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Why do men like to torture breasts?

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Long, dull post ahead!

This post is a synthesis of both comments I’ve read in this thread and my own contributions; I won’t cite the OPs directly but I give full credit to them. Also, it’s not possible to tackle a topic like this without a lot of generalizations, so your mileage will vary for specific situations and people.

This question really breaks down into two:
  • Why do men like to torture?
  • Why do men like breasts?
Answering both of these would require a whole treatise, so I will only look at the intersection of them.

Torture is usually regarded as a way for one person to assert power over another to:
  • make them change their behaviour,
  • punish them for a real or imagined wrongdoing,
  • get information from them, and/or
  • evoke sounds or movements from them that they find entertaining and pleasurable.
So in torturing a woman, a man typically seeks to maximize
  • his power over her (and minimize her power over him, which relates to breasts), and
  • his pleasure from the activity.
The most straightforward answer to why men like to torture breasts that I’ve seen so far is “because while they’re already pretty, they look even better tied into purple balls (size permitting) or with stripes and bruises on them and clips on the nipples.” And there’s no arguing with that.

But there’s obviously more to it. Setting aside the spectrum of gender identity for the moment, breasts are a secondary sex characteristic of females and are one of a handful of defining differences between men and women. (Others include smaller average size and wider hips.) They indicate that a woman is near to or at the age where it’s biologically possible for her to bear children and, as a mother, nurse them. During puberty, many women experience apprehension, embarrassment, excitement, and pride as their chests fill out because they are excited by the idea that they’re becoming an adult who is both interested in and interesting to men, while also feeling insecure as to whether men will find them attractive. So breasts are both emotionally impactful for women as a source of pride and/or shame as well as being part of their identity as a potential mother. For men who appreciate the psychological and emotional aspects of torture, these are important considerations.

More generally, men are interested in women’s breasts for the same reason they are interested in women’s primary sex organs: they want to see and play with them as something they’re curious about (not having those body parts themselves) and from which they can derive pleasure. Women may display their cleavage (sometimes enhanced by push-up or padded bras) to attract a mate, and these near-reveals strengthen the mystique of breasts and the association men have between them and the pursuit of sex and pleasure. Women are obviously aware of this interest and the power it gives them over men, who (in civilized society) must rely on the goodwill of women to show and share their breasts with them, which they may or may not choose to not do — and refusals may cause some men to resent not getting gratification for their desires and lead them to want revenge.

Physically, breasts and nipples are very sensitive and are often a source of great pleasure for women during sex, which (most) men know. Again, this makes them intriguing because even a slight touch can evoke a strong reaction — which entertains men but also helps them understand just how easy it is to hurt a woman via her breasts.

The combination of the above factors makes tits a natural target for torture:
  • Breasts are emotionally charged for women:
    • Because she regards her breasts as something men like and want, and therefore a source of power over them, the woman may feel shocked and violated when this power is suddenly taken away. She’ll likely feel vulnerable and ashamed when a man strips her against her will and exposes her tits to someone she hasn’t agreed can see them.
    • She may fear that a part of her body she’s proud of and/or derives sexual pleasure from will be permanently scarred or damaged. For example, seeing a skewer pushed through the flesh of her breasts or a lit cigar being pressed against her nipple may be particularly traumatizing.
    • She may also fear that if her breasts are damaged, she’ll be unable to fill her traditional biological role of feeding a child after bearing it.
  • Torturing breasts is a way for men to assert power over women’s sexuality — they can simply use that sexual part of the woman for their enjoyment regardless of her wishes. This transgressive “taking without asking” temporarily removes the power women have over them. It also allows them a measure of revenge on all the past women whose breasts they wanted to play with but couldn’t, because they can now hurt a woman via them.
  • Subverting the breasts from a place of pleasure to a place of pain for the woman is a punishment for her having had a sexual source of power over men and a reinforcement of how powerless she really is to defend the even most intimate parts of her own body. And using the woman’s sexuality against her is intensely enjoyable and satisfying for men because of their fascination with her sexual parts, and of course it is humiliating and extremely painful for her.
  • Men enjoy the feeling of breasts under their hands and squeezing and pinching them comes naturally to them. Because of their great sensitivity and delightful texture, it’s very easy (and fun) for men to cause breasts great pain with minimal effort, making them perfect targets for torture, and the movement of the breasts and the woman during the torture is often reminiscent of her movements during sex, which men find stimulating. And because the tits protrude (at least a little) from the body, it’s usually possible to torture them without significant risk to her overall health.
  • Finally, knowing that men associate her breasts with sex and may make the woman anticipate and fear coming tortures that are even more sexual in nature. And they’re usually right.
So: men like tits, hurting them is easy, and women react entertainingly when it happens. That’s all I’ve got despite all the words I used to say it.
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Just a thought: from time to time (rarely), I see young, well-endowed women at bridge tournaments showing off their breasts as much as possible to distract their male opponents. And it works, because it's impossible for a man not to be attracted by large breasts that are halfway out of the bra.
What do they deserve?
Just a thought: from time to time (rarely), I see young, well-endowed women at bridge tournaments showing off their breasts as much as possible to distract their male opponents. And it works, because it's impossible for a man not to be attracted by large breasts that are halfway out of the bra.
What do they deserve?
They deserve at least an inwardly spiked bra :devil:
As a woman, I do like my breasts being groped, but I'm not a fan of them being tortured, but I can understand why some people like it.
Do you personally distinguish between torture and torment? On a scale ranging from groping (vanilla) to torment (erotically uncomfortable/painful) to torture (extremely painful) For example, would o you describe clothespins on your nipples as torture, or perhaps tormenting (leaving you wanting for more)
Just a thought: from time to time (rarely), I see young, well-endowed women at bridge tournaments showing off their breasts as much as possible to distract their male opponents. And it works, because it's impossible for a man not to be attracted by large breasts that are halfway out of the bra.
What do they deserve?
I would display the worst cheating woman at the next event, in the centre of the room, standing on her tiptoes and hanging by her bound, purple tits.
As a deterrent.

When everyone has left, she'll still be standing there.

That distracts both men and women, so it would be fair.
anyway, not just men, eh.
I think so because it is a vulnerable part, but also "secret" for most women.
It should be seen if in cultures where women naturally go topless this practice is so widespread among male fantasies (and not only).
Then anyway compared to the male chest, the female breast is more sensitive and being, in many cases, protruding and soft, it offers many more possibilities.
... the female breast is more sensitive and being, in many cases, protruding and soft, it offers many more possibilities.
I totally agree ! One of my best torture is when Judith (my lover girl) is putting some needles into my breasts ...
(The pics are made by Sed but it's the same in my reality ... )

Paskell needles_1.jpg Paskell needles_2.jpg :rolleyes:
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