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Bondage / Captivity / Interrogation / Torture Scenes in Mainstream Movies

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To judge by the trailer, women and cars get written off at a quickfire rate

Wow! Quite the trailer; bare breasts, car chases, shit blowing up, what's not to love? I immediately checked on Amazon, and discovered that "Milano Odia . . ." was titled "Almost Human" for English speaking audiences. There is one copy available on Amazon. I want it, but I'm not going to pay $29.00 for it. I'll probably just steal it, mow down anyone who tries to stop me with my grease gun, and race off in my getaway Citroen.
21 novels written in the sixties by the French couple Anne and Serge Golon have inspired five classic movies based on the adventures of
Angelique Sancé de Monteloup namely the 'Marquise des Anges' (the character is not an historical figure but only an invention) in 17th century France of King Louis XIV. The original titles are :


At the center of all intrigues was the beautiful French actress Michele Mercier who became an icon of her times thanks to her role.
Female whippings, punishments, forced strippings, violence of various kinds were not spared by both the Authors of the saga
and Bernard Borderie the French director of all five movies.
An updated version of Angelique was produced in 2013 featuring the stunning Nora Arnezeder. I've posted a couple of stills of her previously but I'll post them here as well because Nora deserves an encore.

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I haven't seen this version, so I don't know if Angelique gets naked and/or whipped, but given the temper of current times, I very much doubt it.
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View attachment 699448View attachment 699449View attachment 699450View attachment 699451View attachment 699452View attachment 699453View attachment 699454View attachment 699455View attachment 699457View attachment 699458Of the 'nunsploitation ' genre of the seventies some titles became classic : 'ALUCARDA' (1978) , 'CONVENT OF THE SACRED BEAST' (1974),
'THE ABBESS OF CASTRO' (1973), 'THE NUNS OF SAINT ARCHANGEL'(1973), 'FLAVIA THE HERETIC' (1974), 'THE SINFUL NUNS OF SAINT VALENTINE ' (1974). In each of these movies one or more scenes can be found of nuns (often fully naked) interrogated,whipped,suspended,
racked by Inquisitors beside suffering from various acts of penitence including self-fustigation and wearing beads of thorns on bare skin.
Sex scenes,prevalently lesbian, are constantly shown.

The Sinful Nuns Of St Valentine:

The Nuns of St Archangel



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Satanico Pandemonium: La Sexorcista (1975)



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Satanico Pandemonium: La Sexorcista (1975)


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An updated version of Angelique was produced in 2013 featuring the stunning Nora Arnezeder. I've posted a couple of stills of her previously but I'll post them here as well because Nora deserves an encore.

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I haven't seen this version, so I don't know if Angelique gets naked and/or whipped, but given the temper of current times, I very much doubt it.
I have seen also this version of 2013 but I don't remember of any whipping scene in it. Moreover this version is a very abridged one in respect
of the ponderous contents both of the novels and the 5 films previously mentioned. Many parts of the original narrations are not present
including those of Angelique's ordeals at the Court of the Great Sultan.
Please allow a little digression on italian Police themed movies or 'Poliziotteschi' as they are named in Italy: they were the emphasized
narration of police investigations often based on the chronicles of real criminal episodes at the time. Their purpose was to solicit
common people's criticism and sense of justice. In spite of their dating back to the seventies and eighties, the black period of terrorism in Italy, they had very little to do with it. My collection (not exhaustive of course) includes 31 titles chosen among the most representative of this genre.
I recall that some contain rape, violence and torture scenes. The situations and Actors changed from one movie to another,but substantially
they followed a consolidated narration path. One title I recall as different from the Others is 'La Polizia accusa il Servizio Segreto uccide'
(the Police accuse , the Secret Service kill): ait treats,as indicated by the title, attempts of armed subversion by deviate elements inside
the Secret Service.
Sorry for the stolen time
The relationship of these Italian Police movies with the dark era of terrorism, is of course a hindsight interpretation, as a movie reflecting the spirit of the age (without being aware of it when they were made of course).

