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In some ways, yes. It is a very conservative, christian state government and many pornographic websites are blocked.
Usually the laws claim that they are protecting minors and require sites to ascertain the ages of visitors. In practice this can be impossible, depending on how much verification is required.
Remember the First Amendment protects religion, too, and religious types always argue that they are being discriminated against when others can criticize them or publicly go against their beliefs or actually (gasp) be in the same room with them. Some argue that public schools are bad because their kids can interact with heathen kids.
For what it's worth I think they will push too hard and a good majority will vote their representatives out. That's what happened in Ireland when the Catholic Church was exposed as shielding hypocritical sexual predators.
It looks like indeed that particularly the last batches of pictures do not open anymore? Furthermore, the site had gone offline hours later than announced. Perhaps the last postings have interfered with the upgrade already going on?
We lost both images and some posts, unfortunately. The staff, and I’m sure IM offer our apologies for whatever happened and thank you for your patience with this occurrence. This place is just as dear to our hearts as all of yours.

Apparently the upgrade was incompatible with our settings or something, and IM was forced to update the website to the last major back up point, which unfortunately means some missing data.

We welcome all members to re-post their missing comments and imagery. If you wanted to try reinserting an image to a corrupted post, say to keep continuity in a story, reach out to a staff member and we will help if we can.
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