There are some persons in Germany's neighbouring countries who I always admired and one of them is most probably the best Czech singer who lived during the last 100 years:
Karel Gott, who made a lot of songs and much of his career in Germany and other countries because he also had always some problems with the communists until they were swept away in 1989, too. This was the year of miracles in Europe.
I remember Karel Gott around Christmas 1989 standing on a balcony together with Vaclav Havel, a well-known writer and philosopher, coming directly out of a communist prison in order to be elected the next days the first post-communist president and Alexander Dubcek, once overthrown in 1968 by Soviet troops. All three were singing their national anthems and some Christmas songs in front of millions of happy Czechoslovakians and one commentator said on TV: "This is truely a Christmas miracle, these three men are no more human beings for us, they have become almost gods in our history because they were always friendly, honest and indomitable and they are still alive today to celebrate our freedom and one of them has also this name "Gott" in German and the voice of an angel!"
Around the year 2005, Karel Gott covered a pop song with a new text in German and in Czech, which became hits in both countries because it is beautiful lyrical in both languages but even the Czechs are saying, it sounds more beautiful in German because of the long "aa's" and "oo's" and very uplifting, so I will insert here two versions of this song with beautiful videos from a castle and from the wonderful city of Prague and the original pop song from "Alphaville" at the end in English, which is beautiful, but not so uplifting, I think.
Für immer jung – Forever Young
(Karel Gott)
Die Zeit läuft weiter, sie bleibt nicht stehen – Time is running on and on, it never stops.
Und unsre Erde wird sich weiterdrehen – And our Earth will turn on and on
Wer kennt den Weg und wer weiß wohin? – Who knows the way and where we go?
Wer kennt die Antwort auf die Fragen? – Who knows the answers to all the questions?
Ich fühle mich jung, wie ich es immer war – I feel so young as I have ever been,
Alles genießen, das ist wunderbar! – Enjoying life and everything is wonderful
Soll ich so tun, als wär' ich schon am Ziel? – Should I do as I had already reached my aims?
Hab' Blue Jeans in der Seele! – I still have „blue jeans“ in my soul!
Ich mach's wie die Zeit und stehe niemals still – I do it like the time and will never stand still
Mach' was ich will und das mit Gefühl – I do what I want and this always with feelings / compassion
Kein Weg zu weit und kein Berg zu hoch – No way too far and no mountain too high
Zum Himmel und noch viel weiter – To the heavens and even further
Für immer jung, ich fühle mich für immer jung – Forever young, I feel myself forever young
Ich werde einfach immer alles geben
Für immer, im Leben – forever, in life
Für immer jung, ein Leben lang für immer jung – forever young, a lifetime long forever young
Ich werde einfach immer alles geben – I will simply always give everything
Für immer jung – Forever young
Hab' viel erlebt und habe viel gesehen – (I) Have experienced so much and have seen so much
So viele Dinge werd' ich niemals verstehen – so many things I will never understand
Leben ist mehr als nur schwarz oder weiß – Life is more than only black or white
Es gibt so viele Farben – There are so many colors
Die Träume in mir kann kein Wind mehr verwehen – The dreams in me can no wind ever blow away
Man muss jeden Tag neue Wege gehen – you have to go new ways every day
Wer in sein Herz schaut, kann richtig sehen – (Only) who looks inside his heart can really see
Träume sind das Leben – Dreams are our life
Für immer jung, ich fühle mich für immer jung – Forever young, I feel myself forever young
Ich werde einfach immer alles geben – I will simply always give everything
Für immer, im Leben – Forever, in life
Songwriter: Bernhard Lloyd / Frank Mertens / Marian Gold
Karel Gott, who made a lot of songs and much of his career in Germany and other countries because he also had always some problems with the communists until they were swept away in 1989, too. This was the year of miracles in Europe.
I remember Karel Gott around Christmas 1989 standing on a balcony together with Vaclav Havel, a well-known writer and philosopher, coming directly out of a communist prison in order to be elected the next days the first post-communist president and Alexander Dubcek, once overthrown in 1968 by Soviet troops. All three were singing their national anthems and some Christmas songs in front of millions of happy Czechoslovakians and one commentator said on TV: "This is truely a Christmas miracle, these three men are no more human beings for us, they have become almost gods in our history because they were always friendly, honest and indomitable and they are still alive today to celebrate our freedom and one of them has also this name "Gott" in German and the voice of an angel!"
Around the year 2005, Karel Gott covered a pop song with a new text in German and in Czech, which became hits in both countries because it is beautiful lyrical in both languages but even the Czechs are saying, it sounds more beautiful in German because of the long "aa's" and "oo's" and very uplifting, so I will insert here two versions of this song with beautiful videos from a castle and from the wonderful city of Prague and the original pop song from "Alphaville" at the end in English, which is beautiful, but not so uplifting, I think.
Für immer jung – Forever Young
(Karel Gott)
Die Zeit läuft weiter, sie bleibt nicht stehen – Time is running on and on, it never stops.
Und unsre Erde wird sich weiterdrehen – And our Earth will turn on and on
Wer kennt den Weg und wer weiß wohin? – Who knows the way and where we go?
Wer kennt die Antwort auf die Fragen? – Who knows the answers to all the questions?
Ich fühle mich jung, wie ich es immer war – I feel so young as I have ever been,
Alles genießen, das ist wunderbar! – Enjoying life and everything is wonderful
Soll ich so tun, als wär' ich schon am Ziel? – Should I do as I had already reached my aims?
Hab' Blue Jeans in der Seele! – I still have „blue jeans“ in my soul!
Ich mach's wie die Zeit und stehe niemals still – I do it like the time and will never stand still
Mach' was ich will und das mit Gefühl – I do what I want and this always with feelings / compassion
Kein Weg zu weit und kein Berg zu hoch – No way too far and no mountain too high
Zum Himmel und noch viel weiter – To the heavens and even further
Für immer jung, ich fühle mich für immer jung – Forever young, I feel myself forever young
Ich werde einfach immer alles geben
Für immer, im Leben – forever, in life
Für immer jung, ein Leben lang für immer jung – forever young, a lifetime long forever young
Ich werde einfach immer alles geben – I will simply always give everything
Für immer jung – Forever young
Hab' viel erlebt und habe viel gesehen – (I) Have experienced so much and have seen so much
So viele Dinge werd' ich niemals verstehen – so many things I will never understand
Leben ist mehr als nur schwarz oder weiß – Life is more than only black or white
Es gibt so viele Farben – There are so many colors
Die Träume in mir kann kein Wind mehr verwehen – The dreams in me can no wind ever blow away
Man muss jeden Tag neue Wege gehen – you have to go new ways every day
Wer in sein Herz schaut, kann richtig sehen – (Only) who looks inside his heart can really see
Träume sind das Leben – Dreams are our life
Für immer jung, ich fühle mich für immer jung – Forever young, I feel myself forever young
Ich werde einfach immer alles geben – I will simply always give everything
Für immer, im Leben – Forever, in life
Songwriter: Bernhard Lloyd / Frank Mertens / Marian Gold