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The Throwaway Girl - a new story by Jedakk

  • Thread starter Deleted member jedakk
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Joking, I assume? Text is fine as is.
I had to go back and look at it. I copied and pasted it straight out of Word, so wasn't sure if there might be a problem with text size. Yeah, probably just joking or talking about reading the story carefully, which would be good. There will be a lot of things going on - it's hard to write a crucifixion story that's only about a crucifixion!
Beautiful young girl, wavy copper-colored hair to her waist, startling green eyes, the spray of freckles you can just see across her turned-up nose and dammit, that perfect, porcelain skin of hers
What a beautiful character!
She has no idea that in minutes she’ll have no more rights than a pig in a slaughterhouse.
What a terrible fate!
talking about reading the story carefully
So is. I was referring to this precisely
It's so great to see you here again, Jedakk! Your masterpiece, "The Serpent's Eye," put crucifixion on the erotic map for me, and this story so far is equally impressive. I really enjoy the legal technicalities and Ellie's lawyer Alice, jockeying for a slightly better negotiating position; a simple workaday issue for her, but all the more monstrous given the horrific fate that awaits Ellie, regardless of whatever concessions Alice and Ellie are able to obtain. Well done, Jedakk! And a tip of the hat to those who contributed to this effort.

I agree, Juan1234 does make some great starts on stories. Myself, I particularly favored his "Life and Death of an Anti-Impalement Activist."
I agree, Juan1234 does make some great starts on stories. Myself, I particularly favored his "Life and Death of an Anti-Impalement Activist."

Yes, that one was great and so was the one where the girl had an appointment to be crucified; can't think of the name of it, but it had real potential too. For whatever reason, "Sentence Negotiation" caught my imagination enough that it caught fire and led me to create this story, but I could have done something similar with several of Juan1234's other stories.
Time for Chapter 2, "Preparing for Negotiation," in which Ellie and her lawyer, Alice, well, uh, prepare for negotiation! This is a short chapter, just the two of them hammering out what Ellie can trade and maybe make her suffering on the cross easier. At one point Alice thinks, this may be the world's most ignorant woman. There is so much Ellie doesn't know but is about to learn, and some very personal questions she is forced to answer.

Chapter 2: Preparing for Negotiation​

Ellie was stunned. “So… so you’re saying there’s… there’s no hope at all?”

“Well,” Alice replied, “I wouldn’t put it quite like that. Now there’s no hope at all of you somehow being found not guilty, and, well, the penalty for treason is crucifixion.”

Alice studied her. Ellie looked confused. Could she truly have thought it might not end this way?

“Now let me make this clear: One way or another, you’re going to die on the cross. But you did know that when you started handing out those leaflets, didn’t you? And let’s be honest, that’s what they caught you for, but you did a lot more, didn’t you?”

“Yes – well, but only if I got caught! I didn’t think…”

“No, I guess you didn’t think,” Alice said, growing more impatient. “Look, we have ten minutes now. I don’t have time to be delicate about this. They will crucify you. You’re going to die and die in agony and shame. Haven’t you ever seen a crucifixion?”

“N-no,” Ellie replied, her voice shaking. “I’ve heard about… what they do to them. The nails in hands and feet, and it takes days.”

“That’s right, it takes days. You should have gone and watched a few crucifixions, seen what it’s like,” Alice said, shaking her head. “It’s supposed to scare the shit out of you, so badly you’ll definitely think twice or three times about breaking the law. Honestly, I don’t see how you managed to avoid seeing one or two. There’s always some poor son of a bitch hanging in one of the parks. If you had, if you’d understood what you were risking, we might not be here today!"

“B-but I thought…“ Ellie said plaintively, “I thought the cross was only for men! I didn’t think they’d do… that to a woman!”

Alice took off her glasses and rubbed her eyes. This is worse than I ever dreamed, she thought. This may be the world’s most ignorant woman. She put her glasses back on and looked at Ellie, gathering her thoughts.

