OH, I made possibly a mistake, which makes the understanding a bit difficult, I think:
Obviously, this pitiable snake had a bad dentist, but the Maharaja Chandra really loves and wants her
(= the dancer SEETHA, NOT THE SNAKE! ) and saves her life by jumping to the snake and throwing a heavy metal or ceramic (?) "fire container" on her head.
By the way, at the right time, India could be very "uplifting" for people who were brave enough to come into this exotic world and to stay there for a while. There is a funny and true story about one of the most famous German journalists after WW II: Hans Walter Berg, who became the first German TV expert for Asia.
He spoke perfect English and learned some other Asian languages, so he was the first German journalist, who made trips and long voyages through the whole of Asia since 1952, took New Delhi as his "residence" and making the first great and internationally award-winning TV reports from India for Germany.
The funny part of the story is now, that both "Germanys" had relatively good relations to India because the Indian government wanted to stay independent from the superpowers USA, Soviet Union and China, so the Indians often tried to get know-how from industrial states which they regarded to be somewhere in between, but all the superpowers and also some European industrial states like France and Italy etc. wanted to make business and good political relations for the future with this giant state India.
The most European journalists who wanted to make interviews with persons like Charles de Gaulle or leaders of the superpowers had to ask for interviews with those persons via long-lasting diplomatic channels; plannings for such interviews took months and were sometimes very difficult.
But Hans Walter Berg sometimes called in by telephone to the German TV centers in Berlin, Hamburg, Frankfurt, Köln etc. and asked the political TV-chiefs there rather in a casual way:
"Are you interested in one of my interviews with de Gaulle, Khrushchev or Eisenhower?"
"You are joking, right?"
"How do you do that? We are waiting for something like that for months, if not years?!"
"India is relatively cheap at the moment and I can afford here in my hotel sometimes the princely suite next to the imperial suite, and guess who are usually the international guests here next to my suite. Sometimes, I meet such thirsty presidents in my hotel at the bar and simply ask them!"
"Noooo, this cannot be true!"
"But yes, it is!"
And because you could really often meet Hans Walter Berg at the bar of his luxury hotels in India or elsewhere in Asia (he only lived there in luxury hotels!), his German colleagues called him in a mixture of envy and admiration "Hans Walter Berg, the Maharaja of Whiskeypour"!