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Venus Verticordia

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Given a taste for spirits by the Senator

I think in my last appearance in this super saga I was a spirit,
maybe I've stowed away among those casks from Islay to Monte Carlo? ;)
Old Slave had been aghast by meeting his great descendent Adulescens as even back his day while time travel had yet to be invented it was understood the 'space time continuum' must never be disturbed. Senator Tree assured him that in the last Star Trek' movie Leonard Nemoy was in Spock declared the premise was false. Who are you going to believe; a bunch of scientists or Mr. Spock???

The next day the senator took Old Slave to meet Peabody, an eccentric, oversexed scientist to arrange for his transport back to the 1800s. Old Slave whispered "Sen. Tree, he is a dog!"

p & s 1.jpg

"And a right smart one at that!"

Tree made sure Old Slave had the book before Peabody and Sherman put him in the WABAC Machine. (pronounced 'way back')
p & s.png

With Old Slave back in his time Sen. Tree was free to going on with his business of block every piece of legislation and nomination present by the current President.

He does wonder if the Lady Barbara ever did pose nude for her crucifixion painting...

Time travel? Easy! All you need is a rod of iron. Why iron? Because iron is the element with the most dense nucleus. Detail : the rod should consist solely of iron nuclei, stripped of their electrons, which occupy most of the space of the atom. That way, you get a really dense mass of iron.

How large is the rod? About hundred kilometers long and ten kilometers across. Now all you have to do is to rotate the rod around its long axis. Alternating a half turn to the left and a half turn to the right, at a frequency of about thousand times per second. This alternating movement significantly disturbs the local space-time continuum. Anyone standing near the rod would be sucked into this disturbance and could end up in another time. As yet, the time the volunteer will end up is unpredictable (not to mention whether he or she will arrive intact), and as yet there is no possibility to return.

But soon, even a dog will be able to build it.
This timey-wimey thing is too much for my old head. Given a taste for spirits by the Senator, I now have my own reserve barrels of Laphroaig sent down to my yacht in Monaco, from where we run the family business. That stock-market wheeze worked beautifully, Senator. What business you ask? Let's just say security for people who don't want their affairs publicised. Two of our clients are the Dutch trader Admi and the events organisers THT Inc. 'Nuff said.


I must confess to being proper chuffed that dear Old Slave seems to have landed on his feet!:)

What do you call it? The Fifth wotsit? :oops:
Fifth Amendment...

When I am President Congress will give this Wragg immunity from prosecution! And I will be President. Have I mentioned I am rich- very, very rich?

trump 001.jpg

And if he and his wife don't show the goods, I will jail them for Contempt of Congress!!! Yes... you have a question???


Well yes I am on the record as preferring blonds but Countess Barbara is pretty hot, too! What can I say... I love women!!!

trump 002.jpg

D. Trump
Fifth Amendment...

When I am President Congress will give this Wragg immunity from prosecution! And I will be President. Have I mentioned I am rich- very, very rich?

View attachment 341070

And if he and his wife don't show the goods, I will jail them for Contempt of Congress!!! Yes... you have a question???


Well yes I am on the record as preferring blonds but Countess Barbara is pretty hot, too! What can I say... I love women!!!

View attachment 341071

D. Trump

Dratted Colonials :mad:


Countesses are off-limits, Mr Trump! :mad:

Dratted Colonials :mad:
Countesses are off-limits, Mr Trump! :mad:

OK, then the wall just got ten feet taller!!!

D. Trump

What is that, Ulrika??? We don't need a wall between England and the US? Why is that???

Oh, the ocean... I will know this when I am elected and I will assemble the sharpest minds to advise me. But if I don't see the painting of this Countess I promise you not another MG or Triumph car will land on our shores...
Well, we've got one between Scotland and England.
You just need to do like the Romans,
round up plenty of slaves who can do drystane dyking
(no, that's not what goes on on the sidewalks in Glasgow on a Friday night,
it's dry-stone walling :p)
Well, we've got one between Scotland and England.
You just need to do like the Romans,
round up plenty of slaves who can do drystane dyking
(no, that's not what goes on on the sidewalks in Glasgow on a Friday night,
it's dry-stone walling :p)

Please note, it was built to keep the Scots in Scotland :rolleyes:

But they all snuck out, now there are as many in Westminster as in Edinburgh :doh:

(Confession time: I have Scottish grandparents and I LOVE haggis! :))
they are now invading the rest of the universe.

Aye, it was an Armstrong who rode to the moon!
(from one of the notorious families of Border rievers
cattle-robbers from the north side of the Wall ;))

Time travel? Easy! All you need is a rod of iron. Why iron? Because iron is the element with the most dense nucleus. Detail : the rod should consist solely of iron nuclei, stripped of their electrons, which occupy most of the space of the atom. That way, you get a really dense mass of iron.

How large is the rod? About hundred kilometers long and ten kilometers across. Now all you have to do is to rotate the rod around its long axis. Alternating a half turn to the left and a half turn to the right, at a frequency of about thousand times per second. This alternating movement significantly disturbs the local space-time continuum. Anyone standing near the rod would be sucked into this disturbance and could end up in another time. As yet, the time the volunteer will end up is unpredictable (not to mention whether he or she will arrive intact), and as yet there is no possibility to return.

But soon, even a dog will be able to build it.

Yeeesss..................But it would need all of the energy in all of the World's electrical grids to rotate it at 1000 Hz (times per second in case you don't know.
I think in my last appearance in this super saga I was a spirit,
maybe I've stowed away among those casks from Islay to Monte Carlo? ;)
Funny you should say that Eulalia - I have just partaken of a stiff "Caol Ila", 12 years old (the cheaper sort I suppose you will say, Nae doot the really good stuff is a couple of hundred a bottle).
In my defense, if I need one that is, I have a stinking cold.
Yeeesss..................But it would need all of the energy in all of the World's electrical grids to rotate it at 1000 Hz (times per second in case you don't know.
You are right and I am very aware of that. Not to mention the energy needed to obtain the immense high pressure and temperature to strip the electrons from the iron atoms, in order to produce pure nuclei. Even in the sun these conditions cannot be attained, as she lacks the mass for it.

It is a pure theoretical description. Its immense energy demands, needed to disturb the space-time continuum show the practical impossibility to travel in time.
Funny you should say that Eulalia - I have just partaken of a stiff "Caol Ila", 12 years old (the cheaper sort I suppose you will say, Nae doot the really good stuff is a couple of hundred a bottle).
In my defense, if I need one that is, I have a stinking cold.
No excuse needed Cruxlover, Caol Ila 12yr is a very nice whisky of the pale, peaty kind,
it'll do your cold a power of good (actually, if I were you, I'd use a cheaper blended one
for a cold, keep the Caol Ila for when I could taste it ;))
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