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Venus Verticordia

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Jaw dropping!
Say it ain't so, Wragg, the story has come to an end?
Or possibly just in this continuum :) Maybe it continues in another version of this world, somewhere.
Very nice twist, time travel and alternative realities, and a fine line between fiction and reality.
How do we know this is the real Wragg?
Indeed, are any of you out there real? Am I just talking to myself?
Am I making all this up, drifting in a purple haze ?

I'd better get back to my studio

Dante Phlebas Rossetti
Thanks all! :)

You've cheered me up on a grumpy Monday morning! :)

And I forgot to clear the dishwasher last night! :doh:

And thank God it is finished! All this wibbly wobbly blurring of fantasy and reality was doing my head in! :confused: I was in danger of tying myself up in knots :confused:
Fantastic, totally unexpected ending, Wragg.

Old Slave was rather taken by the 21st Century. Somehow all these metal boxes people moved in were heated, a considerable bonus in cold, damp England.

And the privies! Every one had water, and they smelled so fresh. It took a while to get used to washing my hands after going, not many ordinary citizens in my time had that luxury, but I'm a clever chap, so soon got in the habit. That blast of hot air from the metal box came as a shock, though, how does it know I'm there?

As for the Boeing 747, words fail me. How does it stay up without a balloon? I was quite taken by the young lady servants, they hardly wear anything do they? Mrs Slave would be quite shocked, but it kept me distracted while we were flying. The biggest shock was when the voice of the Captain sounded out of nowhere; said her name was Dark Princess! A woman! That made me panic a lot. I mean, a woman captain? But we got to America safely, so I suppose they can be educated.

Senator Tree was correct in who he said he was, I'll be blowed. He even took pity on me, being all confused and that. I think it helped that old Slave, a confirmed porter drinker, said how good I found my first Seagrams. By the end of the second bottle we had become 'best buddies', as I think I understood the phrase, but nothing was very clear at that time.

He arranged for me to get a job in a wonderfully warm part of his country. It is at the "Crux Hill County Correctional Farm", where young miscreant girls learn to live a wholesome life. From the tales told by some of the guards, they had a whale of a time in the good old days, but life today is very pleasant. The heat means the young ladies needn't clothe themselves in much, and they seem to know more about how to pleasure a man than the best Shoreditch tarts did.

I wonder how Mrs Slave is getting on? Must be difficult for her with five small children, three cats, a budgerigar, a small but rather noisy terrier, and my exceptionally demanding mother. Still, she was a strong woman, she'll cope. I still miss her tripe though.
The biggest shock was when the voice of the Captain sounded out of nowhere;
Inspector Slave's demand to have a look at the bridge was denied. It also needed some explanation that there was no boiler room and no stokehold to move this vehicle. He could not believe that it worked on sucking air that simply got burned in metal tubes. His biggest surprise however was that the strange stuff he got served on a tray during the flight, was supposed to represent food.
I still miss the tripe though.

S'okay, Slave, I shall write something else, I expect! :)
I still miss her tripe though.

Oh, her tripe! :doh:

tripe.jpg :boaa:

Fear not, old chap, if you play your cards right, Tree will treat you to some good, wholesome, American nosh!

white Castle.jpg :rolleyes:

After all these time travels, I hope you still figure out what day, month and year we are today!
Great story! :clapping:

Simple! Today is Cruxday! :)

I say, Thessela darling, did we ever get that painting back? :cool::D

I think you may need to discuss that with Mr Rattington....

Oh Jolly dear, we may have to commission another one.
Let us go and see Mr Rossetti :D

...though I'm sure Phlebas will be glad to help


Fantastic, totally unexpected ending, Wragg.

Old Slave was rather taken by the 21st Century. Somehow all these metal boxes people moved in were heated, a considerable bonus in cold, damp England.

And the privies! Every one had water, and they smelled so fresh. It took a while to get used to washing my hands after going, not many ordinary citizens in my time had that luxury, but I'm a clever chap, so soon got in the habit. That blast of hot air from the metal box came as a shock, though, how does it know I'm there?

