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Waiting for Judicial Corporal Punishment

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The bad secretary waiting for her punishment

So hard to train up good clerical staff these days! A whip, some pins and a pear of anguish might help :D

Secretaries need correction so much. Once I heard supposedly true story that boss´wife fighted and spanked at workplace her husbands secretary for sleeping with him. And he returned with both of them to work and used belt on their asses. Sounds incredibly hot!

It looks as though Dean Windar has decided that when it comes to Doctor Moore`s disciplinary programme, he definitely needs to up the ante!

Her boss is showing how much he cares about her training and personal growth.

And all I did was refuse to swallow…
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Strażnicy właśnie go związali. Kat przygotowuje się, ona czeka z niepokojem, bo wie, że biczowanie będzie ciężkie, a potem ukrzyżowanie.

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The guards have just tied him up. The executioner prepares, she waits anxiously because she knows that the scourging will be hard and followed by her crucifixion.
Photo taken at the foot of Golgotha. This red-haired woman was sentenced to death by crucifixion. First 39 strokes of the flagrum, then take up the cross (lying nearby) and carry it to the top. Then nailed to the cross and lifted it up. The inhabitants of the nearby village will have a lot to admire.
Sometimes I would like to see a signboard with name and crime.
I really need to practice image editing with my image editing program. With my Linux Mint I only have Gimp available. And that's complicated to use. So far I only use it to reduce photos to the size needed in the forum.
I really need to practice image editing with my image editing program. With my Linux Mint I only have Gimp available. And that's complicated to use. So far I only use it to reduce photos to the size needed in the forum.
Well, I don´t think many BDSM photos do that anyway.
On vacation in this small Middle Eastern country, Barbara Moore made a couple of serious mistakes. Firstly, she shouldn`t have drunk the whole bottle of Riesling, and secondly, she shouldn`t have accepted the dare to walk through the Capital braless in a see through blouse and wearing a micro mini skirt.
Inevitably, she was arrested by the Morality Police and tried in the Shariah Court.
Found guilty of being under the influence of alcohol, and being of being indecently dressed, the presiding Mullah sentenced her to receive thirty six strokes of the heavy penal cane, and added that as she seemed to delight in displaying herself, she would be punished naked.
Now, in the basement of the Police Station, firmly secured to the unyielding punishment frame, she waits apprehensively for the arrival of the Court officials and their invited guests, knowing that there is no escape, and that her taut, bare buttocks must present a very tempting target.
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