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“Well viewers, it appears Ms. Whitaker has passed out after a mere twenty, but not before showing us some world class writhing and bucking moves as well as some really great screaming and shrieking! We’re going to take advantage of the time required for the matrons to revive her and turn her around for the next ten lashes, to pause for station identification and a commercial bre..........”
Commercial break!? For meat products, I suppose?:confused:
We’ll need to work together to find a way to beat the system, right? There’s got to be a way. Just stick close with me, follow my lead, and try to keep your rebellious nature and smart mouth in check.”
I dislike her already. Perhaps they'll just make her into a cut-price casserole.
When Barb arrived at school on Election Day, she was embarrassed to find all her campaign poster pictures written over with a quote from the Joey Farnsworth audio that read “... and she swallowed every last bit of it!”
Lies! All lies! We know Barb would never do that. She's totally grass-fed and pretty much organic, I'll bet. :rolleyes: :devil:
I’ll wager that the top hats are going to be demanding tomorrow that your people start expanding that capacity. It’s not only the rioters who who will swing from a noose if found guilty, it’s also anyone found to have encouraged and helped them plan their crime.”
Seems a bit of a waste - bad planning. I mean, shouldn't these FPNA types check the prisoners to see if any of them are prime grade, before just hanging them? This is all very inefficient. Probably some bureaucratic rule.

But I wanted to ask you whether you think we can trust those Grainger High girls?”

“I dunno, Sue. Possibly. Why?”

“Because, I’m cooking up a plan to get us out of here, and we may need to involve the Graingers.”
Sue might be okay after all. Not going into the oven without a fight.
You don’t fight the system, Barb. That never succeeds. What you need to do is figure out how to work the system ...
Or, perhaps she is as useless as she seems. :rolleyes: :eusa_doh:
“Yeah, Barb” piped up Kristin, who had been listening. “You know, it’s like school spirit, being true to your team!”
Go, team Barbecue!! :b1::cheer:

The Punishment Channel’s emcee and programming Chief, Guy Wirt, was busy helping his crew pack up their camera, lighting and sound equipment, when someone came up from behind and tapped him on the shoulder.

“Sorry, Guy. I didn’t mean to startle you like that, but may I have a word?”

“Oh, it’s you, Major Straf! No problem at all. I suspect you want to congratulate me for doing such a great show, right? One of my best, I reckon. Ratings should be through the roof. Of course some small credit should also go to your Ms. Whitaker. Not all ‘whippees’ ... heh heh, my name for them ... have the body, and the ability to put on the kind of stellar performance she did! I mean ... the way she fainted half way through, and pissed herself near the end, plus all those wild sensuous gyrations under the lash, and those pitiful pleas for mercy ...”

“Well, um ... yes ... her performance was quite ... uh ... erotically captivating, but that’s not what I want to speak to you about.”

“Oh, what then?”

“I just wanted to tip you off, Guy, to the fact that the Commission has handed down its decision on Rose Whitaker. She has been found guilt of committing a capital crime and will be executed along with the other arrested and convicted protesters.”

“Really? When?”

“Well, that’s why I wanted to catch you before you left. As it turns out, construction on the expansion of the Center’s gallows to handle a mass execution of this size has gone much more rapidly than anticipated. So, the date when all the convicted rioters will swing has been set for the 25th ... just three days from now. I figured I’d better give you a head’s up, since I knew you’d want to cover it live.”

“Wow. Thanks for tipping me off, Major. Three days isn’t far off. Hardly worth it for me and my crew to go back to New York just to turn around and travel back here.”

“That’s what I figured. I wanted to tell you that the Center can put you and your crew up until then in our VIP guest house.”

“I appreciate that, Major.”

“We can do more than that. How would you like to produce an exclusive on the Center’s major responsibility, ensuring the Nation’s meat supply. We can arrange for you and your crew to tour the pits and do an exclusive on how the cull is processed here. That’s never been done.”

“Perhaps, but I need a ‘human-int’ angle ... you know, Major ... like we had on today’s program with Rose Whitaker.”

“Oh, I see ... hmmm ... wait, I’ve got it. How about a program touring the pits with a someone who is to be spitted in the coming week? You can interview her ... get her reactions, thoughts, fears ... that sort of thing?”

“Yeah, that’s an idea, but I’d need someone who would generate real interest, in the way that Rose Whitaker did. We need an angle we can run with.”

“Okay, Guy ... you’re not going to believe this, but I’ve got just the thing ... how about a tour of the facility with Barbara Moore, the girl who’s procurement for this year’s cull sparked the riot that Rose Whitaker will be executed for master-minding, and who was a former student of Rose’s, as well. And Ms. Moore is a looker too. I think she received a top grade ... nearly an ‘FNPA prime’ when she was culled.”

