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Logo appears on screen:

Seal of the Federal Nutrition Procurement Agency (FNPA) superimposed over a red, white and blue background.

Fades to a new screen ... dripping blood-red Gothic lettering over a black background, martial music playing:

FNPA Presents:

The Judicial Corporal Punishment

of Rose Lillian Whitaker

10 July 2052

Extreme Content

Adult Viewing Only

Fades to live feed and voice over:

“Welcome viewers, to the Judicial Punishment Channel’s live presentation, direct from FNPA’s Goose River Center, of the judicial whipping of Rose Lillian Whitaker. And to guide us on this journey, here he is ... your ever popular Judicial Punishment Channel host ... Guy Wirt!”


“Thank you, thank you! And before we begin, dear viewers, please keep in mind that if you like today’s program and would like to see it again, it can be downloaded for your private viewing pleasure from the platform of our official program corporate sponsor, NailusMartyrs.com.”


“And, before I forget, let’s have a big round of applause for the 150 nice folks who traveled all the way to Goose River and laid down their hard-earned money to be here in our live audience to witness Rose Whitaker get what’s coming to her!”


“Now, before we move on to the main event, I’d like to introduce our viewers and live audience to three gentlemen, the first of which is Major Dominic Straf, FNPA Commissioner of the Punishments and Executions Unit here at Goose Creek. Welcome, Major Straf!”


“Thank you, Guy, it’s my pleasure to be on the show.”

“Major, perhaps you wouldn’t mind sharing a little background information on Ms. Whitaker. Who exactly is she, and why has she been sentenced to a public flogging today?”

“Sure. No problem, Guy. Ms. Rose Lillian Whitaker is a thirty-one year old teacher, who, until recently, was on the staff of Hamilton High, where she taught American history and government. Ms. Whitaker has been sentenced to 40 lashes today as punishment for her role in the ‘Cull Day’ riot that took place earlier this week over the FNPA procurement of Ms. Barbara Moore, one of Whitaker’s former students.”

“I see, isn’t rioting a capital offense, Major? Why is Ms. Whitaker getting off with a mere flogging.”

“Well, you see, Guy. Rose Whitaker didn’t actually take part in the riot. What she is guilty of is planting the crazy idea in the minds of her students of staging a protest against the annual FNPA cull. So, for that lesser crime, she is has been ordered to face a public administration of corporal punishment today. Now, mind you, that might not be the end of it for our Ms. Whitaker. She will continue to be held at Goose River, following her flogging today, pending a final decision on whether the level of encouragement she gave to her students was sufficient enough to technically make her a rioter in absentia. If that verdict comes down, as I suspect it will, Ms. Whitaker will be taken to the gallows and executed along with the other rioters.”

“Well, we’ll just have to wait and see then! Now one more thing, Major, if you don’t mind. Could you please explain to our viewers and live audience how this works. Exactly how will Rose Whitaker be flogged?”

“Certainly, Guy. When she is brought out here, which should happen shortly, she will be stripped naked and spreadeagled between the two vertical posts that you see over there. You’ll notice that attached to the posts on chains are four cuffs, two near the tops for shackling her wrists and two near the bottoms to restrain her ankles. Now mind you, she won’t be spreadeagled so tightly that she can’t move, of course, just tightly enough to keep her in place. We want her to move with the lashes. You’ll also notice that the two vertical posts are set on a round table, which allows us to turn her completely around halfway through her flogging. In other words, she will receive half her lashes on her backside and the other half on her front side.”

“And who will do the whipping?”

“Oh, that is completely automated these days, Guy. That squat-looking machine that you see over there, just off to one side, is a ‘Jessica RD2’ whipper ... a truly amazing piece of engineering. It delivers whip lashes, using a specially designed nylon filament whip, and can be programmed to deliver each individual lash at a pre-determined velocity and from a full range of angles, for special effect. The strokes can also be precisely targeted.”

