I always found the relationship with nature of some people in Northern Russia / Siberia "interesting" and how some of these small "indigenous people" got through all the times. I once heard a true story of an old man from the Evenks ...
... who always was living as a nomad with, from and by his reindeers and did not like to become a settler in the 1930's when the Soviet Union tried to make his reindeers "useful" as meat delivery to the people. This man did not understand this kind of "civilisation", which was killing other human beings when they did not want to have this "progress in history", so he took his whole family, all his reindeers and simply "disappeared" in the "Siberian Tundra" for 30 years and about 1000 miles away from every human village. When he got old and ill, he came out of nature again with one son and went to a Russian hospital and asked the doctors there what had happened in the meantime. They told him, there was a world war with many millions of dead, the dictator Stalin of which he once heard of had died and everything now seems to have become a bit better with the new leading man of the name Krushtchew. The only thing he said was to his son: "So, you see how good it was NOT to be a part of this so-called 'civilisation' for the last 30 years!"
Evenks - Wikipedia