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Virginita's Dream

Go to CruxDreams.com
Look at from my position: It takes hours of work to knock out a half decent model and provide a decent pic for your (and my) enjoyment. Why make unnecessary work for me worrying about background colours? As I say: Crazy!
(Late, but because of the enclosed link still valid, as an "afterburner")

But why do you use colors in your post, to start with?
If you use "default" only, it will be readable for all.
As a hint, "italic" also is a way to differentiate.

And thinking of "how it might look on a white background", colors still may be used. Only the very light ones like yellow are not fine.

Here is a link where this stuff is explained:

And I disagree in what you say on "styles" in many forums "non-default" styles are used, but often "falling back" to default is supported, for obvious reasons: Blackened looks sexy, but some prefer the classic black text on white background...
Thanks for the link Fantasmo, that's useful.​
Pooper's happy again now, and his posts are fine again on both backgrounds,​
it was a temporary glitch when he used a very pale grey for the text.​
I like his use of distinctive colours for his characters, it's his trademark style,​
I wouldn't want him to change it!​
Thanks for the link Fantasmo, that's useful.​
Pooper's happy again now, and his posts are fine again on both backgrounds,​
it was a temporary glitch when he used a very pale grey for the text.​
I like his use of distinctive colours for his characters, it's his trademark style,​
I wouldn't want him to change it!​
I think that key is "using default instead of selecting a gray shade", that's why I picked this up again.
This should be "sticked" somehow, if I may suggest...
Thanks for the link Fantasmo, that's useful.​
Pooper's happy again now, and his posts are fine again on both backgrounds,​
I like his use of distinctive colours for his characters, it's his trademark style,​
I wouldn't want him to change it!​

I think this dead now as my last couple of posts seem to work ok in both.
Lets move back to art, beautiful women, interrogations and crucifixions . . . :cool:
It could be "pleasant" (for spectators:rolleyes:) to hear our groans, screams, pulled out by torture; to see us crying , having tears of suffering...:eek:
I don't doubt that you'll know to do that, Steve... :rolleyes:

Groans, screams, shrieks yes . . . . but never tears!
In my dreams, you, my dear heroines, are nubile masochists who find pleasure in receiving pain and having your bodies stripped and lusted after by your torturers. :)

You will never be broken (and so never cry) but may eventually surrender . . . . not to questioning, but only to allow sexual intrusion when your agonies have driven you to irresistible desire to be satiated by your tormentors muscular bodies.

Here's how I imagine Messaline would look as she suffers agony on the rack but is overcome with pleasure from her torturer's tongue exploring the soft, moist inside of her vagina. She is feeling a warm glow spreading from between her legs making her nipples stand erect. She is indeed ready and aching to submit to every one of her torturer's manly desires . . . .


I hope we can come up with a good enough story and pics to excite your (and my) fantasies erotically and achieve satisfying climaxes to our (sadly separate:( ) sexual adventures . . . . :p

Thanks for your interest
OK, open to all...

Why is Messaline suffering such cruelities (besides the obvious, she asked for it)

Let's build a story here. Make up her crime, hold your 'trial' until she confesses, convict her, sentence her.

...and forget not her co-conspiritor Eulalia aways justice!


...I thought it was good, too Ulrika...
OK, open to all...
Let's build a story here. Make up her crime, hold your 'trial' until she confesses, convict her, sentence her.
...and forget not her co-conspiritor Eulalia aways justice!

. . . . and maybe start another thread to collect suggestions and post the scenes?
Groans, screams, shrieks yes . . . . but never tears!
In my dreams, you, my dear heroines, are nubile masochists who find pleasure in receiving pain and having your bodies stripped and lusted after by your torturers. :)

You will never be broken (and so never cry) but may eventually surrender . . . . not to questioning, but only to allow sexual intrusion when your agonies have driven you to irresistible desire to be satiated by your tormentors muscular bodies.

Here's how I imagine Messaline would look as she suffers agony on the rack but is overcome with pleasure from her torturer's tongue exploring the soft, moist inside of her vagina. She is feeling a warm glow spreading from between her legs making her nipples stand erect. She is indeed ready and aching to submit to every one of her torturer's manly desires . . . .