“Impressive! Thank, you Major.”


“Now my second guest is FNPA Special Interrogator, Sergeant Karl Teufel.”


“Sergeant Teufel, it’s my understanding that you were the one to break open the case against Rose Whitaker. Would you mind telling us about that?”

“Um ... yes, I was the one who did that. It was simple really. I just persuaded two of her former students to rat on Ms. Whitaker.”

“And who are these two girls and where are they now?”

“Their names are Cindy Hauptmann and Paige Deming. Right now they are sitting on Death Row. They have been sentenced to be hanged, along with over a hundred other arrested rioters in about a week’s time. And, as a personal note, I think it only fitting that Ms. Whitaker should hang with them, but that’s for others to decide.”

“Thank you, Sergeant. And I want to remind our viewers that the mass hanging of the July 10th rioters will be covered live here on the Judicial Punishment Channel with yours truly hosting the event. So watch the listings for an announcement of the date and time.”


“And now my final guest is someone randomly chosen from our live audience. Would you welcome please this very fine young man, Joey Farnsworth!”


“Well, Joey, I see you are wearing a tee that says ‘Hamilton High’ on it. I’m guessing you’re here today because you know Ms. Whitaker. Did you take a class from her?”

“Yes, as a matter of fact, I did.”

“So, did you learn a lot from her? Was she a good teacher?”

“Not especially. I only took her elective course on the emancipated American woman because it was the last quarter before I graduated and didn’t matter, and because my girl, Barbara Moore, and her friends, Cindy and Paige, were taking the class.”

“Is that the same Cindy and Paige just mentioned by Sergeant Teufel?”


“Wow, so you knew Barbara Moore, the girl who’s FNPA culling was the cause of the riot?”

“Yeah, me and Barb were close ... umm ... lovers actually.”

“Really! What was it like to be her lover?”

“Pretty swell. I mean she really put out, if ya know what I mean. All ya had to do was get her and her tight little ass alone in the back seat of a car, and before ya knew it she’d be stripping down to nothing and be all over ya, begging ya to fuck her hot little pussy. And boy, could Barb suck ya off too. For her it was an art form, let me tell ya!”

“I see. And Paige and Cindy?”

“Just as hot. They wanted me too, of course, but I was Barb’s go-to guy.”

“So, why are you here today, Joey?”

“Well, I couldn’t miss the chance to see Ms. Whitaker naked, of course. Who wouldn’t? And to see her whipped is an added bonus. The bitch gave me a lousy ‘D-‘ grade in her class.”

“Will you be looking for anything special, Joey?”

“Sure. Me and the guys at Hamilton always thought that ... ‘Hot Rosie’ ... that’s what we called her ... had the perfect ass! Just the right shape and fullness, if ya know what I mean? So, I’m going to especially be watching to see how those sweet luscious half-moon cheeks bounce, quiver, ripple and shake with each and every stroke of the whip. Who wouldn’t?”

“Umm ... yes ... okay, Joey. Thanks for sharing that, and enjoy the show!”


“Alright viewers, I see that they are bringing Ms. Whitaker out now. It’s nearly time for the show to begin. She is being escorted to center stage by a pair of FNPA matrons, and is wearing a standard-issue orange tee ... that, as you can see, is way too short to cover much down there ... not that it matters, because the matrons just removed it and are securing Ms. Whitaker ... let’s just call her, Rose, shall we? ... to the two posts ... in precisely the manner Major Straf described. And now the whipping machine is being rolled into position!”

“So viewers and live audience, we’re going to pause briefly now for station identification and a commercial break. But don’t go away, ‘cause you won’t want to miss a minute of the whipping of Ms. Rose Lillian Whitaker, ex-Hamilton High School teacher and leader of what’s now being billed as the worst ‘Cull Day’ riot in FNPA history!”


Ah :)

Journalism at its very finest! :clapping:

Logo appears on screen:

Seal of the Federal Nutrition Procurement Agency (FNPA) superimposed over a red, white and blue background.

