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Woman crucified by women

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The following horrible report will surely shock the world.

Perhaps it could be named as

Unfortunately (like all of my reports) the story is sadly true.
Word for word, moan for moan and scream for scream.

During the last year I had worked much too much.
(picture 1)
This was surely a mistake.

And so I was horribly tired.
(picture 2)

Now I made another serious mistake:
Instead of doing something senseful like reading a book, or playing with my cat
(picture 3 demonstrates what I should have done)
I decided to watch television.
(picture 4)

This was a fatal mistake, my second one of a whole chain of mistakes.

In television I noticed a fascinating advertising spot
about an interesting holiday-area named Delos.
(picture 5)
I was informed that this area consists of a medieval district, a Western City, as well as a futuristic town, and even a town where the culture (and the law) of ancient roman age is still unchanged.
Furthermore I had heard that even a very nice forum's member is living there.
So I was enthusiastic. This Delos should be the right place for my vacancy.

I thought so, but in fact this was my third terrible mistake.

Immediately I had packed my suitcase
and went on the journey.
(picture 6)

It was a journey to hell ...

to be continued


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The journey started.

Surprisingly Tribune Hansi (foreground right) was sitting in the same airplane.
(picture 7)

Hansi had decided to visit the Western City,
whereas I went to the futuristic section.

Here everything was nice, and the guys had even likeable faces.
(pictures 8 and 9)

Then they demonstrated the technical progress:
I slept a bit, and my dreams were recorded.
(picture 10)

However, when they informed me about the recorded results
it was extremely embarassing for me.
(picture 11).

Due to this embarassment I decided to leave the site, and to go to Western City.

That was the next mistake, already my fourth one.

In the West I had to work as a waitress.
(picture 12)

Work during my Holiday! What a disaster!

But at least I met Hansi again.
(picture 13)

However, I was too lazy for the job.
So I made the next serious mistake:
I went away from the West,

whereas Hansi stayed there, still having his fun.
(picture 14)

to be continued


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Now I reached the medieval district.

But unfortunately I was a bit overdressed.
(picture 15)

My next clothing attempt was not better.
(picture 16)

So I decided again to go away,
and to move to the ancient town.
(picture 17)

This was my next mistake, already the sixth one.

The welcome in the ancient town was not very enjoyable:
Quite the contrary,
I was immediately enslaved.
(picture 18)

Something had went wrong,
terribly wrong ...

to be continued


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I had been enslaved in the household of the richest woman in the whole town.
(picture 19)

And my days were filled with lots of work,
for instance with cleaning shoes
(picture 20)
and other boring activities.

Later I was degraded.
And my assignements became even worse.
(picture 21).

And soon I had reached the very last level
which a slave could have reached.
(picture 22)

That was too much for me.
So I initiated a revolt.
(picture 23)

And I convinced the other female slaves
to follow me during the fight for our liberation.
(picture 24)

This revolt was the next mistake, my seventh one,
the last one which I ever should make in my life ...

to be continued


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Filled with the necessary bravery my companions and I went into the battle.
(picture 25)

But unfortunately the slave-holder's troops had better arms.
So the struggle developed rather unlucky for us.
(picture 26)

And more and more of my co-workers were killed during the battle.
(picture 27)

I did my best, trying to fight until the last drop of blood.
And surprisingly I was even successful.
(picture 28)

But then I was defeated, overwhelmed and solidly tied.
(picture 29)

Now my remaining companions also resigned and capitulated.
(picture 30)

Tied in chains we were brought to the next harbour.
(picture 31)

And by ship we were transported back to the slave-holder.
(picture 32)

Here we were immediately imprisoned in her dungeon
(picture 33),
waiting for our trials and the inevitably merciless punishment.

I was terribly afraid.

to be continued


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As usual nothing becomes better
but something even worse:

In the dungeon I'm forthwith tortured in various ways.
(pictures 34 and 35)

My companions' fate is not better:
Some are tormented on the rack
(picture 36),
others in different ways.
(pictures 37 and 38)

Then the trial starts.

Surprisingly my own trial has been separated and sheduled later,
most probably due to my leadership during the revolt.

For my companions the moment of decision has come.
And all of them plead for a mild sentence.
(picture 39)

However, the judge (picture 40)
does not show any mercy.

So she condemnes all of the accused slaves to DEATH BY CRUCIFIXION,
combined with a foregoing whipping.

All are shocked about this horrible sentence.
(picture 41)

Immediately the merciless executions start.

During the whole trial I have been helpless
and unable to do anything
(picture 42)

And now I hear the pityful screams of my tormented and horrified companions.
It's terrible. I sob.

And my own fate will not be better ...

to be continued


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The horror continues and even increases.

The first group of my poor companions has been brought to the whipping area.
Here they are waiting for the coming painful things
(picture 43),
whereas the members of the execution squad are already looking forward to their amusement.
(picture 44)

Then the whippings of the condemned ones start.

At the beginning it's more or less bearable for the poor ones.
(picture 45)

But slowly the painful character of the torment increases
(picture 46)
until it becomes more and more unbearable.
(picture 47)

And no centimeter of the body is spared.
(pictures 48 and 49)

The victims scream and scream.
(picture 50)

From the dungeon I can hear them.

I feel horribly guilty, because everything was my fault.
And now I'm helpless and can not do anything to help.
I cry.