“The same law applies to everyone,” Alice said. “Women demanded equality, well, we got it. Now the law doesn’t discriminate. Men, women, if they’re guilty, they get nailed to a cross to die. It’s public, it’s in the newspapers, on TV for anyone to see. Most importantly, they are going to crucify you! We do not have time for this.”

“Now,” Alice continued, “the only bargaining points you have are the date of your execution, nudity, the sedile, and the GD clause. Like I said, the nudity is a slam dunk. We’ll use that to get you some slack, maybe a good GD clause like I mentioned.”

Ellie’s head was spinning. She was supposed to negotiate the way they were going to kill her!

“Oh please, I don’t want to die naked! Don’t let them do that to meeee!” Ellie sobbed. “That G-string… a G-string would be… something, at least!”

Alice gaped at her in disbelief. “Grow up, hun! Having the passers-by gawk at your tits and pussy is absolutely the least of your worries! I don’t know why the judge bothered mentioning a G-string when he said sedile in the same breath. Even if the executioner actually let you have it, a G-string won’t protect your stuff from a sedile, not at all. A couple of seconds on one of those, squirm just a little and the crotch of your G-string would be shredded anyway. Lift off the sedile and it would probably pull what’s left of your G-string down to your knees. Let it go!”

Ellie just looked down and shrugged, sobbing helplessly. “A sedile? Wh-what’s…”

“And while we’re at it, we’ll use that for a bargaining chip with your whipping, too. Let them whip you naked. Fifty lashes, you’ll get a few stray below-the-belt shots, a few shots at your pussy, so keep your legs together if you can! But that’s nothing compared to what we might be able to deal for.”

They’re going to whip me… there?! But… I thought it was only my back!

Ellie looked shocked, just nodded.

“The execution date, we can deal on that, too. Look, we’re out of time. Let me take care of this but be prepared, no matter what we get this isn’t going to be easy for you.”

“Oh, another thing,” Alice said. “When is your period?”

Ellie sobbed. “Why? What… Oh.” She realized what it meant. “But that’s… that’s so personal! Do we have to tell them? Here in the courtroom?”

“Listen, hun, you don’t have anything personal anymore. Once that judge condemned you, your body became the property of the Federal Government! Everything about you belongs to them now, not you. Your periods affect your execution date, so come on, tell me!”

Once again Ellie was stunned. She’d never imagined it that way. “I… just finished two days ago, so started five days ago. They’re twenty-eight days apart.”

Alice wrote that down, did some quick date calculations. “Ok, good. We’re clear then for your crucifixion sometime during the next two, two and a half weeks. They like to allow for ten days cross time, just to be safe. Executioners try to make them last, you know? Sometimes they do their job too well.”

Ellie was numb. She nodded her understanding. Ten days! If she were lucky, she’d only take three days to die. Naked! How could they even allow that in public? Anybody could see… No, EVERYBODY would see.

“What about pubic hair? Do you have a bush?” Alice asked hurriedly.

“What? Why does that matter?”

“Nothing allowed to obstruct the view of your genitals by the onlookers. So what’s the answer, do you or don’t you have pubic hair? Judge is gonna need to know! If I can tell him I might save you some embarrassment!”

“I, yes, dammit! I shave my bikini line, but my, uh, pubic hair, that’s all I do to it,” Ellie replied angrily.

“Too late for you to shave it off clean and smooth yourself since you’re not allowed anything sharp. They’ll wax it off at the prison. Gonna hurt! They’re quick, not gentle. What about piercings, jewelry down there?”

Ellie looked at her incredulously.

“Now, I need to know now!” Alice said impatiently.

“I, uh, I have a ring in my clit…” Ellie replied, blushing.

“Got to have a pretty big clit to actually get a ring in it. Sure it’s not just in your hood, so it touches your clit, maybe rubs it?”

