a hundred women are crucified. She knows she has only 300 meters to go before she is laid upon the cross and spikes are pounded through her. She whispers “I do this for The Church. God, give me strength!”

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Stunning post, Tree, and the manip is superb! :)
Ahead of Barb, Sister Mary Martyr, representing the Vatican, toils to bear her cross. She is one of the few athletes on the warm day to wear a loincloth desiring even the small modest it gives her. She is quite beautify but today she finds it not a gift from God but a curse from the devil as more than 100,000 people looked lecherously at her nearly naked body as her ample breasts swayed and bobbed upon her chest with each step!

The worse part was the turnaround outside the Coliseum’s main entrance where the Wragg’s Concessions and Rotten Fruit Stands where several thousand spectators had relatively cheap tickets and would get a close-up look at all 150 contestants. Many of them had been drinking heavily since dawn and had invested much buying Wragg’s rotten fruits and vegetables. By the time Sister Mary Martyr went through gauntlet in addition to the rock-strew path that had tortured her feet the path was rutted from the 125 crosses that had been dragged across the loop and was covered with rotten food that had been tossed at the previous athlete. While discouraged so as not to miss a single contestant, men lining the barriers were relieving themselves urinating on the path and sometimes even on contestants that came to close to the barrier!

Don’t think Sister Mary Martyr was spared any of the abuse. No, the young nun seemed to draw the wrath of anyone who had attended Catholic schools. Even though she spoke English she didn’t know more half words shouted at her but was sure they were less than complementary! And then there was the sight of Eul now crucified more than twenty-four hours. She is baking under the midday sun and the Santa Ana winds are light but hot.

Sister Mary Martyr makes the descent 44 feet to the field level. Down in the bowl there is no wind and the temperature is 110°F. She pauses a moment and scans up the mound where already a hundred women are crucified. She knows she has only 300 meters to go before she is laid upon the cross and spikes are pounded through her. She whispers “I do this for The Church. God, give me strength!”

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I second what Sir Wragg posted, great post Tree.
Boy, they sure didn't have nuns that looked like Sister Mary Martyr at any Catholic school I attended:p.....she sure is a looker:devil:
I second what Sir Wragg posted, great post Tree.
Boy, they sure didn't have nuns that looked like Sister Mary Martyr at any Catholic school I attended:p.....she sure is a looker:devil:
It was the habits back then! In seventh grade nuns were allowed to go to the 'short' habits and my homeroom teacher was a young sister and had great legs (and I suspect a fine body) that even as a novice lecherous bastard could see. So I did what I had been told and spoke the truth telling her she had nice legs...

I ended up in the principal's office and long or short habit she was still of the Dominican Order (they embraced corporal punishment- even for their students:eek:). It wasn't pleasant but as you know I still haven't learned to hold my tongue!!!


Oops, more story!!!

While Sister Mary Martyr has descended the stony dirt ramp to the field level Barb has dragged her cross up the ramp that leads to the loop that the nun has already traversed. She pauses at the top of the ramp soaking in the Santa Ana winds. They are not really comforting but the winds beat the dry hot air at field level. Already she is hot and tired and thirsty when ‘Bull Jr.’ says “Barb, you have to keep moving. You don’t want to accumulate penalty time and one way or another you are going to be crucified on that thing.”

He’s right but I don’t have to like it. -Barb

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I’m halfway around the outer loop. ‘Bull Jr.’ told me I don’t want to accrue penalties so I am hoping I am doing alright. I am being pelted with rotten food and lewd insults but when I get to Eul crucified it is just she and I. I look at her and ask if she is OK. I doubt she hears me over the mob.

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She looks up at me then the head falls again. We have a bond years back would have abhorred having- She crucified and me about to be- that today I so desperately need. I keep moving…


It was the habits back then! In seventh grade nuns were allowed to go to the 'short' habits and my homeroom teacher was a young sister and had great legs (and I suspect a fine body) that even as a novice lecherous bastard could see. So I did what I had been told and spoke the truth telling her she had nice legs...

I ended up in the principal's office and long or short habit she was still of the Dominican Order (they embraced corporal punishment- even for their students:eek:). It wasn't pleasant but as you know I still haven't learned to hold my tongue!!!


Oops, more story!!!

While Sister Mary Martyr has descended the stony dirt ramp to the field level Barb has dragged her cross up the ramp that leads to the loop that the nun has already traversed. She pauses at the top of the ramp soaking in the Santa Ana winds. They are not really comforting but the winds beat the dry hot air at field level. Already she is hot and tired and thirsty when ‘Bull Jr.’ says “Barb, you have to keep moving. You don’t want to accumulate penalty time and one way or another you are going to be crucified on that thing.”

He’s right but I don’t have to like it. -Barb

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You did the right thing in seventh grade Tree, you must tell the truth, if she had great legs, you had to tell her:p
I’m halfway around the outer loop. ‘Bull Jr.’ told me I don’t want to accrue penalties so I am hoping I am doing alright. I am being pelted with rotten food and lewd insults but when I get to Eul crucified it is just she and I. I look at her and ask if she is OK. I doubt she hears me over the mob.

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She looks up at me then the head falls again. We have a bond years back would have abhorred having- She crucified and me about to be- that today I so desperately need. I keep moving…



2024 Eul and Barb.jpg Got to admit, Eul is a wondrous sight up there! ... all naked like that, sweating and writhing in the heat, opening and closing her legs, little trickles of blood running down her arms. I am beginning to understand why tens of thousands have come to LA and paid good money to see this. You know, someone really ought to start a website about women being crucified. I bet there are more than a few people out there who would be interested. :rolleyes:
View attachment 403524 Got to admit, Eul is a wondrous sight up there! ... all naked like that, sweating and writhing in the heat, opening and closing her legs, little trickles of blood running down her arms. I am beginning to understand why tens of thousands have come to LA and paid good money to see this. You know, someone really ought to start a website about women being crucified. I bet there are more than a few people out there who would be interested. :rolleyes:


View attachment 403524 Got to admit, Eul is a wondrous sight up there! ... all naked like that, sweating and writhing in the heat, opening and closing her legs, little trickles of blood running down her arms. I am beginning to understand why tens of thousands have come to LA and paid good money to see this. You know, someone really ought to start a website about women being crucified. I bet there are more than a few people out there who would be interested. :rolleyes:


I have a question, will the Zika virus make it to LA by the year 2024?
If yes, this could be another challenge for the nude crucified athletes:p

Is it really going to take that long for this story, too?

¡Dios mío!

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