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Our resident Sorceress' mine is both haunted and endowed with imaginative abstractions, feelings, and a certain madness that give her writing life and impact. It's all there in here signature.
do you mean this signature..................don't hide the madness.
I like the idea of her being caught with another girl, therefore bringing shame on her influential Master. He must reluctantly sentence the girl to the most brutal of punishments....
Just adding a little tidbit from my notes.

Aucella was three years old, when her Mother died. She herself suffering a similar fate for poisoning a fellow slave and friend the night before her crucifixion. She was sentenced to take her place.

Aucella was raised by the other female slaves and was looked after by all, slave and noble alike. She had known no other way of life. She was born a slave and never questioned her place.

In recent years, although she hadn’t seemed to notice, Aucella had grown to become a beautiful young woman.

It wasn’t until the King had died that Aucella’s life came in question. He was her father and the reason for her unusual treatment and freedoms.


Oh! Does anyone know what aucella means???
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Sounds like with her father out of the way another senator can take care of a troublesome issue. The senator's true born daughter is known to be lovers with Aucella. Being spoiled Aucella is much to uppity and public in her actions with her lover than would be advisable for most other slaves. A man such as the senator can not afford to have such embarrassing baggage with elections fast approaching. Surely a powerful man like him will find it child's play to frame a slave like Aucella without the King to intervene. The image of the noble girl being forced to watch her lover's punishment is quite interesting. In fact it gives me some ideas for the story I'm starting to write...

I dont know what Aucella means but it sounds beautiful lol
"little bird", it's a late Latin form of avicella​
Thank you! It's a beautiful name. I love the roman style latin names. Dont know why more people use them any more...
Here's a few I posted earlier, for people to use in their stories if they like

Aconia Paulina - Aelia Domitia Paulina - Aelia Flacilla - Aelia Paetina - Aemilia Lepida - Agrippina - Alfidia - Alypia - Ancharia - Annia Aurelia Faustina - Annia Faustina - Annia Fundania Faustina - Annia Galeria Faustina - Annia Galeria Aurelia Faustina - Annia Lucilla - Antistia - Antonia - Aquilia Severa - Arrecina Tertulla - Arria - Arria Fadilla - Atia - Aurelia - Baebiana - Bruttia Crispina - Caecilia Attica - Caecilia Metella - Caecilia Paulina - Caesonia - Claudia - Claudia Antonia - Claudia Pulchra - Clodia - Cornelia - Cornelia Supera - Crispina - Didia Clara - Domitia - Domitia Longina - Domitia Lucilla - Domitia Paulina - Domitilla - Drusilla - Dryantilla - Euphemia - Eutropia - Fabia - Fadia - Faltonia Betitia Proba - Fannia - Fausta - Faustina - Flavia Domitilla - Fulvia - Galla - Galla Placidia - Gnaea Seia Herennia Sallustia Barbia Orbiana - Gratidia - Helena - Helvia - Herennia Etruscilla - Honoria - Hostia - Iulia (nome) - Iulia Aquila Severa - Iulia Domna - Iulia Livilla - Iulia Paula - Iunia Calvina - Iustina - Leontia - Lepida - Licinia - Livia - Livia Drusilla - Livia Iulia - Livia Ocellina - Livia Orestilla - Livilla - Livilla Claudia - Lollia Paulina - Lucilla - Maecia Faustina - Magia - Magna Urbica - Manlia Scantilla - Marcella - Marcia - Marcia Furnilla - Marciana - Mariniana - Matidia - Messalina - Minervina - Mucia - Mummia Achaica - Munatia Plancina - Octavia - Orbiana - Otacilia Severa - Paccia Marciana - Papianilla - Papiria - Paulina - Placidia - Plautia Urgulanilla - Plautilla - Plotina - Pompeia - Pompeia Plotina - Popillia - Poppaea - Poppaea Sabina - Porcia - Prisca - Pulcheria - Sabina - Salonina - Salonina Matidia - Sempronia - Servilia - Severa - Severina - Statilia Messalina - Sulpicia - Terentia - Titiana - Tranquillina - Tullia - Turia - Ulpia - Ulpia Marciana - Urgulania - Urgunalla - Valeria Galeria - Valeria Messalina - Verina - Vibia Matina - Vibia Sabina - Violentilla - Vipsania - Vipsania Agrippina - Vistilia.
Oh! Does anyone know what aucella means??? -Siss

'Tree is drunk'????