Fades to a new screen ... dripping blood-red Gothic lettering over a black background, martial music playing:

FNPA Presents:

The Judicial Corporal Punishment

of Rose Lillian Whitaker

10 July 2052

Extreme Content

Adult Viewing Only

Fades to live feed and voice over:

“Welcome viewers, to the Judicial Punishment Channel’s live presentation, direct from FNPA’s Goose River Center, of the judicial whipping of Rose Lillian Whitaker. And to guide us on this journey, here he is ... your ever popular Judicial Punishment Channel host ... Guy Wirt!”


“Thank you, thank you! And before we begin, dear viewers, please keep in mind that if you like today’s program and would like to see it again, it can be downloaded for your private viewing pleasure from the platform of our official program corporate sponsor, NailusMartyrs.com.”


“And, before I forget, let’s have a big round of applause for the 150 nice folks who traveled all the way to Goose River and laid down their hard-earned money to be here in our live audience to witness Rose Whitaker get what’s coming to her!”


“Now, before we move on to the main event, I’d like to introduce our viewers and live audience to three gentlemen, the first of which is Major Dominic Straf, FNPA Commissioner of the Punishments and Executions Unit here at Goose Creek. Welcome, Major Straf!”


“Thank you, Guy, it’s my pleasure to be on the show.”

“Major, perhaps you wouldn’t mind sharing a little background information on Ms. Whitaker. Who exactly is she, and why has she been sentenced to a public flogging today?”

“Sure. No problem, Guy. Ms. Rose Lillian Whitaker is a thirty-one year old teacher, who, until recently, was on the staff of Hamilton High, where she taught American history and government. Ms. Whitaker has been sentenced to 40 lashes today as punishment for her role in the ‘Cull Day’ riot that took place earlier this week over the FNPA procurement of Ms. Barbara Moore, one of Whitaker’s former students.”

“I see, isn’t rioting a capital offense, Major? Why is Ms. Whitaker getting off with a mere flogging.”

“Well, you see, Guy. Rose Whitaker didn’t actually take part in the riot. What she is guilty of is planting the crazy idea in the minds of her students of staging a protest against the annual FNPA cull. So, for that lesser crime, she is has been ordered to face a public administration of corporal punishment today. Now, mind you, that might not be the end of it for our Ms. Whitaker. She will continue to be held at Goose River, following her flogging today, pending a final decision on whether the level of encouragement she gave to her students was sufficient enough to technically make her a rioter in absentia. If that verdict comes down, as I suspect it will, Ms. Whitaker will be taken to the gallows and executed along with the other rioters.”

“Well, we’ll just have to wait and see then! Now one more thing, Major, if you don’t mind. Could you please explain to our viewers and live audience how this works. Exactly how will Rose Whitaker be flogged?”

“Certainly, Guy. When she is brought out here, which should happen shortly, she will be stripped naked and spreadeagled between the two vertical posts that you see over there. You’ll notice that attached to the posts on chains are four cuffs, two near the tops for shackling her wrists and two near the bottoms to restrain her ankles. Now mind you, she won’t be spreadeagled so tightly that she can’t move, of course, just tightly enough to keep her in place. We want her to move with the lashes. You’ll also notice that the two vertical posts are set on a round table, which allows us to turn her completely around halfway through her flogging. In other words, she will receive half her lashes on her backside and the other half on her front side.”

“And who will do the whipping?”

“Oh, that is completely automated these days, Guy. That squat-looking machine that you see over there, just off to one side, is a ‘Jessica RD2’ whipper ... a truly amazing piece of engineering. It delivers whip lashes, using a specially designed nylon filament whip, and can be programmed to deliver each individual lash at a pre-determined velocity and from a full range of angles, for special effect. The strokes can also be precisely targeted.”

“Impressive! Thank, you Major.”


