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Details of fantasy

To: Lovecraft
Yes, my fantasy is quite authentic and basically follows the classical road to the cross. But it does have a few twists that are unique. Perhaps I could elabrate if anyone is interested?
Re: Details of fantasy

onthecross said:
To: Lovecraft
Yes, my fantasy is quite authentic and basically follows the classical road to the cross. But it does have a few twists that are unique. Perhaps I could elabrate if anyone is interested?

Gosh, yes.
Details of fantasy

OK - Here goes

Part 1

The time for my crucifixion had come. We'd discussed details by Email for months. I'd found four others who were willing to act as "Executioners" and a secluded place in the woods away from prying eyes, or should I say "they found me". My affairs were taken care for a few weeks and everybody thought I was away on business. Everything was ready. As I walked up the deserted trail towards my "execution" I couldn't help but wonder "was I crazy to go through with this?". But it was to late for that. We had discussed all the details in the previous months. Once I agreed to particpate as victim in there ritual there was no turning back. All had been agreed to. The crucifixion would be as close to an actual Roman crucifixion as possible. The victim was to be brought before the court, tried and sentenced to death by crucifixion. The victim would then be taken away, stripped, tortured, scourged and then forced to carry the patibullum to the place of execution. There he would be tied to the cross and crucified. He would then hang from the cross for a prolonged period. This was not going to be some S&M crucifixion, this was the real thing. The members of the group had made it clear, they wanted to see what it was like to actually crucify someone. Apperently, they had tried before, but the victim chickened out at the last minute. I was determined, this wouldn't be the case this time. They had explained what they wanted to do and I had agreed. They'd use rope instead of nails and the victim would be taken down from the cross before any permanent damage was done. Everything else would be authentic. I had only two conditions; first, I only be stripped to my underware(fetish of mine) and secondly, once we begin there is no turning back for the victim. No matter how much I plead, I will hang from the cross. No way out. They agreed to both conditions and the date was set. I was now several miles into the woods with not a soul in sight. I knew that any minute my tormentors would appear and my ordeal begin. I was well on my way to my date on the cross. For years, I had fantisizes about being crucified. I had even done it in S&M settings a few times, but it was never a totally satisfying experience because there was always a way out, a safeword or something. But this was going to be different, it was agreed "No Way Out". Just then, a man appeared on the trail.


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Details of fantasy Part 2

He was dresses in army fatigues and had a bullwhip coiled hanging from his waist. A second man appeared behind me. He was dressed in the same manner. He blocked my escape. The first "soldier" approched me and quickly struck me with a club he had concealed behind him. I immidiatly fell to the ground dazed. They both jumped on me and pined my hands behind my back. One of them produced a piece of thick manilla ropa and tightly bound my wrists. He took a second longer piece with a nose on the end and placed around my neck. He threw the other end over a branch above my head and began to pull to get me to my feet. When I was standing, he continued to pull until I was on the end of my toes. He then fastened the other end to a tree. As I stood there half hanged, the first soldier explained to me that he thought I was a spy and that he was going to take me back to there camp for a trial. If I was found guilty I would be sentenced to crucifixion. I was also told that if I resisted in any way or tried to escape they would hang my then and there and no one would ever find out. He then proceed to explain to me that they had played this game before and that I had agreed to "NO WAY OUT".
They untied the rope from the tree and began to lead me through the forest to their camp. We quickly left the trail and walked for several hours without stopping. When we arrived at the camp it was much larger than I expected. There were at least a dozen tents and over 20 people that I quickly counted. They were all dressed in battle fatigues and also carried whips on there belts. There was also what appeared to be a whipping post in the center of the clearing and two other tall posts connected at the top with a crossmember at the end of the camp. Four ropes were attached to to the tall poles, two up top and two at the bottom. I understood right-a-way that this was to attach someone spread-eagled between the two posts. There was also what appeared to be a wooden horse off to one side. It had four diagonal legs. One at each corner supporting a wide board that was about 5 centimeters wide at the base, but tappered to nothing at the top. Almost like a wedge or an axe blade. The top of the board was about 1.2 meter above the ground. The legs were anchored into the ground. There was also a large iron ring imbedded into the soil right below the center of the board as if to attach something. I was quickly beginning to understand the seriousness of my situation. Somebody was going to suffer here.
I was led to the center of the camp, next to the whipping post. Two others approched me. One of them was a woman and the other a man no more than 20 years old. He looked into my eyes as if to say "I'm going to enjoy watching you suffer". The soldier who had captured me addressed the woman as if he was addressing a superior. He told her he suspected that I was a spy. She approched me and explained the rules of the game. The group was a group of hardcore sadists that got togther once or twice a year to torture victims mercilessly over a period of days. Usually there were serveral victims, but this time, unfortunatly there was only one. For years they had been planning to crucify someone, but had never been able to find a victim, until now. She explained that my wishes would be respected, but there was also NO WAY OUT. I was an actual victim and that they were going to crucify me no matter what. The tortures I would endure would be real and there was no possibility of escape. If I resisted or tried to escape, I would be scourged with an actual roman flagellum that tears the flesh of the victim and NAILED to the cross and left to die. She made it clear that there was going to be a crucifixion here this weekend one way or the other. She then turned to the others and ordered that the trial of the prisoner begin.
Details of fantasy Part 3