“N-no! It-it’s in my clit! Is he really going to ask that?”

“Why yes! Yes, he will. You’ll be sorry you got that, one way or another. Don’t want the prosecution to find out before negotiations, they’ll want to use that ring for something while you’re hanging on the cross, some kind of torture to punish you. Going to be public record soon enough.” Alice said.

“All rise!” The bailiff said.

Chapter 1: The Verdict​

"Ellie Ruck,” Judge Schaefer said, “you have been tried by a jury of your peers and found guilty on the charge of treason. Please rise for sentencing."

Ellie was quickly on her feet, awkwardly catching her balance using the edge of the table to steady herself, standing straight but weak-kneed in her heels. Her heart was pounding. There was a sheen of sweat on her forehead and her emerald eyes were wide and beseeching under dark lashes toward the black-robed judge who held her life in his hands.

She nervously smoothed her long beige coat and black skirt the lawyer had gotten from her apartment and brought to her in jail. Better than wearing the orange jumpsuit they issued her in the county jail here in Beaumont, Texas. At least her own clothes made her feel like a real human being.

Oh God no, this can’t be happening, she thought miserably. All I did was hand out leaflets! They made a mistake!

Her court-appointed lawyer, Alice Goodman, rose more slowly, buttoned her black jacket and stood next to her. Alice, in her fifties with her dark brown hair pulled back in a bun, was not tall, although she was several inches taller than short, petite Ellie. She had been through this kind of thing before with clients who really had no hope other than for her to get their sentence eased, their suffering lessened and shortened. But for Ellie Ruck, long agony and death were going to be inevitable.

Her client, like most others in her position Alice had defended, was still in denial. She didn’t see any point in telling her how suddenly things were going to change. Alice glanced at her, saw those eyes full of fear that still held onto some shred of hope.

Look at her! Alice thought. Beautiful young girl, wavy copper-colored hair to her waist, startling green eyes, the spray of freckles you can just see across her turned-up nose and dammit, that perfect, porcelain skin of hers. She has no idea that in minutes she’ll have no more rights than a pig in a slaughterhouse.

"Miss Ruck," the judge said.

Oh God, no, please don’t let him say it, please, no! Ellie thought, panicking.

"According to the laws of the United States of America, you are hereby condemned to death. For the crime of treason, the law requires that the manner of your death shall be public crucifixion."

Oh no, no, please not that, not the cross!

It was what everyone expected except Ellie, who had hung onto a tiny shred of hope for some miracle, that the judge would set aside her conviction. The courtroom remained silent, no one surprised other than her.

For Ellie it was a bombshell. A visible shudder shook her and her eyes went wide with shock. Her lips moved, trying to form words she couldn’t find the voice to say. Her knuckles were white where she gripped the table’s edge.

Pronouncing the sentence was a formality; there was only one penalty for treason, and it was the cross. Everyone knew that.

The basic procedures for carrying out her execution were rigidly fixed. The cross was always made of timber, and the condemned was always affixed to it by nails driven through wrists and feet. Nudity was optional in theory, but the rule in practice. While some form of covering might be permitted by the court, it was either dispensed with entirely by the executioner or invariably slipped off.

Some other procedures had wide latitude and there were options to vary the punishment and its severity. Those things were subject to negotiation.

The judge continued, “The goals of crucifixion are punishment, humiliation, public example for all to see, and finally, death. We crucify the condemned in public places where their example will be seen by the most people. We humiliate them by displaying them either nude or nearly nude and totally helpless. A few hours on the cross will break the strongest person and leave them screaming for mercy.

“It is the slowest, most painful form of execution ever devised. We maximize its effectiveness through modern technology, extending the suffering far beyond what the ancients were able to achieve.

“And you, Miss Ruck, have been justly condemned to suffer this punishment.”

Having delivered that preamble, the judge went on to the details of Ellie’s sentence.