“Now my second guest is FNPA Special Interrogator, Sergeant Karl Teufel.”


“Sergeant Teufel, it’s my understanding that you were the one to break open the case against Rose Whitaker. Would you mind telling us about that?”

“Um ... yes, I was the one who did that. It was simple really. I just persuaded two of her former students to rat on Ms. Whitaker.”

“And who are these two girls and where are they now?”

“Their names are Cindy Hauptmann and Paige Deming. Right now they are sitting on Death Row. They have been sentenced to be hanged, along with over a hundred other arrested rioters in about a week’s time. And, as a personal note, I think it only fitting that Ms. Whitaker should hang with them, but that’s for others to decide.”

“Thank you, Sergeant. And I want to remind our viewers that the mass hanging of the July 10th rioters will be covered live here on the Judicial Punishment Channel with yours truly hosting the event. So watch the listings for an announcement of the date and time.”


“And now my final guest is someone randomly chosen from our live audience. Would you welcome please this very fine young man, Joey Farnsworth!”


“Well, Joey, I see you are wearing a tee that says ‘Hamilton High’ on it. I’m guessing you’re here today because you know Ms. Whitaker. Did you take a class from her?”

“Yes, as a matter of fact, I did.”

“So, did you learn a lot from her? Was she a good teacher?”

“Not especially. I only took her elective course on the emancipated American woman because it was the last quarter before I graduated and didn’t matter, and because my girl, Barbara Moore, and her friends, Cindy and Paige, were taking the class.”

“Is that the same Cindy and Paige just mentioned by Sergeant Teufel?”


“Wow, so you knew Barbara Moore, the girl who’s FNPA culling was the cause of the riot?”

“Yeah, me and Barb were close ... umm ... lovers actually.”

“Really! What was it like to be her lover?”

“Pretty swell. I mean she really put out, if ya know what I mean. All ya had to do was get her and her tight little ass alone in the back seat of a car, and before ya knew it she’d be stripping down to nothing and be all over ya, begging ya to fuck her hot little pussy. And boy, could Barb suck ya off too. For her it was an art form, let me tell ya!”

“I see. And Paige and Cindy?”

“Just as hot. They wanted me too, of course, but I was Barb’s go-to guy.”

“So, why are you here today, Joey?”

“Well, I couldn’t miss the chance to see Ms. Whitaker naked, of course. Who wouldn’t? And to see her whipped is an added bonus. The bitch gave me a lousy ‘D-‘ grade in her class.”

“Will you be looking for anything special, Joey?”

“Sure. Me and the guys at Hamilton always thought that ... ‘Hot Rosie’ ... that’s what we called her ... had the perfect ass! Just the right shape and fullness, if ya know what I mean? So, I’m going to especially be watching to see how those sweet luscious half-moon cheeks bounce, quiver, ripple and shake with each and every stroke of the whip. Who wouldn’t?”

“Umm ... yes ... okay, Joey. Thanks for sharing that, and enjoy the show!”


“Alright viewers, I see that they are bringing Ms. Whitaker out now. It’s nearly time for the show to begin. She is being escorted to center stage by a pair of FNPA matrons, and is wearing a standard-issue orange tee ... that, as you can see, is way too short to cover much down there ... not that it matters, because the matrons just removed it and are securing Ms. Whitaker ... let’s just call her, Rose, shall we? ... to the two posts ... in precisely the manner Major Straf described. And now the whipping machine is being rolled into position!”

“So viewers and live audience, we’re going to pause briefly now for station identification and a commercial break. But don’t go away, ‘cause you won’t want to miss a minute of the whipping of Ms. Rose Lillian Whitaker, ex-Hamilton High School teacher and leader of what’s now being billed as the worst ‘Cull Day’ riot in FNPA history!”


