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Wip - Women In Peril

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Well it works either way...if an accomplice she is a very a expendable one (in case the train has dodgy brakes) and if not well she has become one...at least for the benefit of any witnesses :devil:
The average freight train is 90 & 120 cars & between 1 & 1.25 miles long. At 55 mph it will take at least a mile to come to a complete stop. An 8 car passenger train traveling at 80 mph will also take about a mile to stop. That's with perfect brakes, tracks & wheels. With less than perfect conditions, or a downhill grade, or wet or icy tracks, it will take much longer.
Accomplice or not, she's going to be a long red smear on the rail bed.:devil:
Well, see ... We women lose no matter what side we are on! So unfair!!!

You like losing!

This looks like a captured spy or scout? One of yours?

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