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Venus Verticordia

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The real tragedy of this sad, sad tale. :(

While he's languishing in Newgate Jail, he could have been winning primaries in S Carolina. :(

Surely Tree would be a better president than Trump? :p

That would be a good question to start a poll-thread.

Well even without that, I is wondering would a Racing Rodent allow Tree to be convicted of all those unsolved murders Slave seems to be trying to pin on him? I mean art theft is a bit of a jolly (no not Jolly, jolly, see, is different :p) but murder...that could blacken a chap's name with the ladies, what?

And of course should the fellow be in line to be chief potato of the Americans well that is almost like royalty, temporary royalty but still sovereign. Heroes are supposed to rescue princes in distress now are they not? Princesses are more fun but again a chap takes what he can get.

Least if I knew the Racing Rodent, that is what I suspect he might do, but then again I have no idea of whom he actually is. :D

(Great story btw Wragg :) )

btw how would one go about stealing a prisoner? Hum...
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I think I did well to get in the chuch to see the wedding, didn't get an invite to the wedding breakfast, of course, but that gives me an opportunity.

The bride looked stunning (I've been told to say that) and I was very impressed by the best man, Count Loxuru from some unpronouncible place in the German Empire. I'm really glad Britain and Germany are such close allies, it's so comforting to think that with the Royalty so closely related we'll never go to war against them. I think that within about 40 years we'll have a trade agreement and be moving to closer political union, us the Germans, Norwegians, maybe the Dutch, as long as we keep the Belgians out, cheating bastards even thinking of putting a locomotion machine on a velocipede.

Still a bit worried about the case of the stolen paintings. I visited Newgate Gaol and saw him struggling with the hard labour, I don't think he's done a hard day's work in his life before, maybe there's some truth in his tale that he's a politician. His hands are soft, his nails perfect, his eyes shifty, he's got the gift of the gab; either a politician or he went to Eton.

I think a couple of guineas each should do it. Have a 'talk' with the valets of all these nobs while they're eating and toasting. Usually get some interesting information from them, amazing what some of this sort leave in their pockets after a night out, and they never pay their staff enough to guarantee silence.

Where's my list? I'll start with Jollyrei's staff, then Rattington, phlebas, better include Wragg's, that will keep me busy till they finish the speeches.
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Never mind politics! I'll tell you - Bratwurst und Bier verdammt noch mal - she is a hübsche, schöne Maid!
Jawohl, jawohl! :)
View attachment 334490

(btw in 1876, the question was settled already since 10 years. the solution had come out of the guns of Bismarck's army: the whole duchy was Prussian since 1866. Palmerston died in 1865).
Thats a Russian Girl not German. Ok, she had a german Mother.
Grand Duchess Olga and Grand Duchess Tatiana of Russia
Least if I knew the Racing Rodent, that is what I suspect he might do, but then again I have no idea of whom he actually is. :D

as long as we keep the Belgians out, cheating bastards even thinking of putting a locomotion machine on a velocipede.
Vélocipédraisiavaporianna_-_1818_engraving_of_steam_hobby_horse.jpg They still haven't changed in the 21st century.:D2016-02-21_113335.jpg

maybe there's some truth in his tale that he's a politician. His hands are soft, his nails perfect, his eyes shifty, he's got the gift of the gab; either a politician or he went to Eton.
french-tips.jpgxM9QO.gifdemosthenes speeches.jpg
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I knew it was no good interviewing the toffs upstairs, I was out of their league but here downstairs my status as an Inspector meant something.

"Hello Paul, nice valet's uniform you've got on there, how'd you get a job with his Lordship then? Kept quiet about your forgery did you?"

"Ah, ah nice to see you Mr Slave, keeping well I hope? Look, I've gone straight since that eight stretch, and this is a lovely cushy number here, what can I do for you, know what I mean?"

"If you promise to keep quiet Paul, there's a guinea in it for a bit of gossip about his lordship. Like when he was last at Lord Jollyrei’s home in Gloucestershire"
as long as we keep the Belgians out, cheating bastards even thinking of putting a locomotion machine on a velocipede.
They still haven't changed in the 21st century.
King Leopold II of the Belgians was absolutely not amused reading this!
He was already pissed off by not being invited to the marriage ( a sound measure of precaution from the groom's side, considering Leopold's reputation - he probably would not have kept his hands off the bride).