Although I gave this a "Love" upon reading it, my day has been such that I've had no time to write any detailed reaction. My favored technique of making wry or sarcastic remarks about bits of the chapter had been preempted by the fact that the chapter itself is written with such wry and sarcastic humor dripping off of every part, that there is no more to add.
Of course, behind the rolickingly funny set up here of the people and situation and attitudes, is a droolingly delicious foreview of a sound, one hopes devastating and erotic, whipping of the smug feminist teacher who was clearly responsible for all the carnage.
One feels like a unwashed Plebeian, sweating in the sun of the Flavian Amphitheater (nicknamed many years later as the Colosseum), munching on the stale but free bread donated by the Divine Caesar, coated with cheap but pungent garum sauce and watching a comely Christian lass being dragged half naked into the arena while a lion is brought in from the other side, and shouting, through multiple burps of that half-fermented British wine that was on irresistable sale at the merchant's on the way here this morning -

Possibly..but, if you remember, the plot of Chicken Run was entirely ripped off from (sorry I mean “an homage to”) The Great Escape
Sue: "We shall have three holes"
Barb: "We already do"
Sue: We shall call them them Harri(et), Gina, and Titties.
“Wow, so you knew Barbara Moore, the girl who’s FNPA culling was the cause of the riot?”

“Yeah, me and Barb were close ... umm ... lovers actually.”

“Really! What was it like to be her lover?”

“Pretty swell. I mean she really put out, if ya know what I mean. All ya had to do was get her and her tight little ass alone in the back seat of a car, and before ya knew it she’d be stripping down to nothing and be all over ya, begging ya to fuck her hot little pussy. And boy, could Barb suck ya off too. For her it was an art form, let me tell ya!”
This has to be based on some irl. Not that they are this hammy, but I can't imagine Barb would create a fake "guy-who-claims-he's-my-boyfriend" cause that would just be sad.

Barb, Sue, Kristin and the three Graingers were seated around a table in the working sows’ canteen, taking a morning break from the meat-packing work detail to which they had been assigned, when Kristin suddenly pointed to the canteen’s large overhead screen, and exclaimed, “Look! Isn’t that our Ms. Whitaker?”

Barb, looked up ... just as the camera zoomed in for a close-up of Rose’s wide-eyed, frantic reaction to a pair of matrons’ spread-eagling her between two whipping posts ... and gasped, “Holy Shit ... you’re right ... that is Rose!”

“What’s going on?” cried Kristin. “It looks like they’re preparing to whip her! Why? What in the world could Ms. Whitaker have done to deserve that?”

“If you had been paying attention to what is happening in the world, Kristin, instead of focusing on all that stupid cheerleader shit, you might actually have a clue!” snapped Barb irritably.

“Kristin, what Barb is saying,” intervened Sue diplomatically,” is that Ms. Whitaker was a big, behind the scenes, backer of the idea to protest this year’s FNPA cull. Judging from what’s going on up on that screen, it appears the FNPA has figured that out, arrested Rose and is making a public example of her.”

“What protest was that?”

Barb rolled her eyes.

The Graingers looked on in apparent puzzlement.

“So, I take it you three always bicker.” observed Megan drily.

Barb started to say something, but everyone’s attention was drawn back to the screen, where an ad break had come to an end, and an action shot of the naked figure of Rose Whitaker ... straining desperately at her bonds ... had appeared, followed by a panning shot of the intently eager faces of the live audience.

“Oh, my God!”

“What is it, Barb? You look like you’ve seen a ghost?” said Sue.

“There! In the front row! It’s Joey Farnsworth!”

“Hmmmm ... so it is!”

“That little shit! Wouldn’t you know he’d show up for something like this?”

The screen image shifted to a shot of Rose, taken from behind ... capturing a sudden horizontal blur, a flinching Rose and the near immediate appearance of a thin red line across her shoulder blades. The audio part featured a sharp zinging sound, followed by a reactive yelp of pain and a round of applause from the live audience.