"Specifically,” the judge pushed his glasses up, looked down at the sentence document and continued, “I condemn you to the following preliminary sentence, subject to negotiation:

“At ten a.m. on Friday, June twelfth of this year, I order that you be taken to a public whipping post, there to be stripped to the panties or briefs provided by the prison, shackled by the wrists and whipped. I hereby sentence you to receive fifty lashes using a standard single-tailed leather whip. These lashes may be delivered upon any portion of your body not covered by your panties without exception.”

There was some murmuring from the gallery at this. The word “naked” was mentioned repeatedly. The judge eyed them over his glasses and the room went quiet.

“Following this, I order that you, if you are still physically able, shall carry your crosspiece to a place of execution in a popular and highly visible area of a public park as shall be designated by the court in consultation with the Beaumont City Parks Department. As you walk from the whipping post to the aforesaid place of execution, you may continue to wear your panties and shall be allowed a strip of cloth as a breast binding sufficient to cover your nipples.”

Again, there were some murmurs of disapproval from the gallery. Some people obviously thought the traitor’s clothing should be dispensed with entirely before her whipping.

The judge banged his gavel and snapped, “Order!” The courtroom went quiet. He pushed his glasses up on his nose again, found his place and resumed reading.

“Immediately before being crucified, you shall be publicly stripped of any remaining clothing, jewelry and footwear. That is, you shall be completely naked and on public view.

“For the sake of propriety the court will permit, but not require, the executioner to provide you with a minimal covering for your genitals of the type specified in Section of the 2018 revision of the manual of Generally Accepted Crucifixion Practices, or GACP as it is commonly known, titled Partial Nudity, Permissible Clothing, Condemned Females. This states that the only permissible clothing for a crucified woman shall be a minimal white G-string covering the width of the labia majora only, from the top of the cleft in front to the midpoint between the vagina and anus. This section also states that no covering will be permitted for the breasts under any circumstances.

“At the discretion of the executioner this garment may be dispensed with altogether or at any time should he judge that it impedes your punishment in any way or obstruct the public’s view of it. Once removed, it may not be restored.”

There was some grumbling from the gallery, but no one believed Ellie would really be allowed to wear anything on the cross. Even those who did wear some type of covering initially always lost it when the executioner required access to their genitals to inflict some type of agonizing sexual torture.

“As to the type of cross to be used, the court orders that your cross shall be a standard “T” cross, conforming to Section 3.1 of the GACP, comprising a fixed round upright post, set in place prior to your crucifixion, and a separate crosspiece, carried by you to the place of execution, to be joined to the post at the time you are crucified.

“Your living body shall be securely affixed to the cross by your wrists and feet only, using four standard iron crucifixion nails of a size appropriate to the size and weight of your body. The executioner shall ensure you are conscious and aware during the entire time these are being driven through your wrists and feet.

“A standard Class 1 sedile shall be provided according to Section 4.3.1 of the GACP. There shall be no additional means of support available for your body beyond the four nails and sedile.

“During your execution, you shall be subject without restriction to any and all ancillary punishments which may be inflicted by the executioner or your current custodian at their discretion, but in no case should these cause your sentence to be shortened.

“You shall be prohibited any other means of terminating life. Reasonable effort shall be made to ensure you are alive, conscious and aware until the end of your sentence. At that point these efforts shall cease, and you shall be allowed to die without further intervention to either maintain or terminate life.

“Finally, you shall be considered dead when so declared by a physician. Once you have been declared dead, your body shall remain displayed on the cross for twelve hours, after which time it shall be cremated, and your ashes flushed into the city sewage system without ceremony, monument or memorial of any kind.”

The judge finished reading off Ellie’s sentence and looked up. “Questions?” He asked, looking at the prosecution and defense counselors, both of whom shook their heads.

“Good!” He said, “This concludes the preliminary sentence. We will now take a fifteen-minute recess and commence negotiations."

Ellie sat down, heart pounding after hearing what she had been told she would hear. She couldn’t make herself believe it before, it sounded so impossible. And now it was… real.