The two men then led me away towards a small tent at the rear of the camp. I stopped at the enterence and one of the men went in. He spoke with someone inside. Icouldn't hear what they were saying, but when he reappeared he ordered me to go in. Inside, there was a woman and it appeared to be a medical station with cabinets and a bed with shackles on each corner. She told me that she was going to prepare me for trial and that I should not resist. The larger of the two men quickly put his arm around my neck in a sort of chokehold so tight that I almost passed out. The second man undid my pants and pull them and my underware down to my ankles. He then stood on my pants pinning my legs to the floor. The woman turn to the cabinet and produced a set of rings. One larger and one smaller. The larger one had small teeth on the inside and could be tightened by turning a screw that reduced the diameter. The smaller one also had teeth on the inside. They were both linked together and could swivel at the point they werejoined. If layed flat on a surface, they looked like a figure 8. I immediatly knew what they were for. She took my cock and balls and pushed them through the big ring. Then she took out a screwdriver and tightened it until the teeth bit deep into me. She then pushed my cock through the smaller ring. After she was done installing the rings she looked up at me and said "One more thing." She turned to the cabinet and pulled out a large hypodermic needle. "Hold him tight" she said to the guards and with that, drove the needle deep into my groin. It was painful, but I'd felt worst. The man holding down my legs let go an quickly did up my pants. "There, he's ready" she said to the guards as they lead me back to the center of the camp. Almost immedialtly, I felt a sharp burning sensation in my groin. My cock was stiffening fast. By the time we got back to the clearing, I was as hard as a 18 year old and could feel the teeth of the ring bighting hard into my shaft. It was very painfull. This would be my situation for the duration of my ordeal, hard as steel and without control.
Detail of fantasy Part 3 con't

When we got back to the center of the clearing there was a long table set up at which sat three judges dressed in black robes with their faces covered. As I looked around I realized that everybody now had their faces covered. There was a large crowd assembled to hear the trial. The judge seated in the center addressed me," You are charged with treason against the Empire" he said. "Do you understand?". Yes, I nodded. " If found guilty by this court, you will be sentenced to death by crucifixion" he continued. "Prior to trial, you will be interogated to determine your guilt. This is the will of the court". Then, he addressed one of the guards,"Take him away for interogation. Use all methods at your disposal. Show him no mercy during questionning. The court needs all facts to arrive at a just decision." With this the three judges got up and left. The guard then ordered me to follow him. They lead me to the the two tall posts at the edge of the clearing. Six guards surrounded me and the rest of the group followed.
Details of fantasy - Part 4 con't