For the next 10 minutes Barb and the others watched, mouths agape, as nine more slashing lashes were systematically administered to Rose’s bare backside, ranging downward in steady measured progression from the top of her shoulders to the very top of her thighs. And to which she reacted, with frenzied bodily twists and turns that rattled the shackles that held her in place between the uprights. The girls took that all in ... along with listening to Rose’s accompanying grunts, plaintive cries and curses.

“Well, there you have it folks ... the first ten lashes ... one quarter of Rose’s sentence! Time for a pause,” announced the program host, Guy Wirt, as the camera picked him up and tracked him circling around to hold a microphone in front of Rose’s face.

“Ms. Whitaker! You were doing a lot of jumping around, and I detected some swear words there that one certainly wouldn’t expect to hear from an educator like yourself. Would you care to tell our viewing audience what it was like to take those first ten lashes, and how you are feeling about the fact that you have thirty more to go?”

She looked at him incredulously, but said nothing.

“Cat’s got her tongue,” he quipped, laughing at his own joke and mugging for the camera.”

“What a jerk!” said Megan.

The other Graingers nodded in solemn agreement.

Meanwhile the camera was tracking the nonplussed emcee as he headed over to the live audience.

“Well viewers, since Ms. Whitaker appears to be uncommunicative, let’s ask Joey Farnsworth whether he thinks he’s seeing what he came to see.”

“Duh. Of course he has!” declared Barb with a look of disdain.

“Well, what can I say,” smirked Joey wolfishly. Those three ass strokes were spectacular. Loved the way Rosie’s scrumptious globes responded! Did you catch how they jiggled? Hope all my pals back home were watching!”

“Indeed, now let’s get back to the main event. I see they have activated the turntable, which means Ms. Whitaker will be facing the whipping machine for the next ten!”

The camera zoomed in to do a full frontal body scan of the poor woman, as she looked in terror at the whipping machine, which was making whirring noises as it positioned itself to deliver the next ten.

Barb and the others stared transfixed as the camera scan played in deliberate fashion over Rose’s lightly freckled upper chest, lingered over each of her full pale breasts, tracked a tiny droplet of sweat meandering down her breast bone, descended over her noticeably trembling midriff, zooming in briefly on her navel before moving on to loiter over her mound and its neatly trimmed triangular patch of fine auburn hair, before zooming in on the sweet spot between her spread legs.

“Oooooh, gross! exclaimed Kristin, hands covering her eyes.”

“Shameless televised voyeurism!” commented Sue.

Seconds later, the camera zoomed out to capture the delivery of the first of ten frontal lashes, which swept across Rose’s chest at armpit level. The next one tore straight across her nipples, slicing into one ... drawing blood and eliciting an anguished howl of pain. From there, the whipping machine subjected her to the the same kind of downward methodical progression of strokes she had experienced earlier, until the eighth reached mid-hips and cut across her mound.

Then with a mechanical whirring and grinding sound, the whipping machine repositioned itself along with the angle of its striking arm, in preparation for directing the final two strokes of the ten-lash set to cut into her sex from below.

Panning upward, shortly thereafter, the camera captured Rose’s head resting momentarily, eyes closed, against an outstretched arm before slumping forward, chin to chest.

“Well viewers, it appears Ms. Whitaker has passed out after a mere twenty, but not before showing us some world class writhing and bucking moves as well as some really great screaming and shrieking! We’re going to take advantage of the time required for the matrons to revive her and turn her around for the next ten lashes, to pause for station identification and a commercial bre..........”

The screen had abruptly gone blank, startling Barb, Sue, Kristin and the Graingers ... who turned their attention in unison towards the canteen door where, much to there surprise and dismay, stood the head matron, hands on hips, surrounded by at least a dozen other matrons and guards.

“What the fuck do you stupid sows think you’re doing? Did you forget that you were supposed to report back to your meat packing detail more than 15 minutes ago!”