The courtroom got noisy with conversation and people coming and going. Her lawyer, Alice, put a hand on her knee.

"Doing ok, hun?" Alice asked, peering at her solicitously through the granny glasses she preferred for court. She thought they made her look wise, learned in front of a jury.

Ellie shrugged, fear overwhelming her, a tear rolling down her cheek.

I’m going to die, she thought. They’re going to kill me!

"Ok - well we knew this is where it was going, so now we'll see if we can soften it a little, ok?"

Ellie nodded.

"The judge gave us a little to work with. The prosecution’s never gonna go for execution six weeks from now. They’ll want it a lot sooner than that. And they'll want you to be naked.”

“Naked! All I have left is… is a tiny G-string! They can’t take even that away! What about the laws they have about that?”

“Indecency laws? Those don’t apply to this category of capital punishment for several reasons, but we don’t have time to worry about that. As it stands right now, they will strip you naked before they nail you to the cross.

“But he said… he said I get to wear a G-string, at least!”

“Yeah, he did,” Alice shrugged. “He said they have to allow you to wear that tiny white G-string they give you, and that’s a joke. You might as well be naked! Standard-issue thin nylon, flimsy, practically transparent. White, to best show your camel toe. It’s a token concession to some people’s sense of modesty. It’s really up to the executioner, and ninety-nine percent of the time he doesn’t even bother with it. It ‘impedes or obscures the public’s view’ so he dispenses with it.

“What… how can they do that to me?” Ellie sobbed helplessly. “W-When they crucified Jesus, he had a loincloth! All the pictures from back then show that!”

Alice laughed, “There aren’t any pictures from back then, and he probably was naked, too. When the Romans crucified somebody, that’s the way they did it. They didn’t make exceptions.”

Ellie stared at her, confused.

“Well, I'll see if we can get the sedile removed or maybe a GD clause if we give a little on those points."


"Guaranteed death. I'm hoping we can do gunshot GD after seventy-two hours. Maybe even forty-eight. It partly depends on what you're willing to concede. So! Let's talk about a few things. I assume you're willing to do it naked if it will reduce your cross time?"

Guaranteed Death is a good thing? Crucifixion is so bad that dying sooner is better?

"Uh, I guess..." Ellie shrugged, dazed and bewildered.

"Yeah - you really should. That one is a slam dunk. It matters to them – the prosecution will want you naked, not even a G-string, so they can show how serious they are on crime. A naked girl – a pretty one like you, anyway – writhing sensuously on a cross for days in the summer sun is a sight that sticks in the memory of voters. They’re gonna like the guy who gave them that. And, you know, you're really not going to care about nudity when you've been hanging on the cross for six hours, last thing on your mind by then."

Ellie didn't ask how she could know that.

"Ok - now, timing. I know you probably want a little time, but how soon would you be willing to go ahead and do this?"

Ellie put her face in her hands. Alice patted her back softly and sighed impatiently.

"I know this is hard, hun," she said, "But we only have fifteen minutes to prepare for the negotiation, so we really need to stay on track. Timing is probably the biggest thing they're going to be after. I mean, if you agreed to give up on the G-string and let them crucify you completely naked, and you were willing to be executed as soon as tomorrow, just between those two, we could probably get you a really decent GD clause."

"Isn’t there any hope? I-I don’t want to die! Can't we appeal?" Ellie was wiping her eyes, and her voice came through a stuffy nose.

"Well, we can, it's just not very likely to do anything for you. But we can talk about it afterward."

"But if we agree to let them execute me tomorrow, there won't be any time to appeal, right?"

"True... It's just - I mean, you did it, right? You were there handing out the leaflets. They have four witnesses who saw you doing it. You even admitted it to the police who arrested you while you were shouting and cursing them.”

