Kodos the Executioner
It's good to see this old thread of mine reopened. Also enjoyable to read the exciting narrative being created between you all!
All we can do is speculate about what a crucifixion would be like, the actual crucifixion would be pretty horrible & disgusting to watch. To witness people being tortured & humiliated like that would be very alien to our sensibilities now. Yet would it?
It is amazing how rational thinking people can be transformed by mob-influence; an element of anger can be whipped up fast into a riot as was seen in Britain last month. Hatred against those convicted of serious crimes could create a very hostile crowd, keen to see the maximum pain & bloodshed inflicted on those being executed. The lead-up to the actual crucifixion would do a lot in drumming-up the crowd hostility.
Seeing others in extreme pain & trauma can cause two very different reactions, one it would evoke compassion & the will to help, yet it can also cause the exact opposite & make the onlooker feel contempt & loathing for the sufferer. What the general mood of the majority around one might be has a big bearing on this.
People don't like criminals, unless one is a friend or relative of a convicted malefactor the general feeling is that they should get what they deserve. So seeing a poor wretch bearing a patibulum on the way through the streets to be crucified outside the city walls would be a thing of interest & most likely disgust.
We have now a choice. Judging by the physical appearance & sex of the victims, do we follow the procession out through the gate to the stinking execution ground to witness the next stage of their torture, or do we hurl some horrible insult at them & then leave to get on with the day's work? If the prisoners are attractive, or strong, or even better female, the temptation to watch what happens next is more than tempting. We all know that once they get to the execution place the victims will be stripped completely naked before they are nailed to the cross. That is something to savour! The anticipation of the women's legs pulled wide apart or the ridiculous sight of a man's penis swinging around as he writhes up there in agony is something to look forward to, even better if the man gets an erection, watching the women in the crowd reacting with shrieks of mock horror to that is very amusing. The sight of the naked women victims makes all the men in the crowd conscious of their tunics becoming out of shape at the front! Yes watching a crucifixion can be enormous fun, & usually makes me lust for my wife once I'm back home!
I've always personally wondered, as you suggest, what the reaction of people would be in any place that does not have public executions if someone who was really hated was led out to be crucified in this manner. There would be plenty of onlookers but does not the mob continue through the whole thing (as much as possible) or would most people become disgusted as some point and leave?