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Any American women being crucified?

Go to CruxDreams.com
;)Cool, Marcie, be quiet or your work will be "failed"...;)
I WAS going to repost my improved story, with mermaidhunters graphic, but afraid I'll tick off Admin, and I don't wish to, at all!
Sorry if I mis typed, sunshine on my monitor....
I'm a grumbler on age and offend me is very difficult............................ just like all teddybears:D
why not go on
The Executioner thought, this will be a tough one, two people, one cross!
I digress, it all started, me a nice pretty young thing, going about my business, day to day, then I met HIM!
Me, blonde, blue slim, him tight and fit, Me, 42B-35-40....I looked at him while I was standing in line for coffee, admiring his butt...
He had a problem with his order, and was asked to stand aside, I said "hi", and said "don't stress" and smiled at him.
He asked if I'd join him, I said: "sure!"
I told him what I did for a living, then he told ME! I was shocked to the CORE! I'd NEVER met a professional executioner before!
I asked him, "How do you sleep at night"? "Very well, Thank-you" he replied.
I asked: "You really put others to death?"
HOW can you do that?
It'sa job!
I was disgusted with him, but intrigued?
before I left, I asked, "Are you lonely?"
"Always", he replied, I took his hand in mine...we walked out of the store, I felt sorry for him. Imagine, someone that lives to kill others? He was SO sweet too!
I asked, want to leave?
He said: yes
We walked hand in hand, to the ocean, I removed my sandals, and went barefoot.
I felt the waves tickling my painted toes! Life isn't much better?
Then I felt him "scoop" me up and kiss me deeply!!!!!!!! I returned the tongue, as we danced....in each others mouth....
I was giddy, he took me to his home, I was getting nervous,
I'm a Transsexual, not yet certified by the government, hormones yes, pussy yet, NO!
He was intense, getting me to his home.....
It was his hands I needed to stop, once at his home.
He asked if I was a "prude" or something. I said: "No, I'm just different"...
How? he asked, (I trusted him) and took of my top, exposing my 42B's (he was drooling) then turned my backside to him, and removed my pink panties, He then asked me to turn, I did, then he shouted: What the fuck is that?"
I started crying..........
Next thing I knew, I was in jail!!!!!!!!
Not notifying an executioner of the state, I was a Transsexual!
I told the judge I did, but like most, I wasn't believed!!!!!!!!!!!
THE NEXT 10 DAYS!!!!!!!
I was to be crucified! 10 days to ponder my thoughts before I met Calvary?
The next few days were a blur......
I met a very nice fellow, he helpt keep my spirits up through the ordeal....
We talked, he stated he was up for the same punishment as I was, crucifixion!
We commiserated, talked of family, friends, the usual stuff, one night I was cold, shivering in the darkness, He provided me warmth. I liked that!
In the course of conversation, he lifted my chin, and gently kissed me! My emotions went wild! I returned the kiss FULLY!
BAD MOVE on my part!
We were caught kissing each other by the guard!
He stated: "Two Lovers huh? We can handle that!!!!!!!!!"
OMG! this one's a fake female! Look at it! This one was kissing IT!
I stared at my guy, like sorry, as I was dragged off...
The lash kept me warm until morning, then I was to meet my fate, the cross!
I picked up my beam, but what? Another?
My friend? Same beam? We shared the weight, the guards were ok....
We got to the top of the hill, the guards motioned us to drop the beam! We did!
Thankful to be rid of the weight, but, a bit puzzled?
Then I was stripped, so was my friend, we both standing naked in the morning heat!
I admired his manhood, first time I saw it, mine was a joke, SO tiny!
He was LARGE!
I admired his nakedness, he couldn't believe mine! I was sorry I never got the chance to tell him!
Then it was spoken: "Since these two, were caught fornicating in life, so shall they in death!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm like HUH? Next I'm thrown down, dragged on top of the cross, I await the terrible, but NO! MY friend is drug on top of me? I can't breathe his weight upon me? My arms and his are stretched, He's facing me, mouth to mouth......The executioner has BOTH our wrists, THEN Pounds down! Sinking the iron into both our flesh! We both scream! Our blood mingles with the wood!
The Bastard goes over us, to our freed hands, two guards, grab us, position, our wrists, then hammer down the spike, through our wrists, into the wood! I wiggle my sex into him, out of shear painful reflex!
We both are breathing heavy, our blood mingling about our wrists!
Then the Bastards do the unthinkable! They raise us to sink the cross in a hole?
I'm face to face with this man, I tell him to be brave as they settle us in our designated hole....
The Jerk, when dumped! Immense PAIN!!
Now I'm nose to nose with my friend, we're both nailed, hand to hand. Trying to breathe heavily.
Suddenly I feel hands playing with my feet? My feet/legs are splayed, my partners sex against mine, I sense they are doing the same to him. Then they take our loose feet, position them for the nails, mine atop his!
I like the sensation but one is put sideways, upon his foot and another nail is driven!!!!!!!!! We BOTH scream!
Can't I die?
He screams as well, as my foot is upon his! We are wed locked together, with the wood!
I briefly think how nice his bare foot feels before the spike is driven home, and I pass out from the pain! I winced at the insertion! He said: "I'm sorry; I didn't want it to be like this." I said I know, not your fault. He couldn't help the sensation I was giving him, and went in and out, the added exertion, plus not being able to breathe properly, made me pass out momentarily.
When I awoke, we are face to face, both trying to breathe air....
Good spectacle for the "rubes" I mutter, he says huh?
Here we are, nailed face to face together for other’s amusement, and he says "huh"?
The pain was IMMENSE! Him atop me vertically didn't allow much room to breathe....after hanging a while, I could sense he was aroused....The attending executioners where waiting for it. They said: Kiss him now, if you can BITCH! and they inserted him into me! It hurt, at first, but with the sweat drooling down my back, into my butt cheeks, I was pretty well lubed….
I asked: You got enough left?
Like a man, says "yes" when he means "no"
I did this for the spectators,
I went up and down our nails, hurting me terribly!
He got hard, with MUCH manipulation, got him to cum inside me, I sighed, the last good sex either of us would know! He fell out of me as he went limp. It had exhausted him! He just hung upon my body, passed out!
The executioners jeered at us: "Look at that! It's gushing out sperm!" I hadn't realized, I lost most all control, so my body dripped out his sperm, down my legs.
We were left to hang together in our mixed blood and sweat! I don't believe either of us slept, what, with the terrible pain, and passed out for awhile.
We'd each would come to, at different times..wander in and out of consciousness. Each weaker than the last time. I vaguely remember him whispering in my ear, I LOVE you! See you in the next world! He gasped, gave a long groan, as air escaping a leaked tire, and was gone!
I cried for us both!
I begged the executioners to finish me! (I was attached to a corpse now)
They had a discussion, one came up to me with a spear, he asked: "Are you sure?" I gasped, "YES!"
The spear was pushed into me! I hardly noticed!
Yes, I met my crux lover on the "other" side, we BOTH are pain free now, and still in love!
TRULY sorry I got everyone SO upset!

That's all right Marcie,​
you'll just be crucified!​
Just one more little thing though -​
we prefer thumbnails, 'cos some members have slow/ expensive connections.​
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it's easy for everybody to enlarge thumbnails by clicking on them or opening in new tab.​
That's all right Marcie,​
you'll just be crucified!​
Just one more little thing though -​
we prefer thumbnails, 'cos some members have slow/ expensive connections.​
loading fullsize pics can cost them time/ money -​
it's easy for everybody to enlarge thumbnails by clicking on them or opening in new tab.​

Live and learn, huh?
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