“If you’d been quiet and gotten a lawyer,” Alice said, “and it’d been me, I’d have advised you not to say a damn thing. But you shot off your mouth, and your mouth got you here, sentenced to be crucified. Open and shut case, I can't see an appeal doing much for you."
Love the location of Texas. The combination of heat and humidity will make her sweat like crazy. Her body will be beautiful on the cross :)
Love the location of Texas. The combination of heat and humidity will make her sweat like crazy. Her body will be beautiful on the cross :)

The dadburn 'skeeters around that area can be ferocious too. It's actually flat coastal plain there, gets hurricanes and floods. I nearly got washed away there one night myself camping in a tent for a Boy Scout event at Spindletop Park in the middle of Beaumont. Miserable then but a funny story now.

Also that is Cajun country, almost at the Louisiana border. And it is where oil was first discovered in Texas.
The dadburn 'skeeters around that area can be ferocious too. It's actually flat coastal plain there, gets hurricanes and floods. I nearly got washed away there one night myself camping in a tent for a Boy Scout event at Spindletop Park in the middle of Beaumont. Miserable then but a funny story now.

Also that is Cajun country, almost at the Louisiana border. And it is where oil was first discovered in Texas.
Always nice to know another boy scout
Hi everyone!

As I was called by Jedakk... This is my first post here and probably last, even that I’m in CF since 2013.
I have to tell all of you, honestly that I REALLY RECOMMEND new Jedakk story - The Throwaway Girl!!!

There’ll be a LOT of fun, actions, interesting conversations! There’ll be also much more, dramma, terror, humililiations, mocking and extremally erotic describtions! There’ll be twists of action and a „full cruxart feast!”

Have a lot of fun and I’m really jealously that you’re able to read this story first time. I’m sure that Ellie’ll burn your mind like Sabina did!

Regards and enjoy the story!
Yes! Ellie the Little Seditionist, whose travails have just begun, is another great cruxette by Jedakk. He has created another amazing story, with many twists and turns and crosses. There are quite a few memorable secondary and tertiary characters who'll do their jobs -- both in-universe and for the delectation of the readership.
Chapter 3 is actually titled "Sentence Negotiation," the same as the title of Juan1234's original story. Ellie Ruck has already been sentenced to be crucified which, in this universe is the penalty for treason and other heinous crimes. She's been found guilty, and she will be crucified. The only options open to negotiation are the ways in which it's carried out.

This chapter is where Ellie has to sit and listen to them negotiate over how they will torture, humiliate and kill her slowly and horribly.

Also in this chapter we learn how executions are carried out by union crews employed by contractors. There are federally-licensed whipmasters and executioners who are certified to have the skills required for their jobs. They have assistants on their crews who are called "wranglers." They are also certified to have the skills and strength to manage unwilling subjects in their executions.

The negotiations might have gone better for Ellie, but...

Chapter 3: Sentence Negotiation​

The judge, prosecution and others filed in as Alice was finishing. She and Ellie waited in silence. The judge took his seat, looking bored. Everyone else took their seats.

“Prosecution, you’ll open,” he said. “What’s your offer?”

The prosecutor stood while the judge rummaged through his paperwork to get the sentence conditions in front of him.

“Your honor, the Federal Government proposes the following.” He read from a paper, “First, execution date is to be moved to Saturday, May 15 at 10 a.m.

“Second, the condemned shall undergo preparation prior to execution with standard IV military-grade time-release nutrients, stimulants and sensory enhancements, which she shall continue to receive throughout her sentence.

“Third, condemned shall be stripped completely naked for her crucifixion. Let’s see… No change to the crucifixion procedure, four nails, basic Category 1 ‘T’-cross.

“Fourth, prosecution requests an upgrade to a Class 3 gender-specific sedile.”

Alice’s eyebrows went up at that. She made a note on her legal pad.

“Fifth, duration of crucifixion to be at least seven days,” the prosecutor continued, “after which death shall be allowed to occur at such time as the condemned shall die without intervention. Body to remain on cross twenty-four hours following death.”

