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The Slave Market

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Welcome to our backyard slave market. The following applies: bought as seen. An exchange of the goods is not possible.
Freshly unloaded from the slave traders ship, still completely untrained, we would of course like to introduce this product to you. The opportunity for people who love to tame their slaves themselves.

8367231.jpg 8367247.jpg
279_1000.jpg The next delivery of goods is on the way.

279a_1000.jpg Your delivery service is on the way
During the auction tumblr_o30pakdAXX1ujo9moo1_500.jpg
Various settings

Love No 2.
"Come along, gentlemen, you can do better than that. Last week, this fine Barbarian slut was leading a rebellion against sacred Rome. By tonight, she could be your bed slave or your wife`s whipping girl, or both. You only need to stump up the right price."
“But before you name any price, let it be known that I don’t suck! ….. OWWW! … what was that for? I just wanted them to know what they were getting … OWWWWW! …”
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