...what, Ulrika, someone already posted the correct answer??? ...on what thread???
Eulalia posted the correct answer.

Eulalia is the Oracle, the Fount of All Knowledge
Aconia Paulina - Aelia Domitia Paulina - Aelia Flacilla - Aelia Paetina - Aemilia Lepida - Agrippina - Alfidia - Alypia - Ancharia - Annia Aurelia Faustina - Annia Faustina - Annia Fundania Faustina - Annia Galeria Faustina - Annia Galeria Aurelia Faustina - Annia Lucilla - Antistia - Antonia - Aquilia Severa - Arrecina Tertulla - Arria - Arria Fadilla - Atia - Aurelia - Baebiana - Bruttia Crispina - Caecilia Attica - Caecilia Metella - Caecilia Paulina - Caesonia - Claudia - Claudia Antonia - Claudia Pulchra - Clodia - Cornelia - Cornelia Supera - Crispina - Didia Clara - Domitia - Domitia Longina - Domitia Lucilla - Domitia Paulina - Domitilla - Drusilla - Dryantilla - Euphemia - Eutropia - Fabia - Fadia - Faltonia Betitia Proba - Fannia - Fausta - Faustina - Flavia Domitilla - Fulvia - Galla - Galla Placidia - Gnaea Seia Herennia Sallustia Barbia Orbiana - Gratidia - Helena - Helvia - Herennia Etruscilla - Honoria - Hostia - Iulia (nome) - Iulia Aquila Severa - Iulia Domna - Iulia Livilla - Iulia Paula - Iunia Calvina - Iustina - Leontia - Lepida - Licinia - Livia - Livia Drusilla - Livia Iulia - Livia Ocellina - Livia Orestilla - Livilla - Livilla Claudia - Lollia Paulina - Lucilla - Maecia Faustina - Magia - Magna Urbica - Manlia Scantilla - Marcella - Marcia - Marcia Furnilla - Marciana - Mariniana - Matidia - Messalina - Minervina - Mucia - Mummia Achaica - Munatia Plancina - Octavia - Orbiana - Otacilia Severa - Paccia Marciana - Papianilla - Papiria - Paulina - Placidia - Plautia Urgulanilla - Plautilla - Plotina - Pompeia - Pompeia Plotina - Popillia - Poppaea - Poppaea Sabina - Porcia - Prisca - Pulcheria - Sabina - Salonina - Salonina Matidia - Sempronia - Servilia - Severa - Severina - Statilia Messalina - Sulpicia - Terentia - Titiana - Tranquillina - Tullia - Turia - Ulpia - Ulpia Marciana - Urgulania - Urgunalla - Valeria Galeria - Valeria Messalina - Verina - Vibia Matina - Vibia Sabina - Violentilla - Vipsania - Vipsania Agrippina - Vistilia.
I think all of those were female members of Imperial families?
I haven't heard before of Violentilla, but I'm sure she deserves a place of honour here :devil:
I think all of those were female members of Imperial families?
I haven't heard before of Violentilla, but I'm sure she deserves a place of honour here :devil:
From the late Republic, women also adopted the feminine form of the cognomen of the father (eg. Crassi Caecilia Metella, daughter of Q. Caecilius Metellus and wife of P. Licinius Crassus). This often took the cognomen feminized diminutive form (eg. Augustus's wife, Livia Drusilla, daughter of M. Livius Drusus).
From the late Republic, women also adopted the feminine form of the cognomen of the father (eg. Crassi Caecilia Metella, daughter of Q. Caecilius Metellus and wife of P. Licinius Crassus). This often took the cognomen feminized diminutive form (eg. Augustus's wife, Livia Drusilla, daughter of M. Livius Drusus).
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