“Mmm-hmm,” the judge responded. “Well, we’ll see what the defense has to say about that. Counsel for the defense, state your counter.”

Alice stood up. “Your honor, defense yields qualified acceptance to prosecution’s nudity proposal for Ms. Ruck’s crucifixion, subject to her being stripped to panties prior to nailing, panties allowed to be removed following completion of nailing and raising. This acceptance is conditional on prosecution’s agreement to a forty-eight-hour Guaranteed Death stipulation.”

The prosecutor was shaking his head, already disagreeing.

Alice continued, “In addition, your honor, defense offers total nudity during whipping, stripping to occur just prior to fastening the condemned to the whipping post.”

The prosecutor gave a noncommittal look.

“This nudity is conditional on two things: For the first condition,” Alice continued, holding up a forefinger, “Following her whipping, condemned is to be allowed to dress in a standard grey disposable gown and panties which she will wear while walking to place of execution, where the gown may be removed by the executioner at his discretion.

“And for the second condition,” Alice went on, holding up two fingers for emphasis, “There shall be no sedile used during the condemned’s crucifixion.”

There was a murmur from the gallery and the prosecutor’s face took on a dubious expression. Alice knew he was unlikely to accept dispensing with the sedile, but she had to get him back to no more than the Class 1 sedile in the original sentence. Any sedile was bad, but the Class 3 was horrible.

“As to the execution date, your honor, defense is willing to accept an execution date of one month from today, which allows for completion of the condemned’s next menstrual cycle.”

“When and how long are her periods?” The judge asked, sounding a little less bored.

“The last one started five days ago. They are typically three days long and twenty-eight days apart, your honor.” Alice replied. The judge made notes.

That son of a bitch is talking about my periods as if I’m not here! Like it’s his business to know! Ellie thought.

Ellie snapped.

“You bastard!” Ellie jumped up and shouted. “You fucking bastard! Scheduling my – my death to fit my periods! How dare you! You son of a bitch, you can kiss my ass! And furthermore… ”

Alice had hold of her arm, shaking her insistently, “Shut up! Shut up! Shut up, now! Right now!” Alice said in a loud whisper. There was some muted laughter from the gallery.

“Sounds like she’s on the rag right now!” The prosecutor pretended to study his notes and laughed under his breath.

The judge banged his gavel. “Order in the court. Not very professional, prosecutor. See if you can do better.” He picked up a paper and studied it. “Defense, please control your client,” he said without looking up.

“Ellie Ruck,” the judge frowned. “I find you in contempt of court. Normally, that’s a few days in jail, but for you that’s not an option. Well, let’s see. Court accepts the prosecution’s request for a Class 3, gender-specific sedile, so that’s off the table. Also, minimum cross time will be five days. You two can negotiate anything more than that, but nothing less. Nudity, let’s see… Let’s just say Miss Ruck will remain completely nude throughout her sentence, final stripping to take place just prior to her whipping. No panties, no G-string. Whipping, since she’s nude and therefore nothing off-limits, will be inverted ‘Y’ suspension rather than a post. Let the whipmaster be unimpeded. That’s it. Continue, defense.”

“To be clear, your honor,” Alice said, “no clothing allowed while walking from her whipping to the place of execution, either?”

“That is correct, defense,” the judge replied, checking his phone messages.

Alice wrote on her legal pad.

“Anything else, defense?” The judge asked without looking up from his phone.

“Yes, your honor,” Alice said. “In light of your new ruling, we revise our request to state a 5-day Guaranteed Death clause, time to begin at commencement of whipping.”

The judge was shaking his head before she finished speaking. “No, the five-day minimum starts when the condemned has been Fairly Crucified. To be clear, ‘Fairly Crucified’ is defined in the GACP as the point when the contractor has delivered the condemned fully nailed, raised, sign properly set and any sedile and/or other implements of torture properly installed according to the official execution work order. Additionally, the work area has been properly cleaned and restored, and the federal crucifixion inspector certifies the condemned is crucified and custody transferred to the guarding and maintenance contractor. You should revise your request to reflect that.”

