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Pictures Of Dead Crucified Bodies

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Good find... Jedakk post a picture when the woman faints when she is lifted but this is good with a cornu...

At the time he was working on the series I told Quoom that I had "issues" with that honkin' huge iron cornu. In reality it would puncture her colon (for starters), and massive internal bleeding would bring the proceedings to a quick and premature close.

Then I remembered "this is fantasy, careless product of wild imagination." Personally I dislike cornus, but the reverse is true for many other crux addicts. This series is for them.


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At the time he was working on the series I told Quoom that I had "issues" with that honkin' huge iron cornu. In reality it would puncture her colon (for starters), and massive internal bleeding would bring the proceedings to a quick and premature close.

Then I remembered "this is fantasy, careless product of wild imagination." Personally I dislike cornus, but the reverse is true for many other crux addicts. This series is for them.

I remember that series well. I used to know Quoom online before he called himself Quoom, and the series was titled "Ornaments of Triumph" to illustrate a story of the same name. I have attached the story in case anyone is interested in reading it.

Back around 2001, HP, as we called him then, wanted to post his series on the Crux group, but it far exceeded the limits we had for picture storage, plus it would have blown out everyone's email inboxes too. Back then the limit on my Yahoo account was 6 MB. And there are 333 pictures in the series. Which I have, by the way.

Back then, file sharing sites were kind of new. I had used them for moving big files for work, so I set up a site and shared it with HP, he uploaded everything, and we shared a link with the Crux group so everyone could download the series. All very high-tech back then, commonplace today.


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I remember that series well. I used to know Quoom online before he called himself Quoom, and the series was titled "Ornaments of Triumph" to illustrate a story of the same name. I have attached the story in case anyone is interested in reading it.

Back around 2001, HP, as we called him then, wanted to post his series on the Crux group, but it far exceeded the limits we had for picture storage, plus it would have blown out everyone's email inboxes too. Back then the limit on my Yahoo account was 6 MB. And there are 333 pictures in the series. Which I have, by the way.

Back then, file sharing sites were kind of new. I had used them for moving big files for work, so I set up a site and shared it with HP, he uploaded everything, and we shared a link with the Crux group so everyone could download the series. All very high-tech back then, commonplace today.

Oops, looks like that PDF I posted doesn't have the ending in it. Sorry, this is from a copy and paste of the parts of the original that were posted on the Crux group a long time ago. The one attached is the complete version.


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Two more consummatum est candidates. The photo is from a Makar shoot, one of the few of the kind I remember. The manip is from a Damian/Makar Crucifictions collaboration. The arena attendant has forgotten the old roman adage, "There's no use flogging a dead Christian."


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One of Fnhsr's moving, damn near lyrical images. "It was during the night that the merciful sleep of death finally enfolded her."


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Just posted this preliminary render from Jedakk's "The Serpent's Eye" on another thread. He never showed the lovely, lunatic Sabina dead on her cross, but this one could certainly serve as such.


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One of many studies I did exploring crucifixion poses. This one was intended to be a "fainted on the cross" pose but could just as well be dead.

So I thought, Jedakk.

If you ever do a dead-on-the-cross Sabina render, I'm unsure if you should depict her as dead for an hour or so, or after a day or two of corpse discoloration and being a lunch buffet for crows.

I'd vote for the former but hey, I'm the guy who's squeamish about cornus.
So I thought, Jedakk.

If you ever do a dead-on-the-cross Sabina render, I'm unsure if you should depict her as dead for an hour or so, or after a day or two of corpse discoloration and being a lunch buffet for crows.

I'd vote for the former but hey, I'm the guy who's squeamish about cornus.

In the story, she was taken down and burned on the same day she died, so I'd illustrate that. Maybe show her on the cross with a little darkening of the feet and lower legs, all of the blood crusted and dried on her arms and feet. Then another scene showing them taking her down, her body draped over the shoulder of one of the executioner's helpers while another is working the nails in her feet free. Possibly another with the first flames of the pyre beginning to lick her body. That's about all I think I'd want to do for those illustrations.
Possibly another with the first flames of the pyre beginning to lick her body. That's about all I think I'd want to do for those illustrations.

And save for them with tightly linked BATS and Crux kinks, I reckon that's all anybody would want.
For what it's worth, I have some crucified males I use as distant background figures in some scenes. One of those is definitely dead, and the crows are about to begin on him. Here's a quick render of that.

In reality, the crows probably didn't hold back until a victim was dead, just until he was helpless to move enough to drive them away and a guard no longer intervened to stop them.


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Yes, if an animal's lying sick or injured, crows certainly don't wait till it's dead, a crucified human would be a crow-party!

They used that in The Passion of the Christ, where one of the thieves was attacked by a crow, vulture or something which tried to peck his eye. One of the Roman guards chased it away.
Really likely:doh::doh::doh:

My thought exactly, Mr, Tree. Led me to dust off a long disused memory.

At one point in my marginally misspent youth I used to hang with my roommate's film studies friends, and fondly recall an all-night bull session after a viewing of Fellini Satyricon. I'll spare you guys descriptions of the film's imagery and structure, and direct your attention to the clip below.

The scene depicts the suicide of Petronius' fictional emperor, followed by the assassination of one of his generals. Then there's a "regime change" montage, which around the 3:04 mark briefly shows a row of crucified bodies, with largish carrion birds chowing down on their faces.

Let's just say Fellini's artistic vision doesn't mesh very well with mine.

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