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Amy Hesketh.....LEGEND

Go to CruxDreams.com
“Hmm let’s see… nails, hammer, ropes, loincloth, crown of thorns, whip, naked woman…. What have we forgotten? Oh my God, the cross, we forgot the bloody cross!”
So,far the most appropriate one !! :jaja-no::lol:
Here I'll be posting a few albums concerning the lovely Ms. Hesketh,
(AKA Jane Von Detlefson....) who has contributed enormously to the scene of Crux,and alternative cinema....
All contributions are welcome.... ;)
Snake Trouble

Finally, about 2AM, they knew they weren't being pursued, and they decided to pull off the road to get a little rest. They figured they would all sleep in the horse trailer, which they had outfitted with hammocks, but the girl was hysterical and wouldn't shut up. So they gagged her and hung her from a tree near the truck.

Next morning, their sleep was interrupted by terrified moaning; and when they got out they were dismayed to see the snakes--and then the warning signs they had missed
the night before. They couldn't shoot, because the noise might attract attention; and nobody was about to get close enough to drive the things away. Their only choice was
to call Johnny Snakes, the legendary freelancer out of Phoenix.

Johnny loved his work. If you needed to drop a live rattler in a prosecutor's mailbox, you called Johnny. If you needed a little venom mixed into a glass of wine, you called Johnny. And if you needed a bunch of snakes stopped from menacing your meal ticket, you definitely called Johnny. They did, he came, and the job was done...at a very hefty
price: ten grand up front, plus 20% of the ransom money, leaving 80% to be divided among the Four Horsemen.

Fortunately, the girl was very fine, the ransom pictures from before Johnny showed up were, of course, phenomenal, and the money was the best they had ever gotten. The
only hitch was that she belonged to a drug lord from south of the border, and they would have to lay low for a very long time. If they could do it, they might be OK; but if they screwed up and attracted attention, they might just find themselves right back there in snakeville, with a bunch of very curious rattlers slithering toward their naked, sorry asses.



  • Snakes come with the territory copy2.jpg
    Snakes come with the territory copy2.jpg
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With regards to @Eulalia post....( with thanks to @Margot ) here's the, new,unseen pics of Amy for our viewing pleasure....plus others,from the yet,unfinished/unreleased Crux feature, "Double Cross"...
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I was anticipating a double glacier crucifixion,:qmiedo::qmiedo:
But it ended up indoor!:rolleyes:
How about this interview?

The whole series is wonderful - she's just so open, honest and natural as she talks about her experiences that most people would consider utterly shocking, horrific, barely imaginable! An amazing, awesome woman!
The whole series is wonderful - she's just so open, honest and natural as she talks about her experiences that most people would consider utterly shocking, horrific, barely imaginable! An amazing, awesome woman!
Very true! Interesting interview.
"Did you have a hard day at work?" sounds different for all kinds of people. But few can imagine this! Altough I think, Amy has more job satisfaction than an average bank clerc!;)
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