that reminds me of something that has been on my mind, something alittle offtopic
there is a german movie about the inquisition, the spanish translation to that was 'Crimenes de Monasterio' (crimes of the monastery) It was bout some young priest being set as apprentice inquisitor, and there were some tortures depitced, mostly with men victims sadly, and one of them was exactly that: a man turned over the coals on a wheel. I think he was being interrogated about a plot to kill Torquemada. I guess it looked like one from the 70's and probably was isntead a 'TV miniseries' for I think it lasted about 2 hours.
Does any remember the name or what I am talking about? I guess with the name it would be possible to maybe find it somewhere. I dont' remember much more details, it was one of those things I saw as a teenager and remember it forever.