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Whipped Women

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Well you certainly have a talent for being blunt? Can you provide me with an example of a pick up line when you are interesting in meeting a woman.
I don't use lines. Pretense has never served me well.
Usually I'll say something to the extent of, "I like you and I'd like to get to know you better, not just as friends. Wanna get some coffee?"

Considering that women decide within 30 seconds of meeting a man if they'd fuck him, if she says yes, all I have to do is not fuck things up too badly and I'm already home

It's also very much my experience that women, most especially submissive types, prefer a man who has the confidence to be straight up about his desires. Subtlety,nuance, and beating around the bush don't work well with them. They want a guy who knows how to hold the leash, tightly too.
I'm about as subtle as a hand grenade so that's me to a Tee
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