Please allow a little digression on italian Police themed movies or 'Poliziotteschi' as they are named in Italy: they were the emphasized
narration of police investigations often based on the chronicles of real criminal episodes at the time. Their purpose was to solicit
common people's criticism and sense of justice. In spite of their dating back to the seventies and eighties, the black period of terrorism in Italy, they had very little to do with it. My collection (not exhaustive of course) includes 31 titles chosen among the most representative of this genre.
I recall that some contain rape, violence and torture scenes. The situations and Actors changed from one movie to another,but substantially
they followed a consolidated narration path. One title I recall as different from the Others is 'La Polizia accusa il Servizio Segreto uccide'
(the Police accuse , the Secret Service kill): ait treats,as indicated by the title, attempts of armed subversion by deviate elements inside
the Secret Service.
Sorry for the stolen time