Now Leopold is considering his revenge. He will make the seasoned British explorer Henry Morton Stanley an offer he cannot refuse, to help him snatch away, right in front of England, the immense natural resources of the Congo.leopold.jpg
And he wasn't a very nice man.

Half the population of the Congo died while he was in charge.

Pic shows a man looking at hand and foot of his daughter, punishment for not working hard enough (according to Wikipedia)

Senator Tree sat on a distinctly uncomfortable chair
falling-out-of-my-chair.jpg off_chair.jpg

“I flew into Heathrow yesterday, because I had business in London. On my way back to the airport, my driver took a sudden left turn, and I found myself here. And now.”
The inspector gazed at Tree in silence.

Tree gazed at the inspector in silence.

Eventually Slave spoke. “You flew.”
“I didn’t sprout wings, I flew in an aeroplane. A Boeing 747.”

I have a list of your activities that’s as long as your arm.
long arms.jpg

Slave regarded her as though she were something he’d tramped in on his shoe.
koen__stont_aan_den_schoen__by_koenstrontschoen.jpg 24%20juli%20(2).jpg

These Americans really lacked taste and manners. He’d heard tales of a lawless country, men with Stetson hats shooting each other at high noon. Bank robberies a daily occurrence. Always drunk. Morals in the gutter.

Slave rolled his eyes. He wondered if all Americans had such vivid imaginations. Perhaps it was something to do with the water they drank over there.
Imagination.jpg (Just like a pencil and a dream.)
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King Leopold II of the Belgians was absolutely not amused reading this!
He was already pissed off by not being invited to the marriage ( a sound measure of precaution from the groom's side, considering Leopold's reputation - he probably would not have kept his hands off the bride).

Now Leopold is considering his revenge. He will make the seasoned British explorer Henry Morton Stanley an offer he cannot refuse, to help him snatch away, right in front of England, the immense natural resources of the Congo.View attachment 334579

Hold on a minute...Loxuru sure knows how to ratchet up the stakes....we were talking about a stolen painting, not a stolen country!

If Slave pins that on Tree, he'll never get out of jail! :eek:


View attachment 334677 (Just like a pencil and a dream.)

Nice, Repertor, very nice! :cool:
perfume which she had carefully selected to hit a man’s endocrine system like a bomb.

“Are you all right, Mr Slave?” she asked, with feigned concern.

Slave had a mental picture of his grandfather, a Methodist preacher, standing in his pulpit, pounding his Bible with his fist, calling hell and damnation down on all ‘loose’ women.
seperating.jpg preacher_01.jpg preacher-preaching-800x430.jpg hqdefault.jpg

“There is nothing wrong with being English, Miss Moore!”
no-one-is-perfect-but-being-english-is-close-enough.png weebl-england.png im-english-not-british-not-european.jpg fa1xf5s.png
Hold on a minute...Loxuru sure knows how to ratchet up the stakes....we were talking about a stolen painting, not a stolen country!

If Slave pins that on Tree, he'll never get out of jail! :eek:
No bad intentions, Your Lordship.

We were just relaying a rumour, or rather exactly, gossip, about King Leopold, we had learned during a hunting, on our estates near Oldenburg, Holstein.
I would refrain from casting my ballot :rolleyes:
Very wise. The count of Cruxton might become suspicious.
That makes the score 0 - 0.

“I’ll tell you what I think, Miss Moore, I think that you and Mr Tree are old friends from America, and that, together, you planned to plunder the stately homes of England of their priceless works of art!”
art_theft_awareness_by_royceandraphrock.jpg Carlton-Hobbs-Art-Theft3.jpg C485-Art-Theft-1100.jpg 3052843626_y_u_no_on_art_theft_by_bonsly209_d4gxf2t.png

Repertor knows better. You were falsely accused by that overzealous inspector. Fortunately that problem is solved. Enjoy the wedding speeches:p. But beware the Racing Rodent:eek:! He might steal your painting and post it on the steam-internet.
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