When we arrived at the posts, the guard ordered me to stand between them. As the rest of the group crowded around, he told me to remove my clothes. I hesitated for a moment. One of the guards standing behind me struck me hard behind my leg almost knocking me over. As I struggled to regain my balance, I began to remove my clothes. After taking off my jacket, shirt and shoes, I undid my pants. I remembered my erection and became very embarressed as I lowered them. The crowd began to mock and insult me. The guards paid no attention. As I stepped out of my pants, one of them picked up my clothes and threw them into the crowd. "You won"t be needing these anymore" he said as he flung them. Two other guards, one on each side, took hold of my wrists and pulled them towards the ropes hanging from the top of the posts. They grabbed the ropes, wrapped them tightly around my wrists and tied them off. Then they took hold of the other ends of the ropes and began to pull. My arms began to rise up until I was almost on my toes. They tied the ends of the ropes to two large iron rings that were attached to the posts halfway up. As soon as this was done , they bent over, took hold of my ankles and tied them with the ropes that were at the bottom of the posts. They pulled the ropes, spreading my legs until I my feet were barely touching the ground. These ropes were then tied to the rings. I was now completely stripped, except for my underware and spread-eagled between the two posts. The crowd was getting excited as the interogators/torturers approched
Details of fantasy - Part 5 The Interogation

There was three of them. Their faces were completely covered with black masks in the form of a skull. They were all dressed in black and wore tall pointed hats on their heads. A sense of terror overcame me as they drew near. They looked like something out of a horror movie. Behind them, two men carried a wooden trunk. They placed the trunk in front of me. Then, one of the interogators spoke up. " We have been ordered by the court to interogate you to determine your guilt. You are to answer all questions truthfully and without hesitation. We are authorized to use all methods necessary and to apply as much force as required to obtain these answers. We will apply force to your body causing pain. You are not to cry out of beg for mercy as force is applied. If you do, additional pain will be applied. If we are not completely satisfied with the truthfullness of you answers, additional pain will be applied until we are satisfied. If you pass out during questioning, you will be revived and the interogation will continue until we are satisfied that all information has be obtained in full." With this he motioned the two other interogators to open the trunk. As they raised the lid, I saw the content. It was full of instruments of torture of every discription. There were hooks, pincers, clamps, needles of various length. There were branding irons, knives and phalluses of various sizes. Some with small spikes sticking out. There were pears and whips of all kinds. It looked like something from a medival torture museum.

The crowd began to cheer wildly as one of the interogators reached in a took out a set of heavy pincers. He walked towards me. He opened the jaws of the pincers and placed my erection between them. Slowly, he closed them on it and began to squeeze hard and twist the handles. The pain shot up and down my shaft and into my spine. I had never experienced such pain, I thought he had cut it off. I screamed wildly and tried to pull away, but because of the way I was attached, could hardly move. As he continued to squeeze and twist, the crowd went wild. The show they had come for was beginning.
Details of Fantasy - part 5 con't