“Perfect. When can we start?”



“Welcome viewers! Welcome to this special report, brought to you by the Punishment Channel and sponsored by our good friends at NailusMartyrs.com. I’m your host, Guy Wirt. What we have for you today is .... well, let’s say a little different ... not the usual reporting on a judicial punishment or execution, but an inside look at the process by which the FNPA’s Goose River Center goes about the business of ensuring an adequate meat supply for the Nation. Now, with me today to guide us through the the Center’s state-o-the-art spitting and roasting facility is a man already familiar to our viewers, Major Dominic Straf.”

“Thank you, Guy, it’s an honor to be your guide. We at Goose River are proud of our state-of-the-art facility and of the high quality work we do here.”

“Looking forward to it, Major. Now perhaps you can introduce our viewers to the young woman standing alongside you?”

“Certainly, this is sow number 5534. That number is printed on her ID disc, as you can see. She is a member of this year’s FNPA cull and is scheduled to be spitted and roasted here in the coming days.

“And can you tell us exactly who she is?”

“Well, Guy, her name is Barbara Moore.”

“Barbara Moore. That name should ring a bell with our viewers, shouldn’t it, Major?”

“Yes. I’m sure you’re viewers are all aware of the riot early in the week. Well, that riot developed out of a protest staged against Barbara’s selection and procurement for the annual FNPA cull. Barbara is also a former student of Rose Whitaker, the Hamilton High teacher who’s public flogging they witnessed on the most recent Punishment Channel broadcast.

“Wow! So Barbara, You’re actually kind of a celebrity. Do you have anything you’d like to say to our viewers?”


“How about a word or two about what it’s like to be culled?”


“Seems, the cat has Barb’s tongue. Is that something you learned, Barb, from your mentor, Ms. Whitaker?”


“Are you not happy to be here, Barb?”


“It seems, Major Straf, that Ms. Moore is a bit uncommunicative. How can we proceed with the show if she refuses to cooperate?”

“Not to worry, Guy. She’ll cooperate. She’s seen what happened to Rose Whitaker on your last show, and we’ve made it clear to her that the same could well happen to her if she doesn’t. Now, shall we go over to the spitting area and have a look at a ‘Jessica’ and how it works?”

“Yes, good idea. I’m sure our viewers will be most interested in that.”

“Right, so here we have one of our newest models, and this is Jack Poleson, one of our best ‘Jessica’ operators. Jack, would you mind showing Guy and his viewers exactly how the ‘Jessica’ operates?

“Sure, Major Straf. May I ask Ms. Moore to help me with the demonstration?”

“That’s what she’s here for, Jack.”

“Right, so Ms. Moore, kindly remove your orange tee. You’ll need to be naked for this.”


“Barb!” snapped, Major Straf crossly.

“Alright, alright!” she muttered as she stripped off, and tossed her tee on the floor.

“Good, now let’s get Barb on the machine,” enthused Jack. “But first, we need to bind her arms tight behind her back like this.”


“Then we have her kneel on the kneeling pads, like so, and have her bend over the main frame and rest her chest on the horizontal bar. Easy does it, Barb. Perfect! Notice how her breasts hang free. If we feel the need to add fluids to them, we can attach those tubes with needle heads to her nipples, but since Barb’s tits are grade ‘FNPA Prime’ that wouldn’t be necessary in her case. You’ll also note that the Jessica comes equipped with a blade and a slop pan under Barb’s belly. That’s used for gutting. It works automatically and quite efficiently. Any questions, so far, Guy?”

“Yes. How does the spitting work?

“Well, we put the spit into this mechanism behind her. The spit is made of a special metal alloy and has a fairly blunt tip, as you can see. The tip is inserted directly into her cunt. Once the Jessica is started, the spit will be driven slowly through the length of her body until it protrudes from her mouth. But we also attach to the mechanism a second, shorter rod, which is inserted into her asshole. This is for stabilization purposes during the spitting process as well as for when she is rotating over the hot coals. Also, note how her chin rests on a specially designed cup that keeps her head facing forward at just the right angle, and that we strap her body into position, like so.”

“She’s looking good, Jack. So when you turn on the machine, she’s impaled or spitted as you would say. I’m sure our viewers are wondering hoe much the spitting hurts and why it wouldn’t kill her? I understand that the object is to roast her ‘live’ if possible.”

“She’ll be drugged and the Jessica is so sensitively calibrated and methodical in advancing the spit that the the tip will work it’s way past all internal organs without killing her ... or at least 96 percent of the time it will. So here. To demonstrate, I’ll start it up briefly and let the spit go into her cunt for a few inches. Ok?”

“Sure, this is exciting!”

“Ok, here we go. Now watch closely. See how the spit is automatically lubricated and how it spins slowly, and how the stabilization rod stuck up her ass keeps things properly lined up.”