View attachment 52374

I hope we can come up with a good enough story and pics to excite your (and my) fantasies erotically and achieve satisfying climaxes to our (sadly separate:( ) sexual adventures . . . . :p

Thanks for your interest
I didn't know that she was a blond?
Groans, screams, shrieks yes . . . . but never tears!
In my dreams, you, my dear heroines, are nubile masochists who find pleasure in receiving pain and having your bodies stripped and lusted after by your torturers. :)

You will never be broken (and so never cry)

I'll let you into a secret, Pooper ;) -​
we girls cry when we want to -​
it's one of our tricks.​
In the Torture Chamber, we know crying won't win sympathy,​
but we can use it if we want to arouse you to do more ...​
"The bleating of the lamb only excites the tiger"​
(old Chinese saying)​
I'll let you into a secret, Pooper ;) -​
we girls cry when we want to -​
it's one of our tricks.​
In the Torture Chamber, we know crying won't win sympathy,​
but we can use it if we want to arouse you to do more ...​
"The bleating of the lamb only excites the tiger"​
(old Chinese saying)​

Thanks Eulalia, I'm learning so much from this! So crying under torture would not necessarily mean you were broken and you could still continue to resist your inquisitors (which is essential to justify further torture)

In fact your crying might even be masochistic encouragement for your tormentors to increase the severity of the pain! Phew. Strong stuff!!!! :rolleyes: Got to get that into my stories . . .

And I thought I understood women (a male delusion!) What other secrets do you hide from us men? We must try harder to find out next time we have you in our dungeons! :)
I agree with Eul, Pooper: we girls are great riggers ( manipulators?) and
never you could understand our traps....:rolleyes::cool:
Thanks Eulalia, I'm learning so much from this! So crying under torture would not necessarily mean you were broken and you could still continue to resist your inquisitors (which is essential to justify further torture)
Just never forget:
§1 Women are unpredictable
§2 If you think to have understood her, she still is a woman (see §1)

(It's not that easy, crying can mean a lot of different things, from "teasing you", over "mini-breakdown, all the emotions are breaking loose...in a good way" to "desperation and pain")
Queen Virginita feels the strange sensation of the probe spikes growing larger inside her vagina, not pain but an unusual stretching of her soft tissues and she braces herself for what is coming . .

Queen Virginita:“Don’t do this! Even you must know how savage this is. Surely you have a consience!”

Torture Twin 1: “Not a chance I’m afraid.”

Torture Twin 2: “Yes this may hurt a little hahahahah”

Then Twin 1 starts to turn the probe

Queen Virginita shrieks:“Eeeeeeeeeooooow . . . . .Oooooooaaaaah”

Torture Twin 1 stops and asks: “Are you ready to talk?”

Queen Virginita gasping for breath:“Uuuh . . . No way you Bitch”

And so Twin 1 goes to work searching out the most sensitive places in Queen Virginita’s uterus and concentrating the spikes on those areas. Eventually they withdraw the probe and place the tip into the flames. When the spikes are glowing they reinsert the probe with stunning effect. Even as the tip starts to part Queen Virginita’s labia she screams out:

Queen Virginita:“Aaaaaaaaaaaah . . . Ooooooooh”

They push the probe deep into her and then extend the heated spikes. Queen Virginita’s is consumed with agony and she screams again as the Torture Twin twists the probe so the points dig into her soft flesh and stretch her sensitive tissues.

Queen Virginita:“Aaaaaaaaaaaaooooooooow . . . “

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The Twins have another instrument to apply to Queen Virginita’s pussy, the Vagina Spikes. These slide along the rod of the spiked probe so they can be heated in the flame. Twin 2 positions the spikes over Queen Virginita’s pussy and grips the handle

Torture Twin 2: “This gives me such satisfaction. To make this nubile bitch suffer between her legs”

Torture Twin 1: “Let her have it Sis!”
Torture Twin 2 swings the lever to force the spikes into Queen Virginita’s flesh, the same flesh as had earlier been stabbed with the hot needles. At the same time Torture Twin 1 turns the spiked probe

Queen Virginita:“Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee . . . . Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaooooooooooooooow”

Torture Twin 1: “Brilliant! Now heat up both instruments and reapply them”

And so the Torture Twins continued to inflict extreme agony on Queen Virginita for the rest of that day until she passed out with exhaustion from exercising her lungs. The Twins reluctantly give up and decide to recommend her execution

Torture Twin 2: “This Bitch is never going to give in to us! The Governor was right! We will take her to the deepest dungeon to await her fate”

Queen Virginita is barely conscious as she is taken out of the chamber but thinks “The agony was unbelievable but the probe and spikes gave me the most erotic feelings I have ever experienced in my sweet pussy. Now my tortures are finished, they will execute me. I hope they will crucify me so I am displayed for all the men to lust over and all the women to be jealous!”

Sure enough . . .

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