He released my shaft after a few moments and replaced the pincers in the trunk. He picked a pair of small clamps and returned. They were about 3 cm long and had small teeth in the jaws. There was no spring on them, instead they had a screw that tightened the jaws as it was turned. He took my left nipple, squeezed it and placed a clamp on it. Then he began to turn the screw. Within a few seconds the pain began to radiate from my nipple. he continued to tighten the screw until I cried out in pain. Obivious to this, he continued to turn the screw until he could no longer using only his fingers. Then he repeated the whole process on my right nipple. Once he was finished installing the clamps, he waited a few moments until I began to adjust to the pain. He looked at my and said " I'm only just beginning, when I'm done with you. you'll beg me to nail you to the cross." It was obvious this was no interogation, it was only to be a prolonged torture session. The result of the trial was a forgone conclusion, I was going to be found guilty and crucified. This was the whole point of the gathering. The group had finally found their victim and they were going to have a real crucifixion. The next several hours were a firestorm of pain. Every imaginable torture was applied to my body. The clamps were left in place as, first, I was whiped With a cat o' nine tails over my back and chest. When this was done, another of the torturers took out another set of pincers and, again took hold of my erection and twisted. I cried out in pain, but much worst was yet to come. He released my penis and placed my balls between the jaws of the pincers. I understood why they had placed the iron rings around them. The ring prevented my balls from contracting. They were completely exposed and could not constrict when struck. As he squeezed the handles of the pincers the pain grew. It very quickly became unbareble. I screamed out and begged for mercy. He smiled at me from behind his mask and simply said " Remember, NO WAY OUT" and continued to squeeze even harder. The crowd was loving every minute of it. They shouted encouragements to the torturers and mocked my suffering. They watched every minut detail of my ordeal. As he continued to aqueeze with the pincers, the pain became too great. I finally passed out. Immediatly I was revived with smelling salts. As I regained conscenceness I felt someone pulling at my underware and something entering my body. It was a 30 cm phallus that was being pushed inside me. I could fell it going deeper and deeper. It took a few seconds for the pain to hit, but as it did I tried to pull myself up with all my strenght to get of it. Of course I couldn't get away because I was tied to the posts.
Details of Fantasy - Part 5

He pushed the phallus in until there was only about 10 cm protruding. I could feel it deep inside me. He then released it and left it in place for the rest of the interogation. This way whenever one of the interogators passed behind me , they could push it in further using thier knee causing me excruciating pain. This they did countless times. One of the torturers then went to the trunk and took out a long iron rod. It was about 80 cm long with a handle at one end and a point at the other. He reached in again and took out a propane blowtorch. He turned on the torch and began to heat up the end of rod until it was almost glowing. He approched me and showed it to me and asked "Are you ready to be NAILED to the cross tomorrow?" "Nooo" I cried. And with that he began to draw a vertical line on my abdomen with the rod from just below my sternum to just above my navel. I cried out in pain and could smell my flesh burning as he drew the rod across. The crowd went wild and cheered on the torturers. The show was better than they had hoped for. The victim was suffering every imaginable cruelty before their very eyes and it was real. The cries were real and the pain was real. This was no regular S&M scene. They were really going to torture and crucify a victim and there was NO WAY OUT. The interogator then made a horizontal line about half as long and three quarters of the way up the vertical line. The two lines formed a cross burned into my chest.


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Details of Fantasy - Part 5 con't

Iwas now completely soaked in sweat and covered with torture makes. My nipples were bleeding from the clamps that were still on, causing constant and excruciating pain. I'd been whipped all over. My cock was swollen and dark purple, almost black from the tortures it was submitted too. My balls were swollen to twice their size and now, I had the sign of the cross branded into my chest. But the worst was yet to come. One of the torturers reached into the trunk and took out a device that consisted of two blocks of wood abour 15 cm long and 3 cm thick. They were attached together by two threaded rods, one at each end, with small handles. By turning the handles one way the blocks moved further apart. By turning the other way, they closed together. They were a sort of small vise. He showed me the devise and then proceeded to place my balls between the two blocks. He began to turn the handles. Within seconds, I felt them tightening. The pain shot thru my entire body. He continued to turn and I cried out in agony. As the crowd cheered, I begged them to stop. The. pain was the greatest I had ever endured and he continued to tighten. He then stopped and stepped back, leaving me there in unimaginable pain. I begged for mercy but the pain just kept coming. After several minutes, he came closer and ask me again, "Are you ready to be nailed to the cross". "Nooo" I answered and he began to tighten again.