“Impressive. How does it feel, Barb? Can you tell our viewers what it’s like to have that spit pushing into you?”

“It fucking hurts! Turn the damn thing off!”

“Relax. Ms. Moore. I’ve already shut it down. Now, any further questions, Guy?”

“Ummm, can I come around and have a look at that control panel? It’s rather impressive, with all those switches, blinking lights and gauges. Tell me, what does this large red button do?”


“LOOK OUT! Don’t touch THAT !!!!!!!!”

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Barbara Moore. That name should ring a bell with our viewers, shouldn’t it,
I'm sure I've heard it.... It rings a bell somewhere.:confused:

Do you have anything you’d like to say to our viewers?”

No, that settles it. That's not the Barbara Moore I know. :rolleyes:
Sure, this is exciting!”
Isn't it? :)

“It fucking hurts! Turn the damn thing off!”
Okay, that's fine. Positive ID. That's Barb! ;)
construction on the expansion of the Center’s gallows ... has gone much more rapidly than anticipated.
..and somehow this is the most implausible aspect of the story so far... :doh:
how about a tour of the facility with Barbara Moore,
Moore’s Tours? :p
So Barbara, You’re actually kind of a celebrity. Do you have anything you’d like to say to our viewers?”

Helpful as ever! :enamorado:
“LOOK OUT! Don’t touch THAT !!!!!!!!”
..what White House officials say to the President when he gets in a button-pushing mood :eek::attention:

Fabbo chapter Barb! I LOVE the film crew idea, adding a whole level of misery and humiliation to an already awful situation. Especially as the anchor is such a Wanchor;):p:facepalm:
“Alright, alright!” she muttered as she stripped off, and tossed her tee on the floor.

You'll be comforted to know that this airs on day time tv, so that you are clothed in pixels
The tip is inserted directly into her cunt.
And cunt gets bleeped. Got to protect those sensitive ears.
Once the Jessica is started, the spit will be driven slowly through the length of her body until it protrudes from her mouth. But we also attach to the mechanism a second, shorter rod, which is inserted into her asshole. This is for stabilization purposes during the spitting process as well as for when she is rotating over the hot coals. Also, note how her chin rests on a specially designed cup that keeps her head facing forward at just the right angle, and that we strap her body into position, like so.”
The Dolcett discussion has been on the floor for under 24 hours, so is still good.
There's something to be set for the threat that being spitted and roasted presents that is so dehumanizing that you can't imagine it happening to a hero or heroine. It's a horrifying threat that is presented that I hope Barb gets out of, even if it does need a heroic sacrifice. I'd compare the idea of, let's say for instance, a pound of (girl) meat being sold and wrapped in a grocery store after being caught in a daring escape to what happened with Nat Turner, who after leading a slave revolt was hung drawn and quartered, his body parts divided among different slave owners and his skin melted down to grease wagons. Not a fate fitting such anyone we get to know closely.
There's also the idea of the spitting, of someone putting something all the way through a "Heroine" that goes where no object has gone before. Even though they might already be dead, it is a completely helpless image, defenseless in the face of being burned and turned.

I just realized that there's a tiny problem with this story. I won't say until it's finished, because it's irrelevant, but just something I noticed.
I mean ... the way she fainted half way through, and pissed herself near the end, plus all those wild sensuous gyrations under the lash, and those pitiful pleas for mercy ..
While I was really enjoying Rose's whipping, I understand the reluctance to get bogged down in endless lashes and this is a good way to move on.:span1:
VIP guest house.”
One wonders what special "services are provided to the VIPs?;)
And Ms. Moore is a looker too. I think she received a top grade ... nearly an ‘FNPA prime’ when she was culled.”
"Top Grade?", "Almost Prime?" Sounds like serious grade inflation here! I think the writer shows favoritism for Ms. Moore.:(
“Good, now let’s get Barb on the machine,” enthused Jack. “But first, we need to bind her arms tight behind her back like this.”
As always, it's a pleasure to see a man whose enthusiastic about his work. Any opportunity for an unpaid volunteer to assist in the actual event? I'd be glad to help insert a hard tool into her... :very_hot:
To demonstrate, I’ll start it up briefly and let the spit go into her cunt for a few inches. Ok?”
It should go in easily; it's been well prepared by Joey!
“It fucking hurts! Turn the damn thing off!”
Such language! It seems Barb needs more 'loosening up". Perhaps a stint "entertaining the film crew in the VIP house?:clapping:
Moore’s Tours?
Nope, it's just that if the culling was because of food shortages, they probably wouldn't cook it all in one place, unless they shipped every hungry person over to the factory.

Ahhh, but Goose River is only one of many regional FNPA facilities. I had that in mind from the beginning, but forgot to write the fact into the text.
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