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Your Favorite Artwork

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My favourites are Oxana from Cruxdreams, just "something" about her.
Interesting series as she tries out different Crux methods - arms over the patibalum, facing the cross as well as the conventional.
She seems to find the first two of these especially onerous. (More apparent in the videos.)


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Master SkatingJesus


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Looks creepy:eek:
However, I strongly doubt that at that time these characters had any idea about the purpose of this part of the female body. Everything in general was considered a vessel of sin.

In the meantime, we'll take a look at the true master of emotions:rolleyes:
My love for his drawings started from here
Top 5 best of the best images of the crucifixion, especially valuable original idea
Some of it has already been noted, but what is important is how valuable it is.

The first by dtp34. Joint crucifixion of guys and girls. A crucifix with cuffs, which makes it possible to hope that this is a non-lethal crucifix, and the skulls in the background are just for a romantic mood. X-crosses allow those who wish to have sex with the crucified or to subject them to additional torture...At least the crucified lack flagellation...

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The second is "Sunday in the Park" by WelshWebb. One of the very first concepts of a temporary crucifixion with ropes and a pre-designated time recorded together in the guilt above the plaque above the head of the condemned. Some girls are crucified not for the first time, because the purpose of crucifixion is not correction, but punishment of these bitches. The girls also lack a whip, as well as naked guys who would share the crucifixion with them.

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The third is "The Last dance of lovers" by Jastrow. The most expressive image of a joint crucifixion of a guy and a girl. The fact that this dance is the last one gives the picture drama, but it would be better if lovers were given the opportunity to dance so many times using ropes. Tenderness and compassion for each other are visible in the looks, but the bodies testify to the lowest lust caused by the pain and humiliation of lovers.

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The fourth is "Cona, the barbarians Queen" by Jastrow. Surprisingly, muscular Amazons are crucified extremely rarely. although barbarian lesbians deserve crucifixion more than other beautiful women. This disadvantage could be slightly compensated by crucifying the same beautiful muscular Amazon many times with ropes.

The fourth is "Daydreams" by Arcimboldo. A beautiful girl fantasizes about the crucifixion. Note that she is not dreaming about death, but about the experience of pain and humiliation of crucifixion as such, since we see ropes and whip marks on her naked body. Her dreams would have become even wetter if she had been crucified with her beloved.
Such dreams should come true...
However, five images are too few for all artists to appreciate.
A few of my favorite artworks by artist.

Since mp5stab started this thread, her latest, which is my newest favorite.


Followed in no particular order by Jastrow






Irina, the first Makar model I ever laid eyes on,


WelshWebb, the one I call "What really happened to Mary Magdalene"


and Chincy, from The Greek Girls, "Adonia’s first 5 minutes."

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