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Details of Fantasy - part 5 con't

This wasn't what we had agreed to. It wasn't part of our deal but it was to late now. This is what NO WAY OUT was all about. The pain became more than I could bear. I passed out. Within seconds I could smell the strong odour of ammonia as they revived me. The pain in my groin grew as he continued to tighten. He ask me again "Are you ready to be nailed to the cross?" This time I cried out "Yesss". He then asked "Do you admit your guilt and do you accept to die on the cross for your crimes?". "Yes" I answered, as the crowd went wild and cheered on the interogators for a job well done. And with that the interogation was over.
Details of Fantasy - Part 6 - The Scourging

They removed the clamps, phallus and vise, but didn't untie me. As evening approched, the crowd left and the interogators put away there tools. As they prepared for the evening diner, I was left alone, suspended between the posts. As I hung there, I replayed the day's events in my head and wondered how I got myself into this. The pain was beginning to subside a bit, as my thoughts turned to what tommorrow held instore for me. I had agreed to NO WAY OUT and now I was going to be nailed to the cross. I thought about all I had read about scourging and how it shredded the victim's skin. I wondered how painful it was going to be when the nails actually pierced my wrists and ankles. I wondered what it was going to be like to hang from the cross in front of of everybody. I wondered how long I would last and how much pain I could take before the end. I realised that I was actually going to die on the cross, just like in Roman times. I had always fantisized about it and now it was going to happen and I had NO WAY OUT. I was accepting my fate, it was no longer a fantasy game played by Email, I had become a real victim of the cross. As night fell and the crowd began to drink and have a party, the guards arrived and began to untie my. First, my ankles so I could begin to hold my weight and then after a few minutes, my wrists. As my wrists were released, my arms fell to my sides. they were completely numb for several minutes until circulation fully returned. I was allowed to sit for awhile and rest as the guards took out and untangles a set of heavy irons. First, They placed a thick collar around my neck. Then I was made to stand as my wrists and ankles were manceled. After everything was locked together with heavy padlocks, I was led away to a small tent with a old matress and blanket in it. I was told to enter by one of the guards. The irons were then attached to a long heavy chain that was anchored to a tree. I was told to lie down and get some sleep for tomorrow. To my surprise, I actually did fall asleep for a while, exhausted by the day's events.
Details of Fantasy - Part 6 - The Scourging con't

I awoke suddenly, before dawn, with a sense of dread. Everything was quiet as I lay there. The day of my execution had arrived. As the sun rose the guards arrived for me. I was told to get up and follow them. They took my to an outdoor shower, removed my irons and told me to get in. One of them threw my some soap and told me to clean myself up for my day in court, I had to be presentable before the judges. I removed my underware and turned on the water. My penis was still fully erect as the water began to flow. I washed off all the dirt and dried blood from the day before. When I was done, I was given a towel and told to put my underware back on. The guards then put my shackles on again and led me to before the judges. When we arrived back at the clearing the long table was there again and at it sat the three judges. The crowd was much larger than the day before, some must have come for the day only ,and was very excited. As I glanced nervously around, I noticed that next to the whipping post, a patibullum lay on the ground and next to it a pile of course ropes. I knew who it was for. The guards pushed me towards the judges. I stopped just before the table. After a few moments concurring with the other judges, the one seated in the center rose and began to speak. "According to the information provided by the interogators and those present at your interogation, you have admitted your guilt to the crimes you are charged with. These crimes are of a capital nature and it is the unanimus decision of this court that you are hereby sentenced to death. The method of your death shall reflect the seriousness of your crimes. You shall be taken directly from this court and publicly crucified this day. As you have already been stripped, you shall be immidiatly taken and fastened to the whipping post and publicly flogged a total of 78 times for your crimes. Then you you will be taken to a place determined by this court to be public and visible to all who pass and fastened to a cross and left to hang from it until you are dead. Do you understand?" "Yes" I muttered. With that the judges got up and left and the guards took hold of me and began to led me to the whipping post. My final journey to the cross was beginning.


