This issue can be a matter of the perspective. If I was a crucifier in the days, when wrongdoers had been punished by crucifiction, of course I would have crucified them with loin cloth most of the times, as explained in the following case:
The Patibulum is taken off her/his shoulder at the crucifiction site. Then we (for a good execution, I need a team of about 4 persons) tear off the clothes, but leave the loin cloth on. We lay her/him onto the patibulum and I nail the wrists to the wood. Now we raise the victim with the patibulum and attach the crossbar to the stipes. Her/his feet are now placed on a footrest, we are on our knees to handle this task. I take the nail and drive it carefully through the left foot, but not into the wood, while my partners have to press the feet to the footrest, and hold the legs to the stipes. Due to the agony and this violent procedure, the delinquents often urinate or defecate. The loin cloth is very helpful now. As I place the left foot on top of the right, we ignore the twisting, shaking and screaming of our victim, just as the cheering crowd and hold her/him tight to the cross. One of us has to even bend her/his head forward to keep the victim from banging the head to the wood. Now with full concentration and controled force I drive the nail through the right foot, too. You can hear it making it's way through flesh and bones. Now with more power I drive it into the wood. We step back, the condemned is crucified. A ladder is leaned to the cross and the titulus is attached. Now we cut the loin cloth off.
- Condemned nailed to the cross on the ground:
Also I would leave the loin cloth on, when the condemned is nailed to an already assembled cross on the ground. Eventually there is more persons needed to execute this form of the crucifiction. But when the cross with the nailed delinquent is raised, there is a good chance of defecation. Then when we have to secure and stabilize the erected cross, we also have to work beneath the crucified. When all is done, we can take the loin cloth off. Sometimes you may want to leave the messed up loin cloth on the crucified. Both variations can be humiliating.
Condemned tied to the cross:
- Of course would I strip delinquents before the crucifiction, that we tie to the cross. Just throw the patibulum to the ground, assemble the cross, tear the clothes off, tie her/him to the cross, raise it, fix it in the ground and go for the next one.
- From the perspective of the condemned:
After being stripped and flogged, Id try to put my clothes on again. I would not want to walk to the execution site naked. I was raised catholic, and would be extremely ashamed, marching naked with the patibulum on my back, through some ancient town. Or even worse, carry it amongst a group of other delinquents, through the screaming crowd.
Also would it be horrifying for me, to be stripped at the crucifiction site and being nailed or tied to the cross naked. I would like to keep the loin cloth on. The crowd and the others crucified with me, then can't look at my penis. Shameful enough, that I'd have to look at the swinging breasts of the women, crucified alongside with me. Or just think that another crucified man, is having an erection. Or even me hanging there naked, getting a hard, while the girl crucified next to me, is telling me about the holy kingdom. Unbelieveable, but not up to me then.
- The crowd:
I think the crowd likes it as spectacular and violent as possible. But the romans had many hundred years to improve the crucifiction. You can be damn sure they'll do it great.