As for the Boeing 747, words fail me. How does it stay up without a balloon? I was quite taken by the young lady servants, they hardly wear anything do they? Mrs Slave would be quite shocked, but it kept me distracted while we were flying. The biggest shock was when the voice of the Captain sounded out of nowhere; said her name was Dark Princess! A woman! That made me panic a lot. I mean, a woman captain? But we got to America safely, so I suppose they can be educated.

Senator Tree was correct in who he said he was, I'll be blowed. He even took pity on me, being all confused and that. I think it helped that old Slave, a confirmed porter drinker, said how good I found my first Seagrams. By the end of the second bottle we had become 'best buddies', as I think I understood the phrase, but nothing was very clear at that time.

He arranged for me to get a job in a wonderfully warm part of his country. It is at the "Crux Hill County Correctional Farm", where young miscreant girls learn to live a wholesome life. From the tales told by some of the guards, they had a whale of a time in the good old days, but life today is very pleasant. The heat means the young ladies needn't clothe themselves in much, and they seem to know more about how to pleasure a man than the best Shoreditch tarts did.

I wonder how Mrs Slave is getting on? Must be difficult for her with five small children, three cats, a budgerigar, a small but rather noisy terrier, and my exceptionally demanding mother. Still, she was a strong woman, she'll cope. I still miss her tripe though.
In Senator Tree's time travels he found an interesting fact. A possession held in close to the time traveler is transported with the traveler. This is how the senator had his Glock pistol and extra clips when he went back in time and how Old Slave's pistols traveled forward with him (which the senator absconded with and made a sizable amount auctioning).

Senator Tree tells Old Slave he knows a master of time travel and has agreed to send Old Slave back in time but before he goes Senator Tree hands Old Slave he wants to give him a memento of his visit and hands him an antique book published in 1911 named 'The History of the Last Fifty Years of the London Royal Exchange'. He tells him it is a detailed account of the stock market from 1860 to 1910.

Old Slave protests saying there is no way he can invest in the stock market on a policeman's salary. The senator tells him to study the book and within a few years he will be the wealthiest man in the kingdom...
Senator Tree calls for butler and asks he brings in the first of two guests. A dashing young man comes into the study, displays a half-smile and says "I cannot believe what I see! I recognize you from the painting in my study! You are Old Slave!"

"I am afraid, chap, you have me at disadvantage! I have no recollection of meeting you" Old Slave replies.

The young man says "How could you? I was born in 1996! Forgive me my boorish behavior. My name is Adulscens Slave, a distant but direct grandson in the family lineage."

"'Adulscens'? That is Latin for 'young' slave" Old Slave stammers.

"Indeed it is! In the 1920's the family got tired of doing Roman numerals behind 'Old Slave' and we alternate every fourth generation between 'Old Slave' and 'Adulscens' since then."

Senator Tree is amazed how the two men separated by generations have the same tone and in inflections in their speech even though the young man's language is more polished. He pours a Seagram's on the rocks...

...though I'm sure Phlebas will be glad to help

Well, if you arrive at my studio like that, how can I refuse?
Come in, before you catch your death or attract the wrong kind of attention!
Old Slave protests saying there is no way he can invest in the stock market on a policeman's salary. The senator tells him to study the book and within a few years he will be the wealthiest man in the kingdom...
Senator Tree is amazed how the two men separated by generations have the same tone and in inflections in their speech even though the young man's language is more polished. He pours a Seagram's on the rocks...

This timey-wimey thing is too much for my old head. Given a taste for spirits by the Senator, I now have my own reserve barrels of Laphroaig sent down to my yacht in Monaco, from where we run the family business. That stock-market wheeze worked beautifully, Senator. What business you ask? Let's just say security for people who don't want their affairs publicised. Two of our clients are the Dutch trader Admi and the events organisers THT Inc. 'Nuff said.

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