“So noted, your honor.” Alice said. “So, my client could be hanging on her cross for, say an hour or two, before the inspector certifies her to be ‘Fairly Crucified’? And only then does her time begin running? I ask this for my client’s benefit, your honor. I’d like her to fully understand what her earlier outburst has cost her.”

The judge chuckled. “Yes, defense, you are correct. Those are union crucifixion contractors. They have one licensed executioner and four wranglers to do the assembly – that’s how they refer to it, ‘assembling’ the cross and condemned into a single unit.

“Then there’s lifting, which they do, but they don’t do clean-up and restoration, that’s another union crew. Clean-up takes care of blood, urine, feces, any other body fluids, divots and other damage to the park due to the condemned’s struggles while the nails are being driven through her wrists and feet.

“If that crew gets delayed, or a scheduled break occurs and they go drink coffee, then it could be two or more hours until they obtain the ‘Fair Crucifixion’ certification. But what’s two hours after she’s spent five days on the cross? She won’t even be able to notice.”

“All right,” Alice said, “In return for a 5-day GD clause, time to start at ‘Fair Crucifixion,” plus installation of sedile to occur after she is hanging on the cross, daily lubrication of sedile, and support of her body while her crosspiece is moved to the post and lifted into place, my client would accept an execution date on or about May 30 or when her menstrual period has completed.”

“Prosecution?” The judge said.

The prosecutor smirked as he spoke. “In view of the heinous nature of the condemned’s offense and the need to set an example for others who might contemplate such crimes, prosecution feels justice should move swiftly in her case.

“Due to the schedule of the condemned’s menstrual cycle, pressing need and the availability of a window of time in which to schedule her execution to complete before her next period would commence rather than begin after it would complete, prosecution requests an expedited execution date of May 3. In return, prosecution will concede that the sedile shall be installed after the condemned’s crosspiece has been hung on the cross. Prosecution will also concur with daily lubrication of the sedile’s horns.

“Prosecution points out that GD has been shown to have no value for the condemned after four days on the cross, while display of the condemned’s living body, even though she is in a delirium state and no longer lucid, continues to be in the government’s interest. Therefore prosecution rejects defense’s request for GD.

“Prosecution understands that dragging the victim’s body by her wrists to the base of the post and then suspending her body by her wrists while assembling the crosspiece to the top of the post is the procedure set out in the Generally Accepted Crucifixion Practices manual, and only the Execution Services Department has the authority to modify that procedure under special circumstances. Which, to date, they’ve never done. It’s simply a required step in the punishment of crucifixion, your honor.”

The judge made some notes. “Agreed. Thank you for pointing that out, prosecutor. Defense?” The judge looked at Alice.

“Defense rests.” Alice said, dropping her pencil onto her legal pad in a gesture of surrender.

“Prosecution rests.” The prosecutor said smugly.
Long time, old friend, since we were part of the Council of Crux and moderating the Crux Yahoo Group.
Yep, and Onelist before that (can't even remember what it was before Onelist), when Arcimboldo, MLC, Judge Pilate, Adellis, Sam Baines...and of course Makar were all hanging around.

I've always intended to be flipping through Crux pix and stories in my rocking chair in the front porch of the nursing home one day; I hope you are back to stay! :)
Great, exciting story. Is it allowed to translate it into German? Chapter 1 is already done. ;)
Sure! Translating is a challenge, as you know. There may be some plays on words in here that will be difficult to put into other languages. For me, "Asterix and Obelix" is a good example - I'd much rather read those stories in the original French than read the English translations. Some of the jokes were entirely lost in translation.

If you're unsure about the meaning of some phrase in this story, let me know and I'll try to explain.
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