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Details of Fantasy - Part 6 - The scourging con't

They stood me directly in front of the whipping post, facing towards it. They quickly undid my shackles and removed them. Then, one of the guards pushed me hard, slamming my body against the post. Two other guards took hold of my wrists and pulled my arms up on each side of the post. When they were as high as they would go, the guards took hold of the cords that were already attached high on the post and tied them tightly around my wrists. They pulled hard on my arms a few times to make sure I was firmly attached to the post. When they were satisfied they bent down and took hold of my ankles. They positioned one on each side of the post and tightly tied them with the ropes that were attached to the bottom fo the post. This positioning forced my to hang on to post and push my pelvis against it. I was now firmly secured to the whipping post. As the crowd began to cheer on the guards, I could them yell "Crucify him, Crucify him" and "Skin him alive". They began to roar their approval as on of the guards took hold of a heavy whip and walked towards me. It look like an authenic Roman flagellum used at crucifixions long ago. It had a heavy wooden handle from which hung several leather cords with dozens of knots on each of them. It also had what lookes like small pieces of metal imbedded into it. I was terrified as he approched me. I knew the suffering I was about to endure would be unbearable. I had read many accounts of how victims suffered during scourging and how that by the end of it they begged to be crucified. I knew this was about to become my fate. He looked at me when he got close and said " I' ve been waiting for you all my life, NO WAY OUT" He took position behind me and waited for the signal from the judge. The judge nodded his head and I heard him wind up to deliver the first blow. I heard the whip cut thru the air and then a loud crack. Immidiatly it felt as if I'd been hit by lighting. My back was on fire. The pain was indiscribable.The force of the blow made my whole body shudder. My erect penis slammed into the post. I fell back against my bonds. Before I could cry out in pain, I felt a second blow to my back, just below the first one. My scourging had begun. I tried to maintain control, but by the fifth or sixth blow I lost all control. I cried out for mercy as the blows rained down on my back, buttocks and legs. I tried to pull away from the post. With each blow my erection slammed hard into the wood. As the crowd cheered wildly, I felt my back being torn to shreds. I quickly lost count of the number of lashes, It was only a nightmare of pain. I was sure I would pass out from the pain but didn't. The blows continued for what seemed like eternity until I was completely soaked in sweat and hanging limp from my wrists.
I had long since lost count of the number of blows when the guard finally stopped. I was left to hang from the post for a few moments while the guards huddled together in descussion. Then, as the crowd yelled their approval, four of the guards came towards me. As two of them supported my weight, the two others untied my ankles and wrists. They turned me around with my back to the post and retied me, this time to face the whip. The first guard then passed the whip to a second guard to finish me off. He walked up to me and without saying a word, resumed the scourging. The first blow landed on my chest. He then proceeded to deliver the final twenty or so lashes. Every part of my front was struck. Most of the blows landed on my chest and abdomen, but several were also directed to my cock and balls. These were excruciating beyond imagination. As the tips of the whip struck my erection, it felt like it was being cut to shreds. They spared my balls to the last. The guard smiled and the crowd cheered as the last three blows landed on my swollen balls. I collapsed in my bonds after this. After the scourging was finished, I was left hanging from the whipping post for awhile as preparations for my march to the cross were made. The patibullum was picked up and placed in front of me and the guards came and untied me. I fell to the ground exhausted from the scourging. They took hold of me and pulled me to my feet. When I became steady they placed a rope around my neck. Then two of them picked up the patibullum and placed it on my shoulders. It measured about 1.75m long and 15cmX 15cm thick. It weighted about 35kg and had a slot cut into the middle of it to join it to the upright post. They wrapped my arms around it and then took the ropes and tied them to it. The guards then formed a sort of procession and ordered me to march. They led me pulling the rope around my neck. The crowd accompanied us jeering me and hurling insults as my death march began. We walked for a long time, deep into the forest away from the camp. The rock and dead branches causing numerous cuts to my feet.
Every time I fell, I was mercilessly flogged until I got up. We walked until we can to a road in the woods. It was unpaved, but fairly wide and looked well travelled. We marched down this road until we reached an intersection. When we got to it, I saw, to my horror a tall upright post to the side of the road. It was cut at the top in a way that a slotted piece of wood would fit on it forming a cross. I knew that I had arrived at the place of my execution.
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Details of Fantasy - Part 7 - The Crucifixion