Particularly 'Milano Odia' is sometimes deemed by critics as 'fascist', because the theme and story (and the full Italian title : 'Milano Odia : La polizia non puo sparare - meaning 'Milano is scared : the police cannot(/may not) shoot anymore') could be interpreted as a plea to have the police restore law and order by all means, disregarding proper judicial procedures.
The relationship of these Italian Police movies with the dark era of terrorism, is of course a hindsight interpretation, as a movie reflecting the spirit of the age (without being aware of it when they were made of course).

Particularly 'Milano Odia' is sometimes deemed by critics as 'fascist', because the theme and story (and the full Italian title : 'Milano Odia : La polizia non puo sparare - meaning 'Milano is scared : the police cannot(/may not) shoot anymore') could be interpreted as a plea to have the police restore law and order by all means, disregarding proper judicial procedures.

Yes, as I said before, when I mentioned the 'sense of justice' of common people, the movies were also a plea to have the police restore order by all
means. But some of them showed the Police Inspector ,at the center of the plot- who had arrested and/or killed the criminals using more or less
ortodox methods- being shot at the very last scene of the film. The interpretation could be either that violence attires violence or that
criminal organisations have always the last word.
'The Bell from Hell' (La Campana del Infierno) is a 1973 spanish film about a young man who got released from an asylum. He returns to the people who let him lock up - his aunt and her three daughters - to take revenge. The film has a famous naked wrist hanging scene of the three cousins.


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And 'The Bell from Hell' continued. The scene focuses on the feet, and it is exciting how she tries to grab the edge of the table with her toes as she is pulled up.


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"Outlander" is historical drama involving the adventures and romances of a twentieth century woman, Claire (Catriona Balfe) to eighteenth century Scotland. It's loaded with nudity and various kinds of abuse. I've posted about "Outlander" before; specifically Claire's skelping during a witch trial in the "Classic Whipping Scenes" thread. "Outlander" has many scenes of nudity and abuse, and I offer a selection of scenes for your approval.

In season 1, episode 2, Jaime, a Scot Claire marries and falls in love with (in that order) reminisces about the time when Black Jack Randall (Tobias Menzies) an English officer and Jaime's nemesis, threatened to rape his sister Jenny (Laura Donnelly) if Jaime didn't surrender himself for a whipping. And Black Jack Randall's like the honey badger. He don't play.

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In season 1, episode 8, Jaime, and Black Jack find themselves in a very similar situation as with Jenny, but this time Claire is the one in Black Jack's clutches. whether the writers decided that since "Outlander" is a bodice ripper, they might as well go ahead and rip some bodices, or whether they just enjoy this particular situation, I don't know, but I'm grateful to them. Black Jack rips Claire's bodice open, bends her over a table, and teases her nipple with the small knife Claire had tucked in her boot top. Jaime surprises Black Jack at this point, but Black Jack threatens Claire with a knife, and orders Jaime to surrender his pistol. Jamie does so, knowing the pistol is unloaded. Black Jack pushes Claire away and tries to shoot Jamie, but Jamie knocks him unconscious.

Speaking of unconscious, it's unconscionable how many times Claire is rescued just when things are getting interesting.

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In episode 6 of the first season, Claire is being questioned by Black Jack Randall for the first time. It's an outstanding scene, IMHO, actually one of the best interrogation scenes I've ever watched. Black Jack tells Claire that he believes she is probably a spy, but to prove she is not, she must tell him what she knows about the Jacobite sympathizers among the clans. Claire insists she knows nothing. Rather, she tells him what she knows of his reputation; that he is a cruel and brutal man who had a young Scottish man whipped with a hundred lashes, and then a hundred more (Jamie.)

He acknowledges the charge, and then launches into a deeply moving and emotional soliloquy of regret and remorse. By the time he finishes talking, he had me believing in the possibility of redemption of even the worst of humankind. Obviously he has Claire believing too. Claire's eyes are full of shimmering tears. Black Jack helps Claire to her feet, and as she stands, punches her as hard as he can in the gut.

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Black Jack explains to Claire that she's not leaving the room until she answers all of his questions, and that he will get the truth out of her, no matter what it takes. He has his corporal kick her a couple of times while she lies on the floor gasping for breath.

Then once again an uninvited intruder, this time a clan chief pledged to protect Claire, bursts into the room and rescues her.
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