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The Crowd And The Arrival

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I love the word 'proceedure'..it suggests that it is organised and pre-determined. It is not a haphazard thing, where everyone does what springs to mind at the time, but a known sequence of events where the victim knows what is to happen as the day begins. Certainly as a male, the idea of a female commanded to strip as we watch is delightful. Then, lying down and opening herself for rape by whoever...but as a male, I love the idea of undressing before a crowd of clothed people, suspended and watched..fondled...caressed by men and women, maybe even to being aroused and ejaculating to their amusement...oh, the shame...and the enforced pleasure....
That's a great image. Now I want to see three or four more, showing the process as she takes her clothes off. To me, having seen her clothed makes her seem that much more exposed when finally she's naked. If she's naked from the start, I get used to it, like her nudity is just a part of her, and she's comfortable with it. But if she's a woman like all the other fully clothed women around, then it adds a shock and vulnerability to it when she strips. Am I the only one that feels that way?

No. Onlookers have come for the sensation, so as by every execution.
Last time end 1944 when collaborators were shot with public around.
I agree, it's one of the best, captures just how it would be,
the sheer awkwardness, I'd be feeling like I was a little girl again,
fumbling with my shirt, my cheeks burning, legs shaking,
'grown-ups' grinning or glaring.
That's a great image. Now I want to see three or four more, showing the process as she takes her clothes off. To me, having seen her clothed makes her seem that much more exposed when finally she's naked. If she's naked from the start, I get used to it, like her nudity is just a part of her, and she's comfortable with it. But if she's a woman like all the other fully clothed women around, then it adds a shock and vulnerability to it when she strips. Am I the only one that feels that way?
Men's and women's gazes
would affect me differently, I think: the men's a kind of
triumphant leer, something I expect and can almost, in a sense, accept,
the women's a more vicious sneer, mingling jealousy and contempt,
and a merciless desire to see me suffer.

This art is very well done but I feel Roman soldiers in armor would not have lowered themselves to do the physical labor of the crucifixion...

If you had to chose between peeling potatoes and a crucifixion detail, and you knew it was her gorgeous ass being hung on a cross, which one would you pick? I rest my case.

This art is very well done but I feel Roman soldiers in armor would not have lowered themselves to do the physical labor of the crucifixion...

By 'Roman' soldiers, you presumably mean regular legionaries, who of course came from all over the Empire (though almost certainly not from anywhere near Rome) And even 'mercenaries' - auxiliaries etc. were generally posted well away from their homelands. In cities and the regions they administered, crucifixions would have been the responsibility of the civic authorities who'd have probably hired civilian labour or used slaves to do the job. But remember Jesus is reported to have been speared by a centurion, no less - Jerusalem was a volatile place, the Roman military were keeping a close watch on what seemed to be tiresome troublemaker and his followers. And in military zones towards the frontiers, where the intention was to give a warning to potentially hostile locals, military personnel would have been involved, and I don't think legionaries would have considered it infra dig. They'd have probably taken off the metal armour though!
Lovely picture.
Look at their faces.
She is so reluctant, so vulnerable, but she has no choice.

She's trembling, shaking out of the horrible fear that envelops her as she sees the cross on the ground...the cross meant for her...her cross...

CFR 23.jpg All she has to do is strip first, as she's been commanded to do.

Sobbing, wracked with fear, her trembling hands begin to pull down her undies. But she can't, just can't expose herself before this crowd. She squeezes her thighs together as a sudden stream of urine dribbles down between her legs...

"Please, please, I can't do this", the girl sobs. She's humiliated having just pissed herself.

"I can't do it, I need some help. Would someone please help me?"
To me, one of the most important aspects of a crucifixion scene is the crowd watching the process. I love the moment when the victim arrives at the place of execution, preferably clothed, at least from the waist down, and has to stand before the crowd and wait while the soldiers make preparations. All eyes are on her, and she can only wait with terrible anticipation. Then maybe the best moment of all is when the soldiers finish what they were doing and all look at her, and she knows it's time. They tell her to strip. Slowly and tearfully, she undresses, until she is naked, covering her breasts and her crotch with her hands and an arm. Then she is ordered to lie down and be nailed to her cross. I love the procedural nature of it. To the soldiers, it is a task. I wish there were more artwork showing these aspects.
here some of our works those used to follow that theme ;)
pls a bit patients as there are other conversations of thread in there too ;)

and this one is in easy reading in archive

http://www.cruxforums.com/xf/resources/love-story-of-ayesha-and-remus-by-yupar-and-racingrodent.459/ :)
"I can't do it, I need some help. Would someone please help me?"

That's one way to start a riot!

Seriously, this is a great pic, she looks so young and slight next to these tough soldiers, her fear and humiliation obvious. She tries to delay the inevitable, while the soldiers look on with amusement and anticipation.
"I can't do it, I need some help. Would someone please help me?"
This is one of the moments to play with a victim's hopes and fears.

"Okay there little one. I'll help you with that. Now you listen to me. You're going to get one hell of a whipping, but about that cross, we don't really have to do that. It's not like you're a traitor against empire or so. This is just, you know, the absolutely last warning, for you and all the other uppity slavegirls. No more misbehaving or else. So be real obedient, thank him for the whipping, get down on that cross and pass him the nails. Then your Master can call it off because that's what it's about, showing your submission. Otherwise people will think he's losing control of his slave stables and then he'll have to make an example. So behave now and do everything as I say and then you don't have to be that example..."

(Hint: he's probably lying :D)
This is one of the moments to play with a victim's hopes and fears.

"Okay there little one. I'll help you with that. Now you listen to me. You're going to get one hell of a whipping, but about that cross, we don't really have to do that. It's not like you're a traitor against empire or so. This is just, you know, the absolutely last warning, for you and all the other uppity slavegirls. No more misbehaving or else. So be real obedient, thank him for the whipping, get down on that cross and pass him the nails. Then your Master can call it off because that's what it's about, showing your submission. Otherwise people will think he's losing control of his slave stables and then he'll have to make an example. So behave now and do everything as I say and then you don't have to be that example..."

(Hint: he's probably lying :D)

You make it all sound so simple and are so reassuring. Can you be trusted? Doubt it. Not on this site anyway :rolleyes:
On the theme of procedure, what instructions do you imagine a commander would give his men if he were responsible for crucifying a whole village? (To me, the logistics of a mass crucifixion would force him to focus on procedure.) The village has been defeated and the people have all been marched to Rome as prisoners. Now the commander has been given a week to plan how to crucify all of them in one day, as efficiently as possible. Every detail must be planned and memorized so that the execution goes off without a hitch. The requirements from his superiors are: 1) All men must receive 20 lashes before being nailed, and all women 15; 2) All women must be raped so as not to execute a virgin; 3) All prisoners must be crucified with four nails on the main road; 4) All prisoners must have a cornu in either anus or vagina; 5) All prisoners must be complete naked and all clothing collected for auction; 6) All prisoners must be nailed to their crosses, hanging on them upright, with the cornu inside them by sundown. Also, the emperor will pay bonuses for each prisoner who hangs for more than 4 days before dying, and will mete out punishment at his discretion for any who die within 36 hours or are not yet crucifies when the sun goes down. The commander has a week. What does he tell his men?
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