In the meantime the whippings of the captives continue
until the arms of their tormenters are exhausted.

And after a short break (for a cigarette) of the chief-flagellatrix
(picture 51)
the first poor condemned ones have to start their march to the crucifixion site.
(picture 52)

Here all of us will die.

to be continued


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(Waiting for my own trial) I'm still in the dungeon
(picture 53)
... whereas the first group of my poor companions has already reached the crucifixion site.

Now the actual executions and the real horror start.
(picture 54)

And soon the first victim is hanging on the cross.
(picture 55)

From the distance I can hear her pityful screams.

For the other victims it's time to say Good-bye to their friends.
(pictures 56 and 57)

Then the executions continue.
(pictures 58 and 59)

Most of the executioners behave relatively nice.
Some of them even enjoy a nice chat with their dying victims.
(picture 60)

And in some cases even some last nourishment before the cruxifixion is allowed.
But of course the executioner has to push the victims to hurry a bit.
(picture 61)

And soon my poor companions, who made the mistake to trust in my military skills,
are hanging on the crosses,
united in a long, long line of sisters in suffering.
(picture 62)

In the dungeon I still can hear their screams.
It's horrible. I feel so helpless.

And soon I will end in the same way.
I sob ...

to be continued
(Perhaps tomorrow. At the moment I'm too tired ...)

And thanks to several forum's members for their great pictures! :)


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Now I made another serious mistake:
Instead of doing something senseful like reading a book, or playing with my cat
(picture 3 demonstrates what I should have done)
I decided to watch television.
Yeah, playing with the pussy would have been better...
:D :D :D
Well done Julia. I particularly liked the librarian and the pussy on pussy....



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The mass misery continues.

After some forgoing whippings
(picture 63)
and further torments
(picture 64)
the next group of the condemned ones is brought to the crucifixion site.
(picture 65)

Here the terror continues,
and the next poor one has to undress for her execution.
(picture 66)

And the line of the agonising crucifees becomes longer and longer.
(picture 67)

The executioners permanently control the state of their dying victims.
(picture 68)

And here and there some nice words of solace are hearable.
(picture 69)

And if necessary, forthwith little refreshings are given.
(picture 70)

However, in spite of the perfect service, soon the first victim expires.
(picture 71)

Now, after the body has been removed from the cross,
her corpse is lying on the ground.
(picture 72)

Lots of others will follow.
And soon the earth will be covered with the dead bodys of my unfortunate fellows ...

to be continued


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Back to my own fate:
In the dungeon I have to bear further torments.
(picture 73)

And for a last time I'm whipped by the flagellatrix.
(picture 74)

But at least she takes time for some nice and solaceful talks.
(picture 75)

after a short breakfast
(picture 76),
I'm prepared for my trial.
(Picture 77)

Immediately I start to plead for a mild sentence.
(picture 78)

My behaviour is a bit embarassing,
but in this moment my fear is bigger than the remaining dignity.

And there is still some hope:
I think that (due to my leadership) I could be defined as a political prisoner.
And this could save my life.

However, and this will break my neck,
there has been made a fundamental decision by the Supreme Court
(picture 79 shows its chairman):

This will become fatal for me.

And when I'm informed about this fact
(picture 80)
my fear considerably increases.

And indeed, there is no hope.
And the sentence is clear:
(picture 81)

Then I'm brought to the death cell.
(picture 82)

Now the very last hope has gone.
It's over.
I'm broken ...

to be continued


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In the dungeon I have spent a sleepless night.
(picture 83)

And the morning is not better:
I'm decorated with a titulus which indicates that my future will be rather unpleasant.
(picture 84)

And when I'm waiting for the executioner
I'm almost dying of fear.
(picture 85)

Then she arrives, telling me that it's time ...
(picture 86)

On the way to the crucifixion site my fear increases.
And in a moment of panic I collapse.
(picture 87)

But, driving me forward with some educational whip lashes,
the executioner helps me to find my way.
(picture 88)

And the last meters I even have to carry the cross.
(picture 89)
Always this work ... :(

At the crucifixion site I have yet to wait,
together with a companion,
until the last of the others have expired.
(picture 90)

The waiting is horrible.
I can see my poor fellows dying.

And I get an idea how it will be in my own case.
As usual I'm crying of fear.

For the executioner it's a rather comfortable
(picture 91),
whereas my poor companion and I,
while we are waiting for our own executions,
are roasted by the hot sun.
(picture 92)

And soon everything will become worse,
much worse ...

to be continued


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I keep thinking that nothing is more exciting than a nice ass being presented to the whip...!
And now we know what you have been doing during the ~2 weeks absence (this story) ;)

The drama continues.

At noon the last one of the others,
a short-sighted fellow,
has expired.
(picture 93)

And after her body has been removed and brought away
(picture 94),
it's time for my own execution,
together with my last remaining companion.

And after a last farewell
(picture 95)
have I, still signed by the whippings,
to crawl to the cross.
(picture 96)

Then my actual crucifixion begins.
(picture 97)

Soon the cross has been erected.
(picture 98)

Then I get the last rites by a helpful priest.
(picture 99)

Now the last chapter of my life is reached.
And together with my poor companion
I'm hanging on the cross,
suffering in an endless inferno of agony.
(picture 100)

I scream ...

to be continued


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