“Oh sorry, the time ... it ... got ... got away from us,” stammered Kristin. “You see ... this teacher from our school ... she appeared on that screen ... and ... “

“Shut the fuck up! You’d all better report back to work immediately, but not before we take a moment to administer a ‘correction’. Sloth will not be tolerated here. Line up over here ... all of you and make it snappy! Now lift those tees, bend over and grip your knees.”

Last edited:

Barb, Sue, Kristin and the three Graingers were seated around a table in the working sows’ canteen, taking a morning break from the meat-packing work detail to which they had been assigned, when Kristin suddenly pointed to the canteen’s large overhead screen, and exclaimed, “Look! Isn’t that our Ms. Whitaker?”

Barb, looked up ... just as the camera zoomed in for a close-up of Rose’s wide-eyed, frantic reaction to a pair of matrons’ spread-eagling her between two whipping posts ... and gasped, “Holy Shit ... you’re right ... that is Rose!”

“What’s going on?” cried Kristin. “It looks like they’re preparing to whip her! Why? What in the world could Ms. Whitaker have done to deserve that?”

“If you had been paying attention to what is happening in the world, Kristin, instead of focusing on all that stupid cheerleader shit, you might actually have a clue!” snapped Barb irritably.

“Kristin, what Barb is saying,” intervened Sue diplomatically,” is that Ms. Whitaker was a big, behind the scenes, backer of the idea to protest this year’s FNPA cull. Judging from what’s going on up on that screen, it appears the FNPA has figured that out, arrested Rose and is making a public example of her.”

“What protest was that?”

Barb rolled her eyes.

The Graingers looked on in apparent puzzlement.

“So, I take it you three always bicker.” observed Megan drily.

Barb started to say something, but everyone’s attention was drawn back to the screen, where an ad break had come to an end, and an action shot of the naked figure of Rose Whitaker ... straining desperately at her bonds ... had appeared, followed by a panning shot of the intently eager faces of the live audience.

“Oh, my God!”

“What is it, Barb? You look like you’ve seen a ghost?” said Sue.

“There! In the front row! It’s Joey Farnsworth!”

“Hmmmm ... so it is!”

“That little shit! Wouldn’t you know he’d show up for something like this?”

The screen image shifted to a shot of Rose, taken from behind ... capturing a sudden horizontal blur, a flinching Rose and the near immediate appearance of a thin red line across her shoulder blades. The audio part featured a sharp zinging sound, followed by a reactive yelp of pain and a round of applause from the live audience.

For the next 10 minutes Barb and the others watched, mouths agape, as nine more slashing lashes were systematically administered to Rose’s bare backside, ranging downward in steady measured progression from the top of her shoulders to the very top of her thighs. And to which she reacted, with frenzied bodily twists and turns that rattled the shackles that held her in place between the uprights. The girls took that all in ... along with listening to Rose’s accompanying grunts, plaintive cries and curses.

“Well, there you have it folks ... the first ten lashes ... one quarter of Rose’s sentence! Time for a pause,” announced the program host, Guy Wirt, as the camera picked him up and tracked him circling around to hold a microphone in front of Rose’s face.

“Ms. Whitaker! You were doing a lot of jumping around, and I detected some swear words there that one certainly wouldn’t expect to hear from an educator like yourself. Would you care to tell our viewing audience what it was like to take those first ten lashes, and how you are feeling about the fact that you have thirty more to go?”

She looked at him incredulously, but said nothing.

“Cat’s got her tongue,” he quipped, laughing at his own joke and mugging for the camera.”

“What a jerk!” said Megan.

The other Graingers nodded in solemn agreement.

Meanwhile the camera was tracking the nonplussed emcee as he headed over to the live audience.

“Well viewers, since Ms. Whitaker appears to be uncommunicative, let’s ask Joey Farnsworth whether he thinks he’s seeing what he came to see.”

“Duh. Of course he has!” declared Barb with a look of disdain.

