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The Whip Hand

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Good girl, taking real painful punishment
without bondage, keeping tight hold of the bars!
Shame about the shoes, but there you go...
Not bad. And she shows off a fine rib cage and pelvic structure too.:rolleyes:
However, I detect that she begins to flinch back before the whip or electric flex actually touches her - she's trying to lessen the force of the blows by moving back away from them.
I believe this to be a punishable offence.
:devil:good night...........................tomorrow better we hope:doh:
A lot of favourites in that parcel Sympa -
it's so nice when Master takes the trouble
to tie me up tightly then makes pretty patterns
all the way round his little bundle,
tying me up with a bow! :devil:
technical question here - how do you save a GIF file so that it remains animated after saving (I can only appear to save as a stationary GIF for some reason)
The Whip Hand
"Sir Stephen readily admitted that O was infinitely more moving
when her body was covered with marks, of whatever kind...

...if only because these marks [...] immediately proclaimed...
...that anything went as far as she was concerned.
For to know this was one thing, but to see the proof of it,
and to see the proof constantly renewed, was quite another.
René, Sir Stephen said, was perfectly right in wishing to have her whipped.
They decided that she would be, irrespective of the pleasure they might derive
from her screams and tears, as often as necessary
so that some trace of the flogging could always be seen upon her...

Ego Stipes Ergo Sum
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O écoutait, toujours renversée et brûlante et immobile, et il lui semblait que Sir Stephen par une étrange substitution, parlait pour elle, et à sa place.

'O was listening, still bent over, burning, immobile, and it felt to her as if Sir Stephen, by some strange ventriloquism, was speaking for her...'

O, O, O yes!!! :spank:
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O écoutait, toujours renversée et brûlante et immobile, et il lui semblait que Sir Stephen par une étrange substitution, parlait pour elle, et à sa place.

'O was listening, still bent over, burning, immobile, and it felt to her as if Sir Stephen, by some strange ventriloquism, was speaking for her...'

O, O, O yes!!! :spank:
Do I have a different translation?


"O, still lying motionless on her back, her loins still aflame, was listening, and she had
the feeling that by some strange substitution Sir Stephen was speaking for her, in her place."
Ego Stipes Ergo Sum
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