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The Slave Market

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Today's special offers. The auction starts tomorrow morning.

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#4 looks like some sort of public photography event. I'd like to know the story behind that one!
These were photos for our online mail order business. As soon as we receive the Bitcoins, they will be shipped.:tits:
I would like to check the goods. Bring this blonde to the sales room so my friends can see which pet I've chosen.
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I offer you three slaves and a cow for your wonderful Mercedes G SUV.

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Sheikh Omar sold 20 of the older slave girls from his harem to a brothel. In order to get a replacement, I should introduce him to new slaves. I have two lots that can be delivered immediately. I hope he takes both.

Since Sheikh Omar is one of my most important customers, I decided to redirect the mail order brides that were actually intended for Arkansas to Slavearabia.
So gentlemen, I am now starting the slave auction for traders. I wait for your bids.
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The slaves who would be auctioned off next were allowed to present themselves to potential customers.

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