I was covered with sweat and to the point of total exhaustion when we got to the cross. As the crowd gathered 'round to watch the main event, two of the guards took hold of the patibullum as a third one untied it from my shoulders. As soon as they lifted it off, I collapsed on my hand as knees. As I lay there in the dirt, the guards went to work preparing the cross. The upright measured about 3.5m high and 200mm x 200mm square. It was rough unplanned wood and had no footrest or seat attached. They put up a ladder against the back of it for one of the guards climb up to guide the slot cut into the patibullum onto the top of the upright and to secure the two pieces together. Two other guards went to work wrapping and then tying long pieces of rope near each end of the patibullum. Then they threw a long piece of rope over a large branch of a tree that was above the upright post. They tied the other end of it to the patibullum. This, they would later use to lift it up. Near the base of the cross they threw down some large nails and a hammer. Once they were finished, they took a break for a few minutes before the main event. As I awaited the beginning of my execution, one of them gave me a half-full bottle of Gatorade and told my to drink, I was going to need it. I was so thirsty I quickly finished it off. As soon as I was done, as one of the guards began to climb the ladder, the captain of the guards told me to go and lay down on the patibullum and streach out my arms. I was minutes from being crucified. After the interogation and scourging, I was resigned to my fate. I did not protest. I got up and slowly walked over to it and laid down and streached out my arms. Two guards approched and kneeled down, one on each side. They took hold of my wrists, pulled them taunt, wrapped the ropes around them and tightly bound them to the patibullum. When they were satisfied that I was securely fastented to it they began to lift it as two other guards began to pull on the rope that was hanging from the tree. My back quickly left the ground and I scrambled to my feet. They pulled me back towards the upright until I was leaning against it. They continued to pull and the ropes started to dig deep into my wrists. My body continued to streach until my feet finally left the ground. The crowd was cheering wildly as my ordeal on the cross began. My fantasy was coming true and there was No Way Out. They were finally going to see what happens when someone actually hangs from the cross with no possibility of escape or mercy. They were going to find out how long a victim lasts on the cross. They were experiencing what it was like to be present at an actual crucifixion. As they pulled me up, my back rubbed against the rough wood causing excruciating pain on the open wounds from the scourging. This would cause me even greater pain as I dance on the cross latter on. When I got to the top of the upright the guards continued to pull on the rope until the patibullum was in position and the guard on the ladder could guide it into place. Once in place he secured it to the upright using wedges and a mallet. I could feel the wedges being driven into place right behind my head.
Details of Fantasy - Part 7 - The Crucifixion con't

When he finished, he got down from the ladder and took it down. I was finally crucified. I was hanging from the cross by only my wrists, my legs trying in vain to find some foothold on the upright. My body was covered with marks of torture and I was hanging in front of everybody stripped with only my underware to cover my still erect penis and swollen balls. They didn't tie my feet right away, they just let me hang there from my wrists. Before long the pain started. I could fell the rope cutting deep into my wrists and the strain on my shoulders sockets as my oustreached arms bore my entire weight. They were going to make me suffer as in Ancient Rome. This is what they had come for. They had finally found there victim. As I looked out from the cross, I could see they were loving it. There would be no mercy for me. This was going to go to the end. Before long I was drenched in sweat as I hung in the hot sun. I was starting to have difficulty breathing as I could not push myself up with my legs. I tried, putting one leg on each side of the cross and trying to squeeze myself up but I couldn't.


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