“Well, what can I say,” smirked Joey wolfishly. Those three ass strokes were spectacular. Loved the way Rosie’s scrumptious globes responded! Did you catch how they jiggled? Hope all my pals back home were watching!”

“Indeed, now let’s get back to the main event. I see they have activated the turntable, which means Ms. Whitaker will be facing the whipping machine for the next ten!”

The camera zoomed in to do a full frontal body scan of the poor woman, as she looked in terror at the whipping machine, which was making whirring noises as it positioned itself to deliver the next ten.

Barb and the others stared transfixed as the camera scan played in deliberate fashion over Rose’s lightly freckled upper chest, lingered over each of her full pale breasts, tracked a tiny droplet of sweat meandering down her breast bone, descended over her noticeably trembling midriff, zooming in briefly on her navel before moving on to loiter over her mound and its neatly trimmed triangular patch of fine auburn hair, before zooming in on the sweet spot between her spread legs.

“Oooooh, gross! exclaimed Kristin, hands covering her eyes.”

“Shameless televised voyeurism! commented Sue.

Seconds later, the camera zoomed out to capture the delivery of the first of ten frontal lashes, which swept across Rose’s chest at armpit level. The next one tore straight across her nipples, slicing into one ... drawing blood and eliciting an anguished howl of pain. From there, the whipping machine subjected her to the the same kind of downward methodical progression of strokes she had experienced earlier, until the eighth reached mid-hips and cut across her mound.

Then with a mechanical whirring and grinding sound, the whipping machine repositioned itself along with the angle of its striking arm, in preparation for directing the final two strokes of the ten-lash set to cut into her sex from below.

Panning upward, shortly thereafter, the camera captured Rose’s head resting momentarily, eyes closed, against an outstretched arm before slumping forward, chin to chest.

“Well viewers, it appears Ms. Whitaker has passed out after a mere twenty, but not before showing us some world class writhing and bucking moves as well as some really great screaming and shrieking! We’re going to take advantage of the time required for the matrons to revive her and turn her around for the next ten lashes, to pause for station identification and a commercial bre..........”

The screen had abruptly gone blank, startling Barb, Sue, Kristin and the Graingers ... who turned their attention in unison towards the canteen door where, much to there surprise and dismay, stood the head matron, hands on hips, surrounded by at least a dozen other matrons and guards.

“What the fuck do you stupid sows think you’re doing? Did you forget that you were supposed to report back to your meat packing detail more than 15 minutes ago!”

“Oh sorry, the time ... it ... got ... got away from us,” stammered Kristin. “You see ... this teacher from our school ... she appeared on that screen ... and ... “

“Shut the fuck up! You’d all better report back to work immediately, but not before we take a moment to administer a ‘correction’. Sloth will not be tolerated here. Line up over here ... all of you and make it snappy! Now lift those tees, bend over and grip your knees.”

Whipped live on television?? :eek: :confused: Wow, that’s taking it to another level:devil:
Super story Barb, so much to enjoy :thumbsup::clap::babeando::applaudit:
Mom went off in tears before they were ready to take her away, escorted by Seth who said he would see that she got a sedative. Chief Officer Clemens made a show of shaking dad’s hand, and asked him to open the foyer door in preparation for their departure. Joey queried Officer Clemens as to whether he knew the date and time of Barb’s spit roasting, saying he wanted to be there to see what she looked like all basted with oil and rotating on a spit. Clemens said he had no idea when.
Clearly this Joey was never going to be a keeper, although that seems a bit of an academic point now. Sorry I'm so far behind in my reading, incidentally.
Mike and Sophie pushed her in and threw her down next to three naked girls already lying prone on the hard metal floor.
New friends?
When all was said and done, she ended up with an overall grade that fell somewhere between ‘FNPA Prime’ and ‘FNPA Choice’ ... kind of like earning an A-/B+ grade in school ... not that it really mattered to her.
Not really fair. Doesn't this FPNA outfit work like a finishing feed lot. Plenty of time to become Prime. :D
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